The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2202 wait for my master to come

Chapter 2202 wait for my master to come

Zhao's villa.

Zhao Fengjiang was drinking with a gloomy face. Unexpectedly, the woman was arrested, but there was still nothing to do, which made Mr. Zhao very angry.

"Master, Mr. Qiu is here." A servant walked into the room and said respectfully to Zhao Fengjiang.

When Zhao Fengjiang heard this, his face brightened and he said, "Let him in quickly."

After a while, a man dressed in a strange way walked into the room. He was wearing a tattered Taoist robe, with a medium build and a beardless face. He seemed to be in his forties, but he seemed to be more than 40 years old.

"Mr. Qiu, you understand everything, can you solve it?" Zhao Fengjiang asked expectantly. He has thought of countless ways in the past few days, but it is useless. Those damn things made him dare not approach at all.

"Well, I understand. Take me to have a look. The specific situation will come after you have seen it." Mr. Qiu said, with a dignified appearance of seeing through the world.

"Then let's go. As long as Mr. Qiu can solve the problem, I can afford to pay more money. Let's go." Zhao Fengjiang said with a smile. The most important thing he lacks is money.

"Money is something outside of the body. After the matter is resolved, I will leave." Mr. Qiu said, with the appearance of an outsider.


The servants led Mr. Qiu, a worldly expert, to the door of Qin Yubing, and saw a poisonous snake with a pointed head, centipedes, and many crawling poisons at the door, but they were all far away from the room. It can be said that this area No one dared to go in.

The food is placed at the door, and Qin Yubing comes out to get it, but the strange thing is that every time Qin Yubing comes out, these poisonous insects disappear in an instant, and they are not seen by Qin Yubing at all. They also thought about coming out to eat in Qin Yubing It's time to do something, but the golden frog on the ground won't let anyone get close at all.

But every time someone else wants to enter the room, I'm sorry, the poisonous insects are all blocking the door, and no one can pass.

Zhao Fengjiang thought of many ways, such as using fire, electricity, and even lasers, but unfortunately, it was useless. They ran faster than anyone else, and there was a golden frog who was not afraid of anything, making them helpless.

Zhao Fengjiang also felt very strange, so he could only invite the unpredictable master, this is Mr. Qiu.

Mr. Qiu's name is Qiu Dachong. It is said that he is a Taoist, with strong Taoism skills, and he is very good at exorcising ghosts and insects. Of course, he was invited by Zhao Fengjiang.

"Mr. Qiu, do you think this is how to get rid of these poisonous insects?" Zhao Fengjiang asked. Although he is rich, he can only count on this seemingly unpredictable Mr. Qiu for such strange things.

"Wait for me to observe." Qiu Dachong looked slightly, took out a compass from his carry-on package, and started to circle around the door.

Turning around, Qiu Dachong took out his mahogany sword and sprinkled some yellow powder on a group of poisonous insects. The poisonous insects at the door ran away after smelling it, and left in a blink of an eye.

Qiu Dachong smiled slightly, but that's it, he just ran away, it seems that they are just some ordinary poisonous insects, there is nothing strange about it.

"Okay." Qiu Dachong went straight to the door and pushed the door open.

"Mr. Qiu, be careful."

As soon as the servant finished speaking, the doorknob was covered with a layer of golden silk thread. The moment Qiu Dachong's palm touched the doorknob, the golden thread entangled directly. of.

The door opened, and a golden frog appeared at the door, looking mischievously at Qiu Dachong on the ground, and a nearly invisible golden thread was connected to Qiu Dachong's body.

The golden frog jumped up mischievously, and even Qiu Dachong, who was bound by the golden silk thread, was pulled and fell to the ground like a big cocoon.

"This is. A golden frog? How is it possible?" Qiu Dachong looked at the jumping frog in disbelief. How could such a thing exist? It's impossible.

"Three legs, it's actually three legs, my God, the three-legged golden toad, I didn't expect there to be a three-legged golden toad, I have a chance, I, Qiu Dachong, have a chance, haha." Jin Da Chong was overjoyed, if this is really If the three-legged golden toad, then it really happened.

Even though he is now in severe pain from the jumping of the three-legged golden toad, he is also very excited, because as long as he has this little thing, he can really get attention, and get the attention of the cultivation sect, haha.

"Three-legged golden toad, as long as you tell the master this news, the master will definitely let me enter the inner door, haha." Qiu Dachong was very excited, but now he still has to find a way to escape.

His head was bleeding, and the three-legged golden toad seemed to be tired from playing too. He retracted the golden thread, let go of Qiu Dachong, and then jumped back to Qin Yubing's room again.

Qiu Dachong's head was bleeding, his body was also covered with wounds, and his body was also bruised and purple, but his face was full of smiles, and he didn't even notice that his nosebleed was flowing into his mouth.

Zhao Fengjiang and a servant next to him were also very surprised. Could it be that the old man was thrown stupidly, and he was still laughing in such a miserable state.

"Mr. Qiu, are you okay? There's nothing you can do?" Although Zhao Fengjiang was very annoyed, he couldn't directly get angry at Qiu Dachong, and wanted to ask this guy what was going on.

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay, why didn't you tell me that there is such a golden frog, I was careless, but it's okay, this frog is not a mortal thing, I need to call Tianxun, don't worry, I will definitely solve it for you. "Qiu Dachong wiped away the blood from his nose, his face beamed with joy, his chance finally came.

"Sir, what is this thing? If it's not a mortal thing, then what is it?" Zhao Fengjiang wondered, it was really strange, how could there be such a strange frog.

"Let me tell you this. Its name is the three-legged golden toad. We call it a monster or a spirit beast. It is the king of all poisonous insects. It can command countless poisonous insects. It is the so-called leader of the five poisons. Jin Chan only has to obey orders, this is a good thing, I can't figure it out, so I can only invite my master." Qiu Dachong said, it's okay to tell ordinary people about these things, this is a real spirit beast, and ordinary people Where is the opponent.

Immediately Qiu Dachong picked up the phone and prepared to call the master. Although the cultivation family is out of the world, but now the technology is advanced, some high-tech things can still be used. Of course, it is a cultivation person with average strength. It's useless, such as the sound transmission of thousands of miles for cultivators, flying with the sword, and so on.

But those who have reached that level are all old guys who are about to ascend through the catastrophe, who cares about the actual technology.

Of course, the earth's aura is thin, and it would be good to have a cultivator in a few hundred years. Of course, the special situation of his father Li Xiaogang cannot be ruled out.

"Su Qing, ask master to answer the news, I have something urgent." Qiu Dachong said directly to the phone.

"What's the matter, the master has already kicked you out, don't bother him, he will be angry." Su Qing's voice came from the other side, a dissatisfied man's voice.

"No, you can give Tianxun to the master, he will definitely let me go back, I promise, he wants to get this thing in his dreams." Qiu Dachong said.

After a while, there was still no movement, and Su Zi's voice came again, but Su Qing was still the only one in Tianxun, and said: "Da Chong, Master really ignores you. If I said it was you, he would say that there is no such thing as you." Prodigal son, I can't help it."

Qiu Dachong was also depressed, this old stubborn, didn't he just steal something from him, he needs to be so stingy, but he really has to get the old stuff back, and said directly: "How about this, Su Qing, tell him I found a spirit beast in the city, which is something he dreamed of, and he doesn't care if he comes or not."

"Spiritual beasts? Da Chong, are you kidding me? How could spiritual beasts appear in the city? Are you lying?" Su Qing obviously didn't believe it. Not to mention that spiritual beasts are very rare, even if they appeared, they would appear in places with strong aura How could a place appear in a city.

"Oh, believe it or not, I'll send you the photo later, if that old guy doesn't believe me, don't blame me for this spirit beast being robbed by someone else." Qiu Dachong said directly, and then hung up Tianxun.

Afterwards, Qiu Dachong directly found a picture of a three-legged golden toad from the Internet and sent it to Su Qing. He didn't want to be thrown around again.

At this moment, the door of Qin Yubing's room opened again, and the three-legged golden toad was in front, swaggering to open the way for Qin Yubing.

Qin Yubing followed directly behind the three-legged golden toad, preparing to leave here.

"Qin, do you dare to leave?" Zhao Fengjiang's face was livid with anger. If this woman dared to leave, he would directly let the Qin family perish.

"Of course, what can you do like this, you can't get close to me. If I want to leave, I have already left, but I haven't made up my mind. Now I have decided. If you want revenge, just come, whatever you want." Qin Yubing followed the three-legged gold Toad left the villa directly behind.

"Mr. Qiu, stop her." Zhao Fengjiang looked at Qiu Dachong who was on the side, this bastard is useless at all, what did you come here for?

"Mr. Feng, please be safe and don't be impatient. This is just an ordinary person. When my master comes, he will definitely be able to clean up." Qiu Dachong said, he didn't dare to go up. Are you beaten?

Zhao Fengjiang took a hard look at Qiu Dachong, very angry, this bastard is worthless, but now he dare not go up, what kind of master are we waiting for, if I knew that labor and management would invite your master, it is useless.

But even so, it's not good for Zhao Fengjiang to get angry on the spot. After all, it is very unwise to offend Qiu Dachong, so he can only endure it.

When they reached the entrance of the villa, Li Bai was already leaning on the front of the Ferrari and waiting. The three-legged golden toad jumped onto the front roof of the Ferrari excitedly, and remained motionless. The little thing was actually pretending to be a carved ornament.

Qin Yubing also went directly to Li Bai, she knew that as long as she wanted Li Bai, she would definitely come back. After seeing Li Bai, her sense of security suddenly increased. She didn't know why, but she just felt very safe.

"Sister, are you alright?" Li Bai looked at Qin Yubing, who had dark circles under her eyes, and her pretty face was a little haggard. It seemed that she had been tortured a lot these days.

"It's okay, let's go." Qin Yubing said.

"You get in the car first, that guy behind seems to be trying to trouble me." Li Bai helped Qin Yubing's small waist, and helped her into the car.

Zhao Fengjiang looked at Li Bai angrily, this bastard dared to come to his territory, he was looking for death.

(End of this chapter)

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