Chapter 2192

Li Bai is noncommittal, is the ancient martial arts family very strong, and it is drunk to use ignorance as capital.

"Keep talking, let's see how I'm going to die." Li Bai put the door panel in his hand on the ground, sat down straight down, and let's see how you can pretend to me.

"You don't know the ancient martial arts family, maybe you are the kind of lucky kid who got some benefits from the ancient martial arts family. You may have some talents, but that's all. The world is bigger than you imagined. The ones are much bigger, and dare to provoke the Huangfu family, are you waiting to die?" Sun Miao laughed, in his opinion, Li Bai was undoubtedly looking for death.

"Finished?" Li Bai asked with a smile.

"Hmph, you still don't know how to live or die, right? Then you just wait, you will cry one day." Sun Miao said angrily.

Li Bai smiled, stood up in an instant, lifted the door directly, and took a picture of Sun Miao in the air. Seeing that the situation was not good, Sun Miao swayed and stepped away. He is also a master of ancient martial arts, but he thinks he can't beat Li Bai. But it is not easy for Li Bai to hurt him.

The door panel was slapped directly on the ground with a loud noise, but the door panel was not damaged. With Li Bai's star power infused into it, it would not be so easy to break.

"Yoha, not bad, you can dodge it unexpectedly, come again." Li Bai laughed loudly, letting this guy pretend to be such a Bo Yi, it's time to teach him a lesson.

The door in Li Bai's hands was like a sky falling, forcing Sun Miao to retreat steadily, without the slightest strength to fight back.

"Damn it." Sun Miao groaned again and again. He was a master of ancient martial arts, but he didn't expect to be forced into such a miserable situation.

Li Bai didn't care so much, this guy's speed is actually pretty good, and he was happy to play with him, otherwise, a random rush of star power would directly seriously injure him, but it would be better if he could preserve his strength.

And relying on Gu Wu's power, it's no problem for him to deal with this kid. The kid who has just reached innate talent dares to pretend to be a wave in front of him.

"Is it okay?" Li Bai lowered the door panel. His strength and speed were well controlled, allowing Sun Miao to block it without sending it flying, but it was also enough to cause a moderate impact on it.

Sun Miao was hit by Li Bai's hundreds of doors, and Li Bai found that it was not fun to shoot people flying all at once.

Sun Miao was about to scold her, this bastard was too powerful, how could he be human, there was almost no pain in his whole body, just like a child being whipped by an adult, it was horrible.

Li Bai looked at Sun Miao. He used to be a pretty handsome guy, but now he was in such a mess, his whole body was shaking, his face was swollen, and the blood was squeezed to his face, which made him blush like a monkey. Butt is still red.

A group of onlookers had never seen Sun Miao in such a state of embarrassment. As the third-ranked figure among the top ten generals of Huaxia Academy, he was beaten like this by adults and children.

You must know that Sun Miao's ancient martial arts has also reached innate, and he is definitely a sideways character in school, and his family is also a big family in Kyoto. When has he been so embarrassed, this Nonghuang is too strong.

"My God, how could this Sun Miao be abused like this? Isn't he the president of the Martial Arts Club? How could this happen?" Although the facts are in front of them, many people still can't believe their eyes, how could there be such a monster .

"Have you enjoyed it?" Li Bai saw that his whole body was trembling, and even if he fell to the ground, he would be in great pain, saying Sun Spike, and asked with a smile.

"Are you happy too?" Sun Miao didn't answer him, but someone behind him answered him.

A very crisp but angry voice came from behind, Li Bai raised his eyes and turned around to see that the number one beauty school girl Huang Fuling was glaring at him like a bitter woman, her slightly swollen Yuexiong mouth was slightly undulating, showing that Looking at the beauty very angry.

"Usually, do you know that I have been waiting for you for a long time, and I have wanted to see you for a long time, but you have not shown up, so I can only play with these trash you called as toys." Li Bai looked at Huangfu with a smile Ling, this woman looks pretty good, Yuexiong is not big, but she is so brainless, it is strange.

"You knocked down the door of my student union?" Huangfu Ling looked at Li Bai and asked through gritted teeth.

Li Bai raised his hand and threw the door panel directly in front of her, and said, "I'll give it back to you. If you don't want me to beat you up too, let's talk about business?"

Huangfu Ling had the urge to squirt blood, this bastard was too arrogant, no one in Huaxia College worshiped her like a goddess, this bastard not only didn't give her face at all, even said he wanted to beat her, what a bastard .

"You can try it. I have nothing serious to talk to you about. Immediately give me an apology and compensation, or I won't let you get out of here." Huangfu Lingjian's imposing manner drove countless people crazy.

Countless people wanted to trample Li Bai into scum, but considering Li Bai's perverted fighting power, it was better to think about it. Didn't see that Sun Miao, one of the top ten generals, was still trembling all over?

"Try it and see how strong you are, little girl, hehe." Li Bai went straight to Huangfu Ling, he still didn't believe that this little girl could do anything to him.

"Stay away from me, bastard." Huangfu Ling instantly became extremely shy, and the way she looked at Li Bai also changed a lot, making people feel like they couldn't bear to do anything.

Everyone felt that Huangfu Ling was very attractive at this time, especially those big eyes that were still watery, it seemed that if they touched her, they would feel ashamed of the world and feel extremely pity.

The same is true for Li Bai, suddenly he felt that Huangfu Ling in front of him became much cuter, and there seemed to be an indescribable allure in her body, which made people unable to help being intoxicated by it, wanting to care for her.

Huangfuling glanced at the surroundings in a subtle way, moved her slender hand slightly, and pointed directly at Li Bai's Yuexiongkou Tanzhong acupoint.

When Huangfu Ling sang before, Li Bai noticed some weirdness in her. The voice had a very strange magic power, which was a kind of mental attack.

Being able to make people fall into intoxication is also Huangfu Ling's natural talent, no one can resist her mental hypnosis, this is Huangfu Ling's most powerful part, her talent is 'obsessed'.

A gifted girl born in an ancient martial family, plus she is a stunningly beautiful girl, and this kind of talent for spiritual charm makes her own fairy dust temperament that makes people unable to extricate themselves, so I have no idea that the number one beauty The school belle is her.

Regardless of background, talent, or appearance, she is a well-deserved No. [-] beauty, especially this innate talent for fascination, which is beyond words.

Huangfuling's finger touched Li Bai's Tanzhong acupoint without accident, but Li Bai didn't respond.

Huangfu Ling's face changed slightly, what was the reaction, then she walked directly to Li Bai's side, and pointed two fingers on Li Bai's Jianjing acupoint again.

"Still no response?" Huangfu Ling was surprised, her rosy mouth was slightly opened, a little at a loss, how the hell did she not respond.

Still unwilling to give up, Huangfu Ling touched the Shenshu point on Li Bai's back again, but to her disappointment, the expected situation did not happen.

These three acupoints are the deadliest acupoints of the human body, and they can definitely make people fall to the ground in an instant, but Huangfu Ling was disappointed. Seeing Li Bai still standing there, she was surprised. I am afraid that no one knows more about acupoints than him. Even better, this is also the first time this has happened.

How could there be no response? It's really strange.

"Have you ordered enough? Let me give you another chance." Li Bai's voice suddenly appeared in Huangfu Ling's ears, which shocked her who was still in doubt.

"Ah, why are you awake?" Huangfu Ling stared at Li Bai with a smirk at the corner of her mouth in surprise, like a panicked rabbit.

"I haven't slept. You have poked me so many times. Is it time for me to poke you?" Li Bai looked at Huangfu Ling's delicate body, trying to seduce him with this little trick.

This kind of spiritual hypnosis should be called soul attack in the cultivation world, but obviously, this level of soul attack is almost like scratching an itch to him.

But I'm a little surprised that this little girl's natural soul is so powerful. You must know that if the soul can take the initiative to attack, it needs a very strong talent. Even in the cultivation world, soul attack is very difficult to cultivate.

I didn't expect this little girl to be able to send out mental hypnosis. Although she is weak and pitiful, I have to say that it is not easy.

Moreover, Huangfu Ling can actually tap acupuncture points, and it seems that she is quite good at controlling the strength of the acupuncture points. If ordinary people, even ancient martial arts masters, hit the acupuncture points on Huangfu Ling's fingers just now, it is inevitable that they will fall to the ground and be paralyzed for a short time. Yes, but Li Bai is different. He is a strong man in the golden core stage, and his body is also different from ordinary people's strength.

Using acupoints for cultivators is similar to that for play houses. Although the acupoints for cultivators still exist, the body's acupoints and meridians have been penetrated by spiritual energy, so there is no harm in using acupoints.

Li Bai was just playing with this silly girl all the time just now, this level of hypnosis is just a drizzle for him, although there will be a moment of trance, but it is only for a moment.

Huangfuling's little face changed color in an instant, why did Bailing's tricks not work, even her brother couldn't resist her bewitching attack, how could this savage bastard be fine, she panicked.

"What are you going to do, let me tell you, if you dare to do anything to me, my brother will not let you go." Huangfu Ling was forced to keep backing away by Li Bai, and she had no other way except to be fascinated and press acupuncture points , could not help but panic a little.

"Hey, what are you going to do, let go of our goddess." Countless students who had already woken up also wanted to attack Li Bai. They were already awake, so they couldn't let this bastard bully the goddess.

Li Bai pushed Huangfu Ling against the wall with one hand, turned his head and shouted at the group of people: "Get away, I'm going to have an in-depth conversation with her, don't bother me, or you will beat each other, I want to die Can come."

"Ah, bastard, how can you treat our goddess like this, let me let her go."

Li Bai got a little angry, sometimes it really takes violence to solve the problem, he turned around and picked up the door panel on the ground, threw it directly, and shouted: "Get out."

(End of this chapter)

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