The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2218 Shameless Realm

Chapter 2218 Shameless Realm
"Haha, young people, don't worry. I've read all your information. Are you from the ancient martial arts family?" Hou Weicheng asked with a smile. It seems that this old guy asked someone to check Li Bai.

"Well, Minister Hou may be disappointed. I'm not from the ancient martial arts family, but I just know a little bit of ancient martial arts." Li Bai said, this old man must have something for him to do, otherwise why would you ask him to do it for nothing? He can't do it.

"Hehe, don't be modest, your ancient martial arts realm should have reached the peak of a true qi warrior, that is, a ninth-level true qi warrior. I don't quite understand these things, but they are all very powerful. I didn't realize that old man that day. , You can not only grow the detoxifying grass like Donggen, but you are also a master of ancient martial arts, and I am also blind." Hou Weicheng laughed, originally it was just a lucky little guy who accidentally got the method of planting Donggen, but I didn't expect this kid to be so powerful in ancient martial arts.

After the investigation, it was discovered that Li Bai's strength was that the instructors of the Tianlong Martial Arts School were not his opponents, and even those Japanese ninjas who came prepared and came to provoke him were not Li Bai's opponents. China's current special personnel may not be able to defeat these Japanese ninjas. One can imagine how powerful Li Bai is.

"You'd better just tell me why you came here. I'm a little scared when you say that." Li Bai said, he must have asked him to do something. To be honest, he really didn't have such a selfless awareness of sacrificing his life for the country.

"The little guy is just impatient, that's how it is. You also said that day that the Korean agents came to China to release the virus. In fact, we have already taken action, but these people are really scattered, and it is too difficult to find them, so Now the study of Donggen antidote has become the top priority. I know that you have a lot of research on herbal medicine and you are also a master of ancient martial arts. Make a little contribution." Hou Weicheng begged, as the minister of the Ministry of Health, to be honest, he has never begged anyone so humbly, especially for a young man who can be his son.

Li Bai was a little hesitant, not because he didn't want to make contributions, but because it was very troublesome. He still prefers to be free, but this time the virus incident is indeed a crisis, and if there is a big tree like the Ministry of Health to support his career. It will be easier to walk.

"What benefits do I have?" Li Bai asked. This is what he cares about. If he does something selflessly to help others, he needs to have substantial benefits to make him willing. Otherwise, a fool will help others without reciprocating. Do something.

"You little guy, you are a thief, of course there will be benefits. I know you have ambitions. The Xiannong Society you established will be profitable at a sky-high price just by planting Donggen. It will definitely expand in the future. You want to set up a pharmaceutical company. Well, in terms of medicine, if you have the support of the Ministry of Health, your pharmaceutical company should be much smoother, as long as you enter the research institute, are these things still a problem? Of course, this is just one of the benefits." Hou Weicheng laughed, of course he knew Li Bai In the Xiannong Society, the technology of planting Donggen alone is enough to make him a lot of money every day, and this little guy is full of magic, definitely more than that.

"After joining the research institute, my freedom will not be restricted. I don't want to go to work all day, and I'm still in school." Li Bai said, in fact, he was asking him what he would do after entering the research institute.

"No need to do anything. The establishment of the research institute itself is aimed at some emergencies. If the virus incident this time is handled well, it will definitely be a great achievement. The entire Ministry of Health will be rewarded. As for you, providing a large amount of Donggen will be a success." Yes, help out when necessary, of course, if you have time, I still hope you can participate in the research and development of antidote, there is basically nothing wrong." Hou Weicheng smiled, he knew this kid must be a treasure, so he quickly pulled him in, as long as he entered After leaving the research institute, are you afraid that this kid won't work hard?

"Okay, then I'll join this research institute." Li Bai agreed. Seeing the old guy smiling, he seemed to be on a thief ship, but there was no way. For his future career, he also had to find a big tree to test After a while, the Ministry of Health is obviously the best for him. After all, his future development is inseparable from the support of the Ministry of Health.

"Well, you will be a member of the research institute in the future. Let's wait and see the research and development of the antidote. Our people have not developed much yet, but we have a direction. We hope to develop an antidote to suppress the virus as soon as possible." Hou Weicheng Said.

"Yes, yes." Li Bai replied.

"Xiao Liu, take Li Bai to visit the research institute, and then go to the antidote center to have a look. The progress is about to be accelerated." Hou Weicheng ordered.

"Okay, Minister."

Liu Wei took Li Bai out of the office and began to move around among the researchers. Li Bai was puzzled, looked at Liu Wei who was wearing a professional suit, and said, "Hey, aren't you a financial officer? How did you get promoted?"

Liu Weibai glanced at Li Bai, and said, "It's finance, because Donggen's affairs are very important, so Minister Hou asked me to only work with you on this project. You think I think so, who told me to be unlucky."

Li Bai was puzzled, what made you unlucky, you look down on me so much, the young master, that's just right, the young master doesn't want you to follow, and said directly: "Then you don't have to be unlucky, you go and tell Minister Hou that you don't want to be with me, and neither do I." Like you follow me, put on this stinky face all day long, it also affects my mood, let Minister Hou replace it with a beautiful woman who is prettier than you, thank you."

"You, I won't go, I have to go by yourself." Liu Wei was anxious, this guy really can't talk like that, anyway, he can be regarded as a beauty, and there are usually many people around him, if you want to be in shape, If you want to be cheeky, why can't this bastard see it at all.

"Okay, I'll go by myself." Li Bai turned around and walked towards Hou Weicheng's office. Liu Wei was about to cry, but she could only compromise, and stopped Li Bai and said, "You...don't go, I was wrong, I Knowing that I am not a beautiful woman, but already like this, you can’t let it go, we are acquaintances anyway, everyone knows it’s hard not to fight with women, so you can’t let me?”

Li Bai smiled and said, "You're not my girlfriend, why should I let you, besides, you're the one who keeps making faces at me, I don't want to talk to an inflatable doll."

"I didn't show my face to you, it's always like this." Liu Wei said aggrievedly, she really hadn't been told that, and this pervert compared him to an inflatable doll, she would never win a verbal battle .

"No, then you have no expression at all all day, just smile at me." Li Bai looked at Liu Wei who was about to cry. This kind of professional lady really needs some work to make her proud posture put it down.

Liu Wei was so wronged that she was about to cry. How can there be such a person? This is clearly a bully, but Li Bai is right. She has no expression when facing Li Bai, but she is like this to everyone. Who is to blame.

"I can't laugh, you bullied me." The professional lady finally broke down and cried. Fortunately, the research institute is sparsely staffed and no one noticed.

Li Bai was unmoved, looked at Liu Wei and said, "Have you finished crying? You can't laugh, right? Then let me teach you. Look like this. There are no more than four teeth in a row at the corners of your mouth. I really doubt that you can laugh like this." How did you grow up, you can't laugh, poor child."

Li Bai used his brazenness and rascal tone to constantly destroy Liu Wei's psychological quality. This is simply the absolute destruction of the spiritual level. Faced with Li Bai's serious teaching you to laugh, Liu Wei feels that her previous world has collapsed, my God , How could there be such a shameless hooligan, such a bullying man, she collapsed.

"Come on, you can't even learn, then this is your IQ problem, then I really can't help you, this is innate, but you are so old, it is normal to have defects in IQ Yes, I sympathize with you." Li Bai said regretfully, causing Liu Wei to completely collapse, how did this shameless man think so long.

At the beginning, she said that she had no expression, then she had no smile, and then she had no IQ. These shameless words were connected without gaps, and her outlook on life collapsed.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you can't laugh, and it doesn't matter if you don't know how to learn. God gave you a certain physical priority, which deprived you of a lot of IQ. Don't worry, many people sympathize with the weak Yes, I am the same, follow me now, don't walk around, or I won't be responsible if you fall." Li Bai said in a persuasive manner, still putting Liu Wei on the verge of collapse.

During this period of time, Liu Wei couldn't say a word, and was almost speechless by Li Bai's words. From the bottom of her heart, she felt that this shameless bastard was really weird. No doubt now Li Bai has seriously regarded her as a person with only an IQ. Five year old kid.

After a big commotion, Li Bai just wanted to avenge Liu Wei for saying that he was a brat for the first time. I can only say that if there is no shame to divide the realm, then Li Bai is definitely the master realm.

"Have you finished?" Liu Wei's eyes were about to burst into flames. She was aggrieved at first, but this bastard had no intention of pity at all. She had to be strong on her own.

"I still can't laugh, hey, it seems that I have said all this for nothing." Li Bai regretted that this woman still had a bad face, as if she owed her a lot of money, it was too unreasonable.

"Hehe, is this okay?" Liu Wei slightly parted her red lips, showing a sneer. If it was possible, she really wanted to shave this shameless bastard alive.

She couldn't beat Li Bai with verbal skills, and she couldn't beat Li Bai with personal strength, so she could only swallow her anger, which was really abominable.

"Hey, tell me what these are for. Are you leading the way? Can you be professional? What kind of service is this? I really changed people. The service is terrible." Li Bai said , This is the truth, just leave like this, who knows where, this woman is really, just don't know how to laugh, and play petty temper with him.

(End of this chapter)

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