The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2161 Excavator

Chapter 2161 Excavator

"I have an idea, but you are indeed suitable for contacting ancient martial arts. If I have the opportunity, I will teach you two moves." Li Bai smiled. He could see that Jiao Wang Chu's aptitude seemed to be very good, and the most important thing was a good foundation.

"Oh, thank you. Let's go back to school quickly. The people of Tianlong Martial Arts School are very rampant." Wang Chu was still a little worried. Tianlong Martial Arts School is notoriously domineering and rampant. I'm afraid things will be difficult to deal with if we go back late. .

"Don't worry, let's talk about it after we've had our fill. The Tianlong Martial Arts School is very arrogant. How dare you come to the school? Are the people here very powerful?" Li Bai asked slowly.

"He is a master of ancient martial arts. It is said that he has reached the innate state of ancient martial arts. It is very powerful. At least no one in Huaxia Academy that I know has reached it. The top three of the top ten generals should have reached it, but they will definitely not make a move, because They are here to look for you." Wang Chu explained that he was really worried, but seeing Li Bai's relaxed face, he was slightly relieved. He knew that Li Bai was a master of ancient martial arts, but whether he could defeat a strong person in the innate realm I no longer know.

There were three buses at the gate of the school, and 200 people gathered around the gate.

They were all wearing sportswear, with two characters embroidered on the left chest, Tianlong, which of course also explained the identity of these people, they were from the Tianlong Martial Arts School.

At the head stood a man with a stature of less than 1.7 meters, but his body was very strong. He stood up straight, like a young bull, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

On Huaxia College's side, there was also a muscular young man standing there. He seemed to have good strength, but he didn't intend to make a move. It seemed that he just wanted to delay time, or watch a show.

Huaxia Academy, Song Wengu, the vice president of the Martial Arts Club, is not bad, but he is obviously far behind the men from the Tianlong Martial Arts School, and he dare not confront the men from the Tianlong Martial Arts School.

"Tang Bainian, someone has already sent someone to call the person you are looking for, just wait here." Song Wengu stood in the distance, and said to Tang Bainian of Tianlong Martial Arts School, he was also very annoyed, what about that bastard? It will offend the people of Tianlong Martial Arts School. Now that others have come to the door, who will clean up this mess.

"I don't think I dare to come, you have a bad temper, you Huaxia Academy has a lot of people, but none of them can fight, and now you dare to mess with our Tianlong Martial Arts School, I want to see which one is not good-looking Kid." Tang Bainian stood there motionless, but his aura pressed down on Huaxia College like a flood.

This is the real momentum of ancient martial arts, invisible pressure. Of course, ancient martial arts are also divided into realms. There are many people who know ancient martial arts, but most of them are only at the beginning, and they can't even reach the most basic acquired realm, let alone innate. Boundary.

However, this Tang Bainian is in the innate realm, and his strength absolutely crushes people like Huaxia Academy. Of course, it is not ruled out that Huaxia Academy also voted for masters, but they did not come out.

"Damn it, why hasn't Li Bai come here yet? I dare not come out for the trouble I caused. Do you want us to bear it for him?" Song Wengu also had a bitter face. Although he also reached the late innate stage, let him face Tang Bainian. , he really has no courage.

"Brother Gu, I have asked someone from his class to call, and he should be here soon. If he doesn't come, I'm afraid he won't be able to get along in the academy in the future." A member of the Martial Arts Club said.

Tang Bainian and a group of people from the Tianlong Martial Arts School were a little impatient. There were more than 200 people at the door, and the kid still dared to hide. Do you want to do something to force them to hand over?

"Huang Dong, get some excavators and forklifts over here, I want to see how long they can endure." Tang Bainian said to a Tianlong student behind him.

"Okay, Tang Jiao." Huang Dong took out his phone and called.

A few minutes later, two excavators and a forklift appeared at the door.

The students of Huaxia College were all surprised and puzzled. What are these hooligans doing with excavators and forklifts?

"Tang Bainian, what are you going to do? This is Huaxia College, don't be too rampant." Song Wengu was shocked, and he also had some bad premonitions. The reputation of Tianlong Martial Arts School itself is similar to that of hooligans, but they still can't beat them , It's really hateful, I can only pray that bastard Li Bai will come over quickly.

"Just wait and see. If you don't teach you a lesson, you really think that Tianlong Martial Arts School is easy to bully, don't you? Let's see how long you can protect that kid." Tang Bainian greeted, and said, "Dig a hole at the door for me." pit, hum."

The excavator dug directly, and within a short time, a pit of more than ten meters had been dug.

"Okay, well done, Huang Dong, go challenge, come out and throw one into the pit, I don't think that kid will come out yet." Tang Bainian ordered to Huang Dong behind him.

Huang Dong walked directly in front of a group of Huaxia students, clasped his fists viciously and said, "Tianlong Martial Arts School, Huang Dong challenges you, do you dare to accept it?"

Song Wengu's eyes changed, what are these bastards trying to do, are they really going to mess around, but even if they mess up, there is nothing they can do.

Today, unlike a hundred years ago, there are police to maintain law and order. Nowadays, ancient martial arts are prevalent, and the general conflict police will not control it, because they can't control it at all. If they insist on it, it will only become more and more chaotic. In terms of quality, if the police come less, they can't control it at all, and if they come too much, they still can't control it.

At the beginning, the police also took care of it, but they couldn't do it. They had no choice but to let it go. As long as it wasn't a large-scale riot of casualties, the police wouldn't take care of it, unless it was a big riot that violated the dignity of the nation and clashed with the dragon veins of China. The country will stop it with powerful thermal weapons.

Therefore, nowadays, the practice of martial arts by the whole people has also caused constant conflicts, and the country can only let it go. This is to improve the development of the national physical fitness, and it is also beneficial.

It has to be said that this kind of development is good, because China has become the most powerful country in the world now, whether it is military strength or national physical fitness, the rise of ancient martial arts, and the individual combat capabilities of the Chinese army have also improved several times level.

The so-called muay thai, taekwondo, and judo in the past have all been left behind by ancient Chinese martial arts. The international martial arts competitions and competitions are all masters of ancient Chinese martial arts. The ancient Chinese martial arts that have been passed down for thousands of years are flourishing again, making Huaxia Also a lot stronger.

So Song Wengu can only bite the bullet now, but he doesn't want to do it himself. This incident itself was provoked by that kid Li Bai. Isn't he taking the blame for him if he goes out by himself? I won't blame you.

Just when Song Wengu was hesitating, a thin young man stepped forward, staring at Huang Dong and said, "Hong Yu."

"Haha, I didn't expect Huaxia Academy to be full of cowards, but it's useless, come on, I'll send you down first." Huang Dong sneered, and punched Hong Yu directly.

Hong Yu's expression changed, and he also punched him.

"The strength is good, but it's a pity that the moves are too weak, hehe." Huang Dongyin smiled coldly, his fists passed through Hong Yu's fists strangely, and punched him on the chest.

Hong Yu backed away, and before he had time to react, Huang Dong had already rushed forward again, kicking him on the chin.

Hong Yu's body fell directly to the back, Huang Dong followed closely, grabbed Hong Yu's leg, lifted Hong Yu's body vigorously, and threw it directly into the deep pit dug by the excavator.

"So strong, this guy is also at the acquired level, and his shots are fierce, leaving no room for it." Song Wengu thought he was also at the acquired level, but he couldn't beat Huang Dong at all.

Because of the moves, although the Tianlong Martial Arts School is notorious, it does have strength, and there are also many ancient martial arts cheats, which of course are not comparable to these amateur ancient martial arts practitioners.

"Again, since you don't hand over that kid, then I'll tell you, you Huaxia students are cowards, none of you can fight, and it's a shame to return Huaxia Academy, you know?" Huang Dong stared at the students of Huaxia Academy frantically. , clamored.

"No one came, so I did it myself, don't blame me for not giving you face, hehe." Huang Dong went straight to a girl and said, "It's just you, Huaxia College is different, there are so many beautiful women, I like playing against beautiful women the most, haha."

"Bastard, stop him." A group of boys stared at Huang Dong with gritted teeth. They were bullied to the top. If they were still treated as persimmons, they would be as cowards as Huang Dong said.

"Don't touch the girl, I'll fight you." A short-haired boy with a dark complexion stood up and walked in front of Huang Dong.

"The same is just trash, hehe." Huang Dong smiled and punched him directly.

"What kind of skill is bullying a woman? Even if I can't beat you, I won't make it easier for you." The boy said angrily, dodging Huang Dong's punch with a sway of his body, his movement skills are very good.

"Huh, that's right, it's actually an ancient martial art of movement, which is interesting." Huang Dong smiled slightly, and then his fist speed increased a little, but he was still avoided by the boy.

But strength is strength after all. Although the boy's movement skills are very good, he still just dodged for a while, and was directly blasted into the deep pit by Huang Dong.

In the restaurant, Li Bai wiped his mouth, looked at Feng Yunxi and said, "Are you full?"

"I've already eaten enough, let's go quickly, the school doesn't know what's going on, people must think you dare not show up." Feng Yunxi gave Li Bai a blank look. People are not good people, maybe they can do something.

"I said my brother, something happened over there. If you don't show up, I'm afraid the sky will be turned upside down." Wang Chu's face was full of bitterness. He had just received a call, and the pot was about to explode. The protagonist of the incident actually I'm still eating slowly here, if people find out, I don't know if it will cause public outrage.

"Then let's go, Tianlong Martial Arts School, right? It seems that the lesson from last time was not enough, this time they have to remember it well." Li Bai's eyes flashed brightly, and he pulled Feng Yunxi to pay the bill and leave.

At the gate of Huaxia College, five people had been thrown into the deep pit, one woman and four men. Huang Dong also retreated, looking tired.

"Get out of the way, Li Bai is here, Tang Bainian, the person you are looking for is here." A drake voice roared.

(End of this chapter)

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