Chapter 2184
Li Bai smiled, looked at Song Gang and said, "Try it, I'll see who you can kill, come and kill one for me to see?"

Song Gang swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked at the stone in Li Bai's hand. The stone was too fast. Even though the assassins of Korea were very strong, they couldn't avoid the stone in Li Bai's hand.

"Don't force me, otherwise it will be hard for everyone." Song Gang was full of fear. He only now knew how terrifying Li Bai was. He thought it was safe, but who knew there would be such a strong ancient martial arts master.

"Try to move?" Li Bai sneered, this Song Gang is actually from Korea, I'm afraid he has done many things before, but this time it happened to fall into his hands.

Moreover, this poisoning incident must have been planned for a long time. Of course, what is the ultimate goal, of course, you have to ask clearly. If Song Gang is not completely afraid, I am afraid he will not say it.

Although a group of Goryeo killers guarding Song Gang were afraid of Li Bai, they were too foolish to wait to die like this. Three of them nodded slightly and rushed out in three directions.

Three directions, they don't believe that Li Bai can stop the three of them at the same time. Once the situation is chaotic, they can easily catch students as hostages, and then they will have the capital to negotiate.

It's a pity that there is no such thing as a hostage in Li Bai's case, and three stones in three directions, as if they had eyes, all fell on the mouth of the three Korean killers who rushed out.

The three of them screamed and fell to the ground, and a blood hole appeared in Yuexiong's mouth. Although they may not die, they are definitely injured.

"Whoever moves again, this will be the end. Be obedient and stay still, maybe the end will be better." Li Bai withdrew his palm and looked at Song Gang or the only five remaining killers with cold eyes.

Song Gang or the killers were all pale, it was because they were careless. If they had known that Li Bai was so powerful, they would not have been caught without a fight like they are now.

Their skills are indeed very strong, but they are like children in front of Li Bai, and they have no room for display. If they have guns in their hands, at least Li Bai will have some scruples.

"Yes, that's right." Li Bai kept all the students away. Although it seemed that these guys didn't dare to move, they were still killers, so they couldn't be careless.

Li Bai walked forward alone, and said with a smile: "Why don't I give you a chance to come together, lest you say that I am invincible, let me see how strong your Koryo stick is, you are so brave, and dare to come to China to make trouble. "

There are still five killers left, and they are still confident that Li Bai will not attack them with stones from a distance. In their view, the most terrifying thing is the stones in Li Bai's hands. Now this idiot will not use stones, which will make them feel lucky psychology.

"Let's go together, he is strong from a distance, not necessarily so powerful in close combat, if you find a chance, you will kill him with one blow, as long as you kill him, we still have a chance." Song Gang whispered to the five people in Korean.

Li Bai also looked at the group of Koreans in his spare time. They still had a last ray of hope, as long as they smashed this ray of hope they thought.

"Are you ready? Then I'm going to do it." Li Bai's figure moved, his feet swayed instantly, and he rushed towards Song Gang.

Song Gang's complexion changed drastically. At the same time, all the Goryeo killers wanted to resist, but they all failed. It seemed that countless Li Bai were born at this moment.

But none of them was the real Li Bai. After a while, a series of voices appeared.

bang bang bang...

The five Goryeo killers flew out almost at the same time, and the remaining one, Song Gang, was dancing on the spot, trying to block Li Bai.

But Li Bai didn't do anything at all, instead he looked at Song Gang with a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Well, I said I would give you a chance, it seems that you are not qualified to have this chance, so you can't blame me."

"Chen Qu, tie them up for me, it's time to torture them to extract a confession." Li Bai looked at Chen Qu, the psychological and physical defenses were completely defeated, and it was time for the real interrogation.

"Okay." Chen Qu led a few people to tie up the remaining Goryeo killers who were still alive.

Qin Yubing and Deng Xin comforted all the students together, while Li Bai pulled Song Gang to the other side and said, "Tell me, why did you come to China to release the virus."

Song Gang's face was ashen, he knew now, this guy is a monster, an absolute monster, more than a dozen Korean killers, these are not simple killers, to be precise, they should be the agents of the Korean country, every one of them in Korea Guodu can be called an absolute master.

But in front of this monster, he was as helpless as a child, not only terrified, but also distressed. He knew that even if he went back, he might have to die for the country, and the high-level officials of Korea would not tolerate him.

"You kill me, I won't say anything, and I won't betray my motherland." Song Gang said solemnly, he chose to be a martyr, anyway, death is worse than death.

Li Bai was puzzled, what should we do? He really had no experience in interrogating prisoners, so he was a little embarrassed.

"If you say so, I might let you go." Li Bai said with a smile, he must give people some hope, otherwise it seems that there is no reason to say that they will all die.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? This is a plan related to the rise and fall of your nation. I never thought I'd be able to live, and I've made up my mind to die." The appearance of the method really disturbed Li Bai. He really didn't have much experience in this area, so he didn't know what to do.

"Then you go to die, die yourself, you are going to die anyway, die quickly, I am upset to see your dead face." Li Bai said speechlessly, he really had no choice.

Song Gang couldn't help laughing, and said: "You do it, give me a good time."

"You do it." Li Bai retorted.

"If you do it, you won't dare to kill me, will you?" Song Gang sneered.

"Your uncle, I remember some killers, ninjas, etc. from the island country were caught, and they all committed suicide as soon as they gritted their teeth. Why is it so troublesome in your Koryo country? You don't even dare to commit suicide, and you still act like a fool." My spy." Li Bai got angry and kicked Song Gang upside down.

"Is the Korean nation comparable to that low-level Japanese country? If you want to kill it, kill it, hmph." Song Gang looked disdainful, as if comparing him with the island country was an insult to him, but Li Bai didn't bother to care about it. Danwan Xiaoguo, who has a bigger butt, looks down on each other all day long.

"I'll ask you again, what exactly is your Goryeo country doing to release the virus in China, and what's your purpose after that, tell me quickly?" Li Bai slapped Song Gang on the face, regardless of how many teeth he lost.

Song Gang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and spat out a few teeth from his mouth, and said with a crooked mouth: "You kill me, I won't say it."

Li Bai didn't dare to hit him anymore, what would he do if he was killed by this thing, he really had no choice but to lift Song Gang up, and handed it directly to Chen Qu and tied him up with the other Korean killers.

"Sister, I can't help it. I didn't smell anything. Let's see what to do." Li Bai walked to Qin Yubing's side. The teacher's sister was still greeting the students, including students from the pharmacy class and students from the clinical medicine class.

Now that Song Gang has been pulled out, it can be considered that no one has stopped them from looking for Donggen, but the pine nut pulp has been destroyed again, and they have to start again.

It is definitely not possible to continue today. Everyone is terrified, and they all have thoughts of going back. They don't know if they can continue.

Qin Yubing looked at Li Bai, if it wasn't for this guy, these students would still be herself, she wouldn't dare to think about the consequences, but luckily everything is fine.

"Well, when the delivery man comes, I'll ask people from Shengtian International to pick us up. By the way, let Song Gang and these Korean killers be handed over to the police. Let them deal with it. We just keep looking for Donggen. "Qin Yubing looked at these students, and she understood why they wanted to go back. Even she wanted to leave this place quickly. Who would have thought that finding medicine this time would be so dangerous.

"What about Donggen, don't you want to look for it?" Li Bai knew that Qin Yubing was very responsible, even if she let all the students go back, she might have to find a way to find enough Donggen here.

"Look, leave a few people in our class and let's look together. Although it may take longer, there is no way. I hope the virus has not spread." Qin Yubing looked at Li Bai with some shame. She knew that as long as she stayed Li Bai will definitely stay, and if Li Bai stays, some people who follow Li Bai will also stay. This is regarded as taking advantage of this student.

"Well, let's stay and look for it together, but you don't have to worry, sister. Although I went to the poisonous insect mountain today and just took a look and came back, there are a lot of weeds over there, that is, there are a lot of east roots. I'll find enough Donggen soon." Li Bai laughed, the reason why he disappeared by himself today was to attract those troublemakers.

He had only suspected Song Gang before, but he was not sure, but as long as he left, those people would definitely do it again.

And he has already recovered from Wang Chu's injury, and let him act together. With Wang Chu's strength, it is certain to delay his return.

And he just came out the moment he entered Poisonous Insect Mountain with Chen Qu and the other three. After explaining the plan to Chen Qu and the other two, he and the other two went directly into the ring space and asked Chen Qu to come back with the ring. , also said that they were poisoned.

At this time, those people will definitely do something. If they don't do it, then Li Bai will never come out, so sooner or later they will do it. Once they do, they can come out to save the situation.

The facts are similar to what Li Bai thought, but he didn’t expect that he was from Korea. Of course, he knew the ancient history and modern history of China. Logically speaking, the hatred of Japan should be higher than that of Korea. Understand how it is the killer of Korea.

The next morning, people came from Kyoto, including Shengtian International and the police, and there were also many ordinary policemen.

When the three policemen saw Song Gang and these courteous killers, they were also shocked, and four of them died with one blow. After learning that it was Li Bai who did it, they were also slightly surprised. A powerful ancient martial arts master.

(End of this chapter)

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