The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2198 Ninjutsu

Chapter 2198 Ninjutsu
There is nothing to say, these people from the island country are here to challenge, maybe they want to prove that their nation is stronger and more advanced than the Chinese nation.

The islanders have not given up on this point for countless years, but they have been living in their own world.

There were also countless Huaxia students crowded in the square. These low-level island nations were too rampant. They dared to come to Huaxia Academy to provoke them. They really wanted to die.

"I heard that the islanders call themselves the Yamato nation. Aren't they peace-loving? Why do they come up to challenge us?" A group of girls who had obviously never studied history asked.

"They love peace, so there will be no militants in this world. In the early twentieth century, they almost occupied the entire China and wanted to enslave all the Chinese, but these guys were too arrogant and ended in failure." A boy explained it, but he still looked down on this ignorant girl. A person who doesn't even understand the national shame is sad.

After the two sides exchanged a bit, they began to cut to the chase. These people were just here to challenge.

Oda Xinye raised his head and looked at Zheng Dongdao: "This time I came here mainly to learn. Hearing that ancient martial arts are prevalent in China, Xinye is very eager, so I come to ask for advice, and I hope Zheng Jun will not hesitate to give me advice."

"Then enlighten me." Zheng Dong was not used to the tone of the islander's speech, and said directly, isn't it just a fight?

"Zheng Jun, let's exchange ideas and exchanges, but in martial arts, sometimes it is difficult to determine the severity. Please forgive me if our shots are too heavy." Oda Xinye said, the purpose of this time is to teach the ancient Chinese martial arts a lesson. In their eyes, Huaxia is a nation that doesn't know how to learn. It is really incompetent that many inherited treasures are exiled in foreign countries but they are helpless.

"Whatever, if the two sides compete, being blown out of the ring or falling to the ground will not count as a loss." Zheng Dong is also free and easy. He still has great confidence in the Martial Arts Club. Even in the entire Huaxia, the Martial Arts Club of Huaxia College is relatively strong.

"Can you make up your mind about who will fight? We have these five on our side." Oda Shinno pointed to the remaining four samurai he brought.

"Okay, Yang Chuang, you go first." Zheng Dong said to a member of the Martial Arts Club on the side of the Martial Arts Club, a young man who had reached the realm of Houtian, and his strength was average.

"Matsui-kun, this round you go." Oda Xinye looked at Yang Chuang, and directly called out a student of the island country samurai.


The two jumped directly onto the ring, and the Huaxia Academy shouted excitedly, they couldn't be arrogant if they hit this little devil.

"Drink!" Yang Chuang roared, and rushed directly to Mr. Matsui.

Li Bai shook his head, being fooled, is this Zheng Dong a pig, or is it that the people in the Martial Dao Club are so weak that they don't even have a strong person who can reach Houtianfeng?

"Brother Li Bai, who will win, will we win?" Su Daji asked excitedly while holding Li Bai's arm.

"Don't shake it, you should lose."

Before Li Bai finished speaking, Yang Chuang had already flown out of the ring like a big bird, finally vomited blood, and passed out directly, probably due to serious injuries.

The crowd was in an uproar, how could it be so fast, the shouts were so loud just now, and now the players on my side were directly told to solve it with one move, it's too shameful.

"The ancient Chinese martial arts are nothing more than that." Oda Shinno said disdainfully, looking at the countless Chinese people in the stands, so what about the people, they still can't compare with the Yamato nation.

"Again, it's not enough." Matsui on the stage also looked at the members of the martial arts club provocatively, very arrogant.

Zheng Dong's face was a little uneasy, and before he could speak, a short young man had rushed to the ring: "I'll fight you."

"Ye Zhong, to defeat him, we must defeat him." Countless people watched the young man take the stage, and once again had a wave of confidence. Ye Zhong is very strong, and he is also famous in Huaxia Academy.

Li Bai also looked at the stage, this Ye Zhong is actually an innate strongman, it's not easy, as expected, there are still masters, otherwise Yangyang Huaxia can't even solve these few islanders, it would be too shameful.

Matsui chuckled, rushed towards Ye Zhong again, and strode away. Although Ye Zhong had a heavy name, his figure was erratic, making it impossible for Matsui to touch him, and his agility was indeed good.

"Cowardly as a mouse." Matsui cursed, facing Ye Zhong's body skills, he couldn't even touch him, and was very angry.

"You don't even know about Huaxia Qinggong, you're ignorant." Ye Zhong's figure kept wandering around Matsui, as if playing a game, but Matsui couldn't touch him at all, making the Huaxia people in the audience laugh out loud.

"This idiot, like a monkey, doesn't even know Qinggong."

Ye Zhong saw that it was almost the same, and he didn't want to play with the island warrior anymore, so he kicked him out of the ring. This time, it was also crushing.

Oda Xinye's face was a bit ugly, but it didn't matter, they were here to provoke this time, and this was just the weakest of them.

"Miyamoto-kun, are you sure?" Oda Shinno asked, looking at an island samurai with a scar on his face.

"No problem, I'll go." Miyamoto stood up and appeared on the ring without seeing him move. It seemed that his feet didn't move, but his body was already on the ring.

Ye Chong's eyes dimmed, he felt threatened, this island warrior was a master, and he was a little weird.

"Ye Chong Ye Chong Ye Chong..."

There were still shouts below, wanting Ye Zhong to beat the islander down, to see if the islander was still rampant.

At the beginning of the battle, both of them showed their agility. They were both speed players, but they were different. Ye Zhong had a erratic lightness skill, but Miyamoto didn't seem to move at all, but he was not in place.

It seemed that this guy was moving rapidly without moving his body. Ye Zhong knew that he had encountered a master. He had already tried to attack, but every time he was not the real body, it was all fake.

This is no longer the category of ancient martial arts, it should be called supernatural power.

No, the islanders should call it ninjutsu.

Li Bai looked at Ye Zhong who was constantly moving with lightness kung fu, and shook his head. Although ninjutsu is the simplest ninjutsu, it is already higher than the category of ancient martial arts, and he lost.

Unexpectedly, there would be such a strong man in the island country. This is already a cultivator. Although not as strong as a real cultivator, these abilities are no different from Gu Wu.

The ancient martial arts in China are prosperous, but the ninjutsu of the island country is also completely prosperous. From the starting point, the bushido of the ancient martial arts and the island country should be almost similar, but the ninjutsu is indeed a higher level than the ancient martial arts, and the source of power is different. , of course failure is a foregone conclusion.

Li Bai also laughed. This ninjutsu is just the simplest of the five elements of the Chinese cultivators, but it was learned by the islanders and became their own. It is much easier to cultivate.

China's cultivation has a high starting point and needs opportunities, but the island country's ninjutsu seems to be developing very quickly. This is the strength of the island country. These guys can quickly learn other people's things, so as to become their own things, and then use them. to teach you.

But having said that, ninjutsu is ninjutsu after all. Although it is higher than ancient martial arts, it is very different from real practitioners. This kind of ability that comes from opportunism has certain advantages, but the height it can reach is still limited.

As expected, Ye Zhong told the moving body that he was directly blown off the ring, and the shot was very heavy. Ye Zhong turned pale and spat out three mouthfuls of blood, then passed out like Yang Chuang before.

"It's really tough." Li Bai muttered.

There are also countless Huaxia students who are angry. These islanders are too heavy-handed, damn bastards.

"Hey, why are you shooting so hard, are you here to kill people?"

"What the hell, I really want to go up and beat these islanders, it's too arrogant." Someone said angrily, but it's a pity that they are not strong enough, so they can only shout.

"Hey, isn't your Martial Arts Club a master again? Hurry up and deal with these islanders. I usually see you are so majestic, but now you can't even deal with a few islanders. It's shameful." The nation also has this nature. It puts its own hope on others, and when others can't do it, it will not blame itself, and likes to blame others righteously.

These are the characteristics of the Chinese nation. After all, there are too many Chinese people, and not everyone can find problems from themselves.

Zheng Dong looked at Miyamoto above. Ninjutsu and ancient martial arts have no chance of winning against ninjas. Even if they do it by themselves, the outcome will not be much better.

Although he has reached his innate peak, it is still not enough to face ninjas.

But now even if it's not enough to watch, I still have to go up, otherwise it would be too shameful, people have provoked the door of the Taoist school, and they are still so useless, there is no way, just bite the bullet and go up.

"President of the Martial Arts Club, Zheng Dong, please enlighten me." Zheng Dong cupped his fists and said, he couldn't help it. If he backed down at this time, then the Martial Arts Club would not have to mess around anymore. He was just the first one to fall, and those people Also waited for him to fall.

He rushed up like a martyr, but there was no way, although he was the innate peak, perhaps stronger than Tang Bainian that Li Bai had solved before, but it was still useless. Facing Bi Guwu's level of ninjutsu, he had no choice but to The life of being bombarded off the ring was seriously injured again.

"Is there anyone else, the president of the Martial Arts Club is like this? You Huaxia Academy is nothing more than that, is there any master in Huaxia Academy?" Miyamoto stood on the ring and looked provocatively at the many Huaxia students under the stage.

Countless teachers and students were very upset, but no one dared to go up. Even if there is an ancient martial arts master, can he surpass Zheng Dong, the snake stick of the Martial Arts Club?
"Yes, there are those two people. Those two people will definitely be able to kill these islanders." A student suddenly realized.

"Who is stronger than the president of the martial arts club?" asked the student next to him.

"Xiao Tianling, who ranks second among the top ten generals, is the young master of the Xiao family of the ancient martial arts family. He must be able to defeat this bastard, and the first general Huangfu Liuyun must also be able to." The man explained.

"But what about them, why didn't they come out at a critical time."

"Huangfu Liuyun is said to be in seclusion. Xiao Tianling should be here. Someone should notify him soon. Such a time will definitely come."

(End of this chapter)

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