The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2233 Fighting Dance

Chapter 2233 Fighting Dance
Mu Xiaoting didn't want to pay attention to Zhuo Yao anymore, she just glanced at Li Bai's position before, but now there was no one there, and she didn't know where she went.

Zhuo Yao also smiled, picked up the microphone, walked onto the stage calmly, and then asked the audience: "To be honest, I didn't expect this to happen, it made me very embarrassed, but after chatting with that classmate , I changed my mind."

"She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, I want to pursue her, although she said she already has a boyfriend, but what does it matter, I want to pursue her, I want to compete fairly with that boy, for the woman I love , I think it's worth it." Zhuo Yao was impassioned, this bold confession was actually to a girl who just refused to sing with him.

The audience is boiling, what's going on, Zhuo Yao actually confessed in public, what does this mean, it means that he wants to pursue that girl, Mu Xiaoting.

Moreover, Mu Xiaoting has a boyfriend, who is this boyfriend, and the beauty of their school actually has a boyfriend, why don't they know.

When the audience was boiling, Zhuo Yao said again: "That girl said she has a boyfriend, I don't know if she has a boyfriend, if she does, it should be in the crowd below you, I hope to see a boyfriend Meet him and have a fair fight with him."

"Who is it? Who is Mu Xiaoting's boyfriend? Why haven't I heard of it?" Many people were full of doubts.

"By the way, do you still remember that when the art club performed last time, someone picked Mu Xiaoting away? It should be that person, who is it?" Someone thought of the last time Li Bai picked up Mu Xiaoting The scene after that, but at that time Li Bai had no reputation at all, and the Xiannong Society had not yet been established. Even though it was already night, few people could see who it was.

"It can't be him, I remember that someone called Nonghuang at that time, but I didn't pay attention at the time, isn't the current Nonghuang Li Bai from Xiannongshe, who beat Sun Miao at that time. "Someone recalled, it should be the person who saw the specific situation.

"Yes, it should be Nonghuang, but it's not right, isn't Nonghuang with Su Daji? Why is he with Mu Xiaoting again?"

"That's right, Nonghuang is with Feng Yunxi, okay, what a retard."

The discussion is getting louder and louder, this is not a concert, it has become a discussion meeting, Fang Fei is not good in the backstage in the mall, how did she know that Zhuo Yao would come to such a show, there is no such thing at all Arrange.

I don't know how it will end, but the results of these people's discussions have also come out. The result is that the Emperor Nong has a close relationship with several beauties. Among the top ten school beauties, Mu Xiaoting ranked fifth, and Feng Yunxi ranked third. The first Huang Fuling, and the first demon flower Su Meng Su Daji, these four beauties seem to have a relationship with this Nong Huang.

Especially among them, Su Daji, Mu Xiaoting and Feng Yunxi, the three of them have a very close relationship with the Nonghuang, which shocked many people. They didn’t know this until they discussed it. They only found out after the discussion. He managed to get all the beauties in a sneaky way, really without anyone noticing.

Zhuo Yao squeezed his hands, picked up the microphone again, and said, "Don't tell me that the girl's boyfriend doesn't have the courage to stand up and compete with me fairly? That would be a pity. How can such a person deserve such a beauty? Then I It's about to steal love."

Whoa! !

There was another uproar, and the people below not only didn't think that Zhuo Yao's behavior was wrong, but felt very domineering. The girl's eyes were full of admiration and said: "If Zhuo Yao is willing to do this for me, I will agree regardless of whether he has a boyfriend or not. Simply blissful."

"That's right, brother Zhuo Yao is too domineering, and it's so romantic, just like the domineering president in the TV series, so handsome." A group of female fans admired.

Mu Xiaoting bit her lip and glanced at Li Bai's position again, but there was still no one there, only Su Daji and Huang Fuling were sitting there, she thought to herself that Li Bai must have left, what should I do now.

Besides, even if Li Bai was there, would he go up there? Would he admit that he was his boyfriend in front of the whole school?
At this moment, Li Bai did not know when he had appeared behind her, pulled her and walked up to the stage.

"Here we come, someone came up with Mu Xiaoting." Someone saw the figures of Li Bai and Mu Xiaoting.

"It's him, it's really him, it really is the Emperor Nong." With the picture projected on the big screen, someone has already recognized Li Bai's figure.

In the picture, Li Bai is wearing a white suit and a bow tie. His face is normal and his hairstyle has been adjusted. He looks no worse than Zhuo Yao, and has a little more momentum overlooking the world.

Li Bai dragged the shy Mu Xiaoting onto the stage slowly, and stood opposite Zhuo Yao.

Zhuo Yao's eyes are worth it, he didn't recognize it when he was down there, but now he fully understands, this bastard, it's him, it's him, how could it be this bastard.

The person he didn't want to see the last time, he felt that God made a big joke on him, he couldn't imagine with his ass how it would be so hard to see a girl, it turned out to be this bastard's girlfriend, he had a feeling The feeling of crying.

Li Bai looked at Zhuo Yao with the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and said with a half-smile, "We meet again, star?"

"Why is it you? I didn't intend to mess with you. What are you going to do?" Zhuo Yao looked at Li Bai with a face full of panic. People I don't want to see.

"Didn't you let me come up to compete with you fairly? Didn't I come up? Come on, let's compete fairly. I will accompany you any way you want to compete?" Li Bai showed a confident smile. He really has nothing to be afraid of. .

Zhuo Yao was really scared. This bastard shot too hard. Although his body has recovered, the pain from last time still hurts when he thinks about it. If it was more than fighting, he could just roll off. But when he heard Li Bai say that he can compete in any way, there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Isn't this kid looking for death?

What does Zhuo Yao do, star singer, who can compare to him on the stage, he is known as the king of dance in China, if he is better at dancing, he is really confident that he can beat this kid by a few streets.

"It's really okay to compete in any way?" Zhuo Yao said uncertainly, is this bastard so stupid, it seems that he doesn't know how good he is.

"Yes, you can compete as much as you want, I will accompany you, but if you lose, you have to disappear from the entertainment circle." Li Bai said coldly, this bastard really thought he was invincible.

"That's fine, let's talk about dancing. If you lose, don't be rough, don't fight, don't retaliate, and get out of here." Zhuo Yao thought to himself, since this kid is so ignorant, then he will There is nothing more to say.

"Compared to dancing, how do you win or lose?" Li Bai laughed.

"It's very simple. Whoever has the highest voice wins. Smart computers have voice recorders. Do you dare to come?" Zhuo Yao still didn't believe that a poor boy was more popular than him. He is a star. Just look at the voice recorder just now. Got it, absolutely crushing this kid.

What's more, in Zhuo Yao's opinion, Li Bai doesn't know how to dance at all. Can this kind of idiot know how to dance?

"It's a deal, so it's settled. If I lose, get out of here. If you lose, get out of the entertainment industry and disappear completely." Li Bai laughed. He had never done dancing before, and he hadn't even watched it.

"But he doesn't panic. In terms of popularity, although Zhuo Yao is a star, he still has some fans in Huaxia Academy. At noon, there was a large group of fans who said they would give birth to monkeys for him. There should be quite a few of them. .

But even if the voice is not enough, he still has a second move, and it is not a problem to kill Zhuo Yao.

"Hum, let's start now. Do you need to introduce yourself who you are? I'll give you a chance." Zhuo Yao said disdainfully, he still didn't believe that a college student could be as popular as him.

"I really need this, thank you." Li Bai smiled. Although he didn't take the microphone, the voice was still transmitted directly, and said, "Hi everyone, my name is Li Bai, but I have another name, Xiannongshe The president of the company, Nonghuang, Zhuo Yao wants to compete with me today, and I originally refused, but he insisted repeatedly, so I could only agree."

"Everyone knows me. That's good. Mr. Zhuo Yao said he wanted to dance with me. Although I'm not very good at it, I hope everyone will like it. I will try my best, thank you." Li Bai smiled.

"Ah, it's actually Nong Huang, it's really Nong Huang, I think Nong Huang is more handsome, much more powerful than Zhuo Yao." When his identity was revealed, many people were surprised, they didn't expect this to fight with Zhuo Yao It turned out to be the Nonghuang.

"Nong Huang Nong Huang, we love you." Suddenly someone shouted.

"Nonghuang, can we join the Xiannong Society? Let's join the Xiannong Society." Someone shouted.

Hearing this, Li Bai couldn't help but make a plan, and said loudly again: "I'm telling you some good news. I hope everyone will shout louder when I dance. I'm going to choose ten people with loud voices to enter the Xiannong Society. not bad.

Zhuo Yao was stunned for a moment, he suddenly felt that he knew too little about Li Bai, he couldn't believe that the shouts of countless students were louder than words after hearing a few words.

Who the hell is this kid? Why is he so popular in school? What's going on? He thought that he was a surefire winner in Dou Wu, and he suddenly felt something was wrong.

But he still believes that Zhuo Yao's popularity is definitely much higher, and in terms of dancing, he will definitely crush this bastard kid, he still has confidence.

"Okay, let's start, who will come first?" Zhuo Yao looked at Li Bai and sneered. He has been practicing dancing since he was a child, and he still doesn't believe that he can't beat this bastard.

"You come first, I'll see how good you are, so I'll be prepared." Li Bai said with a smile. In fact, he doesn't know how to dance at all, but he just wants to learn temporarily.

"Okay, then I'll come first, hum." Zhuo Yao seemed to see Li Bai's guilty conscience, and sneered in his heart, let's see how you make a fool of yourself later.

(End of this chapter)

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