The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2257 Give me some money first

Chapter 2257 Give me some money first

"Hey, hooligan, don't go, they are all injured, you can't stay with them at home, and they will have scars on their legs, if there are scars, it's better to die." Su Daji said Hugging Li Bai's waist, he refused to let him go.

Li Bai had no choice but to squat down and look at the wound on the slender leg. It was just scratched and scratched, but if there was a scar, it would be true, but it was not a problem for him, so he said immediately: "Afraid of leaving scars, then give me a kiss and I'll help you."

Su Da didn't even think about it, she put on her red lips and kept kissing Li Bai, now Li Bai knew that she had said something wrong, how could she forget about this goblin and wanted to take advantage of him, careless, really careless.

"Your sister, you can't be more reserved, so much saliva, it's okay, I promise you, there will be no scars." Li Bai wiped the saliva from his face, Zhang Jingjing smiled straight from the side, she also I don't understand, how many men can't stand a beautiful woman like Su Meng throwing herself into her arms, but the son is very resistant, it's really strange.

"Are you serious?" Su Daji looked at Li Bai charmingly, still not believing it.

"Of course it's true, sir, I'm not in the mood to lie to you, a goblin." Li Bai confirmed.

"Then you swear?" Su Daji said.

"What are you swearing, when have I lied to you?" Li Bai asked doubtfully.

"You bastard often lied to me. If you don't swear, how can you do it? Just swear that if I get a scar on my leg, then you will never do it. An ancient civil servant in a century-old city will never touch a woman." Su Daji smiled coquettishly, thinking I can think of such a poisonous oath and admire myself.

Li Bai was stunned, what kind of bird is this oath, I am afraid only this goblin can come up with such an oath, but he really will not let Su Daji have a scar on her thigh, if such a beautiful woman leaves a scar on her thigh That would be such a pity. Looking at Shuangxiu's long beautiful legs, let alone, I don't know how it would feel if it was caught on my waist.

"Okay, I swear, if Su Daji gets a scar on his leg, I will become a civil servant and never move. I'm leaving." Li Bai could only swear, and then left directly. , I looked at those beautiful legs early in the morning, and thought about it for a while just now, it's strange not to stand at attention.

In the school, Class [-] of pharmacy, Li Bai came quite early. In fact, he would usually come if there was nothing to do, but he was busy.

"Xinxin, are you alright?" Li Bai saw that Deng Xin's expression was a bit grim, and he was too busy saving Su Daji yesterday, so he didn't care about Deng Xin.

"It's okay, I'm just worried about you and Xiaomeng. I heard that Xiaomeng was shot. Is it serious?" Deng Xin asked worriedly. In fact, he really wanted to see Su Meng, but he heard that Su Meng moved to Li Bai's villa. That's how he found out that Li Bai bought the villa.

In fact, Deng Xin has always had a low self-esteem. Although Su Meng didn't care about it at all, and Li Bai never cared about it, it was born with him. Although he has been advocating equality for everyone, no matter which one is directly equal, it is impossible. Equality is impossible in terms of birth alone.

"Yeah, but I'm fine. I can go to school after a few days of rest." Li Bai smiled.

"Oh, all right."

Li Bai suddenly felt a little sorry for Deng Xin, this kind girl never asked him anything, but was always helping him with things, including things in Xiannong Society.

But she hides her own problems and grievances in her heart, and hides her grievances by herself. She has always understood Li Bai's affairs, she is also very beautiful, and she is very kind to herself, and Deng Xin also knelt down His father's, this makes him feel bad.

"Xinxin, do you live in the school dormitory? Or you can move to my house. Su Daji is also here. Aren't you best friends? It won't be strange." Li Bai said, he didn't know what he was thinking. , I just feel that I can't let this girl who thinks about him wholeheartedly be disappointed.

When Deng Xin heard it, she was a little happy, but she still resisted. She always felt that Li Bai was so good that she was not worthy of her. He was very touched that Li Bai could celebrate her birthday, so he was already very satisfied. Can be treated the same as Su Daji.

"That's it, okay?" Deng Xin lowered his head and said.

"It's nothing bad. The goblin Su Daji moved here by himself. You can do it too. Anyway, my place is very big, and I'm also busy. You also happen to help me look after the house. You can also take care of the things in my yard." You can take care of it for me." Li Bai smiled.

"Then it's settled. I'll move you in the afternoon." Li Bai said.

Deng Xin didn't say anything, she was not good at rejecting, and she really wanted to get closer to Li Bai, even if she couldn't get along with Li Bai, she still wanted to think about Li Bai more.

Classes are very boring, and these classes are really a bit unfamiliar to Li Bai. Pharmacology, medicinal properties, Chinese patent medicines, Western medicines, Li Bai knows it by induction, it sounds really boring.

After finally getting out of class, Li Bai was still sleeping on the table. A small girl ran in, looked at Deng Xin in a panic, and said, "Sister Xinxin, your father is here."

Deng Xin's complexion changed, and he was at a loss immediately. Li Bai also heard what the girl said to Deng Xin, so he couldn't help opening his eyes. Seeing Deng Xin's flustered look, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I... I'll go out for a while." Deng Xin touched her pocket subconsciously, her face became more panicked, but she still resolutely left the classroom.

Li Bai also went out after him. He could tell that Deng Xin was bewildered and panicked. Didn't her father come? Is his father so scary?

At the school gate, a scruffy middle-aged man stood there, arguing with the security guard at the gate.

"I said you watchdogs, what's wrong with me going in to see my daughter, why don't you let me in, I'm her father, her life is mine, I can't even see her, believe it or not How can I kill you little bastard." The middle-aged man cursed at the security guard with a cigarette in his mouth.

The security guards seemed to have nothing to do with this sloppy man, they could only stand in front of him and not let him in. This man had been here many times, and every time it was a big event, if he moved a little, he would fall to the ground and pretend to be dead. A scoundrel.

"Your daughter is here, don't disturb the school." A security guard said helplessly, looking at Deng Xin who was running from a distance, and said with some sympathy in his eyes. It is very pitiful to have such a father.

Seeing Deng Xin coming, the sloppy man also smiled, pointed to several security guards and said viciously: "Several watchdogs, don't let me meet you outside, hmph."

"Daughter, my lovely daughter is finally here. Daddy misses you so much, come and give her a hug." The scruffy man rushed over to hug Deng Xin when he saw Deng Xin, but Deng Xin dodged far away. It was his father, but not his biological father, which made her extremely disgusted.

"What are you doing here again?" Deng Xin kept a distance from the sloppy man and stared at him.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here with me? Of course I'm here to see my precious daughter. That woman of your mother knows to ask for money all day long. I've been squeezed dry by her. I have no choice but to come to you It's gone." The slovenly man smiled, his eyes swept back and forth on Deng Xin's graceful figure, with green light.

Deng Xin bit her red lips, threw the several hundred dollars in her bag to the man, and said, "Here, this is all my money."

The man took the money in his hand, his expression changed drastically, and he said: "This money is not enough. It's not that you don't know your mother. It's not enough for her for a day. You need to borrow some from your classmate, or you have to find a way."

"There's no money. You're the one who caused my mother to be like this. You're the one who caused us to become like this. What else do you want?" Deng Xin's eyes were filled with tears. If she could, she really wanted to kill this man. , It's a pity that she doesn't have this ability.

"It's my fault, you don't know how happy she is now, you said you don't look bad, why don't you find a rich and rich young master in your school, so that you are cheap and I won't be so tired, Your mom won't suffer like that, why don't you go out for me, just with your face and figure, a sex fee will be at least tens of thousands, you don't know that those rich people like you now Female college student, why are you pretending to be reserved." The man smiled, and she thought it was a waste.

"Don't tell me, I won't go even if I die. If you still have a little conscience, treat my mother better." Deng Xin burst into tears involuntarily. She couldn't imagine that if his biological father was still there , that would be great.

"Still crying, who are you crying for? Didn't I give you advice, and I didn't really let you sell it, but this amount of money is definitely not enough. I'll come back tomorrow, you think of a way." The man said coldly .

Deng Xin felt very sad, and she also thought about when her father was still there when she was a child, but now everything has changed.

"It's okay, I'm here." A pair of arms wrapped around Deng Xin's shoulders, holding Deng Xin in his arms.

Deng Xin looked up and saw that it was Li Bai, so she came back to her senses and wiped away her tears, but the tears still couldn't stop flowing out, her eyes were red from crying.

"Hey, who is this kid? You don't have enough money?" The slovenly man wanted to leave, but suddenly found that Li Bai came up and put Deng Xin in his arms. , actually got close to a rich young man, it seems that he has settled down.

"Li Bai, don't worry about it, it's just my business." Deng Xin grabbed Li Bai's clothes and said with tears in his eyes.

Li Bai held Deng Xin in his arms, looked at the slovenly man and asked, "Who are you?"

"Boy, my name is Zhong Sheng. Are you having sex with my daughter? Well, my daughter is an absolute original. You must try it. I think you should be regarded as a young master. Let me give it to you first." Use some money, her mother is sick." Zhong Sheng saw Li Bai bent over with a smile, and he said, how could young master Qian not like him just because of his figure.

"So you're not Xinxin's father, you used to come here often?" Li Bai laughed.

"I don't come here often, just occasionally." Zhong Sheng laughed, and then said again.

(End of this chapter)

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