The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2175 Diarrhea

Chapter 2175 Diarrhea

"Sister, I'm not as kind as you. I only protect the people I like." Li Bai realized that there was a slip of the tongue, and continued: "Um, it should be the people I care about, and I don't care about the others, ha ha."

"No, you have to protect my students well, otherwise don't call me sister." Qin Yubing said coquettishly like a little girl. Can't bear to refuse.

"No, how can I have such a great experience by myself, unless you give me some rewards." Li Bai stared at Qin Yubing's flaming red lips. He still had some aftertaste of the last time, and this time he had to blackmail him.

"Little pervert, what do you want to do, I'm your teacher." Qin Yubing's eyes dodged a little, she didn't understand why she would be so ambiguous about a student who attacked a few years old.

"When there are many people, you are a teacher. When there are no one, you are a woman, and she is still a very beautiful woman." Li Bai said brazenly, anyway, it has already happened once, what is he afraid of if he is a hooligan.

"When we go back, if everyone is fine, it's okay if I promise you, you little guy can turn the world upside down, little villain." Qin Yubing gave Li Bai a white look, this is really a little pervert.

"Since this is the case, I have a lot of motivation, but sister, I didn't even say what I want to do, so you just agree. If I make that kind of request, hehe." Li Bai glanced at Qin Yubing and Yuexiong. The scenery, the eyes seem to have penetrating power.

"I'm afraid you don't dare, little rascal."

"Sister, are you hungry? Sigh, this is for you." Li Bai took out a bottle of drink and a piece of bread from his pocket and handed them to Qin Yubing.

"Hey, didn't you bring anything with you? Where did this come from?" Qin Yubing looked at the drink and bread in his hand in confusion.

"Hey, magic, believe me if I tell you what I conjured up." Li Bai smiled, took out a bottle of drink and a piece of bread from his pocket again, and ate it himself.

Of course, when he put his hand into his pocket, he directly took it out from the space ring, and it became like a magic trick, his pocket could hold countless things.

"Little guy, are there a lot of hidden things?" Qin Yubing scolded, and didn't ask any more questions, as if she understood something.


After a group of people were full, they went on the road again to Tianyou Mountain.

Of course, Su Daji looked at the drinks in Li Bai and Qin Yubing's hands, and pestered Li Bai to ask for them, so Li Bai had to take out another bottle of drink from his pocket.

"Hey, Brother Li Bai, what's going on in your pocket? It's obviously empty, but you can actually take out a drink." Su Daji fumbled in Li Bai's pants, but found nothing, and almost touched something that shouldn't be. What he touched made Li Bai startled.

Carrying big bags and small bags, a group of people set off on the road again. It was only half an hour away from Tianyou Town, and they would arrive soon.

Li Bai, Su Daji and Qin Yubing were at the front, and Deng Xin and Wang Chu led the students from the pharmacy class not far behind. Then there was Song Gang and the students in clinical medicine at a distance.

Song Gang was very upset. He originally wanted to have a deeper contact with Qin Yubing, but unexpectedly, he was robbed of the limelight by an uninterested freshman. He was really angry.

Tianyou Town, an ordinary ancient town, has a population of about 10 people, but it is also different. The town is surrounded by mountains, and the mountains here are called Tianyou Mountains.

Due to the soil quality, there are many Chinese herbal medicines on Tianyou Mountain, and many businessmen come to Tianyou Town regularly to collect medicinal materials, which is one of the medicinal material supply points of Shengtian International Pharmaceutical Company.

It was after five o'clock in the afternoon when Qin Yubing brought a group of students to Tianyou Town. Because it was getting late, they had to go to Tianyou Village tomorrow, which was relatively safer.

Under the arrangement of Shengtian International Pharmaceutical Company, everyone lived in the hotel first, and then went to Tianyou Village tomorrow to carry out the task of finding Donggen.

Taking advantage of the night, Li Bai dragged the beautiful teacher Qin Yubing out. Things were a little strange. I went out to see if I could get some useful information, otherwise I would be too passive.

In a simple mala tang shop, Li Bai and Qin Yubing sat facing each other. This kind of town does not have the prosperity of the city, nor the bustling night market, but it is more peaceful, allowing people to see more things clearly.

"Boss, are there many herbs for sale in this town?" Li Bai asked the boss.

The boss is a short, fat man in his thirties, very simple and honest, and the proprietress is also very petite. The two of them manage such a small store, and the income should be pretty good.

"That's right, our Tianyou Mountain has been a well-known place for producing Chinese herbal medicines since ancient times, and it is still the same today. Many big companies come here to collect Chinese herbal medicines." Qin Yubing said: "You are from the city, we don't see such a juicy girl here, young man, you are so lucky."

Qin Yubing's pretty face was slightly red when he said a word, but Li Bai was fine, and said cheekily: "Then you should have heard of Shengtian International Pharmaceutical Company, do they regularly collect medicinal materials from you?"

The proprietress was a little puzzled, she shook her head and said: "We don't know about that, we can't find out about those big companies, and many companies don't necessarily say what company they are when they come to collect medicinal materials, but every once in a while someone will Those who come to collect herbs, you go to the village and ask those farmers who collect herbs, they know much better than us.”

"Oh, so there are many outsiders like us in your town?" Li Bai asked again. He thought he could find out something, but now he found that it seemed more complicated than he thought.

"Too many, there will be three people from outside coming in every day, basically collecting all kinds of herbs, but there are very few handsome and beautiful ones like the two, you have to take good care of your beautiful girlfriend, young man That's right, otherwise it would be a pity for someone to snatch away." The proprietress said jokingly.

"No, big sister, let me tell you, she is my wife, and no one can take it away. If I take my wife away, he can run back by himself, hehe." Li Bai laughed, making Qin Yubing really want to kill this one to take advantage of it. You bastard, is there such a student who takes advantage of the teacher?

"Oh, my daughter-in-law is angry, we are full, how much is it?" Li Bai felt Qin Yubing's murderous eyes, smiled mischievously, paid the money and dragged Qin Yubing away quickly.

"Sister, you don't even know how to act. I'm here to get news. Besides, the handsome guy matches the beautiful girl. The older sisters say that we are well matched." Li Bai looked at Qin Yubing innocently. Anyway, he was the one who took advantage, so he didn't care.

"Little villain, you want to die, don't blame me for not telling you, you will be in big trouble if you do this again after you return to school, naughty ruffian." Qin Yubing's face turned reddish, as if he was conflicted, and hoped that Li Bai would be bolder, as if again I want to stop Li Bai's rhetorical behavior.

"What's the trouble? I'm not afraid of it. I haven't found out any news. It seems that I'll go to the village tomorrow to talk about it." Li Bai said, although he likes to talk and take advantage of it, it doesn't mean he is a real pervert. It is a kind of emotional appeal, and it is also very fun to bicker with beautiful women.

The two of them returned to the hotel, and they would sleep in their own rooms, and they could only wait until tomorrow to talk about anything.

The next morning, Li Bai vaguely noticed that it was very noisy outside, so he turned over. It was only after five o'clock in the morning.

"Oh, no, I have to go back."

"Well, I ate something wrong yesterday."

Li Bai opened the door directly, and found that it was a bit lively, the outside was swaying, and everyone was holding their stomachs, their faces were pale, and they looked a little exhausted.

At the same time, Qin Yubing also came out of the room, both of them were slightly puzzled, how could they all have diarrhea when they woke up.

Li Bai rushed straight into Wang Chu's room and found that Wang Chu was also squatting in the toilet.

The same is true for Su Meng. Everyone in the pharmacy class has diarrhea. This can't be a coincidence, can it be that everyone is not acclimatized.

When Wang Chu came out, Li Bai pulled him and asked, "What did you eat yesterday?"

Wang Chu's face was a little pale, and his stomach turned upside down all night, and when he woke up in the morning, it was almost like a dike had burst, and he really felt weak all over after the refreshment.

"Boss, why don't you have diarrhea, we all have diarrhea?" Wang Chu stared at Li Bai and asked strangely.

Li Bai patted Wang Chu's shoulder with both hands, and sent a trace of silver star power into it. It should be almost ready.

"Hurry up and see other people. It seems that some people really don't want us to come." Li Bai wondered, first blowing up the road, and now making everyone diarrhea, it's really interesting.

Li Bai walked into Su Daji's room, saw Su Daji still squatting in the toilet, and kept telling Li Bai to get out.

"Oh, it's so disgusting, I'm almost disgusted by myself, Li Bai, you say you bastard, get out, it stinks, ah." Su Daji loathed herself like crazy, Li Bai couldn't figure it out, Isn't Laxi your own too? No one can avoid eating and drinking Lazard.

"Don't move, stop for a while, it's not like you haven't pulled Papa, it's like a white lotus, you are not suitable to play a white lotus." Li Bai stretched out his hand to pull up Su Daji's clothes, and then pressed his palm directly on her. On the belly, a beam of star power passed through.

The heat flowed into Su Daji's body along the palm of her hand, instantly reducing the overwhelming feeling in her body. At first, she wanted to scold this bastard for taking advantage of it, but now she looks at Li Bai gratefully. As long as she can solve the problem of diarrhea, touch it more Nothing.

"Okay, I'm going out." Li Bai took his hand off Su Daji's soft and white belly.

"Okay, why don't you touch it again, I won't say you took advantage of it." Su Daji smiled coquettishly, pulled Li Bai back and said.

Li Bai said speechlessly: "As far as your figure is concerned, I have to touch Deng Xin. Let's talk about it later."

"Damn Li Bai, what are you talking about? Is he not in good shape? Deng Xin's figure is not as good as mine. You are just jealous of me." Su Daji scolded from behind.

Li Bai walked into Deng Xin's room, and found that Deng Xin was also lying on the bed in a weak body. Seeing Li Bai coming in, a smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Are you okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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