The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2258 I want to drink

Chapter 2258 I want to drink
"Isn't Xinxin's mother sick? You know it's not easy at home. You need money for medical treatment, so Xinxin needs to pay a little more money. Pity her mother's illness. It's getting worse every day. I can't help it. Ah." Zhong Sheng said with a smile, looking at Li Bai as if he saw a pile of banknotes.

"Li Bai, don't trust him, he's just helpless." Deng Xin looked up from Li Bai's arms, this shameless person actually wanted to lie.

"It's okay, how much do you want?" Li Bai patted Deng Xin's shoulders, he knew that things didn't seem so simple.

"How much money do you have?" Zhong Sheng asked back, his small eyes narrowed.

Li Bai chuckled, took out a crystal card and said, "There are 100 million in it, I wonder if it's enough?"

"100 million? You kid didn't lie to me, right? It's enough. Who knows if it's true or not." Zhong Sheng's face was ecstatic, but he was still a little puzzled. Give him 100 million.

Li Bai smiled, took out the Ferrari car key, and pressed it, and then the wing-shaped Ferrari rushed out of the school and directly remote-controlled it.

The Ferrari rushed directly in front of the three of them. Li Bai held the car keys and said, "This is my car, do you believe it now?"

Zhong Sheng stared straight at the sight, and obediently flew the wing-shaped Ferrari. This is a luxury sports car worth nearly ten million yuan. Unexpectedly, this cheap daughter would actually meet a super-model man. His lips trembled in ecstasy, and said: " Believe it, I believe it, I will accept my good son-in-law, you can rest assured that my daughter will follow you in the future, if he dares to treat you badly, you tell me, and I will teach her a lesson."

Li Bai spat. He really didn't expect such a scumbag to exist. What kind of human words are these talking about? He said, "The woman in me is confident that she won't treat me badly. Even if she treats me badly, it won't be my turn." Come to teach you."

When Zhong Sheng heard it, he laughed and said: "Yes, I said the wrong thing. From now on, she will be yours, so I won't bother you. Be more confident in her, don't do anything to be sorry for her, you know ?"

Just as Zhong Sheng wanted to turn around and leave, Li Bai stopped him and said, "Wait a minute."

"What else can I order, good son-in-law?" Zhong Sheng said with a smile.

"I'm going to see Xinxin's mother, you can take us there." Li Bai said, since he took care of it, he had to be clean and tidy, so it didn't solve the problem.

"Ah, don't worry about that. Don't worry, with this money, I will definitely make Xinxin's mother recover quickly. I will let her mother come to see you at school after a while." Zhong Sheng felt bad, he was thinking just now Why don't you go faster.

Li Bai smiled and said: "It's okay, let's go and have a look now, just in time to buy some nutritional supplements, Xinxin misses her mother very much, let's go."

Li Bai walked up to Zhong Sheng and pushed him into the back seat of the Ferrari.

"Let's go, I'm here." Li Bai pulled Deng Xin into the car.

After asking the address of Deng Xin's home, Li Bai drove there directly.

The Ferrari stopped directly at the gate of Hongyun Community, which seemed a bit different.

It's a little quiet, and there are many dance halls and nightclubs at the entrance, and there are also some young people with dyed hair who don't know what they are doing.

After getting out of the car, it was obvious that those young people knew Zhong Sheng, so they rushed over and said, "Oh, Brother Leftover is well-developed, this car is so fast, it's so flamboyant."

"Fuck off, I have something to do, I'll see you at night." Zhong Sheng kicked the young people away, and said to Li Bai with a smile: "Li Bai, right, let's go, her mother is seriously ill, we just take a look."

Deng Xin hesitated in his steps, as if he was afraid of seeing the coming scene. He had hardly been back for so long, and when he came back, he dared to come back only in disguise.

"How about it, why don't you stay in the car and I'll bring mom down." Li Bai comforted Deng Xin while hugging her.

Deng Xin gritted her teeth and said, "It's okay, I want to see my mother?"

Zhong Sheng took Li Bai and Deng Xin upstairs together. There was a strange smell in the air. Li Bai looked at the garbage dump with an ugly expression. It was full of all kinds of unsightly things, and all kinds of brands could be seen everywhere. cover.

Deng Xin kept her head down all the time, not daring to look around.

The same is true in the corridor, from time to time there will be some disheveled women who are hugged by men to come out, or go up, Li Bai is also a little depressed, no wonder Deng Xin has such low self-esteem, no wonder he dare not go home, if he lives in this kind of place It's strange to go home.

Finally reached the door, there seemed to be a voice coming from inside, Li Bai had a bad feeling, Zhong Sheng opened the door.

It was a mess inside, the furniture was also messy, the place was quite big, the TV was playing loudly, and it was obvious that many people had been there.

The door of a room was ajar, and the sound of a man panting was heard from inside. Deng Xin's face was pale, and even if he didn't see what was going on inside, he knew what was going on inside.

"Mom... oh mom!" Deng Xin wanted to rush in, but Li Bai hugged him tightly, tears dripping down uncontrollably, his body was trembling constantly as he hugged Li Bai tightly with both hands.

Li Bai hugged Deng Xin in his arms so that she could not see the picture, the silver star force directly rushed open the half-hidden door, a naked man was exercising on a woman's body.

Li Bai can know who that woman is without thinking about it, and this woman has lost her mind at all.

It was the first time he wanted to kill someone so much, but he knew that Deng Xin was more fragile, and he didn't know if he could accept all this. With a thought, the Golden Flame Dragon Lizard rushed out.

The man inside seemed to sense that someone was coming, but he still didn't stop his movements, and said annoyedly: "Zhong Sheng, come back to dry hair so early, hurry up and come together, your wife is really amazing."

But the moment he turned his head, a golden light hit his chest directly, and rushed him directly to the wall, spitting out blood.

"Hello." Zhong Sheng's face changed drastically. In fact, he didn't expect to be in this situation when he came back. Although it was normal, he had sent a message just now to tell the bastards in the family to leave quickly. Who knew there was another bastard who didn't leave. .

Li Bai grabbed Zhong Sheng directly and threw him into the house.

"Xinxin, why don't you go see your mother?" Li Bai patted Deng Xin's trembling body.

Picking up the blanket on the ground and covering her mother's forehead, Deng Xin looked at her mother who was a little unclear, but she didn't shed any tears. It was a nightmare for both her and her mother. Since her mother married Zhong Sheng, He dared not go home.

She knew that her mother had fallen into the hands of this bastard, and she was almost hugged by this bastard stepfather. Fortunately, her mother hugged Zhong Sheng, a beast, so he could run away and stayed in school all the time, but this bastard stepfather still kept going The time came to ask her for money, and he made the school restless. Even though he was the class monitor, he still had no self-confidence, and she felt looked down upon.

The woman on the bed was tossed into an ugly shape, her hair was disheveled, her skin was an unhealthy yellow color, her eye sockets were sunken, but judging from her outline, she was definitely a beauty when she was young, but now she turned into this appearance, This is Deng Xin's mother, Liu Yan.

Deng Xin held Liu Yan's hand. The young and beautiful woman in the past turned into this appearance because she fell into Zhong Sheng's hands. He hated Zhong Sheng and himself even more. Why couldn't he resist.

Standing beside Li Bai, he could sense that the woman was unconscious, and there was a lot of drugs in her body. It was conceivable that this was forcibly injected by someone. How could someone be so cruel, it was nothing like a beast.

Liu Yan shook her head, as if the drugs were still manipulating her nerves, and she didn't even recognize her own daughter.

"Mom, I'm Xinxin." Deng Xin held her mother's hand, no matter what her mother became, she was still her own mother.

Liu Yan also seemed to feel something, and suddenly pulled her hand out of Deng Xin's hand, and suddenly sat up with some strength, looked at Deng Xin in panic, and then looked at Li Bai.

"Who, who are you, Zhong Sheng, you are Zhong Sheng, don't hit me, don't hit me." Liu Yan huddled on the bedside with her eyes terrified, talking nonsense nonstop.

"Mom, I'm Xinxin, don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Deng Xin cried and hugged her mother in her arms, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

"No, you're not Xinxin, Xinxin is my baby girl, you're not Xinxin." Liu Yan's eyes were terrified, she kept shaking her head, but she inadvertently looked at Li Bai.

When Li Bai was in doubt, Liu Yan didn't know where the strength came from, and pushed Deng Xin away, and then jumped out of the window.

"Mom...Mom...Mom!" Before Deng Xin came back to his senses, Liu Yan had already jumped down. Deng Xin shouted hoarsely, but it was useless.

Li Bai hugged the screaming Deng Xin and made her cry in his arms. In fact, he could save Liu Yan, but he didn't, because Liu Yan kept looking at him while rushing to the window.

At the last moment, Liu Yan was sober, her heart was ashamed, she looked at Li Bai and it was obvious that she must take good care of Deng Xin, Li Bai also nodded.

Deng Xin was crying in Li Bai's arms all the time. Li Bai knew how cruel it was to see his mother die with his own eyes, but he couldn't help it. Living would only make Liu Yan more painful, or death would be a relief for her.

The Golden Flame Dragon Lizard has been by the side, under Li Bai's order, and the little thing is also very well-behaved, waiting for Li Bai to leave with Deng Xin in his arms. He got up and burned the two of them to ashes.

Li Bai hugged Deng Xin and left directly, and Liu Yan's body was put into the ring space by him.

Speaking of which, if Liu Yan didn't die, then these painful memories would make her life worse than death, especially when facing her own daughter, he would rather die, and she was relieved when she finally saw Li Bai nodding.

I took Deng Xin all the way in the car, but I didn't know where to drag Deng Xin. She would definitely not be able to go to the dormitory, and she would not be able to go back to his villa. Deng Xin's state of mind was really bad.

"I want to drink, can I?" Deng Xin whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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