The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2191 No one named Li

Chapter 2191 No one named Li

"You are so domineering, I think you are dead." The little girl took a hard look at Li Bai, she didn't expect Li Bai to be so crazy.

"Go quickly, I see that the scenery here is not bad." Li Bai smiled and said, if you don't try to be cruel, you really think you are easy to bully, don't you?

The little girl hurried to the side to call Tianxun to contact the president.

"Sister Ling, come quickly, that crazy guy is here, and he said that if you don't come within an hour, the student union will be dismantled."

In Tianxun, a stunning beauty with disheveled hair is getting up from the bed, her lazy expression has an incomparable allure, she is Huang Fuling, the first school belle of Huaxia College that Li Bai has seen.

Huangfu Ling tossed her hair, opened her hazy eyes, and said, "Who, who is so bold as to tear down my student union?"

"The Emperor Nong who wants to form the Xiannong Society, you said that he would definitely not pass it. Now he is here, in the student union. He said that if you don't show up within three hours, the student union will be demolished. Come here quickly. Well, I don't think he's joking." The little girl said worriedly.

Huangfu Ling didn't pay much attention, she stared at the little girl in Tianxun and said vaguely: "Xiaoyou, leave him alone, I still don't believe that he dares to mess around, I'm sleeping soundly, besides, I'm at home, at least I'll rush to school It will take two hours, and it will definitely not be able to make it, don’t worry, he will never dare to dismantle it.”

"Sister Ling, but..." Before Xiaoyou finished speaking, Huangfu Ling had already hung up Tianxun, making Xiaoyou very worried.

Li Bai was looking at the introduction of the student union cadres at the door. Of course, he had already seen who the president was. It was Huang Fuling whom he had seen in the performance of the art department before. She was known as the number one beauty in the school. So what about the school belle, who just blocked herself from setting up the Xiannong Society?
It didn't take long for an hour. Li Bai looked at the time. He didn't expect that this woman really didn't take herself seriously. It seemed that she had to do something.

"Hey, why hasn't the president come yet?" Li Bai stood up and looked at Nie Xiaoyou inside.

Nie Xiaoyou's small face was a little panicked. She had heard that Li Bai beat up several of the top ten generals. This wild barbarian who was so rampant couldn't really tear down the student union. That would be a big deal.

"It's coming soon, wait a minute, I'm going to rush you." Nie Xiaoyou wondered.

After a while, Nie Xiaoyou came to Li Bai with Tianxun and said, "Our president will talk to you."

Inside Tianxun, Huangfu Ling was grooming with disheveled hair. Although only one head was visible, she was still very charming. I have to say, but Li Bai was a little upset. Labor and management have been waiting for an hour, and you, a woman, just woke up .

"You are Huangfuling, right? I just said that I will give you an hour, or I will dismantle your student union. It seems that you treat me as a fart?" Li Bai laughed. This woman is still brushing her teeth, but The home looks quite luxurious.

When Huangfu Ling heard this, she spit out the froth in her mouth, looked at Li Bai and said, "Whether you can talk, who do you think you are, take one apart and let me have a look, I really think I'm the emperor, take it apart Let me see one, dare you."

Li Bai smiled, went straight to the door, and kicked down the door of the student union.

Nie Xiaoyou screamed in fright, this bastard really dared to dismantle it, Huang Fuling in Tianxun also froze for a moment, then said a word coldly and directly closed Tianxun: "You wait for me, old lady I'm going to castrate you."

Li Bai is baffled, you don't take me seriously, you made me wait for an hour, wasted labor time, and even asked me to dismantle it. If I don't dismantle it again, won't it make you feel very humiliated?

"Hey, why are you really tearing it down?" Tianxun was closed, and Xiaoyou knew that Huangfu Ling was really angry, and she didn't know what to do now, so she just begged this crazy guy not to continue tearing it down, or he would really die It's very miserable, but she knows who is behind the student union and how big Huangfu Ling's backing is.

"Otherwise, and this woman asked me to dismantle it, and that woman wasted an hour of my time, do you know how precious my time is, I have a lot of things to do." Li Bai said angrily.

There was such a big commotion in the student union, which immediately attracted countless onlookers. What kind of place is the student union? Goddess is closer.

However, it was the first time that someone dared to come to the student union to make trouble, and directly demolished the door of the student union. Who would dare to do such a murderous act.

To know who Huangfu Ling's elder brother is, and Huangfu Ling herself is an extremely powerful existence, a superstar in the art department, a foreseeable future international superstar, and Huangfu Ling's own identity, it is also daunting. It can't be climbed at all, and it exists without even thinking about it.

"I know who it is, it is the most rampant freshman this year, Li Bai." A student recognized Li Bai.

"Oh, it turned out to be him, haha, who am I talking about, this guy will really surprise us, he doesn't pay attention to the top ten generals at all, he beat Wu Feng and Wang Chong before, She has relations with several beauties in the school beauties, and now she comes to the student union to make trouble, which is really nice."

Li Bai held the door panel that was removed in his hands, waiting for the upcoming battle. His behavior was extreme, but he was new here, and he was in conflict with the top ten generals. Even if he was not so rampant, the top ten generals might not make him feel better .

He might as well be a bit more rampant, otherwise the development of Xiannongshe would be too slow. This is not what he wanted to see. Since he wanted to do it, he had to do it quickly. Although it takes a lot of time, it is shameful to waste it.

As long as he is stopped, he will be crushed. People block and kill people, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas. This is his style.

Sure enough, not long after, a group of people rushed to the student union, glaring at the indifferent Li Bai.

Wu Feng, who was behind the crowd, also showed his head, looked at Li Bai and said, "Boy, you are too crazy. If you don't look at this place, you will die."

Li Bai looked at this group of supposed people with a smile. It seemed that they were all so-called masters with some achievements in ancient martial arts. to bed."

Wu Feng's face was cold and stern. He didn't dare to come with Li Bai. Last time, his two bodyguards who knew ancient martial arts were abused by Li Bai. If it was him, even if there were ten bodyguards, it might not be enough for Li Bai to beat him. He hid behind his back , and said angrily to a group of people: "Come on, a lesson, what are you afraid of if you are alone, you are all elites in ancient martial arts."

A group of people also heard that this guy is very strong, but only heard, the specific situation is still unclear, but Li Bai is only one person, but they have more than a dozen people, what are they afraid of.

"Let's talk about it when everyone is here. This guy is not human." A young man who looked very experienced among the dozen or so people said, looking at Li Bai warily.

Although Wu Feng was very dissatisfied, he had no choice but to wait. These people were not his subordinates.

Not long after, another group of people also came, led by Sun Miao, who ranked third among the top ten generals.

"Is everyone here, let's go together, so as not to waste time." Li Bai looked at these people, everyone should be a master of ancient martial arts, but none of them could be seen by him.

The one who is slightly better is Sun Miao, who has a good foundation and should have barely reached the innate level, but for Li Bai, it is still not enough.

Sun Miao had also heard about the relationship between Li Bai and Tianlong Martial Arts School, but hadn't seen it. If Tianlong Martial Arts School was definitely stronger than them, it was just a rumor, and the possibility of Li Bai's acting could not be ruled out.

It has to be said that in many cases, many people always have this fluke mentality, symbolically ignoring the real advantages of others, so as to make themselves feel better.

"Let's go?" Sun Miao also wanted to see how strong this guy who dared to call himself the Nonghuang was. He was a master of ancient martial arts. Now that there are many masters of ancient martial arts, how can he be so good?

"Let's go together, otherwise it will be troublesome when Sister Ling comes to see us." Wu Feng said.

Li Bai smiled and watched a group of people rushing forward, but he was free and easy. It would be nice to go early, wasting everyone's time.

Holding the door panel, like slapping a mosquito, directly slapping a person rushing in front, the speed and strength are completely crushed, it is not a level of competition at all.

clap clap clap!
One man guards the gate, ten thousand men cannot open it. This is the situation at the entrance of the Student Union. Li Bai held the door panel and stood there motionless.

Within 10 minutes, dozens of ancient martial arts masters were scattered on the ground like buns, all screaming.

This situation is more than spectacular, it is simply heroic, making Nie Xiaoyou in the duty room turn pale with fright, is this still a human being, these are all ancient martial arts masters, and this guy swatted them like flies.

"Monster, it's definitely a monster, how could there be such a strong person." The crowd of onlookers let out a sound of surprise.

"What is this? The battle between Nonghuang and Tianlong Martial Arts School at the northwest gate of the school that day was called against the sky. Did Tang Bainian know that it was the instructor of Tianlong Martial Arts School, and they were all beaten into dogs by Nonghuang. How can these people It may be the opponent of Nonghuang." A young man who said he was already a loyal fan of Li Bai said.

"Really, tell me quickly. I wasn't there that day. Tang Bainian is no match for Tang Bainian, so Xiao Tianling probably won't either." The people next to him were also surprised.

Obviously, strength is the best way to prove yourself, otherwise no one will beat you.

Wu Feng had already hid in the crowd, be a good bird, this bastard is definitely a bastard, these people are all masters in ancient martial arts, and they were swat like flies by this bastard, and this speed, this strength, absolutely How can there be such a perverted person who is so powerful.

Sun Miao looked at Li Bai with great interest, and said: "I have to say, you are indeed a master, but that's all. Although I don't know who you are, you should be a disciple of the ancient martial arts family, but what I know There is no one named Li in the ancient martial arts family, it is a pity that you are still doomed."

(End of this chapter)

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