The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2176 Kneeling to the Statue

Chapter 2176 Kneeling to the Statue
Sister Deng Xin is better, I am so weak and still worry about him, there are not many girls like this.

"It's okay, you all have food poisoning, I'll help you treat it." Li Bai walked to the bedside, looked at Deng Xin who was pale, and the bangs on his forehead were a little messy.

"Food poisoning? Are all of them poisoned? Who poisoned them?" Deng Xin asked weakly.

Li Bai stretched out his hand to pull up Deng Xin's clothes. Deng Xin blushed a little, and wanted to stop Li Bai, but Li Bai said first: "Don't move, I'll detoxify you, good boy."

A gentle star power passed by, and Deng Xin also found that the overwhelming feeling in his stomach disappeared, and he couldn't help but look at Li Bai gratefully, and Li Bai also took the opportunity to rub Deng Xin's smooth belly a few times, saying: "Yes , It's okay, drink some hot water."

Li Bai stared at Deng Xin's fat-free stomach, the vest line was obvious, and he was in good shape. As for why he pulled up his clothes, I can only say that Li Bai wanted to take advantage of it in order to speed up the treatment.

Of course, it is also possible to put it on the shoulder like Wang Chu, but the effect is not so fast, and Su Daji and Deng Xin are both beauties, there is such a good opportunity to touch it, why refuse it, and if it is cheap, it is not worth it. Is there an egg?

"Okay, my little sister has a good figure and feels good, ha ha." Li Bai laughed softly, making Deng Xin's pretty face blush, and she quickly pulled off her clothes.

As for the others, Li Bai didn't want to save them one by one, so he asked Wang Chu to buy a bunch of stomach medicine to relieve them a little, otherwise he would let him detoxify all the dozens of people, and the star power in his body was not enough, so he wouldn't let them go. When I have this kind of weakness.

The other people's health is also much better, but they must go to Tianyou Village today. As for the cause of food poisoning, they don't know.

When the others were eating yesterday, they were all together, and Song Gang and the students in the clinical medicine class also got food poisoning, and they were also very confused. It is not clear who poisoned them.

Li Bai and Qin Yubing could only give up, but they reconfirmed one thing, that is, some people really don't want them to go to Tianyou Village, or they don't want them to find enough Donggen.

After ten o'clock, Qin Yubing made everyone prepare and headed to Tianyou Village.

Tianyou Village is only a few kilometers away from Tianyou Town, and it won't take long, but you have to settle down and arrange your accommodation for the next few days, so that you can start the task of searching for Donggen in the afternoon.

"Mr. Song, let's act separately. In the end, the Donggen we found can be combined together." Qin Yubing looked at Song Gang, instinctively wanting to keep a distance from him.

"No, the school actually asked us to come to Tianyou Mountain together. It must be for us to cooperate with each other. I think this mountain is relatively dangerous. I think it will be easier to find Donggen if we cooperate with each other, and our clinical medicine The students also have some experience in dealing with some urgent wounds, in case of injury or some unexpected situation, they can take care of each other, right." Song Gang said, he just wanted to stick to Qin Yubing and found an opportunity to make this cute uniform Queen, let's see where you go from the deep mountains and wild forests, hehe.

"No need, our pharmacy class will take care of themselves, you clinical ones just take care of yourself." Li Bai walked to Qin Yubing and looked at Song Gang coldly. This kid has never met his eyes, so we can't let this kid There are opportunities to take advantage of.

"I'm talking with Teacher Qin. You are not qualified to speak as a single student. Teacher Qin, it's like this. I think it's better to act together. Besides, our clinical medicine students don't know enough about Donggen, so we still need your help. "Song Gang still didn't give up, and didn't take Li Bai seriously at all.

Before Qin Yubing could speak, Wang Chu was unhappy, and rushed directly in front of Songgang, grabbed his collar, and said angrily: "Song, who the hell are you saying is not qualified? My boss talks to you Because I think highly of you, Teacher Qin said to act separately, get out quickly, or you will be killed, you bastard."

"You, you have no respect for your elders, you don't respect your teacher, you are too bold, you act separately, and then you don't come to beg us when you are injured, hmph, barbarian." There was a trace of fear in Song Gang's eyes, and he retreated cursingly. He knows that Wang Chu is strong.

Both Li Bai and Qin Yubing laughed, sometimes they had to use violence to deal with thick-skinned people.

"Clean up, let's camp on the spot, don't disturb the villagers in the village." Qin Yubing greeted all the students and said to camp on the spot.

These simple tents are all provided by Shengtian International, and if so many people enter the farm, there will be too many and the farm will not be able to accommodate them.

And they don't want to interfere with the life of the farmers here. Finding a spacious place to camp is the best choice, and the people in the town will send the food.

This is a large empty meadow, and the farm is not far away. I have to say that the buildings of this farm are better than those of ordinary city dwellers, and the space is very wide, unlike the limited space of city dwellers.

Next to each farm is a small villa, and life is very relaxed. If you have never seen it, you will definitely not believe that farmers can live such a good life.

After everyone was stationed, Li Bai didn't move. He didn't worry about having a place to live. We'll talk about it at night, but he was very excited.

Because he saw a statue in all the farms, a sculpture with a height of three or four meters, he unconsciously walked towards the sculpture.

There is no other reason, because that sculpture is his father Li Xiaogang.

Although the sculpture has experienced wind and rain, it has been well maintained and shows no signs of damage.

Coming to the location of the sculpture, there is a guardrail outside, and there is a monument under the sculpture, which reads: "Li Xiaogang, the father of the new countryside."

There are also countless small characters below, recording Li Xiaogang's contribution to the countryside, including the contribution from the new countryside to the farm, including every event is clearly recorded, of course only in agriculture.

In fact, Li Xiaogang not only made contributions to agriculture, but also made incomparable contributions to the whole of China and the entire earth, but now only farmers remember these things, and the so-called city people have long forgotten everything Li Xiaogang has done.

Farmers are the most simple and sincere people, and Li Bai couldn’t help sighing that farmers are the people who know how to be grateful and remember kindness the most in the whole world. Now that their father has passed away for hundreds of years, farmers still haven’t forgotten Li Xiaogang’s contribution. This is the cutest part of farmers. place.

"Young man, I've been standing here for a long time. Do you know him?" A middle-aged man dressed in plain clothes appeared behind Li Bai and looked at him suspiciously.

Li Bai nodded: "I know."

"Li Xiaogang, that is the pride of our peasants, but few people in the city know about him now, but in the hearts of us peasants, he will always be our pride. If there is no him, our peasant life may still be the same as before. Be a man. , don’t forget your roots.” The middle-aged uncle smiled, admiring Li Xiaogang’s sculpture very much.

"I'm also the son of a farmer. I didn't expect to see his statue here. He looks tall like this." Li Bai smiled. He was also very proud to see his father being worshiped by countless farmers. There is still a long way to go to reach or even exceed the level of father.

"Farmer's son, well, so many of you came to our Tianyou Mountain to find Donggen, I thought they were all from the city, I didn't expect you, you little guy, to be attracted by the statue of Li Xiaogang, not bad Not bad." The middle-aged uncle looked at Li Bai appreciatively and smiled.

"We are all students. Someone in the city has been poisoned. Let's look for some Donggen. Uncle, you live here. You are familiar with Donggen. Can you tell me the biggest difference between Donggen and weeds so that we can find it?" It's also easier." Li Bai asked, people in the village should have a special way to distinguish.

"They are all students. Since this little guy asked, I will tell you a simple method. To distinguish eastern roots from ordinary weeds, you can first find something called pine cone pulp. As long as the pine cones The weeds will wither instantly when the pulp is dripped on it, but it will turn into water droplets when dripped on Donggen.” The middle-aged uncle said with a smile, this is indeed a way to distinguish Donggen, but most people don’t know it, and the villagers in the village also don’t know it. Will not tell others, especially city people.

But the middle-aged uncle obviously told Li Bai because he saw Li Bai's admiration for Li Xiaogang so much, and he also found Li Bai very pleasing to the eye.

"Pine cone pulp, what is that, is it easy to find?" Li Bai asked, of course he didn't know what it was, but wouldn't it be an extra process to find pine cone pulp first.

"It's not hard to find. The mountain forest over there is full of pine trees, and there are pine cones on them. You just need to squeeze out the white pulp inside the pine cones, but it's not easy to collect. It will definitely be much faster, hehe." The uncle laughed, indeed this is also a way to distinguish Donggen, but collecting pine cone pulp also takes a certain amount of time.

At this moment, Su Daji and Qin Yubing also came behind Li Bai. They didn't know what Li Bai was doing here, and they chatted with the farmer uncle.

However, the two still greeted the uncle very politely.

"Hello, uncle."

The middle-aged uncle was obviously a little surprised by the beauty of Su Daji and Qin Yubing, and said directly: "Okay, hehe, let's talk, I will go back to the farm, the young man has time to come in and do it, let's have a good chat."

Seeing that the middle-aged uncle had entered the farm, Li Bai looked at his father's statue again, then knelt down and said in his heart: "Dad, although I sneaked to the earth behind your back, I will not embarrass you. Just watch, my name will also shine on the entire earth."

"Hey, who is this person? Why are you kneeling before him?" Su Daji wondered, why is this guy so crazy that he actually kneeled before a statue.

"You will get to know each other later, but if you want, you can kneel down too. I'll be very happy." Li Bai couldn't help but pull Su Daji and Qin Yubing down to kneel down. There is something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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