The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2245 The apple was robbed

Chapter 2245 The apple was robbed

Just when Fifth Master was about to call Tianxun to go back, a pair of big hands had already clapped on his shoulders.

"Well, call someone later, talk to my boss first." Wang Chu twisted it in front of Li Bai.

Dozens of people he brought were already lying on the ground howling.

"What's the name?" Li Bai picked up an apple again and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Sun Chengyi, the fifth son of the Sun family, everyone calls me the fifth master." Sun Chengyi said, although the people he brought were all lying on the ground, he still had nothing to be afraid of, the Sun family still had some strength.

"The Sun family? Sun Miao also belongs to your Sun family?" Li Bai wondered. He thought of Sun Miao, who was ranked third among the top ten generals in the school. Could it be that he belonged to the same family?

"That's the young master. If you know the young master, then you should know about my Sun family. What's the reason for beating people from my Sun family without reason?" Sun Chengyi said quite proudly. It's easy to say that this guy knows Sun Miao. If the power of the family is not there, then it is time to treat him better.

"Oh, so it's the young master of your family. Let's not talk about this, why do you build here? This land belongs to you?" Li Bai asked with a smile.

This expression caught Sun Chengyi's eyes. He thought Li Bai was afraid of Young Master Sun, so he immediately stood up from the ground and said with a smile, "I said boy, since you know that I belong to the Sun family, you should be more sensible and apologize. You dare to beat my Sun family members, you don't want to mess around, do you?"

"Didn't I talk about it first, let me ask you why you are constructing on this land, this land doesn't seem to be yours?" Li Bai asked with a smile, this fifth master is cute, why is he so confident.

"What about this piece of land and that piece of land? Our five-star company has taken a fancy to this piece of land a long time ago, and the original owner of this piece of land is also related to us. We have already taken down the formalities. It is useless to talk so much. Hurry up. Apologize." Sun Chengyi said angrily, he was sure that this kid was looking for an opportunity, and then apologized by the way, but how could it be so simple, he dared to come to Sun's five-star company to make trouble, could he just let you go.

"If you apologize, then I'll beat you up again." Li Bai glanced at Wang Chu, Wang Chu understood, and a few big-eared melon seeds directly whipped Sun Chengyi up.

Sun Chengyi was dumbfounded, this is not his plot at all, can you follow the plot, you dare to hit someone, and put my Sun family in your eyes?
Sun Chengyi, whose heart was overwhelmed, hadn't recovered yet, so Li Bai said to Wang Chu directly, "Call Tianxun and let Sun Miao come over directly. I want to see what's going on, but all the procedures have been completed."

When Wang Chu heard this, he directly called the Sky News and went back. He didn't bother to ask Sun Chengyi for Sun Miao's sky signal. Xiannong Society must have Sun Miao's sky signal.

"Boss, it's connected." Wang Chu passed the message to Li Bai.

Li Bai looked at the projection in Tianxun and said: "Haven't you forgotten me? The five-star company belongs to your grandson's family. Come and solve it yourself, otherwise you will know my temper. Count from now on. In two or ten minutes, you will be late." After 10 minute comes, give me an extra 1, and the timer starts."

Seeing Li Bai hang up Tianxun, Sun Chengyi's mouth opened wide, and he temporarily forgot the pain of having his teeth knocked out. He couldn't believe it. Did this guy tell Sun Miao? Sun Miao is the young master of the Sun family. And he is still a master of ancient martial arts, who the hell is this guy who dares to speak to Sun Miao like that.

Sun Miao was also shocked over there. He still didn't want to recall the last time Li Bai made his whole body cramp. He didn't want to see Li Bai. How could his company provoke this evil star again.

Sun Miao also saw the projection on Li Bai's side. It was his fifth uncle, Sun Chengyi. The fifth uncle was in charge of real estate. Before he could think about it, he knew Li Bai very well, so he didn't dare to neglect, so he called directly Back home, at the same time, I hurried to the forest community.

Li Bai stretched out his hand to grab it from the plate, but it was empty. He was a little puzzled for a while, didn't he buy a lot of apples, why did he finish eating it in just a while.

Li Bai turned around to look, Wang Chu smiled coyly, did not speak, Duan Xiaoqi obviously didn't eat either, there was only one person left, and Xiao Xi was eating the last apple with relish.

Sensing Li Bai's gaze, Xiao Xi blushed, as if stealing a child who was caught, she was a little at a loss, she looked so cute.

"Laughing fart, go buy an apple." Li Bai picked up an apple core on the ground and threw it at the bitch, then pulled Xiaoxi in front of him, and said, "Is it delicious?"

Xiaoxi nodded, as if she was afraid that Li Bai would snatch her, and finished the apple in a few bites.

Li Bai was speechless for a while, he was really a child, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Eat whatever you like."

At this time, several small cars also came again, needless to say they were from the Sun family.

Sun Miao took a few steps, came to Li Bai, helped Sun Chengyi up on the ground, then looked at Li Bai and said, "What does the Emperor Nong mean? My Sun family has offended you?"

Li Bai smiled, took a bite of the apple that Wang Chugang bought, and said, "Ask him yourself, all I know is that this land belongs to me."

Li Bai patted the land deed on his hands, damn it, the land deed is still in his hand, these guys have completed the building procedures, it's really interesting.

"Uncle Wu, what's going on?" Sun Miao walked to Sun Chengyi, he didn't quite understand, he wanted to take revenge after being taught a lesson by this guy at school, but this guy was so strong that even Xiao Tianling didn't dare No matter what he said, he knew that no one would dare to move Emperor Nong, unless Huangfu Liuyun from the ancient martial family came out.

Although the top three of the top ten generals of Huaxia College are all said to be ancient martial arts families, the Sun family is a bit exaggerated. Strictly speaking, the Sun family is only a former ancient martial arts family, and now there are only a few ancient martial arts masters. All the ancient martial arts secrets have also been lost.

Only the Xiao family and the Huangfu family are the real ancient martial arts families. There are many more ancient martial arts masters in the family than the Sun family, and they are not at the same level at all.

Sun Chengyi looked at the land deed taken by Li Bai, and was returning to Yaoju. It is true that they did not take this land, but they kept staring at it, because this is definitely a commercial area, and it is quite valuable, so the reason why they have not been able to take it down , or because of the haunted house, no one can approach the old house at all.

Many developers are staring at this land. As long as it can make money, who cares if your haunted house is not. As long as the building is built, someone will definitely buy it in this location. It is definitely a guaranteed profit.

At noon today, he learned the news that the old house had suddenly collapsed, so he went to see it on the spot, and found that the original haunted house was gone, and he would not be unconscious after approaching, and the little girl who looked like a ghost disappeared. Then absolutely go through the formalities directly and grab this place.

Moreover, Sun Chengyi, the owner of this place, knew that he had died a long time ago. He searched the house and found no title deed, so he subjectively judged that this place had become an unowned place, and immediately took the land by means. There shouldn't be any problems with the right to use the land and start construction directly.

Sun Chengyi also told Sun Miao all these things, and Sun Miao knew that the title deed had indeed fallen into Li Bai's hands, so she asked Sun Chengyi in a low voice, "Uncle Wu, it's a bit troublesome, that guy has no one at school. If you dare to provoke me, how much did you pay for this piece of land through the formalities?"

"More than 300 million, but if it can be won, it will not be a loss at all. Who knew that the land deed fell into his hands. How strong is this kid? You are not even a match?" Sun Chengyi was still a little unwilling. The Sun family is now down. , but Sun Miao is the hope of the entire Sun family. He is very talented in ancient martial arts, and he is also a person who can stand on his own. He is also very talented in business. When he saw the whole boy, he was a little flustered.

Sun Miao shook her head and said, "More than 300 million is not a small amount. I just hope that this bastard will not go too far. I have notified my third uncle. Let's talk about it when he comes."

"Third Uncle is here? I'd better go first, Third Uncle's temper beat me up again when he saw me." Sun Chengyi shrank his head and said.

"Not enough success, more than failure, you still want to leave now? You bastard." A small car stopped in front of him, an old man got out of the car, and went down with two crutches at Sun Chengyi, who beat Sun Chengyi twice, really unlucky.

"Third Uncle, you can't completely blame Fifth Uncle, so don't be angry." Sun Miao persuaded.

"Miaozi, you are a good seedling. I know it's not something you can't solve. You won't notify me. Who is the other party? Tell me briefly, so that you are very afraid?" The old man looked at Sun Miao appreciatively, The Sun family has some ability with this junior.

Sun Miao only talked about Li Bai's strength, but he really didn't know other information. He could only say that he might be from a cultivation school or an ancient martial arts family, at least an ancient martial arts family at the same level as the Xiao family and the Huangfu family. This is still a conservative estimate.

On the other side, Li Bai got impatient, and stretched out his hand to the plate containing the apples, but he touched a pair of smooth little hands. The little hands trembled as if frightened, but they still retracted and grabbed the last apple. .

Li Bai was helpless, how could he not grab an apple with a little girl, obviously Xiaoxi didn't look like she was going to give it up to him, so she had no choice but to give up.

Seeing Li Bai retracting his hand, Xiaoxi was delighted, grabbed the last apple and stuffed it into his mouth.

Wang Chu and Duan Xiaoqi on the side were very surprised, the boss Xindao and this little girl are too good to eat, they are simply two foodies, and the several catties of apples he just bought were eaten up by the two of them again.

"Hey, are you done talking? Hurry over here when you're done talking. I'm still waiting for dinner." Li Bai vented his anger at being robbed of the last apple on Sun Miao and his group. You can't argue with the Sun family.

"Old Sun Zhaoxing, I don't know what to call my little brother?" The old man came to Li Bai with a cane, and introduced himself pretendingly.

"Call me a moron, hasn't Sun Miao told you yet? Let's just talk about business. What do you mean by stealing my territory?" Li Bai said angrily. His apple was robbed, and the consequences would be serious.

(End of this chapter)

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