The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2259 Grab the baby

Chapter 2259 Grab the baby

"Okay, I'll take you there." Li Bai whispered, the current situation is indeed a good thing for Deng Xin to get drunk.

The bar was closed, Li Bai took Deng Xin directly into it, it was only two or three o'clock in the afternoon, there were not many people, and there was no evening atmosphere, but it was just right for the two of them, so they took two bottles of whiskey casually.

"Drink, but only this time, I will be a good girl in the future." Li Bai wiped Deng Xin's eyes. That's right, but it will be resolved sooner or later, which will be a relief for Deng Xin and Liu Yan.

Deng Xin took the wine bottle and started to drink. After taking a big gulp, he coughed non-stop, and tears flowed down his face. Li Bai didn't stop Deng Xin, this was a way of venting.

He drank a bottle in one gulp, although he kept coughing and tears kept streaming down, but Deng Xin didn't stop, and then picked up the second bottle and started to drink.

Li Bai still didn't stop him. With him around, nothing would happen anyway. Even if he was drunk, he wouldn't be afraid that his stomach would bleed. With him around, it would be difficult for Deng Xin to think of any problems.

Coughing and drinking the two bottles of whiskey, Deng Xin plunged into Li Bai's arms. Although it was uncomfortable, she felt very comfortable, and she knew that she was safe with Li Bai.

Li Bai hugged Deng Xin and left directly. Just as he reached the door, a group of people came in. They had already passed by, but they were stopped again.

"Hey, the boy is good at tricks. This will make the girl drunk. In broad daylight, pay the fee." A bald tattooed man stopped Li Bai.

Li Bai was too lazy to talk nonsense with these scumbags, so he slapped the bald tattooed man away with a slap, and the rest of the guys also slapped him, no, no one dared to block his way.

Holding Deng Xin in the car again, I can only take her to the hotel, so I can sober up.

In the five-star hotel, Li Bai carried Deng Xin into the bathroom. Anyway, sooner or later it was his, so it would be okay to help her take a bath, she smelled of alcohol all over her body.

Fortunately, even if this girl was drunk, she was quite obedient. After stripping off her clothes, she obediently let Li Bai hold her and put her in the bathtub.

Li Bai suffered, this is simply not a temptation that a man can bear, the touch of Hu Ni in the input hand, and the almost violent visual senses, the rosy skin after drinking wine, is killing me, the hormones are being suppressed The excitement seemed to be pouring fuel on the fire.

Really unable to bear this temptation, Li Bai wrapped Deng Xin in a bathrobe after she soaked in the water, and carried her to the bed.

The ruddy mouth mixed with aroma and alcohol sprayed on his neck, it was almost fatal, even though he had strong restraint, he was almost on the verge of snatching the horse away.

That kind of softness, that little bit of bright red, and that deep jungle full of infinite fantasies made Li Bai's whole body hot, but Deng Xin was still hugging his neck, and the whole girl's body fragrance was vigorously towards him. Drilling in the nose, darling, even a man can't bear it.

After taking two deep breaths, Li Bai rushed into the bathroom and took a cold shower, which made him feel a little better. He is not an animal that thinks from the lower body, although he knows that even if he wants Deng Xin, Deng Xin will not wake up. He would blame him, but it was too unfair to Deng Xin. Even if she wanted to, she had to wait until she was sober, otherwise he would feel guilty.

Coming out of the bathroom, it seemed to be a little hot, Deng Xin kicked off the quilt very irregularly, revealing a large area of ​​spring, and the restlessness that Li Bai had just calmed down began to rush out.

Li Bai could only cover his very attractive body with a quilt, which really tested his resistance too much.

Fortunately, Li Bai's willpower is relatively strong, and he used the silver star power to absorb the alcohol in Deng Xin's body. This stunner who tested his willpower became quieter and fell asleep obediently. Li Bai sat beside him and entered practice state.

In the middle of the night, Deng Xin woke up, touched her body, and then looked at Li Bai who was sitting next to her. She thought that Li Bai would take this opportunity to ask her, and she still had some impressions of yesterday's situation. She didn't expect Li Bai to be there In such a situation, she could still control it, and she doubted her own charm.

Leaning lightly on Li Bai's crossed legs, that's enough.

"You're awake, aren't you feeling well?" He knew it when Deng Xin moved. Although he was in the process of repairing, he was still very clear about everything around him. Otherwise, how could it be called cultivation.

"No, I just want to drink water." Deng Xin whispered. She didn't know what she was thinking. Her mother jumped off the building in front of her. She also knew that her mother's situation was worse than death, but she still couldn't accept it.

Li Bai sucked up a glass of water from the table, handed it to Deng Xin, and said, "Drink it slowly, as long as you are fine, remember there is still me."

"Yes." Deng Xin handed the quilt to Li Bai.

"Sleep with me." Deng Xin pulled Li Bai down and covered him under the blanket.

Lying in Li Bai's arms, Deng Xin could feel Li Bai's heartbeat, as well as the strong muscles on her body, and an object that was already standing somewhere, she couldn't help but kissed Li Bai's lips.

"Li Bai, take me." Deng Xin said in a low voice, his fiery tongue was unscrupulous in Li Bai's mouth, and his little hands were also groping Li Bai's body.

Faced with such an emotional dedication to a beautiful woman, if Li Bai hesitated again, he would really be a man. He turned over and pressed this soft and delicate body like an octopus under him.

The moonlight is like water, reflecting the entire land of China, the night is over, and a new day is coming again.

In the early morning, Li Bai patted his delicate body lying on his chest, and said in a low voice, "Are you tired?"

"It hurts a little, it's all your fault, I don't want to get up." Deng Xinlai said coquettishly in Li Bai's arms.

"Then sleep a little longer." Li Bai said with a smile.

But someone obviously didn't want Li Bai to be so idle, so the sky message rang, and Li Bai quickly covered Deng Xin under the blanket, connected to the sky message and said, "Is there something wrong, Minister Hou?"

Hou Weicheng's Tianxun from the Ministry of Health, this old guy doesn't know what to do with him.

"Li Bai, I haven't woken up yet. If you have time, can you come to the research institute? It's a little thing." Hou Weicheng saw that Li Bai was still on the bed, how could he not know Li Bai's situation, and looked at the curvature of the quilt, It was obvious that there was someone under the quilt. Unexpectedly, this kid was very romantic, but it was no wonder, it would be strange if he was so outstanding and not romantic.

Li Bai really wanted to scold this old thing for interrupting his good business, but he felt something was wrong, so he said: "I'm a bit busy at noon, I'll come over in the afternoon."

"Okay, no problem." Hou Weicheng smiled immediately, without revealing anything about Li Bai.

Now that the technology is advanced, this is not a good thing. As soon as the signal is connected, it will automatically simulate the opposite scene, and you can see it clearly. There is no way to lie.

"Old thing, you know how to trouble me all day long, and why don't you give me a salary." Li Bai scolded, Deng Xin got out of bed, and asked with a smile: "Who, which old thing?"

"Minister of the Ministry of Health, sleep a little longer, and go in the afternoon." Li Bai said, rubbing his hands lightly on Deng Xin's suburb, the girl's skin was smooth, as soft and silky as silk.

They didn't get up until noon.

Li Bai took Deng Xin back to school first, helped Deng Xin get some things from the dormitory, and then sent her back to the villa. Anyway, she and Su Daji are quite familiar, but I don't know if this girl will be embarrassed.

Li Bai went to the research institute alone. He didn't know what Hou Weicheng wanted him for. Judging from Hou Weicheng's appearance, it shouldn't be a big deal. After all, he didn't seem to be in a hurry.

In Yanhuang Mansion, it's not like Li Bai has never been here before. Anyway, his information has been entered into the system, so he can go in directly.

Liu Wei didn't seem to be there, so Li Bai went straight into Hou Weicheng's office without asking any further questions.

"Li Bai, sit down quickly." Hou Weicheng greeted, he liked Li Bai very much, and he knew that this little guy was not simple, and he would not put on airs in front of Li Bai.

"Minister Hou, let's talk about things directly, I'll listen." Li Bai smiled.

Hou Weicheng smiled slightly, and said: "It's not a big deal. Actually, I'm not in charge of this matter. It's good news for you. You have to thank me very much."

Li Bai was puzzled when he heard the words, and said, "What news?"

"About a treasure, it is said that it has come to our China and has attracted the attention of many countries. The ninjas of the Japanese country, the power halls of the West, and even the masters of the Tianzhu Kingdom seem to have come. I think you should also Will be interested." Hou Weicheng said.

"Baby? What baby?" Li Bai was also a little confused, and even ran to Huaxia. Could it be that this baby can run?
"I'm not too sure about this. I just heard that it's hard to say whether the news is accurate, but those people must have come to Huaxia. You should also know that a large number of Japanese ninjas have also come. These guys are The evil intentions are not dead, but our Huaxia Dragon Guard is not a vegetarian." Hou Weicheng laughed, he is only the minister of the Ministry of Health, so he really doesn't know much about these things, just a little bit of information.

He hasn't reached that level, and he doesn't know the situation of masters. He is very optimistic about Li Bai, but he doesn't want to push Li Bai to the military and Longwei, and Li Bai doesn't seem to like it, which is exactly what he means .

"Well, that seems interesting. I said, what are those guys doing in China? They wanted to grab something. Thank you, Minister Hou. To tell you the truth, I did meet a lot of Japanese ninjas a while ago. I also met the Chinese Onmyoji who dealt with the research institute last time, as well as the people from the Ability Hall, and even the masters of the Huaxia Cultivator School. As for the reason, I don’t know, or it will take a while Only time will tell." Li Bai said.

If it wasn't for Hou Weicheng's words, he might not have cared about it at all. He didn't expect that even the strong men from Tianzhu Kingdom came. What is the reason for? It seems that there is really some treasure.

But are Huaxia's treasures really that easy to grab? Huaxia's ancient martial arts masters are not so easy to deal with. He has never encountered Tianzhu Kingdom and he doesn't know. Genes are stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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