The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2232 classmate, it's you

Chapter 2232 classmate, it's you

Huangfuling snorted coldly, turned around and left, really didn't want to see Su Daji's extremely seductive pretty face.

Li Bai looked at Huangfu Ling, then at Su Meng next to him, the two of them were really extreme, both of them were top-notch beauties, their bodies and heights were almost perfect to an unimaginable level, Su Meng was alluring to the bone, Every movement is extremely charming, and it has truly reached the state of charming all living beings.

Huangfu Ling is the other extreme, pure as jade, transparent and ethereal like pure emeralds, people can't bear to be profaned, but they can't help but be attracted by her, and she will overwhelm the city and the country and all sentient beings.

Obviously, such two extreme beauties may not like each other when they meet for the first time, and they are both very popular in Huaxia Academy. Of course, they like fairies more obviously.

Men, goblins are always more attractive. Relatively speaking, Su Daji is more popular. This is because her family is just an ordinary business family, and Huangfuling also has this family, as well as herself. His talent is not to be outdone.

At seven o'clock, the concert officially started. Li Bai and Su Daji also came to the arranged seats. It was a coincidence that Huang Fuling was next to Li Bai, and on the other side was Deng Xin next to Su Daji.

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, anyway, it's such a position.

Seeing this arrangement, Su Daji wanted to say something, but she still didn't say anything, thinking how could this hateful woman be next to Li Bai's brother, but knowing Li Bai's attitude towards Huangfu Ling, she didn't need to worry too much.

Fang Fei is indeed a beauty, and an old song also has a different taste. The fans in the academy are not stingy with their applause and shouts. They wave the light sticks in their hands vigorously, as if they can be seen by idols .

Li Bai watched for a while, although Fang Fei's singing voice was moving, her dance was also very beautiful, and every movement was like a fairy, but this was just a performance, and Li Bai was just admiring it, nothing more.

"You don't like Fang Fei?" Huangfu Ling suddenly asked in a low voice.

"It's okay, celebrities, who doesn't like it, but that's all." Li Bai laughed.

"Then who do you like, who do you admire?" Huangfu Ling continued to ask, this guy looked indifferent, since he didn't like it, why did he come here.

"I like beautiful women. As for admiration, can I say that besides my father, I adore myself the most?" Li Bai smiled, adoring a mortal, he has no such thoughts.

"I'm talking about others, do you have anyone you admire? I admire 'Cameron Slan' the most. His performance can explain all life. If you can meet him, it will be worth it." Huangfu Ling hugged He said with his little hands, like a brainless fan, but he is quite obedient at this time, like a little fan.

Li Bai doesn't know who this card is or who it is, but it should be someone from abroad, but this kind of Huangfu Ling has a special charm, it doesn't have that fairy-like feeling, and it has the innocence of a little girl.

Mu Xiaoting looked at Li Bai from a distance, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, this guy's popularity with women is really good, she came very late, and she also did some chores, of course she didn't see Li Bai and Su Daji was slacking off inside, but now that she sees it, it's not easy to let it go.

But what she didn't expect was that Li Bai actually sat between Huangfuling and Su Daji. These two women have always been at odds. Why did it become like this? She couldn't help being a little annoyed. That's great, there are beautiful women wherever you go.

Mu Xiaoting just looked at the stage angrily, she can't rush over so far, she must ask that guy Li Bai later.

At this time, Fang Fei on the stage finished singing another song, took the microphone and said to the fans in the audience: "Thank you for being so enthusiastic, all the juniors and girls are so hardworking, I will also surprise everyone Yes, it's not just me who is here today, there is also a singer and actor that everyone likes, do you know who it is?"

The fans in the audience shouted wildly, shouting everything, but there was one name that was more resounding.

"Zhuo Yao, Zhuo Yao, Zhuo Yao..."

As if responding to the shouts of the fans, the lights on the stage went out, and when they turned on again, a handsome man in a tuxedo was already standing on the stage. .

"Zhuo Yao, it's really Zhuo Yao, so handsome."

"Ah, it's Zhuo Yao, he's more handsome than on TV, I can't take it anymore, brother Zhuo Yao is so handsome." A female fan screamed.

Fang Fei on the stage spoke again: "I know everyone likes Zhuo Yao very much, isn't he handsome? Now brother Zhuo Yao and I will bring you a song 'Lovesick Tears'. I hope you like it."

Lovesickness Tears is a very popular love song, and it sounds good in itself, and the duet between Fang Fei and Zhuo Yao makes it even more touching. Both of them are very popular stars, so naturally they brought the concert to a climax.

"It really is this guy." Li Bai smiled, it really is this guy, seeing him smiling all over his face, he should have come out from the shadow of last time, the injury on his body healed very quickly.

Deng Xin was slightly taken aback, Li Bai just beat him up a few days ago, fortunately Zhuo Yao couldn't see the crowd below now, and said that if he saw Li Bai, he didn't know what his reaction would be.

After a while, the two finished singing Lovesickness Tears. Fang Fei was probably too tired, so she went to rest after the stage, and Zhuo Yao was alone on stage.

Zhuo Yao looked at the shouts of countless crazy fans, and felt relieved. The haze of a few days ago was swept away, and he vowed never to see that bastard again.

"Next, I will bring you my own song 'The World Is Falling', but I want to interact with you. In this way, I invite a fan to sing with me, okay? Who wants to sing this song with me? Is the world falling?" Zhuo Yao said with a smile, the female fans in the audience were almost crazy, if they could sing a song with Zhuo Yao, then this life would be worth it.

"How about this, let me see who swings the hardest and shouts the loudest, shall I choose who?" Zhuo Yao said excitedly, seeing the countless shouts from the audience, he felt a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, He Zhuo Yao is the most shining, he is the No.1 under the spotlight.

"Brother Zhuo Yao, I love you, brother Zhuo Yao, I want to marry you." Countless female fans shouted frantically.

Zhuo Yao is also observing the students below, of course he will not choose randomly, he must choose beautiful ones, otherwise how will he develop in the next step? The wife understands that in this way, he can easily get very beautiful fans.

Suddenly he saw a beautiful beauty in his eyes, an absolute beauty, oval face, willow eyebrows, without makeup, but naturally exuding a unique beauty.

The best, the absolute best, this is Zhuo Yao's feeling, even among the women he has slept with, they are definitely the best.

"This classmate is you, and thank you for singing this song with me." Zhuo Yao stretched out his hand and bowed slightly, very gentlemanly.

Mu Xiaoting was flustered and didn't know what to do, she was naturally chosen by Zhuo Yao, she was thinking about how to find Li Bai later, waving her hands unconsciously, she didn't expect to be chosen by Zhuo Yao.

Immediately, countless twilights were projected on Zhuo Yao and Mu Xiaoting, and countless envious eyes fell on Mu Xiaoting. It would be worth dying to win brother Zhuo Yao's favor. Of course, this is just some brainless fans. Mu Xiaoting only felt that her head was a bit big, but she didn't expect to be selected by Zhuo Yao.

He was at a loss and didn't know what to do there, Zhuo Yao naturally took Mu Xiaoting's hand and walked directly to the stage.

When they were halfway there, Mu Xiaoting came to her senses, broke away from Zhuo Yao's hand, turned around and ran back to her seat.


This made Zhuo Yao very embarrassed, but he would find a step for himself, picked up the microphone, and said with a smile: "This student should be nervous, it's okay, just get used to it, I'll give her another chance. "

Zhuo Yao came to Mu Xiaoting again, and persuaded carefully: "Classmates, don't be nervous, it's just singing a song, you see how much they envy you."

"Sorry, I don't want to sing with you, and I don't know how to sing, thank you." Mu Xiaoting wanted to run away, but there were people everywhere, and there was nowhere for her to run.

"Who is it? You don't want to sing with Zhuo Yao. How lucky is this? Pretending?" The cameras were also aimed at Zhuo Yao and Mu Xiaoting, causing many fans to scold Mu Xiaoting.

"Isn't that Mu Xiaoting? Isn't that the school belle? Why are you pretending to be noble? Brother Zhuo Yao has already invited you, but you still don't want to. Who does she think she is? She has no idea." Someone recognized Mu Xiaoting, After all, Mu Xiaoting was also a beauty among the top ten school beauties in school, but to Zhuo Yao, it was nothing, after all, celebrities were more influential.

And this really made Zhuo Yao unable to get off the stage, which was very embarrassing.

However, most of the people who think Mu Xiaoting is not interesting are girls, and boys are very disdainful, people don’t want to sing with you, and Mu Xiaoting is still very popular among school boys, but because of Zhuo Yao’s star status, she can’t Didn't say anything, just wanted to see what to do next.

Zhuo Yao looked at the looks of countless fans, and couldn't help but whispered: "Student, you make me lose face like this, and it's not good for you, isn't it just singing a song?"

Mu Xiaoting calmed down a lot. The scolding around her originally made her feel very angry, but she no longer felt it anymore, she calmly shook her head at Zhuo Yao, and said, "I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend. My boyfriend won't be happy if you sing, thank you."

Zhuo Yao's face changed slightly, he admired the girl's composure, she was at a loss and panicked just now, but she calmed down so quickly, a very angry girl, he was even more interested.

"What's your name, it doesn't matter if you have a boyfriend, but it's just singing." Zhuo Yao smiled, he was really interested in this girl, even he might not be able to adjust so quickly , To be so calm and calm all of a sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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