The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2207 You Are The Principal

Chapter 2207 You Are The Principal
Until now, they still couldn't believe it. How could this be possible? Although Qin Hui'an had disappeared, they were already afraid of Li Bai. This is definitely not a category that human beings can understand.

"Let's just treat it as a dream." Li Bai glanced at the people of the Qin family. It's really hard to believe for ordinary people on the earth, but there is no way. If you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The universe is incomparably huge, and the earth is really too small.

Li Bai hugged Qin Yubing and left directly. As for the shares, he naturally couldn't escape. Now that Qin Hui'an is in his hands, it is not difficult to get the shares.

Taking Qin Yubing directly back home, Li Bai checked it out, and found that his soul really fell into a deep sleep. He also didn't know what to do in this situation. Some masters of soul cultivation in the universe should have a way, but there is no time now. Can rely on oneself.

"It would be great if there is a 'spiritual core', but the earth certainly does not have it, so it is difficult." Li Bai muttered, the spiritual core is a kind of soul medicine for the cultivation planet, a spiritual herb that heals the soul, but unfortunately the earth certainly does not have it.

"Brother master, what's wrong with her?" Bingjian asked from the side.

"It's nothing, the soul has fallen into a deep sleep." Li Bai said.

"Soul?" Bingjian was slightly puzzled, do people really have a soul?
"In the terms of the earth, it should be called a vegetable." Li Bai explained that people on earth use technology to explain that human beings have no soul, but this is simply a wonderful theory. The soul is the root of human beings. But back to the depths of hell.

"Forget it, I can't explain it to you, so let's think of a way." Li Bai has no choice for the time being. Unlike some cultivation planets, the earth has thin spiritual energy, and there are not so many spiritual grass treasures, so he can only find other methods.

In the academy, the office building of Xiannong Society.

Li Bai looked at the already green Donggen, his eyes were full of excitement, it was all money, and it was a lot of money.

"Wang Chu, have all the news been posted on the Internet?" Li Bai asked. There are still a few days until the harvest is almost ready, and sales are definitely not a problem, but I am afraid that something unexpected will happen.

"It's all put up, don't worry, boss, although many people don't believe it, but some people have said they want to come and see it." Wang Chu said, after all, many people and companies know how rare Donggen is, but they have released a lot of news Donggen, this is a bit unbelievable, but it doesn't matter, as long as the thing is true, people will come naturally.

"Well, don't bring anyone in to watch it, at least let him watch it with some weight." Li Bai said.

"Okay, boss."

Li Bai had already transferred 20.00% of the Qin family's shares to Qin Yubing's name, and Qin Hui'an, who was trapped in his space ring, had no choice but to catch him without a fight.

It's a pity that Qin Yubing is still sleeping now, and it's not good for an outsider to directly intervene in the Qin family's affairs, and Qin Hui'an is indeed an old fox, although it seems that the Qin family's property is already a part of the Zhao family.

But the real core industries are all under his control. Qin Hui'an, an old fox, has a backup even if he faces the Zhao family. I have to say that such a person is indeed terrifying, but it is useless now, parasitic The body has become the nutrition of the three-legged golden toad.

The little guy can eat a little if he has nothing to do, as if he can get energy from it, and his growth rate is much faster.

As for the current Qin family, he is too lazy to go. Anyway, there is no threat anymore, and he is not worried that the Zhao family will take action on the Qin family's property. Those core industries Qin Hui'an have been tampered with, and no one can move. Now they are all Qin Yubing industry.

Li Bai also asked the old man if there was any way to save Qin Yubing, but the old man had no choice but to directly attack the brain waves, that is, the soul. According to him, An would never wake up again, which made Li Bai beat him again. Eat that old thing.

When the old thing's parasites are eaten up by the three-legged golden toad, he will be angry.

The matter of Qin Yubing can only be put aside for now, but he will wake him up soon.

In Zhao's villa, Zhao Fengjiang stared at the young man next to Qiu Dachong, and said with a rather funny smile, "You said he was your master?"

"That's right, Mr. Zhao, this is my master Fang Yong, he likes others to call him Master Fang." Qiu Dachong introduced, although the master looks younger, it is indeed his master.

Zhao Fengjiang was very speechless, who are you fooling, a white-faced, beardless boy who looks like he is only 60 or [-] years old is actually the master of a [-]-[-]-year-old old man, he is lying.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? This kid is very powerful?" Zhao Fengjiang sneered. A seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy is a cultivator. Don't think that he has no common sense at all. Aren't all cultivators old men with white beards? How could it be possible? will be a teenager.

"You don't believe me?" The young man tilted his head slightly, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, staring at Zhao Fengjiang who was sneering.

"It's not that I don't believe you, brother, this is too fake. Where did Qiu Dachong find you? I still believe you are his nephew, and you are his master. Don't fool me." Zhao Fengjiang said with a smile , Qiu Dachong just found someone here and wanted to fool him with his money, it's really funny.

"Then I'll prove it to you." With a wave of Fang Yong's hand, an iron needle on the table flew up into the air, piercing Zhao Fengjiang's eyes without a support point.

Zhao Fengjiang retreated one after another in fright, with strong fear in his eyes. He retreated behind the wall, and the iron needle was still following him, seeing that the iron needle was about to pierce his eyes.

Fang Yong didn't move, walked in front of Zhao Fengjiang, and said coldly: "Do you believe me, I want to take your life and take it five times."

"I believe it...I believe it, Master Fang, can you accept the supernatural power first." Zhao Fengjiang's Adam's apple rolled, staring at the iron needle less than a few tenths of a millimeter away from his eyes, he could even feel the sharpness of the iron needle with his eyelashes , as long as he makes an inch, his eyeballs will definitely be pierced.

"That's good. You'll cover the expenses while I'm here. After I get the Three-legged Golden Toad, I'll help you deal with your enemies." Fang Yong turned and left, and Qiu Dachong quickly followed behind and walked out.

"Go quickly, take good care of Master Fang, and arrange the best hotel." Although Zhao Fengjiang broke out in a cold sweat, he immediately realized that such a master must be recruited.

In another hotel, a group of weird people gathered together and communicated constantly, speaking not-so-fluent Chinese, which had a weird taste.

Now Huaxia has become a veritable first language, and it is basically used in international communication. This has a lot to do with Huaxia's current international status. It is well-deserved that it is the language used by the most people and the most countries. language.

Huaxia has also become an international common language, so basically people from many countries can speak it.

"The operation continues. Find an opportunity to get rid of that Huaxia boy, and spoil our good deeds." A man with a stiff but handsome face said.

"We need to work together to get rid of that Huaxia boy. That boy is very powerful and should reach the fourth-level ninja." A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said, the Huaxia boy they were talking about was undoubtedly Li Bai.

"Has Oda-kun returned to the country? Why haven't you seen him?" asked the man with a stiff face.

"They lost the dignity of the Yamato nation, and they have already apologized. Our Yamato nation has always been like this. Death is not terrible to us at all. What we are afraid of is humiliation." The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said.

"Well, you guys really don't know how to cherish life. Let's proceed with the plan. I heard that Li Bai has planted a lot of eastern roots. If these eastern roots willows are like a market, they will disrupt our plan. We must stop them." The man said , it is not difficult to see that this man is from Korea, and the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks is from the island country.

"Of course we have to stop it, just leave it to us. Sooner or later, the Huaxia people will be our slaves, and they are not entitled to this rich land." The man from the island country said.

"Okay, then I will leave it to you. The virus will continue to spread and make the Chinese people lose their roots." The leader of Korea continued.

In class, Li Bai wanted to skip class again.

For him, it is not necessary at all, just read it once and remember it, it is nothing to listen to, and in terms of pharmacology and medicinal properties, the comprehension planet is much more thorough than the earth, this knowledge is too simple for her.

"Brother Li Bai, you have to skip class again, let's go together." Su Daji said while pulling Li Bai.

Li Bai pressed Su Daji on the seat, and said angrily, "You give me a good class, you think you are like me, and you can understand without listening to the class, am I a genius?"

"My god, I want to play with you." Su Daji opened her mouth and bit his hand, scaring Li Bai out of the classroom.

Su Daji chased out of the classroom to see where there was half a figure, stomped her feet, and had no choice but to turn around and return to the classroom.

Just as Li Bai rushed down the teaching building, the sky message rang, and it was Wang Chu calling.

"Boss, someone wants to see you?" Wang Chu said directly.

"Who?" Li Bai asked.

"Principal." Wang Chu said.

"Principal? What does the old man do when he sees me? Okay, I'll come right away." Li Bai said angrily, and Wang Chu on the other side of Tianxun hung up Tianxun with a smile. Can't you restrain yourself a bit, the principal next to him is looking at him a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, it's okay, young people, full of firepower, and I'm really old, haha." The principal Wang Chunen said with a smile. He has long heard that the president of the Xiannong Society is called the Nonghuang, and what a group of children are called. It's quite imposing, and these things can be regarded as the culture of Huaxia College, which is not bad.

"Principal, don't mind, that's all the president has to say," Wang Chu said.

"It's okay, you guys have done meritorious service this time, you know, okay, I'll have a good talk with your president later." Wang Chunen said, he didn't expect a group of little guys to have such awareness, if it's true, it's definitely Huaxia College has made the greatest contribution to the country in history.

Not long after, Li Bai arrived at the office building of Xiannongshe. When he entered the door, he saw Yi, an old man sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

"You are the principal, I kept you waiting for a long time, and you are just in class." Li Bai smiled, without any apology, needless to say, he also knew that the old guy must have come for Dong Gen.

(End of this chapter)

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