Chapter 2261
"Of course it's true, but I have to wait until you grow up to buy it for you. It's definitely not a shame." Li Bai smiled. To him, a car is really nothing now.

"Well, uncles and aunts, I opened a pharmaceutical company, so you can help me too, just help me manage it." Li Bai said to Muzheng and Tao Qiaoying.

"The old man can also go and have a look, how about it?" Li Bai smiled.

"Okay, it's up to you." The old man smiled happily, and the Mu family finally survived.

Li Bai left, and Xiaoxi stayed at Mu's house, so he was more at ease, even if something happened, Xiaoxi was there, although Xiaoxi's strength was not strong, but the evil in his body was very powerful, even if there was danger, he could inform him.

Returning to Xiannongshe again, Li Bai got into the space ring, there are really many things.

After searching these corpses, there were no clues. Li Bai thought for a while, these people should not belong to some big families, and the current Mu family is not worthy of real masters, but after this time, it may not be so. After a person dies, it should attract attention.

But he is also vigilant, he has left star power in both Mu Xiaoting and Xiao Xi, if something happens, he will find out immediately.

In the space ring, Xiaoxi's mother was still lying there, recovering a little bit, but she was still depleted of essence and blood and needed to recover.

In addition, the soul of the Qin Hui'an Lingju clan seems to be still growing, but it has almost recovered. It is really a so-called undead clan, and it can be revived even after the soul is annihilated.

On the other side, the body of Deng Xin's mother, Liu Yan, was also lying quietly on the ground. With a wave of Li Bai's hand, the silver star power directly covered it, freezing it. When you bring Deng Xin in, just bury her.

Jin Yan was left in the villa by Li Bai, and now he was more worried, so he had to be on guard, in case someone suddenly attacked, it would be terrible.

Taking out the thousand-year-old blood ginseng bought at the auction and some herbs, Li Bai also started alchemy for the second time.

Already had the experience of refining alchemy once, it was much easier for Li Bai, of course there is a chance of failure, but it is refining some very precious elixir, the elixir that cultivators can use, as for ordinary elixir cultivators There is no difficulty in refining.

In the cultivation planet, the real alchemists are all refining some very precious elixirs, such as those that can increase the chance of breakthrough, those that can bring the dead back to life, those that can protect the heart, and even refine the soul. Those who practice pills are called real alchemists.

Like Li Bai, those who refine some basic elixir are also of very low grade, which can only be applied to ordinary people, and they are not considered alchemists at all, but pharmacists at most.

This kind of alchemist can also be done by some practitioners, as long as there is a fire attribute in their spiritual power, they can almost do it, but a real alchemist has higher requirements for the soul, and needs stronger strength.

As for this kind of pills such as foundation building pills and body strengthening pills, which are almost useless to cultivators, they are really nothing. Li Bai estimated that there might not be a real alchemist in the whole earth.

But even so, Li Bai still can't refine Zhuji Pill, because Zhuji Pill can be regarded as a rare pill that can be refined by a pharmacist. It needs a prescription, and there are no medicinal materials. Zhuji Pill needs real Spirit grass, blood essence grass is the minimum standard configuration, but not only blood essence grass is needed, but also several spirit grass are needed.

However, Li Bai didn't need to be so troublesome to refine this blood essence pill. It was just a pill for ordinary people to restore blood essence. Blood essence grass, thousand-year-old blood ginseng, and ganoderma lucidum were enough.

Holding this Essence Blood Pill in his hand, Li Bai also felt a sense of accomplishment. After all, one can become an alchemist only after becoming a pharmacist. Step by step, he felt that refining these basic elixir is quite simple, and it can also help Xiao Xi's mother recovered.

He could also ask Xiaoxi exactly what was going on, and what the evil thing in her body was, so he had better plan ahead.

When he came to Xiaoxi's mother, that bed was still the same bed, Li Bai took the blood essence pill in his hand, and said, "Auntie, this is the essence blood pill, you should recover faster after taking it, if When you wake up, call me, or you can live here, and I will come to see you in a few days."

"Okay, thank you, child." Xiaoxi's mother thanked her, she knew that it was Li Bai who saved her, and Xiaoxi.

Li Bai smiled, and left the ring space directly. It was helpless to say that he still didn't know Xiaoxi's mother's name, but it didn't matter, that's not the point.

Back in the Xiannong Society, Li Bai looked at the growth of the blood essence grass again, it seemed to be pretty good, but it should take some time to harvest, the blood essence grass is much more expensive than Donggen, and it can be made into Chinese patent medicine, And then selling it out will definitely drive everyone crazy.

Zhang Yuhan has been following Li Bai, this is also her responsibility, there must always be someone following Li Bai, isn’t it like this for big shots, Wang Chu is still dealing with building construction in the forest community, Hong Yu and the others also have their own Regarding various matters, Zhang Yuhan is the only girl among the group of people, and she is also a beautiful woman, which fits Li Bai's identity.

"Brother Bai?" Zhang Yuhan whispered.

Li Bai looked at the girl and said, "Say what you want? Why are you hesitating?"

"That's about Fangcheng." Zhang Yuhan hesitated to speak, as if he didn't know how to speak.

"Fang Cheng, what's the matter?" Li Bai really didn't care about Hong Yu's five people. It was Hong Yu who took care of them. He trusted Hong Yu more, so he didn't care much.

"He quit Xiannong Society?" Zhang Yuhan whispered, she was a little afraid of Li Bai's reaction.

"Quit? Is there a reason?" Li Bai asked. He really didn't think of this. He felt that he had given a lot, so he still had to quit.

"No, he just talked to Brother Hong Yu. Brother Hong Yu told me to be told to you first, and he will persuade Fang Cheng later." Zhang Yuhan said, she also couldn't understand why Fang Cheng quit Xiannong Society, and even a fool It can be seen that Xiannongshe is definitely promising, so why quit it.

Li Bai smiled, and said: "Interesting, let Hong Yu come to me after persuading him."

From this point of view, Fang Cheng's identity is not simple, but it doesn't matter, he will know sooner or later, but the wasted medicinal pills and ancient martial arts secrets should not be taken away.

Huaxia Academy, Ancient Martial Arts Society, and Fang Cheng looked at Hong Yu who still refused to leave, and said, "Go back, I know you are doing it for my own good, but this is my own choice, don't blame me for not treating you any more. polite."

"Fang Cheng, Brother Bai gave us a brand new life, you can leave as you like, what is it to be Brother Bai, and don't forget, Brother Bai doesn't even look down on Xiao Tianling, you are looking for death." Hong Yu stared at Fang Cheng. He couldn't understand why Fang Cheng left Xiannongshe. If Li Bai knew about it, he would think it was his fault. Li Bai accepted the five of them and changed their lives.

But what he didn't expect was that Fang Cheng would quit. It would be fine if Fang Cheng was just an ordinary member, but he is the core figure, so it's not that simple. He knows almost everything about Xiannong Society.

"A new life? For you, it is true, but for me, it is not. I will bear what I do, and I am not afraid that he will come to me. Either you tie me back, or just Get the hell out." Fang Cheng said coldly, he had his own intentions when he quit, and Fang Cheng wouldn't be like this forever if he was someone else's dog.

"Okay, it seems that you are really going to quit, then don't blame me for being rude, I can only catch you in front of Brother Bai, please explain to him well, hum." Hong Yu moved his feet and rushed directly to Fang Cheng, since being soft is not enough, let's be hard.

Fang Cheng sneered, and the figure went up to meet him directly, saying: "You Hong Yu, you really can't catch me back, even if he Li Bai comes in person, I'm not afraid."

The two punched each other, but Hong Yu was directly sent flying more than ten meters away, and vomited blood.

"How is it possible? When did you have this kind of strength?" Hong Yu's face was full of disbelief. They almost all practiced at the same time. He had only reached the peak of the innate late stage. Fang Cheng actually directly blasted him away. The gap is terrifying horrible.

"Are you convinced, let's go, I don't want to embarrass you, and you have come to bother me recently, otherwise it won't be so simple next time." Fang Cheng sneered.

Hong Yu stared at Fang Cheng in surprise. Since when did this guy become so powerful, he might be able to compete with Xiao Tianling. This is Fang Cheng who is laughing and joking, absolutely impossible.

The pain in his chest made him have to give up, and he left Guwu Club clutching his chest. How could this be the case.

At the gate of Xiannongshe, Zhang Yuhan saw Hong Yu coming back, and said directly: "Brother Hong Yu, Brother Bai told you to go up and find him."

"Okay, I'll go up now." Hong Yu said in a low voice.

In the leisure center on the roof of Xiannongshe, Li Bai held a cup of coffee and looked at Donggen below, and said in a low voice, "It seems that I can't eat this cake alone."

"Brother Bai, punish me." Hong Yu walked up and knelt down in front of Li Bai, ashamed.

Li Bai looked at Hong Yu, sat still on the chair, and said, "Get up, what's the result?"

"Brother Bai, this matter is my fault, and I didn't take care of it." Of course, Hong Yu also understands the seriousness of the matter. Donggen's planting technology and blood essence planting technology may be leaked out soon. It was all because of his mistake that he didn't discover Fang Cheng's identity.

"I don't blame you, I didn't realize it at the beginning, let's spread Donggen's planting technology, anyway, I can't hide it." Li Bai said, since Fang Cheng dared to withdraw, he was sure, and he could hurt Hong Yu , obviously very powerful.

Needless to say, Donggen's planting technology and some secrets of Xiannong Society may not be concealed, but fortunately, these are nothing. Li Bai's real trump card, Fang Cheng does not know, even Xiannong Society can't hide it. Few people know.

But maybe he will also guess his identity. He really didn't expect someone to betray Xiannong society, but it doesn't hurt. A strong person needs to be able to face all kinds of emergencies, which is the case in business.

(End of this chapter)

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