Chapter 2169

Li Bai helped the waiter to sit next to him, and this seat was condescending to see the scenery inside, it was really fatal.

If it wasn't for the waiter's good looks, he would have left immediately. It's not easy to be seduced by such a naked person, so give him some face.

"Are you alright?" Li Bai asked with a worried expression on his face, he couldn't tear down the stage with such a resemblance, otherwise it would be a shame.

"Well, it's much better, thank you." The waiter looked at Li Bai, how she wanted to keep falling in that embrace and never get up, but unfortunately that embrace didn't belong to her.

"Well, help me pack these things, I have to go." Li Bai blinked, showing a very intriguing look.

The waiter blushed, stood up, handed the packed clothes to Li Baidao, and said shyly, "My name is Gong Min, and this is my contact information."

Gong Min handed a small piece of paper to Li Bai. Without thinking about it, Li Bai knew that it must be a phone number, but he smiled again: "I'll contact you, baby."

After swiping his card, Li Bai turned around and left, leaving the waiter Gong Min to commit a nympho.

After leaving the store, Li Bai was speechless for a while, what was the matter, this woman was too open, looked at the phone number in her hand, and threw it directly into the trash can, not to mention that he would not touch such an ordinary woman , And I really don't feel it if I'm too active.

I called Wang Chu first and asked him to prepare for the night. After all, he probably couldn't stop everyone by himself, so he should tell Wang Chu and the others so that he wouldn't be tired.

After making the phone call, Li Bai looked at the cars that were constantly racing on the street, and then thought of Su Daji's sports car, and wondered if he should also get a car to drive.

"There's still time, let's get a car first." Li Bai took a taxi and left. Anyway, there is still a lot of money in the card. The 1000 million that Su Hongming gave, and the millions from Tianlong Martial Arts School didn't cost much. Farm cooperatives don’t need much money, and it’s nothing to buy a car for a few million.

Li Bai took a taxi and went directly to the 4S store, but after arriving, Li Bai had a problem, what kind of car should I buy, an off-road vehicle?Sports car?The two seem to lean more toward the latter to him, at least for now.

Li Bai turned around in the S4 store. Some salesmen saw that Li Bai was like a student and ignored him. Most people know that they are not really buying a car if they dress like this. Li Bai doesn't look like a rich man either. Although he is handsome, he must have money to buy him. What kind of logic is this?

The main reason is that the cars that Li Bai looked at were all extremely expensive sports cars that cost several million dollars, and almost no one thought that Li Bai would buy a car.

"Sir, welcome. May I ask what brand of car do you need?" A petite salesman stood in front of Li Bai and asked him a little shyly.

Li Bai was a little surprised that someone came to talk to him, but judging by the shy appearance of this girl, she must be a newcomer.

"Well, please introduce me, the kind of car that is fast and flamboyant." Li Bai smiled. Although the girl is very shy, she should be older than him. She just came out to work. It's too adaptable, but it's only 21 years old.

"If it runs fast, of course it's a sports car. Ferrari and Aston Martin are fine, as well as Lamborghini, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW are all well-known sports cars. How much do you think you're going to sell?" The girl also asked. She is not very good at sales, and it's not that she looks down on Li Bai. It would be unrealistic to recommend a top sports car like Bugatti Veyron Maybach to him, and they don't have any in the store either.

"You show me to have a look, I'll see which one I like better." Li Bai said, he must choose the one he likes.

Not far away, another salesman took a look at Li Bai, and said: "This kind of poor ghost can only come to this kind of place to find a sense of existence. In other words, only that idiot Hu Jiaojiao will be fooled. A poor ghost, a newcomer A fool, but also a perfect match."

"You can't say that. Although Hu Jiaojiao is a newcomer, whoever is new will not be like this. You will know after working for a while, but it's not good if you scold him." A male salesperson next to her said.

"Hey, I saw that the little girl is pretty and well-behaved, did you help her talk, is it worthy of your sales performance to talk to my mother?" The female salesperson immediately lost her temper as if she had entered menopause.

"Hu Jiaojiao is prettier than you, and my sales performance is not as good as yours, but at least I won't take my body as a price, haha." The male salesman immediately sarcastically said, also not showing affection.

Li Bai looked at all the cars of several brands. At first he thought that the little girl should be a little impatient, but unexpectedly, the little girl was not at all. She kept explaining to him the advantages and disadvantages of each model, even the disadvantages. I said it very carefully, for fear that others would not know the same.

"Well, you're new here, young lady." Li Bai looked at Hu Jiaojiao with a smile. Although she is petite, she is not small at all where she should be big. I don't know how such a small body can support her. There are two big lumps of soft meat, aren't you tired from walking?

"Ah, I saw it by you. It's okay. I know you won't buy it. I'll just treat it as a familiarity with the business. Thank you too. I won't be so nervous when someone really buys it next time." Hu Jiaojiao She laughed and said, in fact, why can't she see Li Bai or just come to see him, obviously he looks like a student, how could he buy a car.

Li Bai laughed, this young lady is really interesting, he couldn't help laughing and said, "You probably don't have any sales yet, young lady?"

"Um, you noticed it again. Today is my eighth day at work, but I haven't sold a single car. But everything is hard at the beginning, and I won't give up. By the way, my name is Hu Jiaojiao. What kind of lady, that's weird." Hu Jiaojiao pouted, she was really nervous, she didn't have the courage to go up to introduce the car to the guests before, but she saw that Li Bai was still a student, and he was quite handsome , should not embarrass her, so I mustered up the courage to introduce Li Bai.

"Oh, Hu Jiaojiao, it's also a very delicate name, but I still like to call you Miss Sister. You are introducing me to that Ferrari. I like that car better." Li Bai smiled, making Hu Jiao Jiao was a little puzzled, what is this guy doing, does he really want to buy a car?
"Well, the Ferrari brand has been around for more than 100 years. Since the beginning of the 100th century, after more than [-] years of history, there have been countless generations of models. This one is a flying wing. If the speed is fast enough, home technology If it is good enough, it can fly a short distance, and its performance is comparable to that of many off-road vehicles, even in the countryside." Hu Jiaojiao introduced, Li Bai looked at these two vehicles and liked them very much .

The whole body is streamlined, and the flying wings on both sides are usually retracted. The flying that Hu Jiaojiao mentioned should be more accurately said to be gliding, which means that once the speed is fast enough, it can glide in the air.

"Okay, that's it, how much is it?" Li Bai flattered.

Hu Jiaojiao stared at Li Bai with a puzzled face. It was just what it was. After a while, she realized that, my God, this guy really wants to buy a car. She couldn't accept a kind of joy that she had never had before. It was huge. Yue Xiong's mouth heaved deeply, but he still couldn't believe it.

"680 million earth coins." After finishing speaking, Hu Jiaojiao looked at Li Bai without blinking. He still didn't believe that this guy really came to buy a car.

"Look at what I'm doing, take me to pick up the car, I'm going to pick up the car now." Li Bai took the opportunity to touch Hu Jiaojiao's fragrant shoulder, reminding her.

"Oh, okay, I'll go through the formalities for you right now." Hu Jiaojiao blushed, unable to hide her joy, and directly took Li Bai to go through the formalities for picking up the car.

"Hi, scan your retina to confirm your identity information." Hu Jiaojiao took Li Bai to the customer hall, and then brought Li Bai a cup of coffee, holding something like an ultraviolet ray.

"Well, you can scan your face casually, my name is Li Bai, you can call me brother Li Bai." Li Bai smiled, making Hu Jiaojiao curl her lips, you are obviously younger than others, and you still want to be a brother, is there any mistake? .

"Okay, brother Li Bai, hurry up and drink your coffee, I'll go through the formalities for you." Hu Jiaojiao gave Li Bai a white look, this guy actually pretended to be a poor person to fool her, it was really abominable.

"Don't be afraid that I don't have the money to pay you. There are 1000 billion in this card. Don't use too much. Otherwise, you can only afford it by marrying me." Li Bai laughed. cute.

"The devil believes in you. If you don't have money, you will die. Let's see if you can afford it if you are eunuched." Hu Jiaojiao snorted, then turned around and went to go through the formalities.

Staring at Hu Jiaojiao's little butt, Li Bai felt that it was really cute, not too big or too small, but very round, making one couldn't resist touching it.

At this moment, a female salesperson came in, her mouth was very low, her eyes were seductive, she was sitting next to Li Bai very ambiguously, her whole body seemed to be glued to her.

"Brother, why don't you find my sister to buy a car? My sister has a lot of things that I can give you discounts?" The woman looked at Li Bai with a charming smile. She already knew that Li Bai really came to buy a car, and now she regrets it. , how can it be like this, if you want to buy a car, you should also dress better.

You came here in Armani or a famous brand, but you came to buy a car while wearing a school uniform. How could you deceive the salesperson like this? This is very immoral. This is what Liu Lan is thinking at this time.

"Sister, don't be like this, I have moon phobia, I will faint, I'm sorry." Li Bai was speechless, he didn't see you so enthusiastic when he came in just now, now that I bought a car, you are tempting me like this, This change is too big.

"I hate it, do you men like this kind of tune soon? Have you chosen the car? Let me tell you, and I will go through the formalities for you to pick up the car." Liu Lan smiled coquettishly. I knew that the student was here to buy a car. In the hands of a newcomer, damn it.

"I've already chosen that Ferrari, isn't it okay?" Li Bai smiled, but Liu Lan's complexion had turned into a liver color. Although the moon is not big, such a big ups and downs are still very obvious .

(End of this chapter)

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