The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2193 The couple is right

Chapter 2193 The couple is right

The door panel flew straight up and smashed into the crowd, scaring the crowd to pieces. There was no way, this barbaric Emperor of Agriculture was not only powerful, but also a barbarian, so they had to leave one by one.

After everyone left, Li Bai looked at Nie Xiaoyou beside him and said, "Little girl, you can leave too."

"Ah, you're not allowed to mess around." Nie Xiaoyou's face changed slightly, she didn't expect things to turn out like this, Huang Fuling even came, but there was still no way to deal with this barbarian.

"Xiaoyou, let's go, he doesn't dare to do anything to me?" Huangfu Lingyue's mouth heaved slightly, she really didn't believe that Li Bai dared to do anything to her, she was from the Huangfu family, what if Li Bai really dared So, it is absolutely dead.

Seeing what Huangfu Ling said, Nie Xiaoyou could only take a look at the fierce Li Bai, and turned to leave.

Li Bai directly hugged Huangfu Ling into the duty room of the student union. The intimate contact made Huangfu Ling very uncomfortable, especially Li Bai's hand around her waist was still groping, this bastard was looking for death.

Ever since she was a child, she has never been so intimate with a strange man, but she has no way to do it since Li Bai's acupoints have been tapped.

Huangfu Ling was very annoyed, why her obsession was useless to this bastard, even acupressure was useless, and this bastard actually knew how to acupoint, but instead he restrained himself with acupressure, making him weak all over.

Li Bai put Huangfu Ling on the chair, stared at her delicate red lips, and said with a smile: "Shouldn't it be time to talk about my affairs?"

"What's the matter?" Huangfu Ling pretended not to know, this bastard dared to treat her like this, and he must die badly.

Li Bai smiled and pulled Huangfuling's clothes under the neck to make the scenery inside clearer. I have to say that although the moon is not very big, the shape is perfect. It is in the shape of a bowl and a half. Just enough to hold, just the right size, and not sagging at all, the absolute perfect crescent shape.

"What are you doing, you shameless rascal?" Huangfu Ling blushed, she could feel the bastard's unscrupulous eyes staring at her shame, she was so ashamed that she was about to cry.

"If you play dumb again, I'll strip you naked and throw you out, believe it or not." Li Bai threatened, he likes to threaten beautiful women in this way, and it works very well, just like Feng Yunxi before.

"How dare you." Huangfu Ling said angrily.

"Look if I dare." Li Bai directly tore off Huangfu Ling's coat, and said: "There should be quite a few people outside now, I think they want to see you naked more than I do."

"Shameless stayer, stop it, if you still want to set up your fairy farm society, stop it quickly." Huangfuling said angrily, she didn't expect this bastard to be so shameless, he would actually dare to do this, and he could only do it Compromise, there is no other way, facing a powerful and unreasonable barbarian, there is no other way but to compromise.

Li Bai stared at the delicate skin as white as jade in front of him. Huangfu Ling, who was wearing a small vest, had to be said to be very attractive. He gently lifted Huangfu Ling's chin with his hand, and said with a smile: "It's okay, okay. I won't be rough when talking about things, if you don't stop me from setting up the Xiannong Society, will I come and tear down your student union?

"You bastard, I won't let you go." No matter how strong she was, no matter how big she was, facing Li Bai's shamelessness, Huangfu Ling was about to cry, and a layer of mist filled Shui Lingling's eyes.

"Again? Let me ask you once again, when will the procedures for my Xiannong Society be completed?" Li Bai was unmoved by Huangfu Ling's tears. , What do you do to other women, at least the current Huangfu Ling doesn't need him to pity her.

"As long as the school approves it, but you have to prepare all the documents for your Xiannong Society's specific plan, development direction, and contribution to the school, and just pass the approval?" Huangfu Ling really cried. I thought that this bastard would be dared to touch her when he saw her crying, and her brother would apologize quickly every time he cried, but unfortunately, he didn't expect this trick to be useless to Li Bai.

"Is that approval or disapproval?" Li Bai frowned.

"It depends on your specific plan, what else do you want to do?" Huangfu Ling sobbed.

"No, it's not that troublesome. I'll call someone now, can I go directly to the school, or if I leave, you brain-dead woman may turn her face in a few minutes." Li Bai said, it is obvious that Huangfu Ling's identity is not simple, maybe As soon as she left, she was dragged by herself again, and then she found some powerful person to help, and she had to fight for a long time, which was too troublesome.

"You're stupid, it's inconvenient now, the school leaders may not be here." Huangfuling said, this bastard is too narrow-minded, but she still has this kind of thought, as long as she is determined to get rid of this rascal, find her brother by herself, and see The bastard is still under arrest.

"How can it be so inconvenient, you stupid woman keeps rolling her eyes, you think I will let you go like this, you call Tianxun to see if the leader is there, I will ask someone to bring the document plan." Li Bai said.

"Careful man, hum." Huangfu Ling hummed.

Li Bai slapped Huangfu Ling's upturned little butt, and said angrily, "Slap me quickly, don't play tricks on me."

"Ah, bastard, if you dare to spank my ass again, I won't make it easier for you even if I die." Huangfu Ling was about to collapse. How could this bastard dare to spank her ass? The pervert of the knife must kill him.

After cursing, Huangfu Ling took out Tianxun and called the school leader.

A beautiful woman appeared in Tianxun, and Huangfuling called out: "Mr. Xiao, do you have time now? There are students here who want to apply for a club. Is it convenient for you?"

The beautiful woman stared at Huangfu Ling in Tianxun, she seemed a little puzzled, and asked: "Xiaoling, why are your eyes red, I'm in the office now, you can come here directly."

"Okay, Teacher Xiao."

After closing Tianxun, Huangfu Ling looked at Li Bai and said, "Okay, stay the bastard."


Li Bai also asked the people from Xiannong Society to send over the prepared materials, and it would be better to finish it right away.

"Silent man, you still haven't unlocked my acupoints for me, a big man is so stingy, you're afraid that I won't be able to run away, coward." Huangfuling was very angry, this bastard really doesn't understand what it means to be sympathetic .

"You don't need to untie it. It's not like you can't walk. If you can't hit me, I'll help you. If you scold me again, believe it or not, I'll make you paralyzed in the future, and you'll always be paralyzed on the bed. You'll have to let others take care of you when you urinate." Li Bai She said angrily, this silly girl can really scold people, and she scolds people very badly, what is a coward, if he is so domineering, he is a coward?

"Forget it, cheapskate, what's the point of bullying a girl like me, then please put on my girl's clothes, and I will be unlucky for decades if you are a rascal, I don't want to show it to others." Huangfu Ling He said angrily, let's treat this bastard cheaply as a hooligan, and when I find a chance, I will definitely let this bastard come back.

"Call me good brother, and get dressed, otherwise I don't care so much, anyway, it's not me who is being seen, it's none of my business." Li Bai said, still don't believe that you can't cure you silly girl.

Huangfu Ling's pretty face was angry, this bastard was really deceiving others, but under the eaves, he could only lower his head, gritted his teeth and said to Li Bai: "Good brother."

"The tone is not good, please be sweeter. Aren't you from the art department? You don't even have acting skills, so what kind of art are you doing?" Li Bai said brazenly.

Huangfu Ling had already collapsed, so she could only cry again in a low voice: "Good brother."

"Whether you know how to act, your tone should be gentle, your voice should be delicate, and your face should be smiling. Look at you, what kind of expression is this, this is the expression that wants to eat me, do it again, and lay a good foundation for your future acting career." The foundation." Li Bai smiled again, no one can please anyone who falls into his hands, no matter who you are.

Huangfu Ling has completely collapsed, how can there be such a shameless person, but considering that the people from Xiannongshe are probably coming soon, she can only take out her professional level of the art performance department, and said: "Good brother, help me People put on their clothes!"

The crisp and numb voice whispered into Li Bai's ears, Li Bai agreed slightly, and said with a smile: "Be good, you have to be like this in the future, otherwise my good brother will strip you naked and throw you out if you are not happy. Be good, be good. do you know?"

Li Bai picked up the clothes next to him and put them on Huangfu Ling's delicate body again. I don't know whether it was intentional or not. After entering Huangfu Ling's whole body, the shy expression that almost covered the pores of her whole body made Huangfu Ling's face turn red instantly, and she was sure that this bastard did it on purpose.

"Okay, don't enjoy it. With this size, I'm not interested at all. You think I want to meet you." Li Bai looked at Huangfu Ling's blushing face with her eyes closed, she really seemed to be enjoying it. , but although the size is small, it is still quite soft.

"You bastard, you wait for me, I will definitely make you look good, bastard." Huangfu Ling's face was full of shame and indignation, this bastard was sent by heaven to torture her.

A few minutes later, Zhang Yuhan came to the student union, looked at Huangfu Ling who was in Li Bai's arms, and couldn't help opening her mouth slightly. This brother Bai is too powerful, this is Huangfu Ling, the number one beauty in the school. It was done so quickly, it seemed that I had no chance.

"Brother Bai, this is the plan." Zhang Yuhan looked at Li Bai with a smile.

"Well, let's go. I'll go through the formalities. The things over there will continue. The formalities will be completed in the afternoon." Li Bai smiled, and then left the student union with Huangfu Ling, whose body was limp and barely supporting her body, and went to the Teacher Xiao's office.

Although the distance is relatively short, the scene of him hugging Huangfu Ling is really shocking. The number one beauty in the school, Huang Fu Ling, is actually being hugged by a man, and Huang Fu Ling's whole body is leaning on Li Bai. They are definitely a couple.

(End of this chapter)

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