The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2200 I want to give birth to monkeys for you

Chapter 2200 I want to give birth to monkeys for you

"The Emperor of Agriculture? He is still stronger than Xiao Tianling? I don't believe it. Although he has beaten several of the top ten generals, it's just a small fight. It's not as good as Xiao Tianling."

"Perhaps, but the treatment in Xiannong Club is really good. It is said that the members are still paid, which is rare in the club. It makes me want to go."

Indeed, many people thought of the Nong Huang who had recently appeared suddenly and could compete with the top ten generals, but many people still did not believe that even the second general Xiao Tianling had suffered a disastrous defeat.

Although they are all generals, the top seven only have the names of generals, some are high-ranking officials, some are rich and powerful, and the ones who are really powerful and powerful are Sun Miao, Xiao Tianling and Huangfu Liuyun.

All three of them came from the ancient martial arts family, but compared with Xiao Tianling and Huangfu Liuyun, Sun Miao was far behind. Sun Miao was also from the ancient martial arts family, but his talent was far behind by the two.

Although the families of the three are similar, their talents are far behind. Both Xiao Tianling and Huangfu Liuyun have reached the realm of true energy fighters, and Huangfu Liuyun is only at the peak of innate talent, and still has moisture.

Therefore, among the top ten generals, Sun Miao can be regarded as a master, and compared with the previous seven, he is also several levels higher, but compared with Huangfu Liuyun and Xiao Tianling, Sun Miao is a waste.

In the ancient martial arts family, the comparison is talent. Although in the eyes of ordinary people, Sun Miao is invincible and a disciple of the ancient martial arts family, but in the eyes of the real ancient martial arts family, his talent is indeed similar to trash.

On the ring, Oda Shinno was still looking at the crowd moving below, it seemed that there was no one there.

Huaxia College also felt very ashamed. Being provoked by others at the door of the house was Chi Guoguo's insult, but no one could stand up and defeat him.

"Huaxia, but that's all. Even if you have thousands of years of inheritance, it's still useless. You're just a sick man in East Asia. I think highly of you." Only their noble blood is worthy of living in this fertile land.

"It's too rampant. This islander is too arrogant. Damn devil, even if I can't beat him, I will go up and splash him with blood, making him paralyzed." Undoubtedly, these words made everyone in Huaxia Academy feel angry. Damn Japanese people, dare to mention the sick man of East Asia, really damn it.

Li Bai looked at the scolding in the crowd, and his eyes narrowed slightly. Originally, he didn't feel anything. The reason why he didn't shoot was because he thought it was a normal battle.

As a child living in the universe, he only heard about the twentieth-century war between the islanders and the Chinese, and he didn't have a strong sense of belonging to the earth.

He didn't have that kind of deep-rooted sense of national pride, and he didn't feel any hatred for the islanders, because he had only heard about those wars, and he had only read them in history books as if they were reading stories.

However, Oda Shinno's words completely inspired the Huaxia blood in his bone marrow. His father was from Huaxia, and Huaxia's blood flowed in his blood.

A kind of national sentiment that popped out of his blood made him feel like he was on fire. His national dignity was trampled under his feet, and anger burst out from the bottom of his heart. At this moment, the nation hidden deep in his blood Feelings rushed out out of control, thanks to this islander.

In the surging crowd, Li Bai's figure had already stood on the ring at some point, no one even saw clearly how Li Bai got up, even Mu Xiaoting and Su Daji, who were holding his arms, didn't realize how Li Bai left. Their.

"Hey, who is that kid, who actually has the courage to stand up?" The Huaxia students also found that there was an extra person in the ring at some point, and they were all very excited. It would be good if someone stood up at this time.

"The Nonghuang of the Xiannong Society finally went up. He has never lost before, and he will definitely not lose this time." A student who seemed to know a lot about Li Bai's deeds said.

"It's Nonghuang Li Bai. Tang Bainian of Tianlong Martial Arts School was abolished by him last time, and Nonghuang beat Sun Miao completely. At least one can be sure that Nonghuang is definitely at the same level as Xiao Tianling. An ancient warrior can definitely defeat this islander." Someone said with great confidence.

"Nonghuang Nonghuang Nonghuang!!!" For a while, countless Huaxia students began to give back Li Bai's title. Of course, at the beginning, it was the crown prince who led the people from Xiannong Club to make a fuss.

For the people of Xiannong Society, they are relatively clear about the boss, needless to say Wang Chu, Hong Yufangcheng and others, they have full confidence in Li Bai and the others.

As for the other members of Xiannong Society, although they don't have such great self-confidence, they are the boss after all, and after Wang Chu's propaganda, Li Bai was said to be extremely powerful, and with the rampant clamor of Oda Xinye just now, they are also full of enthusiasm for Li Bai. confidence.

Of course, there are students who are full of confidence and have been to Tianyou Mountain. They know how terrifying Li Bai is, and those who know that Li Bai has a perverted artifact like another dimension are even more confident.

The deafening shouts could almost spread throughout Huaxia School, making people very excited.

On the opposite side of the arena, Oda Xinye also looked at Li Bai. The whole guy came to the arena quietly, which is a bit strange, and judging from the shouts of these ignorant Chinese people, this young Chinese man seems to have a very good reputation .

"Boy, what's your name?" Oda Shinno asked.

"In your eyes, I am also one of the countless East Asian sick men, but I still have a name, I am Huaxia." Li Bai Lingran said, East Asian sick man, this is a shame to the Chinese, and he wants to let this islander know what it is called. anger.

"Bullshit, what on earth are you trying to say, who doesn't know that you are Chinese, and Chinese people are equated with East Asian sick men, kid." Oda Xinye said disdainfully, this kid seems to be crazy.

"You have five people here, and now there are two who are capable of fighting. Why don't you come together, so as not to trouble me later." Li Bai pointed to the two island ninjas who were still sitting on the edge of the ring, with a deadpan expression on their faces. Said.

Oda Shinno's face turned pale, he felt that this kid was joking, did he think that he would definitely win against himself, since he was a third-level ninja, what kind of thing was this kid.

"Crazy, let's talk about it after you beat me, crazy boy." Oda Shinno's figure flickered, and countless prostheses appeared again, and they were different from the previous battle against Xiao Tianling.

These prostheses have some special arrangements. Li Bai still has no expression on his face, but the silver star power is slightly rippling in his body. Looking at these prostheses, he is still motionless.

"Do you think it's okay if you stand still, boy, you are too naive." Oda Xinye moved slightly, and the prostheses actually moved, and directly hit Li Bai.

Li Bai still didn't move, and even closed his eyes. To him, this kind of trick can be described as ridiculous.

With a flick of his hand, countless prosthetics were wiped out, and countless white powders were flying all over the sky, making it impossible for everyone to see clearly.

In the smoke and dust, there seemed to be countless Oda Xinye moving constantly. The corners of Li Bai's mouth raised slightly, and the silver star power blasted out, directly impacting Oda Xinno.

Bang bang bang!
Three collision sounds sounded, and everyone saw the situation on the ring clearly. Oda Shinno flew out backwards, and hit the remaining two islanders in the process of flying out.

The three spat out a mouthful of blood at the same time, and fell to the corner of the ring.

Killing three birds with one stone, the two island ninjas who did not participate in the battle were also seriously injured, and even Li Bai didn't know how he made the attack. No one could see clearly, because Li Bai's attack was covered by countless white smoke.

Li Bai also cleverly used Oda Shinno's attack to hide his star power shadow, otherwise it would not be a good thing to be seen by others.

"Oh my god, instant kill."

"Absolute instant kill, Nonghuang is invincible, he actually killed three island ninjas with one punch, it's too strong." Countless people stared at Li Bai in surprise.

"What is a punch? What I saw was that Emperor Nong killed those three idiot ninjas in the island country with one finger." Someone laughed.

"Sure enough, he is the invincible Emperor Nong. He made Xiao Tianling much stronger, probably on the same level as Huangfu Liuyun."

"I think it's stronger than Huangfu Liuyun. The island ninja was so strong just now, it directly injured Xiao Tianling seriously, but now he was easily dealt with by Nong Huang, and also wounded two other island ninjas by the way. This is not the same as Xiao Tianling. They're not at the same level, okay, even if Huangfu Liuyun came out, I'm afraid he wouldn't win so easily."

Oda Xinye spat out a mouthful of blood, and stared at Li Bai in horror. How could this damn Chinese man be so strong, how could that terrifying energy have such a violent aura? He found that his body could no longer move, probably because of this The ghosts of the Chinese people.

Li Bai walked slowly in front of Oda Shinno, and said with a sneer, "Who is the sick man of East Asia now?"

Oda Xinye swallowed a mouthful of saliva. For him, it was a shame, an absolute shame, that he was seriously injured by the East Asian sick man he called.

"Inferior people." Li Bai stepped on Oda Xinye's face.

"Nong Huang Nong Huang Nong Huang!!" The shouting continued for a long time, and countless students shouted hoarsely. It was so happy. Just now this bastard was still standing on it and clamoring that Chinese people are the sick men of East Asia, and then he was completely abused by Li Bai. , Is there anything better than this?

"He's so handsome, I want to marry him." Countless female students had this thought in their minds. He was so handsome. The man standing on the stage who stomped the islanders under his feet made people mad with admiration.

"I love you, Emperor Nong, I want to give birth to a monkey for you." A girl screamed and shouted.

Immediately, countless girls began to shout crazily again: "Nonghuang, I want to give you monkeys."

"Don't any of you rob me. The Nonghuang is mine. Whoever robs me will be killed." A female man shouted, but was overwhelmed by the crowd in a blink of an eye.

Li Bai kicked out Oda Xinye under his feet. Don't blame him for not giving face if he dared to run wild in China. He wanted to teach the islanders a profound lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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