The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2266 Yellow Haired Monster

Chapter 2266 Yellow Haired Monster
"Come with me, it's not normal for such a big explosion to kill people." Li Bai sneered, grabbed Zhao Fengjiang and the man in the suit, and rushed out.

In the resort, the fire caused by the explosion has not dissipated, Li Bai looked at Zhao Fengjiang in his hand and said, "Bye."

Throwing Zhao Fengjiang and the man in the suit directly into the fire, Li Bai ignored it and turned into an afterimage and left directly.

In the villa, Li Bai took a leisurely look at the report. It was the explosion in the Lanfeng Holiday Villa. He didn't pay much attention to it. This kind of thing can't be found out at all. In the end, he will use some reason like a natural gas explosion to prevaricate it. .

"Sister, you don't have to attack the Zhao family, I've made arrangements." On the roof of the villa, Li Bai lay on a chair and said.

"Thank you." Qin Yubing stared at Li Bai. She knew that without Li Bai, she would have died long ago, let alone controlling the Qin family. The Song family was too huge.

"Tell me what to say to thank you. You can thank me if you want, just give me a kiss." Li Bai joked, saying that he hadn't even touched a beautiful woman like Teacher Sister, and he admired his own willpower.

Qin Yubing's pretty face flushed slightly. Although she and Li Bai were teachers and students before, but now that he is no longer a teacher, he naturally doesn't resist so much. Since Tianyou Mountain, Li Bai has been helping her, and she is more concerned about this than herself. The little boy had a strange feeling, as if he wanted to rely on him very much. As long as he was around, she felt extremely safe.

Qin Yubing smiled slightly angrily, stood on tiptoe lightly, gave Li Bai a white look and said, "Low your head."

Li Bai smiled awkwardly, lowered his head slightly, and kissed Qin Yubing's delicate red lips, soft and tender, sweet and moist.

After a French-style romantic long kiss, the two separated slightly. Li Bai licked his lips and said, "It's so fragrant. You will be the wife of our old Li's family in the future. You can't let me down."

"Whoever disappoints who, you little pervert just don't like the new and dislike the old." The teacher's sister gave Li Bai a coquettish look, this kind of high-cold beauty acted like a spoiled child, it was really glamorous.

Lying in Li Bai's arms, Qin Yubing also felt very comfortable and generous.

"I have to go back, and you should be careful, I know those Japanese people are probably after you." Qin Yubing raised his head and said.

"Don't go back, I haven't hugged you enough, I really want to hug you all the time, don't worry, those Japanese people can't do anything to me, don't forget that I'm Li Xiaogang's son, don't worry." Li Bai hugged Qin Yubing without fat He groped up the willow waist several times, causing Qin Yubing to roll his eyes. This guy is really getting bolder and bolder.

In the Zhao family, in the villa, Zhao Fengcheng and Zhao Fengyu stood in front of an old man, very respectful.

"Are you sure that the dead person is Feng Jiang?" the old man asked, very disbelieving.

"Grandpa, it has been confirmed that the deceased is the second brother. As for the cause of the explosion, it was done by the second brother's people." Zhao Fengcheng bowed his head and said, this matter happened too fast, but it is the property managed by the second brother, how could it be in the Own place was blown up, so weird.

"Find it out, how could there be an explosion for no reason? It's absolutely impossible. He would be killed in his own place. People from my Zhao family died in his own place. It's just a joke." The old man was very angry. The two grandsons are all dragons and phoenixes among people. Although they each have their own shortcomings, they are all capable people, and now one of them died young.

At this moment, a man in white robes with an imposing manner walked in from the door. It was Yun Fu from Qingyue Gate. The kid who fought against each other can only blame your grandson for being too stupid to think of using a bomb to kill a cultivator, and now he has no one to blame for his death."

"Reverend Yunfu, are you serious?" The old man didn't get angry when he saw Yunfu coming in suddenly, and he was very respectful, and automatically passed over the contemptuous tone in Yunfu's words.

"Do I have to lie to you? What's more, do you think anyone will kill themselves? Even I dare not underestimate that kid's strength. Your grandson actually wants to use bombs to deal with others. He is not courting death, disciple Come with me, I have something to tell you as a teacher." Yun Fu glanced at Zhao Fengyu, then left straight away.

Zhao Fengyu hurriedly followed, this is the great god that the Zhao family relies on now, thanks to the fact that he spent money to take pictures of the Foundation Establishment Pill, now he has such a master, this is the blessing of the Zhao family.

He has successfully refined Zhuji Dan, stepped into the realm of cultivation, and successfully apprenticed to a master, becoming the disciple of Master Yunfu. This is simply the thing that the entire Zhao family can only wish for.

With Daoist Yunfu, why do other families dare to confront them? Moreover, he has already embarked on the road of self-cultivation. As long as he becomes a self-cultivator, then who else in the Zhao family dares to move? Even becoming the number one family in Kyoto is not difficult .

"Fortunately, Feng Yu's chance this time, otherwise the Zhao family would really be doomed. The little girl of the Qin family is quite powerful. She started to reduce their property and buy their stocks. I see how long she can last. Hmph." The old man snorted coldly, in the past Qin Hui'an had disappeared without a sound, and such a little girl appeared, at first he didn't pay attention to Qin Yubing.

But after a period of time, the Qin family actually broke away from the Zhao family, and the menacing approach almost forced the Zhao family into a trap. The old man realized that this little girl was a bit powerful, but the Zhao family was not an ordinary family. The trap, and pushed the boat along the way to counter the Qin family.

"Yes, it would be great if the real Yunfu could kill that kid surnamed Li." Zhao Fengcheng sighed, but he was also convinced in his heart. He thought that the eldest brother was idle all day, but he didn't expect to spend money to buy a pill. To actually worship the legendary cultivator as a teacher, which is a great reliance for the entire Zhao family.

"Perhaps, didn't Feng Yu say that Master Yunfu had a fight with that Li Bai, and there was no winner at that time, and Yunfu fled with the wind and rain at that time, which means that Master Yunfu is only similar to Li Bai, but behind Master Yunfu is The whole Qingyuemen, this kid is incomparable, so you can rest assured." The old man analyzed that he had indeed favored his grandson since he was a child, and there was no other reason, he just liked it, and he didn't expect Zhao Fengyu to have such a blessing edge.

On the other hand, Qin Yubing and Bingci went back to deal with the affairs of the Qin family, but when they left, they told Li Bai not to mess with flowers and grass, or they would come back to deal with him.

Li Bai shrugged indifferently, I'll be surprised if you can control me.

"Damn rascal, big pervert, Sister Bingbing has already left, look, I have something to see you." Su Daji twisted the soft flesh of Li Bai's waist with her small hand, and snorted coquettishly.

"What's the matter, you don't know that I'm still busy, don't bother me with small things." Li Bai said, he didn't know what was going on, he just wanted to quarrel with Su Daji, and when Su Daji was angry, his red lips pouted slightly. Beautiful, I can't help but like to annoy this girl every time.

Su Daji put a long leg in front of him, and said angrily: "Look, you bastard won't leave a scar with such a big scar. With such a big scar, people don't dare to wear shorts anymore. annoying."

Li Bai looked at it, and there was indeed a scar left by the bullet last time, but it was not a big deal, this scar was very simple for him, he just put Su Daji's slender beautiful legs on his own.

The silver star power surged out slightly and condensed at the scar to repair the muscle tissue. After a while, the scar disappeared.

"Okay, it's gone, but your athlete's foot is too serious, you haven't washed your feet for a few days." Li Bai joked, but he still didn't let go of this beautiful leg, but touched it up and down.

"You have athlete's foot. You have athlete's foot in the whole building and community." Su Daji said coquettishly, this bastard actually said that he had athlete's foot, but he was very happy to see that the scar on his leg was really gone.

Li Bai groped for this white and slender leg, it was really beautiful, and he could definitely play with it for several nights.

At this moment, Li Bai's sky message rang. After looking at it, it was an unfamiliar signal source. When he picked it up, he found that it was actually from that little guy Mu Yunfeng, but the location of this kid seemed to be very dark.

"Brother-in-law, hurry up and save me, I'm surrounded by aliens." Mu Yunfeng whispered, his little face was still a little dirty, it seemed that he was really in danger.

"What's going on?" Li Bai got up and asked nervously, but the signal source was cut off immediately, and Li Bai also realized the seriousness of the problem.

I checked the location of Mu Yunfeng in Tianxun just now, and hurried over. Now Tianxun can directly locate it, so as long as there is a signal source, it can be found directly.

Tianming Elementary School is just an ordinary elementary school in Kyoto, but it has a large number of students. There are hundreds of children, all of whom are children from ordinary families who are not very wealthy.

Of course, the security here is relatively poor, there are only two security guards, but now the two security guards have fallen to the ground.

Several weird-looking people stood on the roof, and one of them, a triangular-headed weirdo, kept shuttling through the entire elementary school, and children were constantly being knocked into the air. It seemed that they didn't regard these children as adults at all, or in their eyes These are just the little things in the way.

"Claire, I still haven't found it." The triangular-headed weirdo climbed directly from the wall to the roof, and said to a yellow-haired weirdo on the roof.

"How is it possible, there is absolutely no mistake, you didn't search carefully, you must be within this range, and search again." The yellow-haired weirdo said angrily, how could it not be, it is simply impossible.

The man with the triangular head was afraid again, this time he had to search carefully, the boss must be sure of what he said.

Mu Yunfeng's whole body curled up together, he knew that those 'aliens' were here to catch him, so he hid before those people came, and the little guy got down from the sewer, walking all the way Crawled down the sewer for a long time, but he was still afraid that his actions would be discovered by those aliens, so he simply stayed still and curled up in a place in the sewer.

Fortunately, I picked up a Tianxun from a teacher just now, and his prodigy memory also remembered the source of my brother-in-law's signal.

(End of this chapter)

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