Chapter 2168
Some surprises, but also some excitement, after all, not every student who is still in college can encounter this kind of thing.

But many people still seem very excited. Many children living in the city just heard about the farm or saw it on TV, but they have never been there and yearn for it.

"Li Bai, do you think the countryside is fun? My father said that the countryside is very fast, and any of their farms is very big." Su Daji turned her head and stared at Li Bai excitedly. Deng Xin also yearned for it. People really want to go to see who is like in the countryside.

Li Bai smiled and didn't say anything. In fact, he didn't know. What he heard from his parents was the countryside more than 100 years ago, which must be very different from the current countryside.

But Li Bai is also very excited, because his father is a farmer, as long as he walks into the countryside, he can feel that these are all related to his father, but the specifics will not be known until later.

Then Deng Xin stood on the stage and talked a lot, mainly to pay attention to safety and find the medicinal material Donggen in advance, and to ask everyone to report to the school's Department of Pharmacy at eight o'clock tomorrow. Class three.

It may be due to fear of accidents, or fear of insufficient manpower, and it does not mean that it is enough to find a plant of Donggen, but it is necessary to find a sufficient number of Donggen, otherwise the antidote will not be enough.

Li Bai felt that it was not that simple. Would an international pharmaceutical company not be able to find this kind of problem? He felt a little uneasy, but he didn't think too much about it. With his strength, there was nothing to worry about.

There were not many classes that day, but I received a call from Mu Xiaoting, asking him to have dinner.

Naturally, Li Bai had no objection. If a beautiful woman invites you to dinner, it would be foolish to refuse, not to mention that Mu Xiaoting and he also slept under the same roof. Although nothing happened, there is still some relationship.

"I know everything about you these days?" Mu Xiaoting stared at Li Bai who was sitting across from her. Could it be that this guy really didn't know what he was thinking, so he didn't know how to take the initiative to find himself.

"Oh, we're going to the countryside tomorrow." Li Bai was a little embarrassed. Mu Xiaoting was the kind who wanted to find him but didn't take the initiative to find him. Her personality was not as outgoing as Feng Yunxi and Su Daji's. come out.

And Li Bai is also a temperament of letting it develop, he thinks it is better to go with the flow together, although he has several wives, but his current strength is obviously not equal, and it is obviously whimsical to want to have several wives.

However, he also has his own ideas. Since his father can do it, he can do it too, but he does not necessarily have to find several wives, but he must have love, otherwise, no matter how many women are, they are just for decoration, meaningless .

"If I don't look for you, will you never look for me?" Mu Xiaoting stared at Li Bai, she didn't know what was going on, she seemed to have an inexplicable feeling of intimacy with Li Bai, as if they knew each other from the beginning, It was a very strange feeling. There were many people chasing her, but none of them felt this way.

"No, I'm really busy these days. Miss Xiaoting is so beautiful, I really want to see you, but there are indeed many things." Li Bai explained, although there are suspicions of excuses, he is really busy these two days , which is true.

Mu Xiaoting didn't continue to pursue the matter, she thought that at least he was willing to explain, which meant that this guy didn't care about him at all.

"Then how long are you going this time, and who are you going with?" Mu Xiaoting asked curiously. She had also heard about this time, but she didn't know the specifics.

"It's in our class. It seems that there is also the third class of clinical medicine. Why go with whom?" Li Bai wondered.

"Oh, I don't mean anything else, can you tell me how you and Feng Yunxi met?" Mu Xiaoting was still a little concerned, Feng Yunxi was still ahead of her in the school beauty ranking, although the two had different temperaments, she still Feel very threatened.

Li Bai felt dizzy for a while. He really wanted to ask how his father handled the relationship between his mothers, but unfortunately he couldn’t ask now, so he could only honestly say, “That’s actually nothing to do with us. The bully got chased away, and then he just kept pestering me, and it annoyed me."

"Why didn't I see that you are annoying, I think you are secretly having fun." Mu Xiaoting spat, although this guy is not very handsome, but he is not bad at messing around.

"No, because of their antique street incident, I also offended the people of Tianlong Martial Arts School. Yesterday, all the people from Tianlong Martial Arts School found the school gate, but fortunately, they are not too strong, and they are still within my strength." Li Bai smiled and said, it's better to tell the truth than to hide it, otherwise if a lie goes on, it is estimated that if it is found out, there will be nothing left.

"Oh, you like helping people so much, so you can help me too." Mu Xiaoting rolled her eyes, not knowing what to do.

"Let's talk about it when I come back from Tianyou Mountain. I'll be back soon." Li Bai evaded, why are these beauties more difficult than each other.

"No, this matter won't take long, it will be done in the afternoon." Mu Xiaoting looked at Li Bai, looking forward to it.

"Well, what are you talking about, let me see if I can do it?" Li Bai had a bad premonition that it didn't seem to be a good thing, but he would not refuse a beautiful woman's request.

"Our art department is going to have an art performance in the afternoon. I will also have a show at that time. Then you come up and give me flowers, and no one else is allowed to come up. If you see other people who are going to give me flowers, stop him. After I finish the performance, you can just come up directly." Mu Xiaoting looked at Li Bai domineeringly, if he dared to refuse, then she was ready to use violence.

"Well, I don't care if others want to send flowers. How can I stop it, but I'm sure there's nothing wrong with sending flowers. Sending flowers to Miss Xiaoting is a wish." Li Bai laughed, but he was still a little puzzled. He prevents others from sending flowers, which is too much control.

"I don't care, you are so capable and you can't stop someone from coming up to give flowers, so you just say you can help?" The beauty with a somewhat indifferent personality acted coquettishly, which was not surprising.

Li Bai thought for a while and said, "Okay, when will your art performance start, I should have time."

"You must have time, otherwise you will die. It starts at [-]:[-] pm and continues until [-]:[-] pm. My show should start around [-]:[-] pm. You must stop the person who brings me flowers, remember? "Mu Xiaoting seems to be very concerned about this matter, which makes Li Bai a little strange. It's not good for you to act like someone else is sending flowers. I don't understand what a woman is thinking.

"Remember, do you have any instructions, long-legged sister?" Li Bai stared at Mu Xiaoting's slender beautiful legs. If they were clamped around his waist, he didn't know how it would feel.

"It's my fault for the long legs. I don't have class in the afternoon. You can go shopping with me." Mu Xiaoting pulled Li Bai and managed to catch him. Of course, he couldn't let this guy go.

The refusal was invalid, and Li Bai was dragged by Mu Xiaoting to go shopping.

"Hey, is it so painful to go shopping with me?" Mu Xiaoting's mouth heaved slightly, and she looked at Li Bai dissatisfied.

"Sister, we have been shopping from one o'clock to five o'clock now, and you are still in such high spirits, don't you feel tired? If it weren't for my baby, your pile of things would have crushed me to death." Li Bai smiled wryly. , At first he thought it was nothing, just shopping.

But who knows, this is torture at all. After shopping for four hours, Mu Xiaoting still wants to continue. Although he is not tired due to his physical fitness, it is also very annoying. How can there be so many things to buy? If it is not for him The space ring has long been crushed into a dog.

Mu Xiaoting knew that Li Bai had a baby, and it was not surprising, because her family was not simple, and her great-grandfather had done things with a big man, but this let her know that Li Bai's identity was not simple. space ring.

Even if the space ring is placed on the earth today, it is quite precious. She suspects that Li Bai must be a disciple of some cultivation sect, and he is also a big disciple, otherwise how could there be such a thing as a space ring.

Li Bai doesn't care about that much anymore, as long as Mu Xiaoting's pile of clothes is taken out, find a remote place and throw it directly into the interspatial ring. If you carry so many clothes, you will really be exhausted.

"Sister, it's almost five o'clock now, and your art performance will start in an hour, do you want to continue shopping?" Li Bai reminded, he really didn't want to continue, women's interest in shopping has reached the point of insanity up.

"It's five o'clock so soon, we're going to school at 05:30, I have to go, remember to come later, or you're doomed, let the things you bought go to you, anyway, it's just flowers I will give you your money, and you will pay me back when I want it." Mu Xiaoting said hastily.

"Miss, do you want these?" The waiter looked at the clothes in Mu Xiaoting's hands and the shoes here, and looked at her enviously. It's really great to have such a handsome and rich man.

"Yes, wrap it up for me, and then give it to him, I'll go first." Mu Xiaoting walked away with long legs, looking in a hurry.

Watching Mu Xiaoting leave, the beautiful waitress looked at Li Bai with some ambiguity, leaned over to expose her pre-moon scenery to Li Bai, and asked with a breath: "Sir, you are so kind to your girlfriend, may I ask you?" Is it all wrapped up?"

Because Li Bai was sitting on the chair over there, when he raised his head, he almost missed a pair of big moon hunks in front of him. Be good, the bottomless ditch makes people want to find out, it is white and soft , so that he almost had a nosebleed.

Li Bai stepped back a little, and said in embarrassment, "Wrap me up, thank you."

The waiter licked his lips, tilted his feet on purpose, and fell directly into Li Bai's arms with an ouch, blushing and said: "Oh, sir, I'm sorry, I sprained my ankle, can you help me over there?" ?”

Li Bai was helpless, it seemed that he had to find a woman by his side, otherwise he would be eaten tofu.

(End of this chapter)

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