The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2190 tear down here

Chapter 2190 tear down here
In fact, this is also normal, who made Li Bai so rampant, Wang Chu and others even got the title of Nong Huang, and others are generals, so you get the title of Huang, which really doesn't take others seriously.

"Originally, Sun Miao sent people to come to our place to make trouble, but there was a beautiful woman who beat all Sun Miao's people away." Fang Cheng was puzzled. Before that, Sun Miao also sent people to directly destroy Xiannongshe. The newly established base was beaten away by a mysterious woman.

Li Bai smiled, of course he knew who it was, he had expected it before he left, he had offended so many people, and of course the new power he had just sprouted would be attacked, but he had already prepared, the beauty was naturally his Stay here for the icicles.

The ice thorns are the killer of the black wolf, and the energy of the ice edges is enough to deal with these students.

"Well, take me to have a look." Li Bai said.

Hong Yu and Fang Cheng took Li Bai and others directly to their temporary club address. Although this is a college club, similar to a basketball club, a martial arts club, etc., the formalities have not yet been completed, and it seems that we should meet again for a while That's Sun Miao.

The temporary address is nothing, unlike the basketball club and martial arts club that have special training places, his Xiannong Club has not yet started, and they are afraid that they will snatch this place.

"This is the place of the Agricultural Cooperative, but they said that there is a problem with the soil quality, so we can't grow any vegetables. We negotiated and took it down after giving some money. The place is relatively large, but the problem of soil quality is probably a big problem." Fang Cheng introduced that if you want to grow land in the city, the soil quality itself is the biggest problem. The first thing in the city is the lack of rainwater, and the soil quality also lacks many important things. It is really not easy to grow vegetables.

Li Bai looked at the three plots of land in front of him, which were about a few hundred square meters. The land was large enough, but the procedures had not yet been approved, so nothing could be done.

At least a place for meetings and discussions must be established, at least there must be a stronghold, otherwise it is not a community.

"Well, I'll look for someone first. You haven't run out of money over there, so fix the house for me first. Build a small building in this place, two floors. The bigger the place, the better it will be." Li Bai said, Nothing is impossible, and he still doesn't believe that anyone can stop him.

"Building building?" Fang Cheng was a little surprised. It is not a simple matter to build a building in the school. Maybe the school will intervene and expel them directly.

"Yes, I'll do other things. Isn't it just a formality? Should I go to the student union first?" Li Bai asked. Don't blame him.

"Yes, it's almost done after the student union is approved. It's just a matter of procedures. The school just asks. As long as they don't let them spend money, it's fine. Besides, not all of our investment will end up in the school, which is a good thing for the school. Generally, as long as it is not a weird society, it will pass." Zhang Yuhan said.

"Oh, let me go to the student union. You guys are starting to repair the building. If you don't have enough money, tell me. I still have more." Li Bai said, and then he turned and went directly to the student union.

Wang Chu and Hong Yu were left behind and led a group of the first members of Xiannong Society to start digging the land. Although Li Bai didn't give orders, Li Bai was already arranging for building repairs, and it was inevitable that the three lands would be turned over.

Li Bai went to the student union, while Deng Xin and Su Daji went to hand over the Donggen found in Tianyou Mountain to the school. Deng Xin was the class monitor, and now that Qin Yubing was gone, he would also take care of these things.

Li Bai inquired about the location of the student union, and went directly to find someone. Isn't it just a formality, and it would be strange if it couldn't be done.

Xiangshan villa area, Qin family.

A group of elders are criticizing Qin Yubin, and the first one to bear the brunt is naturally his second uncle Qin Hui'an. Qin Hui'an is responsible for the business of the Qin family company, so he has the most say. It is also his responsibility to make Qin Yubing and the Zhao family get engaged. It means that being able to climb the big tree of the Zhao family is definitely a dream for the Qin family.

Although Qin Yubing's father, Qin Huifeng, disagreed, it was useless. Today's Qin family is in charge of Qin Hui'an, and the old man Qin Xiong also recognized Qin Hui'an's management skills, and now he doesn't care about things.

And the old man also believes that if you are born in a big family, you must have the consciousness to contribute to the interests of the family. Otherwise, what is the life that the family gives you without worrying about food and clothing? Isn't it because you can bring benefits to the family at critical times? .

In one, Qin Hui'an's ability is indeed much stronger than Qin Huifeng's, which is why he handed over the family business to Qin Hui'an. Qin Huifeng's work is too aloof and upright, and such a person is not suitable for the intriguing business. .

"Brother, please tell your daughter to be obedient. If the matter with the Zhao family is not handled well this time, the entire Qin family will be ruined. Can you take care of your own daughter?" Qin Huian stared at Qin Yubing's face Father, his words were sharp, and he was very angry. It took him a lot of effort to win the marriage, and they were already engaged. How could such a thing happen?

Qin Huifeng is a middle-aged man who looks relatively elegant. He is in his forties, but he has a little white hair. Maybe something happened. There is a lingering haze between his brows. here we go.

"Although you are in charge of this family now, I never thought that my daughter would become a victim of the family's interests. I said at the beginning that I was against it. Since you insist on doing this, you should think of the consequences." Qin Huifeng's eyes flashed brightly. His inability to resist at the beginning made his daughter very dissatisfied with him. Now that her daughter has resisted by herself, of course he has to protect his daughter, but in this family, his right to speak is pitifully low. It's nothing. use.

"Hmph, let me tell you, your daughter must marry into the Zhao family. This is a certainty. You'd better persuade her to behave, otherwise I can't guarantee what kind of torture she will suffer in the past. You are in this family now. The only thing that can be used is your daughter, if it weren't for your daughter's beauty, you would not be qualified to stay in the Qin family, hum." Qin Hui'an was furious, and then looked at Qin Yubing again, saying: "You You'd better behave yourself, and when the people from the Zhao family come, get the hell out of here, or I'll make your father's life worse than death."

Qin Yubing's face was ashes, only when she was a child, her father was very kind to her, and her mother was also very kind to her. Unfortunately, since her mother disappeared for no reason, her father has also been depressed. The family's career has been ignored, and she has no regard for herself. up.

His concern for himself was limited to this simple rebuttal, and he could only choose to remain silent in the face of his second uncle's dominance.

"Apart from threatening me with my dad, what else would you do? Why don't you let your daughter marry the Zhao family, let me marry, because I'm easy to bully?" Qin Yubing said angrily, if she could, she really hoped that she It's useless to live in such a big family, it's great to be free, but unfortunately, no one can decide who is born, enjoy the brilliance of the big family, but also bear the darkness of the big family.

Qin Hui'an smiled: "That's right, your father is a wimp and can't protect you, and we can't do anything about it. Who told you to have a pretty face? Do you still expect that kid to save you? Don't be ridiculous." , Although that kid is a little bit capable, I will definitely let him know that he will end up against my Qin family, and I forgot to tell you, Young Master Feng will not let him go."

Hearing this, Qin Yubing had nothing to worry about. He probably knew how strong Li Bai was. Although Li Bai was not as powerful as Li Bai, if he wanted to kill him, it would be useless to kill him, unless He is a person of the same sect of comprehension as Li Bai.

Moreover, she could feel the arrogance in Li Bai's bones, which was almost innate. I am afraid that Li Bai also had a great background in the cultivation sect.

Thinking of this, Qin Yubing was very happy that they went to find Li Bai's troubles. Li Bai never suffered a disadvantage. If they dared to go, they would undoubtedly ask for their own death.

"Ignorance." Qin Yubing said coldly, and then went straight into her room. She didn't report to Li Baitian. As a rational woman, she knew that Li Bai must have a lot of things to do after he came back, so she didn't know anything until the last moment. Li Bai will come.

Even if he was forcibly taken away by the Zhao family, he might not notify Li Bai.

Tianxun is actually a telephone, but it is more high-end than a telephone. Although many people still call it a telephone, the accurate name should be Tianxun.

Tianxun, which can directly simulate calls on location, is many times more high-end than the telephones of more than a hundred years ago.

Li Bai came to the student union, but there were not many people, so they were probably in class or something.

"Hey, who are you looking for?" A petite girl came to Li Bai and asked.

"Look for the president of your student union, when will he come here?" Li Bai asked.

"Are you the guy who is crazy recently and calls himself the Emperor of Agriculture?" The petite girl recognized Li Bai. In the previous art club performance, the story of Li Bai and Mu Xiaoting seemed to have spread a little bit, and Xiannong Club And Li Bai's reputation in school is not small.

Li Bai nodded and said, "My name is Li Bai, when will the president of your student union come back?"

"I don't know. If you want to wait, just wait. Maybe it will come soon, or maybe it won't come for a few days." The petite girl smiled at Li Bai with bright eyes.

Li Bai was taken aback for a moment, he seemed to know his identity, and deliberately avoided him, which is not easy.

"Well, when you see him, tell her for me to come back quickly, otherwise I might tear this place down." Li Bai laughed, avoiding me, really thought there was nothing he could do, what happened to him Can't do it.

"You are very brave, I will tell you, but if you really dare to do this, you will die." The little girl was slightly taken aback, but she heard that this guy was crazy, but she didn't expect it to be so crazy.

It used to be the world of the top ten generals of Huaxia Academy, but now there seems to be one more guy, who wants to fight against the top ten generals, I have to say he is a bit crazy.

"I've always been very courageous. Let me give you a time limit. If she doesn't show up within an hour, I'll do it." Li Bai said unhurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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