The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2199 True Qi Warrior

Chapter 2199 True Qi Warrior

At this moment, a handsome young man appeared in front of Li Bai, looking at Li Bai with deep meaning.

"Why don't you go up?" the handsome young man smiled.

"Are you talking to me?" Li Bai looked at this guy. He was wearing a black leather jacket and pants, his hair was upturned, and his face was clearly outlined. It was this sharp outline that made him look even more attractive.

"Of course, the Nonghuang of Xiannong Society, don't you like to show off the most? Now is the time to go up?" The handsome man looked down at Li Bai, then his eyes fell on Mu Xiaoting next to Li Bai, and said: "You and Can he not be so intimate, I will be embarrassed."

"Xiao Tianling, I told you that I don't have feelings for you, don't waste your time, I won't like you." Mu Xiaoting grabbed Li Bai's arm, this guy is the number one among the top ten generals The second Xiao Tianling is terrifyingly powerful and influential.

"No. 30 five times, there is a kind of love called Xiao Tianling likes Mu Xiaoting, although you like him temporarily, but one day you will still like me." Xiao Tianling smiled evilly, the thickness of his skin was obvious, and the degree of shamelessness was also obvious. very deep.

Mu Xiaoting shook her head and cursed, "Idiot."

"Xiaoting scolded me thousands of times, I treat Xiaoting like first love, I know you will fall in love with me." Xiao Tianling looked at Mu Xiaoting, nothing else in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that the ruthless Xiao Tianling in the center of the legend is actually a kind of love, which is a bit interesting, haha." Li Bai smiled, this guy is enough, how shameless does it have to be to be so shameless.

"What do you know, you are a fool." Xiao Tianling glanced at Li Bai, and said bluntly.

"Hurry up and get rid of those islanders." Mu Xiaoting shook her head, she also had no way to deal with this idiot, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get rid of the brown sugar.

"Okay, Xiaoting will do whatever she says, I'll go." Xiao Tianling glanced at Mu Xiaoting, and flew directly onto the ring.

"Short, I'll meet you." Xiao Tianling changed his face, it was completely different from when he was facing Mu Xiaoting, his whole body was full of murderous aura, he looked like a second general.

"Huaxia people, are you looking for death?" Matsui stared at Xiao Tianling, this guy seemed a little different.

"Nonsense." Xiao Tianling's face was gloomy and cold, with a flash of white light under his feet, he rushed directly towards Matsui like a white lightning.

"Hiding away." Matsui performed the ninjutsu just now again, and did not see any movement of the body, but the body had already disappeared in place.

Xiao Tianling chuckled, and directly pulled out the belt around his waist, no, it was a soft sword, he flicked it slightly, and stabbed directly behind him.

Matsui's face was shocked, he had already turned on seclusion, and this guy could still know his location, that would be bad.

"Thunder flash." Xiao Tianling snorted, the black electric current moved slightly, and stabbed another place on the side with his sword.

Matsui wanted to dodge again, but found that he couldn't dodge at all, the software entangled him like a thunder snake.


Xiao Tianling pointed the sword, and directly burrowed into Matsui's chest, biting like a poisonous snake, blood poured out immediately, Matsui had already lost his fighting power.

Xiao Tianling persisted, and stabbed Matsui's lower abdomen with the software again. This was not over yet, when the software was lifted again, it bit Matsui's lower back like a poisonous snake. With three swords, Oda Shinno called out to surrender.

However, Matsui, who was stabbed three times, had only his last few breaths left. If there was one more strike, he would surely die.

"Huaxia people, you deserve to die?" Oda Xinye glared at Xiao Tianling. Although Matsui is still alive, even if he recovers from such a serious injury, there will probably be sequelae. A ninja with excellent talent was crippled by this bastard.

"Hurry up and make another one, either beat me down, or leave by yourself." Xiao Tianling said coldly, Li Bai really couldn't connect this guy with Mu Xiaoting's appearance before, the contrast was too great.

Xiao Tianling above has a gloomy face, and his attacks are extremely vicious, but the more ruthless the islanders, the better, but Xiao Tianling in front of Mu Xiaoting is simply a good baby. Could it be that the power of love is really so great?

Oda Xinye looked at the remaining two and jumped onto the ring by himself. He knew that even the remaining two should not be regarded as masters. Although Xiao Tianling is an ancient warrior, he is no longer pure. Ancient warriors, the white lightning belongs to the category of supernatural beings.

Strictly speaking, Xiao Tianling should be called an ancient martial artist with supernatural powers. This is also the reason why Chinese ancient warriors can be compared to today's international powerhouses. Supernatural abilities are indeed called in the West, but Huaxia has a more specific name, ancient warriors with true energy.

Ancient warriors who can separate their true qi from their bodies are different from ordinary ancient warriors. Their true qi has various attributes. , What is stronger is the power of true energy.

They are no worse than ninjas and western supernatural beings. Although the number of ancient warriors who can cultivate true qi is small, their combat effectiveness is very strong. Ten innate warriors are not opponents of true qi warriors.

One of the purposes of Oda Shinno's visit this time is to meet some Chinese true qi fighters and see how they differ from ninjas.

He saw it, and he knew that this Xiao Tianling was a true qi warrior, and he was also somewhat similar to a thunderbolt true qi warrior, with quite strong fighting power.

"Xiao Tianling, Xiao Tianling, Xiao Tianling..." Countless students shouted Xiao Tianling's name. In their hearts, the strong man from the island country who could defeat the president of the Martial Arts Club was stabbed three times by Xiao Tianling. Xiao Tianling was undoubtedly invincible.

Li Bai also looked at this guy in surprise, it's quite interesting, this guy's zhenqi actually has a trace of lightning attribute, very strong.

On the ring, Xiao Tianling had a stern face, staring at Oda Xinno who had fallen to the opposite side, he didn't dare to be vigilant, this islander is very strong, even stronger than him, he has a dangerous aura.

If the enemy doesn't move, I will move first, and it is better to strike first, Xiao Tianling takes the lead, and with a flash of white light, the software in his hand turns into a poisonous snake again and rushes fiercely towards Oda Xinye.

Oda Shinno didn't move, but moved his lips slightly.


The sound of the sword tip entering the body made people feel unbelievable. After stabbing, Xiao Tianling pierced Oda Xinno's chest with one sword. Even Xiao Tianling didn't expect that he was hit. Is this guy so weak?

Countless people in the audience were also taken aback, thinking that this guy was very strong, it was so funny how he was pierced in one fell swoop.

After a while, Xiao Tianling realized that something was wrong. His sword pierced in, and he did feel the tactile sensation of the tip of the sword piercing into the flesh, but it was very strange why there was no blood flowing out.

When he found out, it was already too late, Oda Shinno's body appeared directly behind him, and a black dagger in his hand stabbed Xiao Tianling's back without hesitation.

And the body of Oda Shinno that Xiao Tianling stabbed originally turned into a pile of white powder and scattered on the ground, a prosthesis?

What kind of ninjutsu is this? It's actually a prosthesis, and the prosthesis formed in an instant is too heaven-defying.

Feeling the cold breath on his lower back, Xiao Tianling could only twist his waist slightly to avoid the vital point, but he was still stabbed.

Touching the blood on his lower back, Xiao Tianling's face turned cold. He knew that this guy was a bit weird, but he didn't expect it to be like this. He was injured in the first fight. Surgery, the prosthesis was formed almost instantly, even the feeling of entering the flesh, he didn't expect it to be a prosthesis.

The corner of Oda Shinno's mouth cracked, and he said: "The speed is good, it will not be so simple next time, hehe."

Immediately, Oda Shinno circled around Xiao Tianling, leaving countless afterimages, and the afterimages did not disappear. Xiao Tianling found out speechlessly that these afterimages were real.

Another prosthesis, the prosthesis formed in an instant, directly surrounded Xiao Tianling. Although he couldn't move, the sense of crisis was too strong. Xiao Tianling wanted to retreat, but he didn't know where to retreat. The sword pierced Oda Shinno who was moving.

Oda Xinye almost left his prosthesis in the place where he ran, and now the stage is almost completely occupied by the prosthesis, Xiao Tianling didn't care about it, just chased Oda Xinye.

But not long after, he found that he was surrounded by the prostheses and could not move. He could only swing his sword to stab these prostheses.

However, he was defeated the moment he attacked the prosthesis. Countless daggers stabbed him from all directions. off the ring.

"He wants to kill me." Xiao Tianling gasped, the places where those daggers stabbed were all deadly, if not for his fast enough movement and Thunder and Lightning True Qi also blocked part of the attack for him, he might be dead now .

Oda Xinye sneered, it's a pity, true Qi warrior, if he could take the opportunity to kill this kid, it would definitely be a great achievement, but it's a pity that this kid escaped.

"Zhenqi warriors are nothing more than that, is there anyone else? It seems that our Yamato nation is going to win this time." Oda Xinye looked at the angry eyes and surging figure of Huaxia College below, of course he knew the true qi warriors They are rare, and there are no more than three in Huaxia College.

Even if there are still, it doesn't matter whether he dares to come up, as long as he dares to come up, he, Oda Shinno, will definitely take the opportunity to kill and obliterate these Chinese geniuses, otherwise this will be a threat to their island country.

"Even Xiao Tianling lost. This island nation's ninja is so strong. Unless Huangfu Liuyun comes, I'm afraid there will be no chance." A student sighed. In everyone's eyes, Xiao Tianling, who ranked second among the top ten generals, lost. , and only the first general Huangfu Liuyun can do it.

"Huangfu Liuyun is in retreat. He definitely won't come. Otherwise, he would have come out two days ago when his younger sister was being bullied. Hey, I thought of someone who might be able to kill this islander." The student next to him said. .

"Who is stronger than Xiao Tianling?"

"I don't know about that, but his name is very famous recently, the Nonghuang who just established the Xiannong Society."

(End of this chapter)

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