The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2201 Fortunately, I am not a powerful faction

Chapter 2201 Fortunately, I am not a powerful faction

"Wang Chu, bring me some island ninjas." Li Bai said to Wang Chu in the crowd.

"Okay." Wang Chu agreed, and went directly with Hong Yu and the others to carry the five island nation ninjas behind Li Bai.

The crowd automatically moved out of the way, all curious about what Li Bai was going to do.

Li Bai kept bringing Zhitian Xinye to the gate of the Northwest Gate, threw it on the ground, and said, "Go away, ninja shit, lowly creature."

Wang Chu and the others also directly threw the island ninja in their hands at the door, and cursed: "Inferior creatures."

Immediately, countless Huaxia students cursed at Oda Xinye as an inferior creature.

"Inferior creatures."

After this incident, Li Bai's reputation has been opened up, and he even has a lot of fans. It is human nature to worship the strong. Of course, some girls are purely because Li Bai is handsome. Where can I find such a strong and handsome boyfriend? , is simply an absolute idol.

Therefore, the reputation of Nonghuang spread throughout Huaxia Academy and became the idol of the whole people. Although some people still don’t know, after all, Huaxia Academy has more than 10 people. He, but he must have heard of it.

In the gossip of countless female students, Li Bai became a handsome guy, an idol of the whole people, a full-fledged handsome guy of the idol school, and it was even rumored that Li Bai was a top student in the art department, and he sang very well, leaving Li Bai speechless.

Seeing what Wang Chu said, Li Bai secretly wiped off his sweat and sighed, "Fortunately, he's not a capable person."

He doesn't want to be a power group. Idol sounds good, and only handsome people can be called idols. The other meaning of power is ugly. Whoever loves to be whoever should be, anyway, he is not good.

The planting of Donggen has already started, and these days have already emerged from the ground. Weeds have a strong growth ability, and the soil quality improved by Li Bai can be harvested in half a month. It will be the first step by then. .

Li Bai also learned about the spread of the virus. It seems that not only Shengtian International had this situation, but several pharmaceutical companies also had their drugs implanted with the virus, which caused many people to get the virus.

Moreover, the virus is constantly spreading, and it has been on the international news, and the health department is also looking for reasons. These viruses are almost all started by pharmaceutical companies, and the virus is implanted in one of the drugs, and then spread out through the drug.

Now several pharmaceutical companies have stopped making medicines, resulting in countless patients without medicines and hospitals without medicines. I have to say that this method is very unique. In this way, patients have no medicines and even dare not take them.

Diseases are not dared to be treated, and patients in hospitals cannot receive treatment, so they can only use foreign medicines, and no one dares to use domestic medicines. This can be said to be the biggest blow to Huaxia Pharmaceutical Company.

However, drug imports have been restricted many years ago, and now we have to abolish this restriction, and we continue to import drugs from abroad, but we are still worried. Who knows if this is a conspiracy, even foreign drugs have to go through Strict inspection.

However, it is not so easy to detect the virus in the medicine, otherwise the domestic pharmaceutical companies would have detected it long ago, which would have caused the continuous spread of the virus source.

The office building of Xiannong Society has been repaired, and building construction is much happier now than before. If it was more than 100 years ago, it would have taken at least a few months to build such a building, but it is not so troublesome now. Lots of things can be sped up.

Li Bai looked at the three plots below, there was already obvious green grass, these were all money, and there were countless mountain ants moving in it, releasing a lot of 'pulp', these were all Donggen.

"Has the sales system been established? The news will be released in a few days. There are a large number of Donggen for sale. I believe that people from the Ministry of Health will find them by themselves, and the source of the virus can be suppressed, but the price cannot be lowered." Li Bai said to Wang Chu behind him that this was his first pot of gold.

"It's ready, and the website has been established. It is directly in the name of Huaxia College Xiannong Society, and there is no need to register a company. Although you have to pay the school some money, it doesn't matter. The school is well organized and everything is developing normally." Wang Chu replied.

The reason why the Xiannong Society has such a reputation since its establishment is firstly because of the power of the Nonghuang, and also because of the model of the Xiannong Society itself. The Xiannong Society has a clear hierarchy from the Nonghuang to its members.

From Yao Nong to Wu Nong, and then to Xiannong, there is a clear distinction. Yao Nong is at the tenth level, and Wu Nong is at the tenth level. You need to continuously get the contribution value of Xiannong Society in order to continuously upgrade. What is Xiannong? The characters are also unclear.

This is what Li Bai formulated at the beginning. Yao Nong is just an ordinary person, but even so, he still has a salary, but of course he also needs to contribute to the Xiannong Society. The five of them can be regarded as Wu Nong, they can be regarded as directly promoted to Wu Nong, and Li Bai also gave them ancient martial arts.

Of course, it is not easy to go from an ordinary drug farmer to a martial artist, but only a drug farmer already has a high salary, which is the reason why many people want to join Xiannong Society.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that you can join if you want to. So far, there are only 34 people in Xiannong Society. It is quite difficult to join Xiannong Society. It is said that Wang Chu, Hong Yu and others have set up several levels of assessment.

Each test is more difficult than the next, and you need to pass all of them before you can enter the Xiannong Club and become the lowest level of medicine farmers.

The specific assessment content, including character, integrity, professional knowledge, and identity background, can be regarded as an all-round assessment without dead ends, and finally one can enter Xiannongshe.

Because of the difficulty, countless students who have not passed the assessment also have a lot of resentment towards Xiannong Society, but it is all because of envy and hatred. You must know how high the salary is after entering, even better than finding a job after going out many.

A first-level drug farmer can have a monthly salary of [-] earth coins, which is already considered a good income in society, it is really incredible.

Countless people struggled to get into the Xiannong Club, and even some teachers came to the exam, but they didn't pass at all.

No, something happened again.

Fang Cheng entered the office with a bitter face, looked at Li Bai and said, "Boss is here too, those guys come here every day, they are almost annoying to death, and they can't even beat them away."

"What's the matter?" Li Bai asked, he basically didn't care about these things about Xiannongshe, but since he was here, let's ask.

"It's not the people from the agricultural society before. They said that they regretted giving us the land before, and they have to go back on their word. Otherwise, they told us to incorporate the agricultural society. This is a change of law and they want to join the Xiannong society." Fang Cheng Speechless.

Li Bai also laughed, these guys are really naive. Although they have built a high wall around the three lands, some people still found that the three lands have become much more fertile and have grown countless tender growths. Bud, although I don't know what it is, but according to Xiannongshe's generous writing, it must be a good thing.

The office building of Xiannong Club can be said to be unique among all clubs, even more luxurious than that of the student union, and there is absolutely no second one that can use such a small building for office.

Although many people don’t understand, when you graduate, don’t you give money to the school? Many people in the top order think that if you can send money like this, is it still worth the money? Moreover, the treatment of members of Xiannong Club is unmatched by all university clubs. .

Some even have to pay association fees, which is simply a world of difference.

"How can there be such a good thing, if you can't drive it away, you can use violence. There is no idiot's lunch in the world. Don't affect the normal operation of Xiannong Society. Ah, right." Li Bai looked at Fang Cheng and said with a smile, everything is not static, there are always some people who want to sit back and enjoy the benefits, how could such a good thing happen.

"I'm relieved when the boss says that, and I'm afraid that the boss' reputation will be bad if things go wrong." Fang Cheng said.

"Remember, no matter how big a problem is, it can be solved. Fear is also a kind of reputation. Of course, the premise is to have strength. If you don't have the strength to pretend to be one, you may be defeated by the sun. If you have the strength to pretend to be one, it is called domineering." Li Bai smiled. Dao, and then directly left the Xiannongshe building.

He really wasn't afraid of someone breaking in, the poisonous insects surrounding Xiannongshe could kill some people without a place to bury them.

"Understood, Brother Bai." Fang Cheng replied.

Just as Li Bai lay down, the sky message rang again. When he picked it up, Li Bai regained his energy.

"Sister." Li Bai called, and it was Qin Yubing who called.

In the image projected by Tianxun, Qin Yubing sat on the bed with a haggard face. Although she was still beautiful, there was a lingering gloom between her brows. It seemed that her situation was not very good.

"You should know where I am, right?" Qin Yubing asked in a low voice. Of course she knew that the Zhao family had arrested her, but she couldn't get close to her at all. Except for Li Bai who had this ability, no one else could. And he saw the three-legged golden toad.

"Well, what do I need to do?" Li Bai asked. To be honest, she couldn't get involved with the Qin family and the Zhao family. After all, Zhao Fengjiang didn't come to trouble him, and he didn't know how to get in. Such a big family The struggle between them has a lot to do with it, and it cannot be resolved by force alone.

"I want to be the master of the Qin family. I own [-]% of the Qin family's shares." Qin Yubing looked at Li Bai in the video. She knew Li Bai's difficulties. Although he had strong force, there were many business matters. It can't be solved by force, so the main thing is still for her to do.

Li Bai pondered for a moment, and said, "I'll pick you up."

After shutting down Tianxun, Qin Yubing sat on the bedside, wanting to change the status quo. Only by taking back the sovereignty of the Qin family can he control the fate of the Qin family in his own hands, but relying on his own strength is certainly not enough, Li Bai's force is needed Cooperate.

And it's not just as simple as taking back the sovereignty of the Qin family. Once it happens, the Qin family and the Zhao family will completely stand on the opposite side, and the Qin family will face the devastating suppression of the Zhao family. The month is the problem.

"I believe in you." Qin Yubing whispered, and glanced at the three-legged golden toad in the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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