The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2260 You Seriously

Chapter 2260 You Seriously
"You met me too. How did you do it?" Hou Weicheng was very curious. He was actually very curious about how strong Li Bai was. talent.

"I won't talk about it if I do it. Anyway, I won't suffer. Thank you, Minister. If there is nothing else, I will leave first." Li Bai said.

Minister Hou nodded. He knew that Li Bai was also very busy, and the cooperation between the research institute and Xiannong Society was also long-term. Li Bai took more than 1000 million from him every month. The little guy, but he does have this ability.

Li Bai went around the research institute, everything is normal, and now Donggen has flowed into the virus spreading area, normal people are also taking precautions, the virus is under control, and the virus incident is considered to be under control.

But it's not a solution if we don't find the source and eliminate those Japanese and Koreans who released the virus, but this has nothing to do with Li Bai, it's the matter of Huaxia Longwei.

When Li Bai returned to Xiannongshe, in fact he didn't care about the affairs here anymore, he just came to take a look.

"Brother Bai, sister Xiaoxi is here." Zhang Yuhan, the only girl among Hong Yu's five, walked into the office and said to Li Bai.

Just as Li Bai was about to study the blood flower fruit seeds, Zhang Yuhan came.

"Xiaoxi, isn't she with sister Xiaoting? She's alone?" Li Bai was slightly surprised.

Xiaoxi is waiting downstairs, wearing a pair of jeans and a fashionable cartoon t-shirt, she looks full of youthful vitality, and the bloodshot eyes in her pupils have decreased a lot, it seems that she is getting better together with Mu Xiaoting .

"Xiaoxi, what's the matter?" Li Bai stepped forward and asked.

Xiaoxi still didn't speak, just pulled Li Bai away.

"Xiaoxi?" Li Bai was slightly puzzled, not knowing where to take him, and she was with Mu Xiaoting, maybe the Mu family.

Li Bai didn't say much, and drove directly to Mu's house, seeing Xiaoxi's appearance should be very anxious.

When they arrived at Mujia Community, Li Bai followed Mu Xiaoting upstairs. The door was closed, but there seemed to be movement inside.

Li Bai directly kicked the door open, and what came into view was corpses all over the ground, it should be said that there were countless people who fell on the ground, as to whether they were corpses or not, I don't know.

"Miss Xiaoting." Li Bai saw Mu Xiaoting on the ground, still breathing, which made Li Bai relax a little.

The members of the Mu family were all there, but they were all in a coma. As for the others, they were all dead, and all of them were strangled to death.

Li Bai looked at Xiaoxi next to him, the little girl just stared at him with her eyes, her fair little hand also grabbed Li Bai, Li Bai picked up Xiaoxi's little hand to have a look, there were still some bloodshot nails, he guessed right, These dead people were killed by Xiaoxi. These people should have used something to knock Mu Xiaoting and the others into a coma, but they were killed by Xiaoxi after they entered.

Xiaoxi also seemed a little at a loss, Li Bai touched the little girl's head and said, "It's okay, I don't blame you."

With a wave of his hand, Li Bai put the corpses into the interspatial ring, and then took Xiaoxi to wash his hands, and then looked at the people in the Mu family. All five of them were there, Mu Xiaoting, Mu Zheng, and Mr. Mu. Mu Yunfeng and Mu Xiaoting's mother fell into a coma.

Fortunately, it wasn't very serious, Li Bai's silver star power diffused, covering them all.

The silver star power is all-attribute spiritual power, which has certain healing properties, and after a while it was withdrawn, and the members of the Mu family also woke up.

"Ahem, what's the matter." Muzheng was the first to wake up, and seemed to be a little confused.

"Li Bai, why are you here?" Muzheng was a little puzzled, he didn't know what happened, seeing that other people were unconscious, he became sober for a while, and quickly helped the old man up.

After a while, the old man, Mu Xiaoting and Mu Yunfeng all woke up.

"Old man, that's the way it is. Do you know who is here?" Li Bai told the situation he saw, looking at the old man.

The old man walked into the room, took out a box, put it in front of Li Bai, and said: "They should come here for this thing, which itself was left to my Mu family by your father, but the current Mu family is not entitled to own it." This treasure, too many people wanted to snatch it, so I took Mu Zheng and hid in this busy city, but unexpectedly, they still found it."

"Grandpa, what is this?" Mu Yunfeng was very puzzled, why did he feel a little strange, did brother-in-law's father know the Mu family?

Li Bai picked up the box and opened it directly. All of a sudden, colorful lights shot out from the box. Inside was a colorful stone with the breath of his father on it.

"This is a five-colored stone." Li Bai said in surprise, unexpectedly, his father left a five-colored stone in Mu's house, no wonder someone came to snatch it.

"Yes, among the treasures left by your father, this five-colored stone should be the most precious, but no one in the Mu family can use it. After all, we are mortals." The old man said with shame. Basically all the treasures have been robbed, only the colorful stones are left.

The old man didn't know what the five-colored stone was, but Li Xiaogang said that if someone in the Mu family could absorb the five-colored stone, then the Mu family could truly keep their status. Unfortunately, no one in the Mu family could absorb this stone, and even Absorption is not clear, not even his father Mu Zhan.

Li Bai also understands that the five-colored stone was formed by his father's infusion of Nuwa's divine power. Although it is not as good as the Nuwa stone, it is definitely an absolute treasure for the earth, and the requirements for talent are extremely high. It cannot be absorbed until the foundation period.

But judging from the current situation of the Mu family, even Mr. Mu Shengjin has not embarked on the path of self-cultivation. Maybe the secret techniques of self-cultivation left by his father have already been robbed, which can only be said to be a pity.

"Old man, what's going on, please tell me carefully, who are those people?" Li Bai asked, according to the people this time, they should not be members of the sect of cultivation, otherwise they would not be so easily caught. Xiaoxi was killed, at most he could be regarded as a member of the ancient martial arts family.

The old man sighed, and said: "It was about ten years after your father left. When my father attended a party, he never came back."

"Afterwards, my elder brother, who was very talented, died soon after. Since then, the Mu family has lost its leader, and the company's property has been embezzled. Later, under the protection of some sincere servants, I escaped, and I also I don’t have the talent for cultivation, or they are just hunting them down symbolically, but if I catch them, I probably won’t be able to survive, but they didn’t expect that I didn’t leave the capital, but hid here instead.” Mu Shengjin said again He sighed, if he hadn't made the bet this time, he probably wouldn't have survived.

"Until now, I didn't expect them to not give up. It seems that they have discovered us." Mu Shengjin said.

Li Bai also sighed, and asked in confusion, "Do you know which powerful families were in the gathering back then, you should know?"

"Actually, I don't know much about this, but I heard from my father and elder brother that the biggest enemy of the Mu family in business should be the Huangfu family at that time. I don't know about the ancient martial arts family and the cultivation sect, but my elder brother told me to be careful of the Zhang family. Hefeng family." Mu Shengjin said.

"The Huangfu family, could it be the Huangfu family of the ancient martial arts family?" Li Bai wondered, the words of the Huangfu family are interesting, it should be Huangfuling's family.

"The Huangfu family was indeed a commercial family at the beginning, and now it has become an ancient martial arts family. We can only say that we have no strength, hey." Mu Shengjin sighed. It doesn't exist now, but at that time, even some cultivation sects didn't dare to mess with it. Just relying on a cultivation sect or an ancient martial arts family would definitely not be able to bring down the Mu family, nor could it kill his father Mu Zhan.

"Don't worry, old man, I must have avenged my uncle, and I will make the Mu family stand up again, and they will never fall, hum." Li Bai said coldly, at the time, some people dared to move his father's right-hand man, which was tantamount to Cut off his father's arm, he must get it back.

"Old man, this is a method of cultivation. You can keep it, and you can practice it. Even if you can't cultivate, it is not a problem to keep fit and live for decades. Uncle Muzheng can also practice it, and Yunfeng can also practice it. You can practice, even Aunt Tao can practice, if you don’t hesitate, I will refine some pills for you, and you will be able to stand up when your own strength has improved." Li Bai handed the cultivation method to the old man, this is only the first step.

The old man was not polite, and accepted it directly. After all, the Mu family itself belonged to Li Bai's father, and what Li Bai gave now is the same, and they will always be loyal to Li Bai.

"Grandpa, brother-in-law, what are you talking about?" Mu Yunfeng looked at his grandfather and Li Bai with some doubts, why did he feel so strange, what kind of treasure, the Mu family.

"Xiaofeng, come here." Li Bai called.

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing?" Mu Yunfeng's eyes were still ghostly, but the way he looked at Li Bai seemed a little different.

Li Bai took out one of the remaining two pills and said, "Eat this one."

"Brother-in-law, what kind of little pill is this? My grandfather is here, so you can't hurt me." The little boy tilted his head, thinking so much.

"Little bastard, what are you talking about, eat as soon as you are told." Mu Zheng scolded, he knew that what Li Bai was holding was a good thing.

"Oh, I didn't say not to eat, but brother-in-law, you came to our school again after a long time, remember to start talking, you're so cool." Mu Yunfeng was still thinking about Li Bai's driving to let him show off his prestige.

"Okay, but you have to promise me some conditions. After taking this pill, you have to practice quickly, and then absorb this stone. At that time, brother-in-law will buy you a car, how about it?" Li Bai tempted, he Last time, I discovered that this little guy has a good foundation in cultivation, and his cultivation talent must be incredible, and his age is just right. After this pill washes the scriptures and cuts the marrow, he will definitely be able to absorb the five-colored stone.

"Brother-in-law, are you serious? You can't fool me. My father, grandfather, mother, and sister are all watching, otherwise you will be foolish." Mu Yunfeng's eyes lit up, and he swallowed the pill directly, thinking It's really cool to be able to drive such a cool car.

(End of this chapter)

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