The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2244 Disabled Doesn't Matter

Chapter 2244 Disabled Doesn't Matter

"My dear, you're so powerful, but you're lucky to run fast." Li Bai broke out in a cold sweat, and really almost couldn't get out.

Xiaoxi also seemed to know that Li Bai was in danger just now, and it was because of her, and she lowered her head and grabbed the corner of her skirt, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Forget it, let's do it for now." Li Bai said helplessly, he didn't dare to consciously enter Xiaoxi's body to investigate again, this time he was lucky, next time it might not be so easy.

Looking at Xiao Xi who looked innocent and at a loss, she had no choice but to give up.

Xiao Xi kept following Li Bai like a little tail, wherever she went, Li Bai was also very helpless, she had no choice but to do so.

In the afternoon, Li Bai was watching those temporary workers building the fence, when suddenly, a mouse sprang out from the bushes.

At this moment, Xiaoxi's petite figure who had been very well-behaved behind her moved directly, as if bloodshot eyes had appeared in her hand, she directly grabbed the extremely fast mouse, and then with both hands, she directly grabbed the mouse in her hand. The mouse sent it to the mouth.

When Li Bai found out, more than half of the mouse had been stuffed into Xiaoxi's mouth, and there were bloodstains at the corners of the bright red mouth, which looked very strange.

Li Bai's face changed, he went up and snatched the half of the mouse out of Xiaoxi's mouth, threw it on the ground, stared at Xiaoxi at the same time and said angrily: "You are not allowed to eat this in the future."

Xiao Xi acted as if she had never heard of it, and with a movement of her figure, she grabbed the half of the mouse again and stuffed it into her mouth.

Li Bai's eyes were furious, a little girl can't control you, right? With a flash of silver light, she snatched the mouse from Xiaoxi's mouth again, and held her back at the same time, could she still run away?

Although Xiaoxi was held back, she still stared at the mouse that Li Bai threw on the ground, eagerly.

Li Bai had no choice but to bring Xiaoxi back to the villa. He could imagine where the pile of animal bones that were like a hill in the house came from. It was the little girl who ate them.

Brought the little girl back to the villa room, wiped off the blood around her mouth with a tissue, looked at her seriously, and said, "Can you restrain yourself from grabbing those things and eating them?"

Xiao Xi lowered her head and didn't speak, Li Bai felt that it was very difficult. This should be because of the evil thing, but he couldn't help it.

"Can't you really restrain yourself?" Li Bai asked.

Xiaoxi grabbed the corner of Li Bai's clothes vigorously, looking pitiful as if she had done something wrong, but she seemed helpless.

Li Bai was embarrassed, but if he couldn't restrain himself, wouldn't he catch mice when he saw them in the future?Isn't this a cat?No, maybe it's not just catching mice, but other things, even people.

"I can only give it a try." Li Bai pondered for a moment, and then a silver glow suddenly appeared, and he pointed directly at Xiaoxi's forehead.

A series of messages entered Xiaoxi's mind, and Li Bai said: "Try to see if you can cultivate, the cultivation methods are all in it, if you have any questions, just ask me, uh, you can't speak, then don't ask, practice yourself Bar."

The secret practice Li Bai gave Xiaoxi is called Tiandi Yanhun Jue, which is similar to his Tiandi Yanhuang Jue, but Tiandi Yanhun Jue is a spiritual practice, so it should be more suitable for Xiaoxi.

"If you can't restrain yourself, don't follow me for the time being. I still have something to do." Li Bai said.

But found that Xiaoxi was holding his clothes with her hands, and she would not let go of anything, so she could only give up. Li Bai had no choice but to repeatedly ask him not to run around before going out.

School, Xiannong Society.

When Wang Chu saw Xiaoxi behind Li Bai, he was surprised again, and said, "Boss, where did you kidnap this little beauty? Let me tell you, this is against the law."

Li Bai kicked it out as usual, fast and ruthless, making Wang Chu eat shit like a dog.

"Boss, honest words are hard to hear. Forget it, I won't say anything. The blood essence grass has been planted, and I'm waiting for your inspection." Wang Chu smiled.

Li Bai waved his hand and said, "You don't need to look at it this time, I trust you, come and see a piece of land with me later, go through the formalities, and then build an office building."

"Building? Okay, haha, I'm worried that I have nothing to do." Wang Chu said excitedly.

Before Li Bai could go out, the sky message rang, it was Duan Xiaoqi who showed him the land just now.

"Mr. Li, are the people working on that piece of land one of yours, and the formalities were taken down so quickly?" Duan Xiaoqi asked. She took Li Bai to see this piece of land, and she knew very well that it must be in Li Bai's place. She has it in her hand, but now that someone has actually started construction, she feels something is wrong.

"Which piece of land?" Li Bai was also a little puzzled. He had just obtained the land deed, and there were still a lot of formalities that he had not yet received. As far as he knew, he should ask the urban construction department for some formalities, otherwise he would not dare to move without the formalities.

This is different from building this office building in the school. No one dares to move before the formalities are obtained.

"It's the land of the haunted house, isn't it yours, but someone is already constructing it now, so come quickly." Duan Duan Xiaoqi said.

Li Bai's heart was full of anger, who dared to touch the land that I just won, so he immediately drove to the forest area, which was Xiaoxi's original home.

Not far away, I saw Duan Xiaoqi who was waiting anxiously.

After Li Bai stopped the car, he walked towards the field with Duan Xiaoqi. The speed was really fast, and the foundation was being laid. Xiao Xi's eyes were bloodshot a lot, and she seemed very angry.

Li Bai held him back, it would be scary if he went up to tear up a living person, not very good.

Wang Chu and Duan Xiaoqi followed behind, Xiaoxi pulled Li Bai's clothes and dared to stay inseparable behind Li Bai.

"Hey, which company do you belong to?" Li Bai asked with a loud voice.

"Boy, go away, it's under construction, it's no wonder we are killed later." A man in a vest said.

"Oh, I just want to ask which company you belong to, and who asked you to do the construction?" Li Bai said again.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, let you go away, it's under construction, hurry up and go away." A man who looked like a contractor yelled at Li Bai, very impatient.

Li Bai frowned, it was really interesting, why don't you take the lead by being so pretentious, labor and management are the protagonists, okay?

"Wang Chu, pull me out and beat me up." Li Bai yelled directly at Wang Chu who was talking to Duan Xiaoqi behind him, this kid might be interested in this anger.

"Okay." Excitedly, Wang Chu rushed directly to the man who looked like a contractor, didn't do much, and directly screwed that guy in front of Li Bai.

"Boss, see how you can handle him." Wang Chu kicked her ass and kicked her to the ground.

The contractor looked at Wang Chu in horror, and then looked at Li Bai, very unconvinced, and said, "What are you going to do, why are you beating people casually?"

Just after finishing speaking, Wang Chu slapped him on the face directly, and cursed: "Still talking hard?"

The contractor wanted to say something, but Wang Chu slapped the guy a few more times, and he should be awake now.

Li Bai looked at the contractor again and said, "Now can you tell me what company you belong to? Who told you to start construction here?"

"Five Star Real Estate Company." The contractor replied honestly, he really didn't dare to be confused, otherwise his teeth would almost fall out.

"What's your name?"

"Zhao Sanchi." The contractor Zhao Sanchi replied honestly.

"Call Tianxun to ask the person in charge of the five-star real estate company to come over." Li Bai said, it's really troublesome to meet bird people at any time.

Zhao Sanchi had already been fanned into obedience. Li Bai did whatever he wanted, so he dared not hesitate to contact the people at Five Star Company directly.

Li Bai didn't stop these people from continuing to work, as long as they didn't cut corners, anyway, the foundation was laid by him, so it was a good thing that there were people who worked for him for free.

Soon after, a small car came, and there was a van behind, but it was not a cargo, it was full of people.

A middle-aged man wearing a famous brand got out of the car, and he seemed to have a lot of background. Seeing this, Zhao Sanchi hurried over.

"What's going on?" The middle-aged man looked at Zhao Sanchi, his eyes filled with anger.

"Fifth Master, that one doesn't seem to be easy to mess with." Zhao Sanchi pointed at Li Bai and Wang Chu, feeling a little afraid.

"Useless stuff." The middle-aged man glared at Zhao Sanchi, and then went straight to Li Bai and the others.

"Who hit my man?" Fifth Master's eyes swept over Wang Chu, Duan Xiaoqi and Xiaoxi, and finally landed on Li Bai. Obviously, Li Bai was the protagonist, because among these people, Only Li Bai was sitting, and the three of them were standing behind Li Bai.

"He." Li Bai was eating the apple in his hand, without lifting his eyes, he raised his finger to Wang Chu.

"You're brave, call me." Fifth Master didn't say anything, and directly called a group of people behind him to surround the four of them.

"Don't beat me to death, it doesn't matter if you are disabled, I will keep the two girls." Fifth Lord snorted coldly, but what he didn't expect was Li Bai's smile.

Li Bai took a bite of the apple in his hand, smiled at Wang Chu and said, "You heard me, it doesn't matter if you are disabled, is five minutes enough?"

"Enough is enough, Boss, but they don't have any girls?" Wang Chu said with a smile, this is also a slut, this is the first time Li Bai has brought him out on errands, so he has to behave better.

"Then keep two chrysanthemums, they are the same as second-hand goods, hurry up." Li Bai smashed the apple core in his hand at Wang Chu.

Wang Chu tilted his head to hide, and rushed into the group of people.

Duan Xiaoqi was so frightened that she panicked, but there were people everywhere, so she couldn't run away, so she had to hide behind Li Bai.

Xiaoxi was still expressionless, as if there was no one at all.

Li Bai knows that all reasoning is nonsense, and you still have to punch hard. Only when you beat these people to the ground first, will they be able to reason with you. This is the way of the world.

After the real fight, Wu Ye realized how stupid he was. Seeing the people he brought fell to the ground one by one like cabbage, it was so vulnerable.

Wang Chu's strength has also improved significantly during this period, and with the ancient martial arts secret technique given by Li Bai, if his strength does not improve quickly, he should barely reach the late innate stage. Although this kind of strength is not strong, it is absolutely necessary to deal with some ordinary people. More than enough.

"An ancient martial arts expert, damn it seems that I have to inform the family." Fifth Master was a little annoyed, he didn't expect the other party to be an ancient martial arts expert, he thought it was an ordinary person making trouble, so he didn't bring the family's expert Come.

(End of this chapter)

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