Chapter 2174 Virus
"Hey, I said, what are you doing? What are you doing with these few trees? It's destroying the natural environment." Song Gang's face was not very good. Of course, he knew that cutting down trees must be a bridge, but he was very upset when he was robbed of the limelight by a student. accurate.

"Teacher Song, please excuse me. My students are going to build the road right now. I'm waiting for it to get dark." Qin Yu looked at Song Gang coldly. In her opinion, Song Gang was here to play. , It is not here to complete the task at all.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm really sorry, why didn't I think of cutting down trees to build bridges, let me help." Song Gang stepped forward, but he didn't seem to know what to do. He couldn't handle such a big tree alone. I can't hold it up.

"No need, teacher, we can come here, it's not good to get your clothes dirty, it will hurt your teacher's face, right?" Li Bai stopped Song Gang and said bluntly.

"Boy, do you have a little bit of respect, do you respect the teacher, get out of the way." Song just got angry, this kid actually dared to satirize him flamboyantly and thornily, he really didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, and wanted to die.

"First of all, you are not my teacher, so I don't need to respect you. Secondly, you are definitely not one of the people in this world who deserve my respect. You just need to sit there obediently and wait. You don't have to worry about building bridges. " Li Bai stared at the teacher who was only as tall as his chin, and said with disdain.

"You, what are you talking about..." Song Gang blushed angrily, but there was nothing he could do. If he really didn't like himself in a fight, he definitely couldn't beat Li Bai with his stature.

"Wang Chu, work, put this tree up." Li Bai ordered, he didn't bother to care about Song Gang, if he wanted to talk about building a bridge, it was because of other students, if he wanted to say what he wanted, he could go over there.

"Okay, let's get it done right away." Wang Chu also got Li Bai's elixir for washing scriptures, and the ancient martial art left to her by Li Bai in the end was the very powerful Jiuding Qiankun Jue.

Wang Chu picked up a tree by the waist, then raised the waist and tied the horse, and threw the tree with a length of more than ten meters into the middle of the road. This can also be fixed.

Then Wang Chu threw the two big trees in the middle of the broken road, and a simple bridge was formed.

Wang Chu then fixed the two sides with ropes, which made it even safer.

"Okay, let's go." Song Gang saw that the bridge was built, and directly called the clinical medicine students to cross the bridge, but was stopped by Wang Chu.

"Mr. Song, you are too shameless. We cut down the tree and built the bridge. You are really good at sitting back and enjoying the benefits. Sorry, our class will pass first, you wait behind, we will pass Come on after it's over." Wang Chu stopped Song Gang, this guy is really thick-skinned.

"Hmph, if you pass first, you pass first. I'm just afraid that there is something wrong with the bridge you built. I want to try whether it's safe. Since you want to pass first, don't blame me for not reminding you if you fall." Song Gang insisted , in fact, everyone can see that the bridge built by these three big trees is very strong, and the safety problem has been reduced to the minimum.

"Skinless and shameless." Wang Chu said disdainfully.

Song Gang's lips moved, but thinking of the way Song had just picked up the three trees just now, his strength was too great, so he could only swallow his breath.

"Teacher Qin, let the students pass first." Li Bai looked at the students in his class behind him.

This can't help but make the students of the pharmacy class very proud. You must know that clinical medicine students look down on the pharmacy class very much, because they come out to be doctors who save lives and help the wounded, while they are just doctors, and their status is not as good as that of nurses.

It's really refreshing to let these clinical medicine guys be so ashamed now, and they just followed them one by one.

"Teacher Qin, we should go there too, let's go." Li Bai looked at Qin Yubing and said, the female teacher in uniform was still unattainable as always, but he had a smile on his face.

Although Qin Yubing felt that it was inappropriate to separate the two classes, she still did not stop Li Bai and Wang Chu from doing this. After all, they contributed their efforts. Of course, people in clinical medicine cannot sit back and enjoy their benefits, and she is also very uncomfortable with it. Song Gang.

"It's just two idiots with strong brains and simple limbs. Come to Tianyou Mountain to see how I will deal with you, hum." Song Gang said angrily in his heart. In his opinion, Wang Chu is only stronger, and Li Bai will also click. It's just a little cleverness, can it be compared with his teacher who has lived for decades?

Although the students of clinical medicine were very unconvinced, there was nothing they could do. After all, the bridges were built by others, and Wang Chu’s strength was too great. Their class should not have such strength. They could only comfort themselves in their hearts , an idiot as powerful as a cow, nothing more.

After everyone has passed, the clinical medicine class will cross the bridge together.

"It's not far ahead, students, hurry up, you can rest when you reach Tianyou Town." Qin Yubing clapped her hands and said to the students behind her.

More than 100 people started to walk on foot. Although it was on foot, I have to say that the scenery in the countryside is really beautiful. The scenery in the mountain village is very novel to some students who have been living in the city. Su Daji is the first one to bear the brunt. .

Pulling Li Bai to chatter all the time, Li Bai couldn't even say a few more words to Qin Yubing. Although this goblin is said to be a top-notch beauty, her personality is too unrestrained, and her eyes are fatal to anyone.

Even Song Gang was attracted by Su Daji, his eyes swept back and forth on her incomparably alluring little face, very obscene.

"Mr. Qin, can you let this goblin keep a low profile, I'm getting annoyed to death." Li Bai smiled wryly and looked at Qin Yubing next to him. Why didn't Teacher Qin respond? He shouldn't be, shouldn't he be jealous or something.

Qin Yubing glanced at Li Bai, and said, "I think you enjoy it quite a bit. Su Meng is a little beauty in her own right, and you still look unhappy when you take advantage of her. I think anyone who changed her would be happy."

"Thank you, Sister Bingbing. Sister Bingbing understands me. It's not like this bastard who always makes people angry." Su Daji smiled coquettishly. From the words, it's not hard to hear that the two of them seem to know each other. Otherwise, why wouldn't Su Daji even be a teacher? Called, also called Sister Bingbing.

"Ghost girl, you should restrain yourself a bit. Luckily, no one heard you. Otherwise, let's see how I deal with you. You were not allowed to come this time, but you insisted on coming. If something happens, I don't know how to explain to Uncle Su. "Qin Yubing smiled wryly. Fortunately, the three of them walked a certain distance in front, and the people behind were suppressed by Wang Chu. As a senior eunuch, he couldn't let a large group of light bulbs hinder the boss's plan to pick up girls.

"Oh, isn't this Sister Bingbing, and Li Bai, a big bastard, what can happen, and if I don't come, Sister Bingbing will not be able to explain it. I can't be unique, hehe." Su Daji smiled coquettishly.

"You girl, if you want to love you, you have to rely on me, but fortunately, Li Bai is here, so I can rest assured." Qin Yubing said, I don't know why, as if nothing can stop Li Bai.

"Mr. Qin, you trust me so much. I'm not that good, but I'm still very happy to be praised by Mr. Qin. It's just that there is an extra light bulb, hey." Li Bai said regretfully, which made Su Daji unhappy again. .

"Hey, dead pervert, what do you mean? I'm telling you to stop thinking about my sister Bingbing, or you will die. Also, don't think I don't know. My dad asked you to be Miss Ben's bodyguard. Do you think you If you can run away, protect Miss Ben well, you pervert." Su Daji stared at Li Bai, this bastard always wanted to speak to her to anger her, it was too hateful.

Li Bai was slightly puzzled, unexpectedly this girl knew about her father asking Li Bai to protect her, but she obviously didn't know about giving money.

"Let's get down to business, Teacher Qin, I think it's dangerous for us to go to Tianyou Mountain this time. It seems that someone doesn't want us to go. The road break just now was deliberately done." Li Bai looked at Qin Yubing, she should also be able to see it right.

Qin Yubing also frowned slightly, and said: "I know, but we must find some Donggen, no matter how difficult it is, we must find enough Donggen, this matter is more complicated than what I said in class. "

"Mr. Qin, if you don't even tell me, then I can't help it." Li Bai smiled wryly. He knew it must be difficult. It was strange that Donggen was needed to detoxify. For the spread of pathogens, if it is detoxification, there is no need for such hard-to-find herbs as Donggen.

"Daji is tired from walking, I'll let them rest where they are, and talk about it." Qin Yubing looked at the students behind him. These children were brought out by himself, and he hoped nothing would happen.

"Wang Chu, tell everyone to rest where they are, and eat something if you're hungry." Li Bai shouted to Wang Chu. He had been walking for more than an hour, and some people were indeed very tired.

After everyone rested in place, Li Bai and Qin Yubing also walked a little further away, and even Su Daji was chased away by Qin Yubing when he wanted to follow.

"Sister Bingbing, let's go further." Li Bai took Qin Yubing's jade hand and smiled.

Qin Yubing directly opened the hand of the pervert, and said: "Call me Teacher Qin, you are not a coward, little guy, and here is enough. This matter is indeed not as simple as it seems on the surface, and I have to ask you to take care of everyone."

"Oh, what's going on?" Li Bai asked.

"The virus this time seems to be intentional, and the virus will still spread. Now the poisoned patients have been isolated. Only Donggen can suppress the virus, but Donggen is too rare, so the only way to let him We have come to Tianyou Mountain." Qin Yubing said, she only knew about it not long ago, although she didn't want the students to take risks, but it didn't seem too dangerous to just look for medicinal materials, but she seemed a little naive, since just now The circuit breaker seems to be some people's warning.

"Since we're here, we must find enough Donggens. Sister Bingbing, believe that I'm fine, at least I won't let you have any accidents, and that goblin and Deng Xin, hehe." Li Bai smiled confidently.

"It doesn't matter to me, the most important thing is to protect them." Qin Yubing looked back at a group of students who were resting on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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