The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2265 A little late

Chapter 2265 A little late
Qin Yubing on the other side did not give in. The black bikini also gave her a sense of mystery, and that cold temperament, which made Li Bai almost drool.

But before Li Bai finished appreciating it, the two fell into the water shyly, making them anxious inside.

Of course Li Bai was not to be outdone, he tore off the bath towel and jumped into the hot spring. His body also had a lot of abdominal muscles, and they were well-proportioned. It would be strange if a cultivator had a bad figure.

After soaking comfortably in the hot spring, Qin Yubing was shy at first, but she was so tired that she fell asleep lying on the edge of the pool without knowing it.

Bingci smiled coquettishly and leaned into Li Bai's arms, saying: "Master, Miss Bingbing is asleep, how about I help you eat her?"

Li Bai's heartbeat suddenly quickened when he heard it. This was too violent. He glanced at Qin Yubing's beautiful face, swallowed his saliva, and said, "Why don't the master eat you first, you little pervert."

"Come on, I'm not afraid of you, I know it's not the first time for you." Bingjian was not worried at all, instead she burrowed into Li Bai's arms. She wanted to show up a long time ago, but Li Bai didn't want it before, but now Finally can it.

In an instant, Li Bai felt that someone was being crushed on him, and the little brother who was standing upright was about to be unable to hold on.

After taking a deep breath, Li Bai suppressed the anger in his heart. It was really too difficult. Although he would definitely not refuse as long as he thought about these two stunning beauties, he still felt that now was not the time and the place was not right.

"Master, you hate it." Bingjian pouted, she also felt that Li Bai's eyes had changed, she couldn't help being very annoyed, why did she hold back, it was too annoying.

"Don't make trouble, take care of teacher and sister, I'll check the situation." Li Bai walked out of the hot spring wearing a bath towel, walked to the smart computer next to the hot spring and sat down. With a thought, he directly took out a brain chip. Something unique to the planet, the same thing that he had entered into his identity information when he invaded the Huaxia Brain.

With this thing, he can directly hack into the Zhao family's system to find out what went wrong. Strictly speaking, Li Bai is also a hacker, and one of his mothers is a hacker. Not to mention these low-level intelligent systems on the earth, even some advanced technology Planets, Li Bai can also invade some.

But the conditions are not allowed, but with this smart brain chip, it is easy to hack into a Zhao family's smart system.

Being able to counter everything Qin Hui'an planned is definitely a master, but masters are not easy for him.

Inputting a piece of information command into the brain chip, the chip of the brain was split into two, one piece remained in his hand, and the other piece turned into a stream of energy liquid and went directly into the brain system next to it.

The reason why he chose this Blue Maple Resort to soak in the hot springs is of course not that simple. The main reason is that this is the property of the Zhao family and has the intelligent system of the Zhao family.

There is a smart computer next to him, which is more convenient for him to steal information.

Seeing the intelligent brain chip entering the intelligent system of the Zhao family, Li Bai smiled, tapped his fingers on the intelligent computer quickly, and sent out the instructions one by one, bypassing the interception of the main system, and quickly reached the intelligent system of the Zhao family. core area of ​​the system.

"So that's how it is, hehe, then I'll give you a big one." Li Bai smiled, and everything in the core area appeared in his mind, but the opponent is definitely a master. On earth, he can be regarded as the top. The camouflage is well done.

Almost all hackers are of one type, intruding into the system, either laying traps without anyone noticing, or directly attacking to paralyze your system.

However, business is more sophisticated. After intruding into your system, you will spread traps without anyone noticing, allowing you to affect the interests of the company without you noticing, thereby stealing confidential information, and formulating commercial means to achieve your goals. .

The same is true for the Zhao family's hackers. If Qin Hui'an was still there, he would probably be able to find out, but Qin Hui'an is no longer there. It is impossible to find out with the Qin family's intelligent system, which has caused the current crisis of the Qin family.

The nets cast by the Zhao family have already begun to be harvested. As long as they are all collected, the Qin family will be finished, but it is not that simple if Li Bai finds out. Set a trap, right? I will bring you a bigger one. If you want to eat that I'll just give you something to eat, and I'll give you enough to eat.

Visually speaking, Li Bai allowed this trap to continue to expand, but Li Bai had already silently controlled the entire Zhao family's intellectual brain system. After he finished eating, he would find that all the Zhao family ate was in the Help others make wedding dresses, and when you are full, they will kill you with a knife.

After the command was issued, Li Bai stretched his waist, stretched his fingers, put the brain chip in his hand into the space ring again, looked up at the surprised ice spike, and said, "Have you seen enough, beauty?"

"No, I can never get enough of Master." Bingci smiled coquettishly, and sat in Li Bai's arms.

"Then take a good look at it." Li Bai groped for the small waist of the ice spike, and said with a smile, it is indeed a kind of enjoyment to have a beauty in his arms.

"Unexpectedly, the master is still a brain hacker. How many things do I not know about you, master?" Bingjian stared at Li Bai. She was really curious, but she already knew a lot of things about Li Bai. too little.

"There's a lot you don't know, and you'll know it later." Li Bai smiled, and looked at the teacher and sister who were sleeping soundly beside her. She was indeed very tired, and she was still sleeping.

"Put on your bathrobe, someone is coming." Li Bai touched the ice thorn buttocks, looked outside the hot spring, and he sensed that someone was coming.

Bingjian quickly put on her bathrobe, hid behind Li Bai, and looked around carefully.

Qin Yubing also put on a bathrobe, and Li Bai whispered to the ice thorn: "Protect Miss Bing, I will deal with these mice."

Bingjian nodded, and Li Bai rushed to the rockery of the hot spring in a flash, and looked down at the several figures that were approaching. It was really interesting. It seems that the Zhao family found that he and Qin Yubing were here.

"Is it ready?" Several figures put all the things in their hands around the outside of the hot spring, making Li Bai gasp when they saw it.

These guys actually used bombs, trying to kill the three of them, but who came up with such an idiotic idea, Li Bai was also a little curious.

There are already bombs around the hot spring, this is the rhythm of blowing them up to the sky.

"Ah Dong, hurry up and leave after the bomb is set, be careful." The two talked, seeming to be very careful.

"Okay, leave quickly, there is not enough time."

A group of people left in a hurry. Li Bai knew that if the bomb was activated, the hot spring they were in would be blown up to the sky. The Zhao family wanted to kill Li Bai in this way, it was too naive.

Not far from Lanfeng Resort, in a small villa, Zhao Fengjiang was looking at the resort in the distance, and a man in a suit behind him said, "Master, everything has been arranged, just wait for your order."

"Well, let's do it. When the time comes, it will be a natural explosion. There is no one in it. With so many explosives, I don't believe that bastard can survive. And that bitch, let's die together." Zhao Fengjiang sneered, he was going to kill Li Bai With Qin Yubing and Bingthorn, he knew that Li Bai was very powerful, but he still didn't believe that they could escape like this, at least one of them would die.

Moreover, this place itself is the Zhao family's resort, so there will be no problem if you find an excuse to say that gas or other things explode, not to mention that the social police can manage it now, and the Longwei people don't have time to take care of it.

"Okay." The man in the suit behind him smiled, and directly pressed the remote control in his hand. Almost at the same time, the hot spring area where Li Bai was located directly burst into flames, and countless buildings and pools were blown to the sky.

"Hmph, go check it out, don't have any problems, this credit is mine." Zhao Fengjiang said.

"Okay, I've got news and I'll send it back." The man in the suit went out of the room directly, he was going to check the situation there and see if Li Bai was dead or not. Such a big explosion would definitely cause death.

"No need to check, I'm already here." A voice came from the door, and the man in the suit and Zhao Fengjiang didn't realize that there was another person in the room, and Zhao Fengjiang knew the whole person, and it was he who wanted to blow up the sky directly That bastard, Li Bai.

" did you come in? Don't mess around." Zhao Fengjiang pushed the man in the suit to the front. Although he dared to put a bomb behind his back, he really didn't have the courage to face Li Bai. Courage, this bastard is very strong.

"Aren't you looking for me? Isn't it just right that I came by myself? The bomb over there is pretty beautiful, but there are just a few people missing." Li Bai smiled and looked at Zhao Fengjiang, wanting to blow him up, it was just a dream.

With the speed of the strong Nascent Soul stage, the bomb is useless at all, and even if it blows up, the rain cover formed by the silver star power is enough to block the impact of the bomb, and he can also hide in the space ring in an instant. He has many This way can be avoided, hot weapons are just a joke in front of practitioners.

Before, he just put the ice spike and Qin Yubing directly into the ring space, and then rushed out by himself, the bomb couldn't keep up with his speed.

Just kidding, the speed of a strong Nascent Soul Stage can exceed the speed of sound, even if there are only a few seconds left, it is enough to run away.

"What are you doing here? We didn't provoke you." Zhao Fengjiang said in horror. He was really scared. Why is this bastard so powerful? Could it be that he knew his opportunity a long time ago? It's impossible.

Li Bai smiled and said, "Didn't you mess with me, but I want to hit you too. It seems that the lesson from last time was not enough, so I'm sorry. It happened that there was a lot of bombing over there, and there seems to be no corpse inside." , why don’t you just act as the corpse in the first game.”

"No, don't come here. I called the police. My Zhao family will not let you go. Get out of here." Zhao Fengjiang backed away in panic like crazy, wanting to leave, but the room was only this big, and the only exit was He was blocked by Li Bai again, and now he is too scared to die.

"Hey, I know I'm scared now, but it's too late." Li Bai grinned and walked over.

(End of this chapter)

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