The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2160 Demon Flower

Chapter 2160 Demon Flower
In front of Li Bai, she was very bold and open. She wished she could sacrifice herself in the car that day, but it's a pity that this bastard didn't take her seriously at all.

"You know those two women, and they are among the top ten beauties of the school. Their reputation is about the same as yours." Deng Xin looked at Su Meng. Of course, she could see Li Bai's charm. All three of the beauties fell in love with him, which could explain nothing other than being too attractive.

But Li Bai didn't take it seriously at all, which is unbearable. Mu Xiaoting, Feng Yunxi, Su Daji are not the beauties of Huaxia College, and there are countless suitors behind them, okay? Now they are for one person It is really unfair to be jealous.

"School beauties, aren't they all noble? I don't know them, so tell me which two they are." Su Daji seemed to disdain the top ten school beauties, but still wanted to know which two they were.

"Mu Xiaoting and Feng Yunxi." Deng Xin said, although she didn't believe it either, but facts are facts, and there is no way to hide them.

"Who are you talking about? Mu Xiaoting and Feng Yunxi, how is it possible, they are the most low-key among the top ten school beauties, how can they come out to snatch men now, it's impossible, you must be lying to me." Su Daji didn't believe it, The reason why he has a problem with the top ten campus beauties has something to do with him being the number one demon flower of Huaxia College, but that night he saw Mu Xiaoting and Li Bai together, but she couldn't figure out why there was another Feng Yunxi now up.

It's true that Huaxia College has top ten campus beauties, but there is also a Huaxia Demon Flower who is comparable to the top ten campus beauties, and that is Su Daji.

Huaxia College includes high school and elementary school. Of course, the scope of the university is wider, but many influential figures are from Huaxia No. [-] Middle School. Freshmen from other places are not considered influential figures. Of course, newcomers like Li Bai set off a storm. A small number of characters are relatively excluded by Huaxia Academy.

The top ten school beauties are all beauties from Huaxia No. [-] Middle School, but Su Daji transferred from another school in high school. At that time, she and the school beauties started a very serious battle.

Su Daji is naturally charming, and her appearance is not inferior to that of the first school beauty. Both of them wanted to win the title of the first school beauty, but in the end Su Daji lost. title.

Therefore, Su Daji is indeed worthy of the title of Demon Flower. Although the reputation is not lower than the school flower, but the reputation is not as good as the school flower. This is also the reason why Su Daji and the school flower are not compatible.

She was surprised to hear that Mu Xiaoting and Feng Yunxi were fighting for Li Bai. She didn't expect it to be these two people, it was unbelievable.

"Xinxin, you must have lied to me, right? Even if you said Han Shiyun, I'm not so surprised. How could it be Mu Xiaoting and Feng Yunxi? It's impossible?" Su Meng said incredulously.

"I didn't lie to you, and is it necessary for me to lie to you? Many people have seen it. If you don't believe me, you can ask other people." Deng Xin said, in fact, she also has a good impression of Li Bai, but it seems that she likes Li Bai All of them are beauties with one top and one top, so she doesn't have any ideas, just keep it in her heart.

Li Bai slept comfortably, wiped the drool on the table, just after class, Feng Yunxi went to the classroom door to look for him.

"Li Bai, there is a beautiful woman looking for it." A boy shouted impatiently, it is unreasonable for such an ugly person to have a beautiful woman looking for him.

Li Bai walked out of the classroom, and Su Daji dragged Deng Xin out quickly. Su Daji believed it was true this time. This woman is not Feng Yunxi. Although her appearance is a little different from him, she is also a rare beauty. She's pretty and cute, and she's also ranked third among the top ten school beauties.

In fact, the two are a bit similar, Feng Yunxi is pretty and cute, Su Daji is charming to the bone, but the school belle sounds like she has a much better reputation, so Su Daji has always looked down on the school belle, who gave her the title of demon flower.

"Li Bai, I have something to do with you, let's talk over there." Feng Yunxi saw Li Bai coming out, followed by Su Meng and said Deng Xin, she had a bad feeling.

Who is Su Daji? That's the name of a fairy. The top ten school beauties don't like Su Daji one, they are opposites, but this kind of opposition makes the college more exciting, and the beauties are more attractive.

"Why do you want to go there? This is my site, and this is my Su Daji's man. Take it away if you say so. You underestimate me, Su Daji." Su Daji immediately became angry, twisting her waist , stood in front of Li Bai, and looked at Feng Yunxi without showing any weakness.

"You... I'm here to look for Li Bai. What does it have to do with you? You don't care if you show off, but don't care about my affairs." Of course, Feng Feng Yunxi was not to be outdone, and retorted directly.

"What's wrong with me just showing off, I'm only showing off in front of my brother Li Bai, can you control me? Don't argue with me, you noble bitch, hmph." Su Daji said angrily.

It was over and started again, Li Bai was so dizzy that he dragged Feng Yunxi directly to the roof of the teaching building.

"Come on, what's the matter?" Li Bai asked, it's really enough, these women can't meet each other, otherwise it will be another world war.

"I miss you, Brother Li Bai, so Su Daji didn't insult you, did she?" Feng Yunxi smiled coquettishly.

"Get down to business, or I'll leave." Li Bai said.

"Okay, okay, didn't you beat Zhao San and the people from the Tianlong Martial Arts School yesterday? My grandfather told you to be careful, the people from the Tianlong Martial Arts School may not let it go." Feng Yunxi took Li Bai's hand and said aggrieved , he just wanted to find a chance to talk to Li Bai.

"Oh, I see. It's just Tianlong Martial Arts School. It's not a big deal. Seeing how well-behaved you are, I'll treat you to lunch." Li Bai felt wronged by Feng Yunxi. Some can't bear it.

"Really, then it's settled, it's just the two of us at noon, and there can be no one else." Feng Yunxi's face instantly became full of joy, remembering that Li Bai touched his entire body for the first time, and now he is still a little shy.


Li Bai didn't go back to the classroom either, anyway, get out of class was over in a while, and he took Feng Yunxi out of the school directly.

In the hospital, Wu Feng looked at Wang Chong lying on the bed, sighed, and said, "Failed, the person you ordered to go has disappeared, as if the world has evaporated, there is no news at all, and there is no one around. No one knew about the camera when they went there, it seems that the kid took care of it directly."

"He even dares to touch the police? How brave is this kid? Damn it." Wang Chong said angrily. He was seriously injured, and he would not be discharged from the hospital for at least a few days. He was really angry to be beaten like this by a freshman.

"It's a pity that they are not policemen at all. Now we can only count on those three guys to take action. As long as we plan well, those three guys should be able to take action. I don't believe he can deal with Xiao Tianling and the others, hum." Cold and severe, he clearly knew that Li Bai was a master of ancient martial arts, he could only outsmart him, not force him, otherwise he might be the next one lying on the bed.

"Yes, with that bastard's rampant personality, he will definitely provoke Xiao Tianling. Who is Xiao Tianling, he will definitely deal with that bastard." Wang Chong also laughed. Xiao Tianling ranked second in the top ten generals, but he was the last It's not easy to mess with, anyone who messed with him will either leave the school automatically, or be expelled from the school exam, and these people will end up missing arms and legs.

The methods can be said to be absolutely cruel and ruthless, even the one who ranks first among the top ten generals is not as famous as Xiao Tianling.

"He has already provoked him. I believe Xiao Tianling will find him in the near future. Xiao Tianling likes Mu Xiaoting very much, but now Mu Xiaoting and Feng Yunxi are jealous because of that kid. These two women also have no eyes. Isn't that kid just Do you look handsome, grass." Wu Feng was very unconvinced, not only Mu Xiaoting and Feng Yunxi, but also Su Daji also liked that kid very much, this was the reason that made him angry, he was very angry with Su Daji But with full confidence, now this bastard suddenly appeared, making his hopes shattered, damn it.

Li Bai and Feng Yunxi came to a nearby restaurant. The environment was not bad, but the price was relatively expensive, but to Li Bai now, it was nothing. He just received 1000 million from Su Hongming, and he didn't know where he spent it.

But he has to protect Su Daji well. Although Su Daji is indeed a bit savage, this is nothing. After all, it seems unreasonable for him not to do things after collecting money. After thinking about it, he might have to do a little trick to come Guarantee Su Daji's safety.

After a while, the dishes were served, and the two began to eat.

For Li Bai, the food on the earth is indeed the best. The planets in the universe do not have the ingredients of the earth, and the taste is not enough.

At this moment, a person rushed in from outside the restaurant, ran up to Li Bai, said with a flustered face, "Li Bai, many people are looking for you at the gate of the college."

"A lot of people are looking for me?" Li Bai asked suspiciously. This boy was in his class, and his name seemed to be Wang Chu.

"Yes, there are several buses. Many people get off from them. They seem to be people from the Tianlong Martial Arts School. They are already blocking the door. You should go back quickly." Wang Chu looked anxious. He knew that Li Bai had provoked many people in the past two days. But when did he mess with people from Tianlong Martial Arts School again?

"Don't panic, you've come here, let's have dinner together, we'll go back after dinner, it's fine." Li Bai pulled Wang Chu to sit down, and at the same time called to the waiter: "I'm adding a pair of bowls and chopsticks, thank you .”

Wang Chu was almost dying of anxiety, but the person concerned was still acting as if nothing had happened. He looked at Li Bai, and this guy was really calm. The current situation seemed a bit like the emperor was not in a hurry for the eunuch, bah, he was not an eunuch.

"Wang Chu, do you know ancient martial arts?" Li Bai stared at Wang Chu. This thin and timid boy looked fragile, but he seemed to have some ancient martial arts skills.

"Um, a little bit, I was in poor health since I was a child, and my parents sent me to a martial arts school, but I like to study medicine, so I made my own decisions and got out of the martial arts school." Wang Chu said.

(End of this chapter)

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