The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2217 Research Institute

Chapter 2217 Research Institute

"Aren't you tired of spinning around like this? It's better not to spin around." Li Bai flashed his hands, and a circle of silver stars rushed out directly. Maze also collapsed directly.

"Damn it, run away, why is this Huaxia person so strong?" Matsuda Liu's face changed drastically. It turned out that Li Bai had never been affected by the Yin-Yang Five Mazes, and he couldn't figure out why. He was terrified and could only run away directly.

Li Bai chuckled, and slashed directly in front of Matsuda Liu and the Korean man, holding a long knife and said with a smile: "I just want to run away, but that's not okay, we need to have a good chat."

"Talk, what are you talking about, Chinese people, let me tell you, we are all national elites, if you kill us, it will cause international disputes and cause war?" The handsome Korean looked at Li Bai in horror.

"International disputes, war? It's scary, but don't worry, you will disappear immediately, and no one will know your whereabouts, I promise." Li Bai smiled,
"Huaxia people, if you want to kill, kill them. We Japanese people have never been afraid." Matsuda Liu looked at Li Bai coldly, without any fear. It can be seen that he is really not afraid of death. Wa people have always been like this, and they can do seppuku. , you still expect people to be afraid of death?

Li Bai didn't hesitate, and cut off Matsuda Liu's head with a single stroke, and said with a smile, "Then I will fulfill you, lowly creature."

The Korean man next to him was splashed with blood on his face, and he urinated in fright. Li Bai had planned for a long time. The Japanese people are not afraid of death, and he is willing to kill them, but there is still a Korean man. , it is enough to have this Korean who is afraid of death.

"What's your name?" Li Bai asked, placing the long knife on the neck of the Korean. After Li Bai directly killed Matsuda Liu, he had already urinated, so he must be able to tell the truth.

"My name is Jin Youcheng. Don't kill me. I don't want to die yet." Jin Youcheng knelt on the ground, terrified. He was really scared. If he had known it was so dangerous, he would not have come here.

"Back to my question, otherwise you won't survive tonight." Li Bai said coldly, it would be easy to meet such a timid person.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything you need to know, don't kill me." Jin Youcheng said.

"That's good, why did you come to kill me?" Li Bai asked, he also couldn't figure out why the Japanese and the Koreans united. Didn't the two small countries dislike each other? united.

"Because you can grow Donggen, if so many Donggen antidotes enter the market, our plan will be useless, and you, Oda Xinye, were shot and seriously injured, and Song Gang was also caught by you, so we I really want to kill you, because you will hinder our plan." Jin Youcheng said.

Li Bai thought about it, and it seems that this is the only explanation, and he did teach the Korean agents first, and then the Japanese ninjas, but he didn't expect these guys to be together.

"What plan, the plan to put the virus in China?" Li Bai asked. Sure enough, these guys put the virus in China, and they have specific plans. They really want to commit genocide, it's paralyzing.

"Yes, our main purpose this time is to put the virus in China, causing panic and making the Chinese people lose their roots." Jin Youcheng said that these plans are already in progress, and the Chinese people will know sooner or later, and it doesn't matter what he said now.

"You guys want to exterminate the Chinese people. It's so unconscionable. Where did your virus come from?" Li Bai asked. This question is very important. Where did these guys' viruses come from? Even he couldn't stand it.

"I don't know about this. The virus is managed and sent to us by a special person. We have sneaked into China for more than ten years. We started with pharmaceutical companies and only recently got orders to start putting viruses in medicines. Almost all international pharmaceutical companies, we have Drop point, but there are already a lot of people who have been poisoned, but your Huaxia has done a good job of keeping secrets, and it has not caused panic." Jin Youcheng said.

Li Bai gasped. These two small countries really wanted to die. They dared to launch such a large-scale virus in China. Once China failed to control it, it would definitely be a devastating blow.

"You guys are really damned, what good will this do to you, you want to invade China, and the Japanese people are so wicked, do you want to come again?" Li Bai said coldly, at the beginning it was the Japanese who wanted to completely fight against Huaxia, but in the end their national strength was exhausted , without success, it seems that they want to make a comeback.

"I really don't know about this. We don't know the purpose of the higher authorities. We are just following the order. Please don't kill me." Jin Youcheng said, he was afraid that Li Bai would kill him immediately if he was upset.

Of course he didn't know that Li Bai didn't want to let him go at all. With a flick of the long knife, Jin Youcheng's head fell to the ground, and a group of injured Japanese people on the ground were also directly taken into the ring space by Li Bai. He can definitely do it. dead body.

The corpse was collected cleanly, and the bloody smell on the ground was instantly destroyed by Li Bai's silver star power, so no one could detect it.

Seeing Li Bai's Ferrari leave the sales office, Zhang Jingjing and Chen Fei'er have not recovered yet. They just think it's incredible that they saw the legendary ancient martial arts master, and Li Bai killed someone. They didn't even think about it. passed.

Later, when Li Bai told them that those were all from the Wa country, they didn't doubt it, whether they were from the Wa country or not, but those people are definitely not good people, and they would not come to kill Li Bai for any reason.

"Jingjing, who do you think he is? I still can't believe it. There is such a powerful person." Chen Fei'er looked at Zhang Jingjing who was also surprised.

"I guess it's a master of the ancient martial arts family. I heard that the disciples of the ancient martial arts family are all geniuses. To us, they are supermen. My son said not to tell what happened today. Even if we tell, most people will definitely not believe it. Hey." Zhang Jingjing was also very surprised, he could only think that Li Bai was from the ancient martial arts family.

Only people from the ancient martial arts family are so rich and powerful, and Li Bai bought a 400 million villa directly, which is definitely a big deal, not comparable to ordinary princes and young masters.

In fact, they were not used to being called Mr. Li Bai before, but Li Bai said that he liked to hear them call him that, so the two of them just talked about each other, and it was a bit retro. Doesn't that just mean that Li Bai is a disciple of the ancient martial arts family.

Li Bai drove away directly. It was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. After completing the house purchase procedures, there was nothing else to do. Li Bai and Bingthorn returned to the rented house. It would be better to move there tomorrow.

The next day, Liu Wei came to him again. Miss Liu seemed to have something to ask him, and she seemed to be waiting anxiously. When Li Bai arrived at Xiannongshe, Liu Wei stood up directly and said, "Well, do you have time? , I want to talk to you about something."

"I don't have much time and I'm very busy. What's wrong with Donggen?" Li Bai asked. Donggen was absolutely fine, including the transportation process. Li Bai was accompanied by the three-legged golden toad. Li Bai He had already thought that it would be too easy to destroy Donggen, so he had to make some preparations and asked the little guy to help escort him. It wasn't that he didn't trust Minister Hou's bodyguards, it was because the things were too important.

"Ah, it's true that there was a little problem during the transportation, but it's lucky, it's all right now, what I want to talk to you about are those secret agents, and Minister Hou also wants to see you, you can also drop by our research institute Take a look, I hope you can help develop an antidote as soon as possible." Liu Wei said, he really didn't dare to confront Li Bai now, he knew something.

"Oh, just be lucky. Does Minister Hou want to see me? See if you can do it in the afternoon. I really have something to do at noon." Li Bai said, and he had to go to the villa at noon.

"Afternoon, can't we do it now? Minister Hou said the sooner the better." Liu Wei looked at Li Bai expectantly, the Yuexiong circle kept rising and falling, and it could be seen that she was really anxious.

"Okay then, let's go now, did you drive here?" Li Bai asked.

"No, it's the car sent by the company. Let's go directly." Liu Wei took Li Bai directly into the commercial car and headed for the so-called research institute.

The speed of the car is very fast. Although it is a commercial vehicle, it is still very fast. It can be seen that there must be something going on with Minister Hou.

A skyscraper with a height of one hundred feet, the name of the building is 'Yanhuang Building', the name is very old, but it is very grand, the commercial vehicle heard the entrance of the building, Liu Wei took Li Bai directly into the building, it seems that this so-called research institute It should be in this building.

After several authentications, Liu Wei and Li Bai came to the upper floors of the building. Li Bai estimated that this was at least the [-]th floor. It can be seen that ordinary people cannot get in here. There are several checkpoints in the retinal scan. It's like a maze, it's impossible to get in.

"It's like an underground organization, it's too tight." Li Bai laughed. He found that other places in the building seemed to be no different from ordinary office buildings, but after Liu Wei led the way like a maze, they looked very different. up.

Everyone here is concentrating on doing their own things. They have no reaction to the appearance of Li Bai and Liu Wei. Many of them are wearing masks and white coats. They seem to be researching something. Li Bai guesses that this should be true. Institute.

Liu Wei took Li Bai directly to a relatively simple office. It was not luxurious, but there were basic facilities. Hou Weicheng was watching the projection inside.

It is none other than Li Bai in the projection.

To be precise, it should be the scene where Li Bai was fighting those Japanese people in Nazhida Xinye at school. Seeing Li Bai coming in, Hou Weicheng was also slightly surprised, and then asked Li Bai to do it.

"Li Bai, you are finally here, sit down quickly." Hou Weicheng smiled, looking at Li Bai now is like seeing his own son, he is very happy.

"Minister Hou, what are you talking about directly?" Li Bai said directly, seeing the old guy's appearance, there must be something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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