The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2262 Give me another chance

Chapter 2262 give me another chance

"Don't move." Li Bai released his silver star power, enveloped Hong Yu and healed some of his injuries. It seems that Fangcheng is really strong, and Hong Yu was beaten into pieces with a single punch. If this is the case, and he should be merciful, otherwise Hong Yu probably wouldn't be able to stand his punch.

"Thank you, Brother Bai." Hong Yu felt that his injury had eased a lot, and thanked him.

"Well, I went to find him. Even if I have to leave, I have to keep my things. Is Li Bai's things so easy to get?" Li Bai said coldly. He gave them time to think about it. Now If you come to betray him, don't blame him for being unkind.

Li Bai jumped directly from the roof of the Xiannong Society, and with a slight sense of his soul consciousness, he knew where Fangcheng was.

Fang Cheng seems to be very leisurely, he doesn't feel that the enemy is in front of him at all, and he is still practicing in the Ancient Martial Arts Club.

"I'm so excited, are you waiting for me?" Li Bai also walked slowly to the Ancient Martial Society. There were still some people from the Ancient Martial Society, but after seeing Li Bai, they looked over with great interest. They didn't know what happened , but Fangcheng of Xiannongshe and Nonghuang are not too often together, and the atmosphere between the two is obviously a bit strange.

"I know you're coming, but I don't know what you plan to do with me?" Fang Cheng smiled happily, as if he had already prepared or relied on something.

"Are you going to let me deal with it?" Li Bai asked back.

"What do you think, isn't it a matter of minutes before the Nong Huang, who has overwhelmed the top ten generals, wants to deal with me as a traitor, but I want to remind the Nong Huang that he still has to consider the consequences." Fang Cheng took out a photo. It was Feng Yunxi.

Li Bai's face changed slightly, but he was relieved in an instant, and said, "Do you think I will have scruples because of a woman?"

"I don't know, but I know that Emperor Nong is a passionate person. It seems that having too many women is not a good thing, right, hehe." Fang Cheng said with a split corner of his mouth.

Li Bai smiled, very happy, he actually forgot about Feng Yunxi, something went wrong, he looked at Fang Cheng and said: "Very well, it seems that I really underestimated you, but it's okay if I beat you up Bar?"

Fang Cheng also laughed. Of course he knew how strong Li Bai was, but he knew better about Li Bai. This man has a mysterious identity, but he has many ancient martial arts secrets, and his strength is powerful. He is merciful, but he is also a sentimental type. As long as he grabs one of his women, he can't use his hands and feet.

"You can try it. In fact, I also want to test how strong you are. Even Xiao Tianling is not your opponent. Even in the entire Chinese ancient martial arts world, he is definitely a master." Fang Cheng laughed.

"I'm not an expert, but it's more than enough to teach you a lesson." Li Bai didn't want to talk nonsense, and directly hit him with a punch.

Fang Cheng was also slightly surprised. In fact, he was really a little afraid of Li Bai. After all, Li Bai and Xiao Tianling's strength was obvious to all. He also watched the defeat of those Japanese ninjas last time. They were indeed ridiculously strong, but he was not afraid. However, Li Bai absolutely did not dare to kill him.

"You are the first person to threaten me, I admire you." Li Bai's face was cold, threatening him, never before.

So he didn't hold back his hands, even used the long knife directly. Normally, he didn't use weapons at first, but this time he was really angry, and he dared to touch his woman. I can only say that you think your life is too long .

The long knife slashed directly in the air, and the terrifying silver light of the knife instantly destroyed all objects it encountered.

Fang Cheng obviously didn't expect Li Bai to kill him suddenly. Is this bastard crazy? His woman is still in his hands, this lunatic.

There was no surprise, Fang Cheng was directly smashed by the sword light, although he also resisted symbolically, but it was useless, the strength gap was too big, he thought that even if he couldn't beat Li Bai, he still had a little bit of resistance, but I didn't expect Li Bai to be so strong.

Slashing him flying with a knife, Li Bai rushed forward again, put away the long knife, grabbed Fang Cheng and threw it directly on the ground, and repeated this, the silver star power rushed into Fang Cheng's body ferociously.

"I gave it to you, and I will take it back. I want to threaten me. What are you, the Fang family, right? When I have time, your Fang family will cease to exist." Li grabbed him again and slapped him fiercely. He was indeed very angry when he was thrown on the ground. He dared to threaten him. He really wanted to die.

"Threatening me, I admire your courage." Li Bai stepped on Fang Cheng's face and said coldly.

Fang Cheng was really confused, what's going on, this lunatic, does labor and management still have hostages in their hands, don't you care?The script is not like this, in his mind, even if he can't beat Li Bai, then Li Bai wouldn't dare to be rough on him.

But it's a pity that the word "threat" is not included in Li Bai's script. Whoever threatens him will die.

"Now let's have a good talk, can we?" Li Bai smiled, but in fact he had already let Jin Yan go.

No matter where Fangcheng hides Feng Yunxi, Jin Yan can find it in the shortest time, Li Bai can also communicate with souls, and don't forget what the Golden Flame Dragon Lizard is. Manipulate and communicate.

As long as the news spreads, you will soon know everything about the school, and thus know when Feng Yunxi was kidnapped. The poisonous insects keep passing the news, and it will soon reach Jin Yan, and of course it will reach Li Bai. here.

"That woman is dead, let's collect her body." Fang Cheng said coldly, but Li Bai kicked him hard again.

"Don't worry, she won't die even if you die, let's go and see a good show." Li Bai kicked Fang Cheng again, his face was covered with bright red footprints.

In the wealthy district of Kyoto, in a villa room, Feng Yunxi was tied up and fell to the corner, with several guards outside the door.

"Brother Liao, the young master is not in danger, right?" Two guards were talking at the door of the room.

"It's okay, as long as this woman is in our hands, the young master will not be in danger, and the family members will also come. If we kill that kid, Xiannongshe will also become the young master, and there will be ancient martial arts." The man named Brother Liao laughed.

"The young master's breakthrough is probably related to that kid. You said that there seems to be no one named Li in the ancient martial arts family. What is the origin of that kid? It's only because he was too arrogant and offended the young master." Another guard laughed. .

"Wait a minute, there seems to be a problem." The man called Brother Liao suddenly became vigilant, as if there was movement in the room.

"Go in and have a look." Liao Ge opened the door, saw a golden light flashing in front of his eyes, and then lost consciousness. The next moment, another man also fell down, his eyes were full of horror, and he didn't even know who killed them. what.

"Who?" Immediately, several more guards rushed in, but the result was the same, they were directly pierced by the golden flame, and died quickly.

When Li Bai showed up at the villa carrying Fang Cheng, the villa was already empty.

"Little guy, you did a good job." Li Bai looked at Jin Yan who jumped on his shoulder, and smiled.

Throwing Fang Cheng on the ground, said: "It seems that I have disappointed you, Master Fang."

"Bastard, how did you know this place?" Fang Cheng was miserable, his face was distorted, but he was still not reconciled. Why did Li Bai find this place? It was simply impossible, but Li Bai did.

Li Bai walked into the villa, untied Feng Yunxi who was bound, and carried him out.

"I knew you would definitely come, hehe." To Li Bai's surprise, Feng Yunxi didn't seem to be panicked at all, although his face was a bit ugly, he smiled sweetly.

Li Bai also heaved a sigh of relief, and it happened that there was no need to coax him. He hugged his tender body in his arms and said, "It's fine, I'll take care of this guy, you go into the car first."

"Wait a minute, I'm going to kick him a few times, my hands hurt like hell, you bastard." Feng Yunxi jumped out of Li Bai's arms, and kicked Fang Cheng violently on the ground, especially his lower body, causing Fang Cheng to scream Constantly, it is the most poisonous woman's heart, it seems that it is true.

Li Bai finally understands that Feng Yunxi and Su Daji are similar, they are both nervous women, and it is strange to have such inexplicable trust in him, but this kind of personality is also good, a little nervous, it can be considered optimistic.

After kicking enough, Feng Yunxi got into the car and clapped her hands, she was also tired from kicking.

Li Bai looked at Fang Cheng's miserable state, slapped him with his palm, and said, "I asked you something, can you answer me?"

"Okay, Brother Bai, give me a chance." Fang Cheng really realized how stupid he was at this time, wouldn't it be good to follow Li Bai, why would he betray.

"I'll only give you one chance. No matter who it is, please answer my question obediently now. You belong to the Gu Wufang family, right?" Li Bai asked.


"Why did you choose to betray me? It seems to be better for you and the other party's family to follow me." Li Bai asked, this is indeed a question he can't understand. Shu and the Xiannong Society were enough to make the Fang family attached to him, but Fangcheng betrayed him.

"The Fang family is not only a family of ancient martial arts, but also a family of cultivation, and I have broken through to the eighth-level true energy warrior, you will find out sooner or later, so I can only choose to betray you. It has also spread, so I have no choice." Fang Cheng said with a sad smile.

"It's not just the ancient martial arts family, but also the cultivation sect behind it. You really don't believe me. Even if it's a cultivation family, it's nothing to me, haha." Li Bai laughed, so I can only blame him for choosing Wrong, no wonder I haven't seen Fang Cheng appear in front of him for a long time, it turned out that he was afraid that he would discover his strength.

In fact, having said that, even if he discovered Fang Cheng's strength, it would be all right, and he was also planning to spread the technology of planting Donggen, but Fang Cheng did it before it was implemented, which he did not expect.

"Well, I won't kill you, but I will take back what I gave you. As for the news about Xiannong Society, I didn't want to hide it, but you will become useless in the future." Li Bai said coldly.

"Brother Bai, I was wrong, please give me another chance." Fang Cheng screamed, if he didn't have these thoughts at the beginning, would he be like this now? He still didn't see clearly what is really scary about Li Bai.

(End of this chapter)

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