The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2206 Parasites

Chapter 2206 Parasites

Li Bai sneered, this old bastard is too deceitful, he really thought he wouldn't dare to kill him, right?

With a hard pinch of his wrist, Qin Hui'an's neck was directly broken with a click. Old man, since it was confirmed that it was a soul attack, Li Bai really didn't believe it. Although the soul attack in the cultivation world is strong, it is not impossible to save.

"Hahaha, little thing, you really dare to kill me." A gloomy voice came from behind, and Qin Hui'an, whose neck had already been pinched, stood up again. There was no trace on his neck, and The original injuries on his body also recovered, just like before he was injured.

Not only Li Bai was surprised, but even a group of Qin family members were extremely surprised. Is this the devil? Li Bai had already pinched his neck and broke his neck. How could he be alive again?

"Dad." Qin Biru was also surprised when he saw his father come back from the dead. He had a faint feeling that her father was very strange.

"Second brother." Qin Huizhen and Qin Huili were also full of disbelief, how could this happen.

Qin Huifeng just looked at the second brother in surprise, but he seemed to understand something in his heart.

"I said, I have the capital, why don't you believe it, I'm sorry now, everyone has to die." Qin Hui'an said with a cold smile, originally he didn't want to be exposed, but now he has no choice but to be exposed, anyway, he He is not afraid of anyone, as long as he directly kills those who oppose him.

"Really, what kind of life do you have now? Can't you really kill him?" Li Bai wondered, he was seriously injured just now, how could he be fine all of a sudden, this recovery speed is even faster than his own.

"Hey, you'll know if you try it, boy, I wanted to cooperate with you at first, but now it seems that human beings are still unreliable." Qin Huian sneered.

Li Bai couldn't help but say, with a flash of silver light under his feet, he rushed directly to Qin Hui'an, saying that he wanted to see what happened to this old thing.

With a flash of silver light, Li Bai punched Qin Hui'an's chest, and Qin Hui'an's chest sank into a big hole, his body remained motionless.

Li Bai felt as if he had been hit in the mud. When the silver star light was released, the silver light suddenly appeared, and directly hit Qin Hui'an's chest through his fist.


A hole was directly punched in Qin Hui'an's chest by the terrifying destructive power of the silver star power.

Surprisingly, there was no blood, but countless white gelatinous substances. Qin Hui'an's body turned into this strange gelatinous substance.

"Boy, is this an accident? Let me tell you, this is technology." Qin Hui'an smiled, and the body that had been blasted into a big hole by Li Bai was restored to its original state under the filling of the jelly-like substance.

"Your technology is a bit disgusting, but it's just a parasite, haha." Li Bai laughed, he knew this kind of physique when he was a child.

Li Bai grew up in the universe. Although the place where his father lives in seclusion is very secret, he still has some understanding of various life forms in the universe. The knowledge he has learned is not only the knowledge of the earth, but also the knowledge of the universe.

Including all kinds of life forms in the universe. Of course, humans are the largest group in the universe, but there are many different groups. This gelatinous body is called a parasite in the universe. They need to find a host, and the host must be Live life.

Once sojourning, they will slowly change the host's body and become a parasitic physique. Their characteristic is immortality. They sojourn on the host's body or even their soul, forming a symbiotic life form, and are called "spiritual dwellers" in the universe.

This is what the spirit dwellers call themselves, the place where their souls live. Although there are not many spirit dwellers in the universe, they are very powerful. Their bodies are immortal, and their souls are symbiotic, very powerful.

But there are also people who call them the spiritual brain clan. It is said that the parasite is born from the intellectual brain system, which is considered a part of the intellectual brain. Although this is just a rumor, it is not completely unfounded.

"Parasite? What kind of parasite? It's inexplicable." Qin Hui'an said angrily. This is simply technology. This bastard thinks he knows something.

Li Bai laughed, it seems that this idiot probably doesn't know about the Lingju people, and it's no wonder that people on this earth don't know about the various races in the universe.

"Idiot." Li Bai sneered, no matter what it is, it's a little troublesome to solve it now, but this is just a newly born Lingju clan, so it's nothing to worry about.

The long knife appeared in his hand again, which is really worth using his own weapon. Although this Lingju tribe is immature, they are a tribe in the universe after all, and they have the characteristic of immortality. no way.

"Looking for death." Seeing Li Bai rushing again, Qin Hui'an couldn't help yelling, and rushed towards Li Bai without fear of death, what was he afraid of with such a strong immortal body.

With Li Bai's long knife in his hand, the silver light directly covered it, and he slashed at Qin Hui'an's body, cutting him in half.

The two halves of the body recovered immediately, Qin Hui'an's body separated automatically, and stuck to the ground like a ball of glue, sticking to Li Bai's legs.

Li Bai sneered, silver starlight instantly covered his legs, and countless black gelatinous liquids were forcibly washed away by the berserk star power.

"It's a bit difficult." Li Bai said speechlessly. How to kill this kind of thing that is almost a puddle of mud, and this ghost thing seems to be alive. He doesn't know what the weakness of the Lingju people is. How to kill without a body.

At this moment, the three-legged golden toad jumped onto his shoulder and croaked three times. After hearing this, Li Bai was a little puzzled and said, "Are you kidding me? This food is not delicious. Will you feel sick after eating it?" ?”

The little thing said he wanted to eat Qin Hui'an's bunch of parasites, but he didn't know if it would work, and depending on the size, the little thing was so big, could it be eaten?

"Okay, let you try it. It seems that I have to chop it up for you. I'll be a cook for you." Li Bai looked at Qin Hui'an's parasite, it seemed that these things were all part of his body.

After a few knives, the mass of parasites was directly chopped into countless sections. The three-legged golden toad looked at the parasites bouncing on the ground, opened its mouth wide as if seeing some nourishment, and its golden tongue was like a silk thread He rushed out, and rolled a section of the parasite into his mouth.

Although it can only eat one section at a time, the speed is not full, and the tongue keeps jumping out. After a while, the little thing ate up a part of the parasite that Qin Huian separated.

Of course, this is also thanks to Li Bai who chopped him up into many knots first, otherwise the area would be too large to swallow.

"Can it really be eaten?" Li Bai looked at the body of the three-legged golden toad suspiciously. It seemed that there was no abnormality, but he was a little surprised. Such a large parasite should not be eaten up.

"Quack, quack." The three-legged golden toad licked its tongue and looked at Qin Hui'an excitedly, relishing it as if seeing some delicious food.

"This is too big, do you still want to eat it?" Li Bai was puzzled, it seems that this little thing likes this kind of parasite very much, and such a disgusting thing can be eaten, so the little thing is not afraid to panic.

"Well, let's catch him and let you eat slowly. Anyway, we have more time." Li Bai looked at the three-legged golden toad. He didn't expect that the parasite was the nourishment of the three-legged golden toad. It would be much easier to deal with this guy.

"Wishful thinking, go to hell, kid." Qin Hui'an also felt that something was wrong, and countless parasitic tissues rushed out of his body like an octopus, trying to wrap Li Bai.

Li Bai sneered, and the silver star power gushed out of his body directly. The Lingju clan's attack mode is to wrap people up, and then directly assimilate the matter into a part of their body. It is not so easy to assimilate him.

"Little guy, it's up to you. This is your dinner." Li Bai said, allowing countless parasitic organizations to wrap him up, but his star power could completely resist it.

Outside, the three-legged golden toad croaked loudly, and golden threads rushed out of the body, forming a bigger golden net to wrap Qin Hui'an's body backwards.

quack quack!
It was the first time Li Bai heard the little guy's anxious voice, and the surrounding silver stars burst out directly, rushing out of Qin Hui'an's parasite, and outside was the huge golden net of the three-legged golden toad.

Li Bai snorted coldly, swung his long knife, wrapped in silver star power, and cut Qin Hui'an's body into four parts with a cross, and then the saber technique accelerated again, when Qin Hui'an's body wanted to combine He shot again and chopped it into several sections.

"Okay, I'll come." Li Bai shouted, a dagger appeared in his hand, and directly pierced into Qin Hui'an's head.

"Ahh!" A palpitating scream came out, and with a thought, Li Bai closed the space of the ring at the best time, and took Qin Hui'an in. Once in his space, no matter how awesome he was, he would lie down caught.

In the space of the ring, the moment Qin Huian was taken in, his body had been reassembled successfully. He wanted to resist, but found that there seemed to be an invisible pressure that pressed his body firmly in place. Even the parasitic The body was out of control, a golden frog in front of him stared directly at him, and then licked his tongue, a piece of parasite entered the mouth of the three-legged golden toad.

"Fortunately, it's done." Li Bai heaved a sigh of relief. His dagger is the real good thing. It is a second-order fairy weapon in the universe, which can injure Qin Hui'an's soul and put it into the ring space in an instant.

He checked the ring space and saw that Qin Hui'an was no longer a threat, so he regained his consciousness and looked at Qin Yubing on the ground. He believed that there must be a way to wake her up.

He didn't think about why there are parasites on the earth, or accidents, but this is inevitable for a planet that develops technology, and it should be impossible to come from other planets.

It should be born by itself, or because of the birth of the intellectual brain, the parasite was also born.

Whether or not there are parasites appears is not what he has to consider. Such creatures are pitifully rare, even in the universe, they are still a very rare group.

The Qin family who had watched the whole battle were already frightened. What's going on? Is this a movie? Qin Hui'an turned into that section-by-section monster and the terrifying golden net, but in a blink of an eye It just disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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