The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2216 Yin Yang 5 mazes

Chapter 2216 Yin Yang Five Mazes

A moment later, the car door opened, and Icicle stepped out a slender beautiful leg, white and flawless, slender like jade, and extremely alluring.

"Are you here to look for me?" Bingjian looked at the people around him, and he could tell that they were all experts, and they didn't seem to be Chinese. Although they were all Asian, there was still a difference.

"Baga, there is such a beautiful woman, it must be prepared for me." The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said, listening to the strange tone, there is no doubt that the Japanese are from the country.

"Your Excellency Matsuda, let's deal with them first, don't delay." Said a handsome man next to him. His facial features are handsome, and he is very handsome. It seems that he must have used a knife on his face. There is no doubt that a Korean man used a knife on his face. It's their favorite thing to do.

"It's up to you to say, get rid of this woman first, and the people inside will naturally be captured." Matsuda Liu laughed, and a group of Japanese warriors rushed towards the ice spike.

The charming face of the icicles sneered, and countless icicles appeared out of thin air on the slender palm, and they were directly sprinkled out like ice picks.

Bing Bing Bing! !

Countless icicles rushed directly at the Japanese warrior, the speed of the body dropped instantly, the surrounding air dropped a lot, and countless icicles appeared in the hands of the ice thorns. Although she seldom followed Li Bai, her strength Not only did it not decrease, but it improved a lot, because Li Bai opened the whole body meridians for her, and she has already started to cultivate.

In the past, her frosty air could hardly be separated from her body, and could only cover her body, but now, after Li Bai successfully activated the frosty air in her body, she can properly use weapons to attack through the air just like now. It is equivalent to the realm of a fifth-order true qi warrior, and it is absolutely extremely powerful.

"Master, you have reached the fifth level of true qi fighters. Huaxia is indeed hiding the dragon and crouching tiger, and they are all back." Seeing this, Matsuda Liu was able to determine the strength of the ice spikes. Huaxia's true qi warriors already possessed true qi. Continuously improving, when reaching the fifth-level true qi warrior, the true qi can already form a substantial attack, which is very powerful.

In the car, Zhang Jingjing and Chen Feier were stunned. They didn't expect the ice spike to be so powerful. Now that ancient martial arts are popular, they also know how powerful ancient martial artists are, but they have never seen such a powerful master. The icicles on it are so powerful that the two girls immediately worshiped the icicles.

"Young master, sister Bingthorn is your bodyguard? That's amazing. Oh, can I be sister Bingthorn's apprentice?" Chen Fei'er looked at Bingthorn with adoring eyes. Girls also have a dream of being a heroine. Look at it What a stinky man, he was knocked down by a beautiful woman with one move. Just thinking about it makes him feel majestic. They all want to be heroines.

"Bodyguard? In a way, yes, but if you want to be her apprentice, you have to be nice to me. She doesn't accept apprentices casually, but if I seem to say a few words, maybe she will agree. Hmm." Li Bai smiled, in fact, the strength of the ice thorn is not that strong, when he met Li Bai, he was only innately at the peak, and it would be even more difficult to break through to a true qi warrior, but who is Li Bai, directly With a marrow washing pill, the ice thorns can successfully build a foundation and embark on the path of cultivation.

Although the ice thorns are only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, they can control the power of frost. After embarking on the path of cultivation, they will have the strength of a fifth-level true energy warrior. The ability to control the elements of heaven and earth is the ability of a practitioner.

Therefore, although the frost power of the ice thorn can leave the body, it is actually not enough lethality. It can only make people's body cold, and has no substantial attack effect.

"How can I treat you well? Sister Bingthorn is so powerful. It would be great if I could be her apprentice." Zhang Jingjing is also very envious. They are all weak women. If they have such powerful skills, who else will they be afraid of? No longer afraid of the harassment of those disgusting men.

"There will be a chance, ha ha." Li Bai smiled, opened the car door and walked out, because the ice thorns were almost overwhelmed.

Countless icicles all rushed towards Matsuda Liu, but they did not pose any threat. These icicles are useful to attack ordinary people, but they are useless to attack experts.

Undoubtedly, Matsuda Ryu is a master. Countless ice edges hit him, but it didn't produce any effect, and fell directly to the ground.

"Haha, this kind of pediatric thing, trying to deal with me Matsuda-sama is really funny, are you scared now, little beauty, don't worry, I will make you happy later, I Matsuda-sama has countless kinds I’ll teach you this way.” Matsuda laughed wildly, his body was already on top of him, wanting to touch the body of the ice spike.

Ice Spike was only wearing a pair of shorts, so being approached by Matsuda like this would definitely be taken advantage of, but Li Bai would not let this happen. His maid was being trained by others, which simply did not take him seriously. .

Just as Matsuda was about to get close, Li Bai also opened the car door and came out. The long knife in his hand slashed directly at Matsuda Liu. This old rascal, he couldn't bear to say in front of his face that he wanted to train his woman.

"Huaxia people, do you like sneak attacks so much, hum." Matsuda sarcastically dodged Li Bai's knife in embarrassment.

"That's right, young master, I like sneak attacks, bite me, I said you Japanese people are not small, you dare to enter China, do you want to die?" Li Bai said angrily, he just beat Oda Xinye a few days ago Why is there another wave of those Japanese ninjas? Could it be the same group of people?

"Sharp teeth, Huaxia boy, you're finished, Yin-Yang Five Puzzling Array, drive." Matsuda shouted angrily, of course he knew that Li Bai was in the car, and he still knew that Li Bai was a master, but they also came prepared, Li Bai has successfully hindered their plan, so he must be killed.

Immediately, countless Japanese ninjas began to run outside continuously, at a faster and faster speed, and a very psychedelic Yin-Yang formation was formed directly, enveloping Li Bai and the others.

Li Bai looked at the ice thorn next to him, and said, "You go back to the car first, there are two little girls in there who want to ask you to be their teacher?"

"Ah, but master brother, you won't be in danger, right?" Bingthorn asked worriedly, although she knew that Li Bai was very strong, but the formation formed by the Wa people seemed to be very strong as well.

"It's okay, hurry back to the car, don't worry, I'll try this Japanese formation." Li Bai took advantage of the opportunity to touch the ice thorn on his buttocks, and pushed it into the Ferrari.

Looking at the yin-yang five mazes that have been completely formed around him, formations are indispensable for self-cultivation. Of course, Li Bai has some understanding of formations, but he is not very proficient, but he is definitely more proficient than this Japanese many.

Yin-yang and five elements, mutual generation and mutual restraint, arrange the energy according to different combinations to form a fixed combination, which is the formation. In his opinion, this is just a half-baked formation.

The yin and yang did exist, but the energy was too weak and too fragile. He could almost see where the weakness of the formation was at a glance. Among countless attacks.

It seemed that there were monstrous attacks against Li Bai, and Li Bai kept waving the long knife in his hand in a decent manner.

Matsuda Liu laughed out loud, this idiot Chinese, this yin and yang ecstasy array can definitely allow people to continuously attack and resist in the psychedelic array, because after falling into the psychedelic array, I feel that there will be countless attacks, but in fact those It's all an illusion, and once you fall into it, you will die.

Matsuda took out his samurai sword and slashed at Li Bai's head. Li Bai, who was deep in the psychedelic formation, took advantage of the opportunity to block the samurai sword, which made Matsuda Liu very puzzled. Didn't this guy fall into the psychedelic formation? Well, how could it still block his attack? It must be a coincidence. He just wanted to block the attack of the psychedelic formation.

Li Bai was still waving the long knife in his hand indiscriminately, Matsuda sneered, and once again raised the long knife and slashed at Li Bai.

Not surprisingly, what surprised him was that Li Bai blocked his samurai sword again, and it was quite powerful, forcing him back several steps. This kid is so strong that he fell into a psychedelic formation , To be able to have such a strong attack, the most important thing is that he himself was the one who took the initiative to attack, and was actually forced back by Li Bai. He had to admit that in terms of hard power, Li Bai was stronger than him.

After performing several attacks in a row, Li Bai, who was trapped in the psychedelic formation, accurately blocked Matsuda-ryu's samurai sword, and then began to swing the sword indiscriminately, which shocked Matsuda. This guy fell into the psychedelic formation After being hit, the nerves must not be thinking, every time he can block his attack, it can only be said that this guy is too strong, this is his fighting instinct.

"Hmph, so what if you are strong? If you continue at this speed, you will die of exhaustion sooner or later. The ending is not the same. You will die." Matsuda Liu said angrily. Some embarrassed, could not help but very angry.

The ice spurs and Chen Feier's three daughters in the car were also thrilled to see. They didn't know what Li Bai was doing, how could they swing the long saber indiscriminately, but every time they faced Matsuda Liu's attack, they were able to block it, which made their hearts tremble. It was mentioned in the throat, but fortunately it has been fine so far.

"Oh, why are you keeping your eyes closed, Young Master? You won't be possessed, what should you do?" Zhang Jingjing stared worriedly at Li Bai outside, very worried.

"It's okay, my brother is very powerful." Bingthorn smiled. She has great confidence in Li Bai. Since Laibai let her step into the path of cultivation, she has confirmed that Li Bai is definitely a legendary cultivator, and his strength is terrifying. , although those Japanese people outside are very strong, but Li Bai must be able to solve it.

Sure enough, Li Bai opened his eyes, looked at the Japanese ninja who was still rapidly circling around him, then looked at Matsuda Liu, and said with a smile: "Give up so quickly, I thought you were so persistent, it's not fun, Looks like I can't play anymore."

From the beginning to the end, Li Bai has never been affected by the psychedelic array. The random waving just now was just acting, playing with these self-righteous Japanese people.

(End of this chapter)

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