The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2246 Do you hate him?

Chapter 2246 Do you hate him?

Sun Zhaoxing was taken aback, why is this kid so crazy, isn't this just a normal greeting, why is he so ignorant of respecting the old and loving the young.

Sun Miao on the side had the same expression on the face of this bastard all the time, there was nothing he could do.

"Little brother is too aggressive. Is this what your family elders taught you? The old man just came to understand the situation, and the procedures for this land are indeed handled by us. Wouldn't it be good for everyone to discuss and resolve it peacefully?" Is it?" Sun Zhaoxing said with a smile, he is very dissatisfied with Li Bai's attitude, how can he say that he is also an elder, although Sun Miao said that this kid may come from an ancient martial arts family, but the big deal is that the Sun family will suffer a little bit, what's the matter big deal.

But Sun Zhaoxing obviously didn't understand Li Bai's character. Li Bai didn't frown when he heard the old man's words. This obviously means that his behavior is too crazy. Ah, it's just that it's still a bit worse than living yourself.

But Li Bai didn't care so much, for those who directly robbed him, he would be unstable at 21 [-], let's just fight directly, since the old guy is getting older, it would be considered polite if he didn't directly fight.

"I don't need you to tell me what my family teaches. I only know that you want to steal my land, scold me, and beat me. If I wasn't better, I might have been beaten to death by you." Li Bai Smiling, he sensed that the old man should be a master of ancient martial arts, but then again, a master of ancient martial arts is nothing to him.

Sun Zhaoxing originally thought that even if he was a disciple of the ancient martial arts family, he would have some scruples here because he was young, but he didn't expect that Li Bai didn't take it seriously at all, especially calling him an old man, which made him very angry .


"Third Uncle, let me deal with it. I know this guy quite well. This time, it's our fault. It would be fine if it was someone else, but I didn't expect the land deed to fall into his hands. I can only swallow this breath." " Sun Miao pulled Sun Zhaoxing back, he had seen Li Bai's arrogance in school, and he didn't even pay attention to Xiao Tianling, and Huangfu Liuyun was the only one left among their top ten generals.

"You handle it?" Sun Zhaoxing was very angry, but he also believed in Sun Miao. It seemed that he was a little out of date, so he patted Sun Miao on the shoulder, turned around, got into the car and left.

Originally, Duan Xiaoqi was full of disbelief. She originally thought that Sun Zhaoxing, the older generation of the Sun family, had come and things would be difficult to solve, but now she found that this was not the case at all. This breath, go.

For the rest of Sun Miao, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that he had no confidence in facing Li Bai, and his eyes were a little evasive. Duan Xiaoqi couldn't help but look at Li Bai again, who the hell is this guy? It's not normal.

Li Bai was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect the old guy to go away, he thought there was going to be a fight, but it seems that there is no need, the next thing is left for him to blackmail.

"Nonghuang, I also understand what happened. It is true that we didn't figure it out. We thought that this land was unowned, so we took down the formalities. But since the matter was a misunderstanding, we immediately withdrew the formalities. , I, Sun Miao, also apologized to the Nong Huang on behalf of the Sun family." Sun Miao kept his posture very low, he knew Li Bai very well, and he really had no chance in the face of Li Bai.

Li Bai smiled and said: "This is not fun. Actually, I still want to beat you up, but since this is the case, I am not interested in fighting, so let's talk about the issue of compensation. You didn't go through my It is allowed to construct in my place without authorization, so who am I, Li Bai, to be trampled on by your Sun family?"

Every word and every sentence was well-founded, which caused Sun Miao's face to change slightly, but he had already thought about it, looked at Li Bai and said, "It all depends on what the Emperor Nong means. It's our fault. Let's cooperate with you?"

Hearing Sun Miao's words, Li Bai felt that it was no fun at all. If you don't resist, how can I find a chance to beat you up?

"You are so obedient that I can't find a chance to beat you up, so just listen to me, and I will take care of the formalities immediately. Isn't your five-star company also a developer, and I just don't bother to find someone , you can help me solve it, you can fix this building for me, then decorate it for me, and then pay me 500 million yuan." Li Bai sneered, let you not open your eyes, knock you to death, dare to grab my site, I can't beat you to death.

Hearing Li Bai's request, even the Sun family couldn't help feeling heartbroken, not to mention helping to build the building, but also paying another 500 million yuan, which is simply robbery.

Duan Xiaoqi, the boss with her mouth open, looked at Li Bai in surprise, this was too domineering, she felt that the matter had been settled, and it would be good to get the land back, Li Bai's request was definitely the same as robbery.

Even Wang Chu felt that the boss was a little too much, let others build the building, and he had to pay 500 million yuan, which was really similar to robbery.

"Okay, I agree." Unexpectedly, when Li Bai made such a robbery request, Sun Miao still agreed without hesitation.

This time even Li Bai glanced at Sun Miao in surprise. He didn't expect this guy to be so tolerant, but it was a bit beyond his expectations. He is a character, but he still doesn't have the kind of guy who just treats you as my younger brother Thinking about it, being Li Bai's younger brother is not a small request, not that you just give me some money.

"Since you are so knowledgeable, I am too embarrassed to find a reason to beat you up again. Don't give me any scumbag projects, otherwise I can't guarantee the consequences." Li Bai laughed, it was true for him to give money so well. I can't find a reason to beat him up.

Even so, Li Bai didn't want to see Sun Miao, it was fine if he didn't provoke him, but if he provoked him, it would be embarrassing.

Sun Miao smiled awkwardly, of course he knew that Li Bai was not joking, this guy was famous in school for being unreasonable, Xiao Tianling didn't even dare to fart, he was really scared, if this matter is not handled well, the Sun family will definitely not get it Okay, even if Li Baikai's conditions are higher, he can only agree.

"No, absolutely not." Sun Miao smiled. Facing this kind of rampant, unreasonable and mysterious master, he can only choose to put his head on the ground. Of course, if one day he can stand taller than Li Bai , that's when he asked for it back.

"You can bend and stretch, yes, it seems that I have to re-examine you, Sun Sanshui, ha ha." Li Bai laughed, although he still can't understand Sun Miao, but he really can't find any reason to trouble the Sun family.

Sun Miao was still smirking, he was thinking what else could he do if he was already like this, if he stretched out his hand and didn't hit the smiling face, and I kept my posture so low, why do you have any reason to trouble me.

Li Bai withdrew his gaze, and said to Duan Xiaoqi who was still in shock: "Xiaoqi, you can help me oversee the construction of the building here, or you can find someone to help me oversee it, and talk to Wang Chu about the treatment, it should be better than selling the house with you." Take it easy, if you have a problem, you can discuss it, if you can't end it, you can come to me."

"Okay boss, I promise there will be no mistakes." Wang Chu said with a smile, this kid seems to be very interesting to Duan Xiaoqi, and Duan Xiaoqi is also considered an urban beauty, so it would be nice if he could really catch up with him.

"Well, I'll go first." Li Bai left directly, leaving the rest to Wang Chu.

At this moment, Xiaoxi, who was behind Li Bai, rushed directly to Sun Chengyi who had already retreated behind Sun Miao. Sun Chengyi was beaten up by Li Bai and Wang Chu before, and was beaten twice by old man Sun Zhaoxing. I am relieved.

Seeing that Xiaoxi rushing towards him, Jean didn't even have time to react, and was directly grabbed by Xiaoxi's head, and Xiaoxi almost stripped off the few hairs he had.

"Aiyo, aiyo, what are you doing, let go, little girl." Sun Chengyi screamed, today is really miserable, this is the most painful day in his life, and the day he was beaten the most.

I thought the matter was over, but who knew that the little girl behind Li Bai would rush over and pull his hair.

Li Bai didn't know how strong Xiaoxi was, but according to the pile of animal bones in the room before, they were torn apart with hands and mouths. Although she didn't move her mouth this time, Xiaoxi's nails were quite sharp.

Li Bai didn't stop him either, until Xiaoxi almost stripped off the hair on Sun Chengyi's head, then he grabbed Xiaoxi, embraced the little girl in his arms, and said, "What's wrong?"

Xiaoxi didn't speak, but the blood in her eyes seemed to be a little more, and she stared at Sun Chengyi angrily.

"Forget it, I'll talk about it after I figure it out." Li Bai glanced at his bloody head, he was afraid that Xiao Xi would not be able to control his emotions, so he dragged her away before talking.

"Third Uncle, do you know that little girl?" Seeing that Li Bai and the little girl had left, Sun Miao pulled Sun Chengyi up and asked.

Sun Chengyi was really crying. The pain of having his hair ripped off is not too much to describe as heart-wrenching. He could feel the pain of tearing his scalp as soon as the wind blows.

"Forget it, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Sun Miao sighed, thinking that it was all right, and it was nothing to the Sun family to suffer this time, but it seemed that the matter was not over.

Zhao Sanchi of the five-star company's construction team was instructed, and he also left. As for the formalities, he can arrange the formalities. If it is 500 million, someone will come to talk to Wang Chu directly. It is really unlucky to provoke Li Bai, the evil star.It's fine at school, but he doesn't understand how he can still meet Li Bai after leaving school.

Li Bai took Xiaoxi back to school directly, his strength has already broken through to Nascent Soul, he just needs to consolidate for the time being, there is no rush to train Nascent Soul, it needs to be done step by step.

"Xiaoxi, sit down, I'll ask you something." Li Bai pulled the little girl in front of him.

The message looked at him with bloodshot eyes, and although there was a hint of a smile occasionally, she still refused to open her mouth to speak, or she couldn't speak at all.

"Why did you pull that man's hair just now? You hate him so much?" Li Bai asked, holding the little girl on his lap.

It's a pity that the little girl just played with her scorpion braids in her hands, as if she didn't hear Li Bai's words at all, or she didn't want to say them.

Li Bai was helpless. In this state, he definitely couldn't ask anything. He could only sigh, "I'd better ask your mother. You stay here obediently. I'll go and see your mother."

(End of this chapter)

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