The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2185 The Green Hat

Chapter 2185 The Green Hat
"My name is Tan Zhaoyu. I want to know more about the situation. Is it convenient?" A policeman with a square face looked at Li Bai and asked politely.

"No problem, but I didn't ask anything. I have to leave this to you. What is the reason why these Koreans came to China to release the virus? You have to ask that guy." Li Bai laughed.

I told Tan Zhaoyu what happened, almost nothing was missed, just keep my own strength, and I said everything else that needs to be said.

"Brother Li, thank you this time. We were negligent for saving the lives of these children. We didn't expect them to do anything to you. In fact, we also learned that agents from other countries came to China to release the virus, but we didn't know them. What are we going to do? With these few Koreans, we should be able to ask a lot of questions, thank you." Tan Zhaoyu was very polite, in his opinion, Li Bai is definitely a disciple of the ancient martial arts family, otherwise how could he be so young at such a young age? Strong ancient martial arts.

Li Bai smiled and was about to be polite when he heard Qin Yubing's angry voice and quickly raised his eyes.

I saw a handsome man chatting with Qin Yubing, and his manner was a little intimate, but Qin Yubing was a little bit resistant, which made Li Bai puzzled.

"I said, I won't go back, you don't need to say anymore?" Qin Yubing's angry voice came out, which made Li Bai feel a little uncomfortable, so he stood up and walked over.

"Yubing, don't lose your temper. It's dangerous here. You have to go back with me right away. You're worried about what tasks you're doing. That's not what you should worry about." The man wanted to reach out to touch Qin Yubing's shoulder, but Qin Yubing avoided it. up.

"Zhao Fengjiang, you and I are just engaged, don't touch anything." Qin Yubing's face was slightly cold, and when she turned around, she saw Li Bai approaching. For some reason, she suddenly felt a little scared, afraid that Li Bai would know that she was engaged.

Li Bai also heard it, and paused slightly. It turned out that the teacher's sister was already engaged to someone else. No wonder he said many times to keep himself away from her, otherwise there would be trouble. No wonder Su Daji also told him not to hit Qin Yubing. idea.

Qin Yubing glanced at Li Bai, but didn't know what to say, unexpectedly, Li Bai would know so soon, this little guy should keep a distance from him.

But she was wrong, Li Bai stopped slightly, then opened his mouth and laughed, walked up to the teacher and sister, and said: "Mr. Qin, is someone making you angry?"

Qin Yubing was taken aback for a moment, the little guy didn't seem to have any obvious reaction, he still had the same smiling face as a ruffian, and he still looked very concerned about her. Could it be that he didn't hear what she said just now?

Before Qin Yubing could speak, Zhao Fengjiang spoke, staring at Li Bai angrily, "Who are you?"

"Who are you?" Li Bai walked behind Qin Yubing, almost blocking Qin Yubing behind him, making Qin Yubing instantly feel that this is still the unreasonable ruffian pervert from before.

But in this way, Zhao Fengjiang was not happy. Although Li Bai looked young, he was very imposing, and his tone was not small. This feeling of blocking Qin Yubing behind made him feel that the top of his head was green. The anger is full in an instant.

"I ask who you are, are you courting death? You dare to rob a woman from labor and management, and you are still the fiancée that labor and management have booked." Zhao Fengjiang glared at Li Bai. When he grew up and was the only woman who raped others, he had never seen anyone. The woman who dared to snatch him, and it was also the fiancée he didn't have.

Although this fiancée is just a formality, but regardless of her figure and appearance, she can definitely rank first among the countless women he has played with. Although he also disdains this kind of marriage, after seeing Qin Yubing's person, He has no objection, this kind of woman is worthy of his status, even if she is kept at home, it is enough for him to look good.

"Oh, so what, I'm Teacher Qin's student, I really don't like your attitude towards Teacher Qin, please speak softly, I'm scaring Teacher Qin." The corners of Li Bai's mouth slightly raised, staring at Zhao Fengjiang indifferently, This guy seems to be a bit capable, but what does that have to do with him.

"Student, student, just leave me alone. I have nothing to do with her attitude. If you don't want to die, go away. A useless student dares to talk to me in such a tone. Who gave you that?" Courage." Zhao Fengjiang was very angry, he had never seen such an arrogant student when he was so old, what kind of shit student is so arrogant, and this shit student doesn't know who he is, and he is not looking for death.

Li Bai laughed, he had to have such a temper to act like the boss and his second child. He seemed to be an extraordinary person, but what did it have to do with him.

"Let me say it again, I don't like your attitude towards Teacher Qin very much, and I will remember what you scolded me. Whenever I get upset, I may have to return everything to you." Li Bai still looked nonchalant. , stared at Zhao Fengjiang and smiled.

"Don't you look like a mother, and show off to me, don't you know who I am, idiot." Zhao Fengjiang slapped Li Bai with a slap. Speaking, he doesn't know, Li Bai has always been like this, he is just one of them.

Li Bai chuckled, grabbed Zhao Fengjiang's hand that was slapped towards him, and then flicked the guy casually, and said with a smile: "At this level, I just want to be rough."

"" Zhao Fengjiang ate his mouth full of mud, and stared at Li Bai even more angrily. This bastard student actually dared to beat him, making him ashamed in front of so many people.

"Tan Zhaoyu, come here." Zhao Fengjiang glanced at Tan Zhaoyu in the distance and roared angrily.

Tan Zhaoyu looked at it for a long time, and felt that he was about to suffer. How could this situation happen? This ancient martial arts master actually got involved with Zhao Fengjiang. He really didn't know who to help. A master of ancient martial arts, he can't help anyone.

A group of students also stared at this scene in surprise. Some people who knew Zhao Fengjiang were also surprised when they saw Zhao Fengjiang being directly thrown to the ground by Li Bai. Li Bai is a master of ancient martial arts, but the Zhao family is one of the four major families in the capital. In terms of power and strength, Li Bai couldn't even catch up with a horse.

Although Tan Zhaoyu didn't want to get involved, he still had no choice but to walk up to Zhao Fengjiang and whisper, "Young Master Feng."

"Give him to me, Xiaobizi." Zhao Fengjiang stared at Li Bai and said angrily, if he dared to fight him, he wanted to die.

"Feng Shao, I'm afraid it's not right. I think it's better to forget it and talk about it when we go back." Tan Zhaoyu was in a dilemma. Both sides were people he couldn't afford. It is obvious, and the energy is astonishingly huge, he doesn't want to offend the Zhao family, and he doesn't want to offend Li Bai even more.

"Forget it? What the hell are you talking about? Do you, the captain, still want to do it? You can't understand what the labor and management are saying? Copy it to me. I'll take care of it if something happens. A shitty student dares to fight labor and management. He will be a dog in his next life, idiot." Zhao Fengjiang said angrily.

His name is Zhao Fengjiang, known as Feng Shao, and also called a lunatic. Relying on the strength of his family, he has always been the only one who bullies others. When was he bullied by others? If the next life is ruined, he will not be Zhao Fengjiang.

"Feng Shao, calm down, let's go back first?" Tan Zhaoyu pulled Zhao Fengjiang, this guy is really crazy, he never cared who you were, it was fine before, but today Li Bai is very likely to belong to the ancient martial arts family Man, at least restrain yourself.

Zhao Fengjiang was furious, and even a little policeman dared to come and teach him. He slapped Tan Zhaoyu on the face, grabbed the pistol from Tan Zhaoyu's waist, pointed at Li Bai and said madly: "Boy, let me have a look again. Let me see how awesome you are, and see if your kung fu is better or my bullet is faster, come on."

Li Bai shook his head. This kind of idiot really doesn't even have the slightest desire to do anything. This is some kind of young master spoiled by the family, but it is indeed crazy enough, but for him, it is still the same sentence, pistol What does it have to do with him.

With his speed, the pistol is not a threat at all. He tried it when he met the Black Wolf Killer Group before. He can dodge and withstand the energy-carrying gun. This ordinary pistol, with his speed, It can be avoided completely.

"You'd better be shot, or you will really regret it." Li Bai still had a casual look, which made Zhao Fengjiang furious: "I regret Nimabi, I really thought you were invulnerable, didn't you, evil pen, next life Remember how long you have a long memory, and don't mess with people you can't afford."

Three meters away, Zhao Fengjiang shot directly. His nickname of lunatic is not for nothing. He has always been like this since he was a child, and he never cares about the consequences. There are no consequences at all.

Qin Yubing didn't even think about it for a moment, and rushed directly in front of Li Bai.

No one expected this scene. Su Daji not far away let out a coquettish cry. She didn't recover just now. She knew that Li Bai would definitely hit Zhao Fengjiang. No matter how crazy he is, he will be beaten up by Li Bai, because Li Bai is more crazy than him.

However, Zhao Fengjiang's direct shooting still surprised everyone, and they had no time to react when Qin Yubing blocked the bullet.

But even if everyone didn't have time to react, there was one person who was able to react in time, and it was Li Bai. As a cultivator at the Golden Core stage, Li Bai himself could avoid it, but he didn't expect that the teacher's sister would rush directly in front of him and wanted to give him a hand. He blocks the bullet, which scares him.

Zadan came through the air, only a few tenths of a second later, but Li Bai had already brought Qin Yubing to the ground, and the two of them were rolling on the ground.

Li Bai can feel the amazing elasticity and softness of the teacher's sister's body. This is the second time I have felt it, and I still have so much to say.

But it didn't end there. Crazy Zhao Fengjiang saw that he missed the shot, and his fiancée was rolling all over the floor with others. Isn't this a complete game of green hats?

(End of this chapter)

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