The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2177 Can also do magic

Chapter 2177 Can also do magic

Although Qin Yubing was very puzzled, she followed Li Bai's wishes and knelt down in front of the statue, but she had a very strange feeling, like praying to heaven and earth when she got married.

"Now you are kneeling and kneeling, you should tell me who this person is?" Su Daji asked with her red lips pouted. She also felt that the feeling just now was a bit strange, but she didn't feel disgusted. She was just curious about who this person was. , To actually make Li Bai, an arrogant guy, kneel down directly.

Li Bai smiled and said: "He is my father, you should kneel down as father-in-law in advance, hehe."

"What? You're a pervert talking nonsense again. Why is your father's statue here? You can be so shameless just to take advantage of me?" Su Daji said with a blushing face. Even though she said this, she was still flattered in her heart. But this guy is too good at talking. Although she doesn't know who this statue is, she definitely won't believe it is Li Bai's father.

Qin Yubing on the side was also puzzled. As a teacher, of course he knew about Li Xiaogang. That was the pride of farmers. Li Xiaogang was the one with the highest status in the countryside. The monument under the sculpture clearly stated Li Xiaogang's name and achievements. .

Li Bai actually said that this was his father, how could it be possible, but seeing Li Bai's adoring eyes didn't seem to be fake, which confused her.

Although Li Bai's words are often unreliable, but this kind of words can't be said casually, and he always feels that Li Bai seems to be somewhat similar to this statue in some aspects, but he can't tell where the similarity is.

Although there were a lot of doubts, Qin Yubing still didn't ask, but just looked at Li Bai and asked, "Did you hear anything?"

Li Bai smiled slightly, and said: "Uncle told me a good way to distinguish between eastern roots and weeds, let's go back and talk about it first."

"Wang Chu, come here." Li Bai called out loudly.

After Wang Chu heard that it was Li Bai, he ran over in a hurry, but he didn't expect Deng Xin to follow behind.

Li Bai rubbed his nose, kicked Wang Chu's ass, pouted angrily at Li Xiaogang's statue, and said, "Kneel down and kowtow."

Wang Chu was slightly puzzled, but seeing Li Bai's seriousness, he had no problem, knelt down in front of the statue and kowtowed three times.

"Boss, isn't this the statue of Li Xiaogang? Why do you kowtow?" After finishing, Wang Chu asked slightly puzzled.

"There is no reason, I said it." Li Bai said.

Deng Xin looked at Li Xiaogang's statue, then tilted his head and said, "Do I want to kneel too?"

This Li Bai was in a dilemma, but he smiled and said, "Of course, I'm happier kneeling, and he should be happier too."

Deng Xin bulged his cheeks, knelt down and kowtowed, of course he knew who made the statue, and he had heard about Li Xiaogang's deeds, but he didn't know why Li Bai kowtowed.

In the distance before, she saw Li Bai and the others kneeling towards the statue, and she was a little puzzled. He always felt that it was not easy, and if he knelt by himself, he seemed to be closer to Li Bai.

Li Bai didn't say anything, and took a few people back to the camping place over there. Song Gang looked at Li Bai and the others impatiently. Now he understands that although Qin Yubing is a teacher, he can listen to everything. Li Bai's guy.

"Mr. Qin, shouldn't we discuss the specific matters, and how to distinguish between Donggen and weeds? Who can afford to delay and miss things?" Song Gang still ignored Li Bai. He is a teacher, of course he wouldn't Talk to a student in a low voice, even if you dare not provoke him, he will not bow his head.

"This is the information given by the health center to distinguish between eastern roots and weeds. You can study it, and we need to study it too." Qin Yubing threw the information in his hand to Song Gang.

"Sister, you can study it with them. I will ask Wang Chu to take a few people to the mountain over there." Li Bai whispered to Qin Yubing.

"You, then be careful, I won't go." Qin Yubing looked at Li Bai, she knew that Li Bai had just asked for news, and she also believed in Li Bai, at least she didn't say that he was an ordinary student.

"Well, call me if you have something to do, and I'll be right back." Li Bai said, then turned to Wang Chu and said, "Bring a few people with me, and leave a few people behind to protect Teacher Qin."

"Okay, boss." Wang Chu walked into the crowd, brought three people out, and came to Li Bai's side.

Li Bai took a look, and took the people away directly, even if Song Gang played some tricks, it wouldn't hurt.

Li Bai, Wang Chu and the other three are considered to be his own people. Now Wang Chu has dragged many people into the Xiannong Society from the third class of pharmacy. These three are also members of the Xiannong Society.

I have known for a long time that Li Bai is very powerful, and now they are handpicked to be with the boss, and the three of them are also very excited. After all, their deeds in school are already amazing, and they have relationships with various beauties. Is Li Bai so ambiguous?

"Okay, this is here." Li Bai stopped, and this is the pine forest that the uncle mentioned just now.

"Now, knock down all these pine cones." Li Bai looked at Wang Chu and said.

"Boss, why are you hitting these pine cones?" A young man with hair like a cockscomb among the three asked suspiciously.

Wang Chu kicked him on the cloak and said angrily: "Just do what the boss says, why are there so many, hurry up and work."

Ji Guantou smiled awkwardly, and hurriedly found sticks with the other two to hit the pine cones. Li Bai also smiled. This kid Wang Chu really got his true biography.

"Boss, see if I've taught you well, hehe." Wang Chu looked at Li Bai as if offering a treasure, and Li Bai kicked directly, saying, "Your sister, hurry up and do it."

Wang Chu clutched his buttocks and went too, but the method was much more handsome. He kicked a few kicks on the pine tree, and the pine cones began to fall on the ground like rain. The three people who watched were envious. place.

They all knew that Wang Chu became so powerful after following Li Bai, and they were very envious. They wondered if they would have the opportunity to teach ancient martial arts.

Li Bai had seen so many pine trees, and it was estimated that he would not be able to get it done just by relying on them alone. In order to speed up, he also joined the battlefield of kicking pine trees.

"Wow, it's still the boss." Wang Chu and the other three looked at the flickering figure, which was many times faster than hitting them with tree trunks.

"Hurry up and work. Although the boss is powerful, we have to behave better, otherwise we won't even be qualified to be the boss and younger brother. Hurry up." Wang Chu urged, of course he knows how powerful Li Bai is, don't say anything about the top ten of the academy. General, even if he goes together, he still believes that Li Bai can easily overthrow him.

And before Li Bai asked him to kneel on the statue of Li Xiaogang, he always felt a little strange. Li Xiaogang was born more than 100 years ago. Why did Li Bai seem to admire or respect him so much, and he also felt that Li Bai and that statue seemed somewhat similar.

It took about an hour for a few people to knock down all the pine cones from all the pine trees in this area. Of course, most of them were beaten by Li Bai and Wang Chu.

Li Bai looked at the scattered pine cones on the ground, now the problem is how to collect the pine cone pulp, which is a bit troublesome, the key is how to pack it, and squeezing the pine cone pulp out is also a problem.

Li Bai thought for a while, and said to the cockscomb: "You three go back and collect all the empty bottles in the hands of the students. At least one person should ask for one. If you haven't finished drinking, drink up quickly. Don't ask why, go back quickly. .”

"Okay, Brother Bai." Ji Guantou led the other two away directly, so he behaved himself and didn't ask any more questions.

After the three of them left, Li Bai glanced at Wang Chu and said, "Did you see the stone over there? Go and move it."

"Okay." Wang Chu agreed, and directly hugged the boulder.

Looking at the three round boulders in front of him, Li Bai's eyes were calm, and his hands were directly covered by silver starlight.

The silver star power formed a silver vortex, which directly hit the boulder like a blade. From top to bottom, stone chips flew, and after a while, the middle was hollowed out, forming a stone jar.

Taking a deep breath, he also hollowed out the remaining two boulders and made them into stone jars. After only a few minutes, Wang Chu, who was standing next to him, turned pale with shock. This is a terrifying skill.

"Boss, are you... are you still human?" Wang Chu looked at Li Bai like a monster. It was the first time he had seen this terrifying silver light. He could feel that star power might be disturbed if he came across it. Turn it into scum, he is definitely not as hard as this rock.

Li Bai ignored him, and with a big wave of his hand, countless pine cones on the ground flew directly to the three stone jars as if they had found tissue, and floated up.

Wang Chu was thrilled to watch again. Is this playing magic? It's even more powerful than what was shown on TV.

Li Bai took a deep breath, and then the silver star force rushed into the scattered pine cones again, squeezing hard to squeeze out the pulp inside the pine cones. This was the fastest method he could think of.

Seeing the pulp in the pine cones continuously flow into the stone jar, I was relieved.

It lasted for more than ten minutes, and the pine cones on the ground disappeared, and the three stone jars were full of blue-white pine cone pulp, and he became tired like a dog.

"Look at your uncle, I'm exhausted. Let them pack it themselves when the bottle is brought. I'll sleep first." Li Bai went straight into the nearby jungle, pulled out the bed from the interspatial ring, and fell over. just sleep.

Wang Chu originally wanted to come over to take a look, but he already found that Li Bai was already sleeping on the bed. He was almost scared to death. Boss, you are going to fly. When did this bed appear? This magic has become too terrifying.

"Go away, don't let anyone come over, or your butt will bloom." Li Bai scolded.

Wang Chu was so surprised that he didn't know what to say, so he quickly backed out and shouted in his heart: "The boss is the boss, and he can do magic tricks. It will be fun when I have this magic trick."

Not long after, Su Daji and Deng Xin brought all the students in the pharmacy class with bottles.

"Wang Chu, there's that bastard Li Bai, why is there only one person?" Su Daji asked.

(End of this chapter)

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