The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2268 Get me up

Chapter 2268 Get me up
"Brother-in-law, wait, my classmates and teacher are still there." Mu Yunfeng looked at the teaching building and said worriedly.

Li Bai paused, this can be saved, after all, they are the flowers of the motherland, the future of China, these gene-humans are too crazy, they actually did something to children.

"Let's go, these guys are really crazy, children will not let go." Li Bai glanced at an injured child in the corner, and the silver star power wrapped it directly, and healed the wound of the little boy. was bruised.

The yellow-haired Claire and several genetic people all stood at the door of the classroom where a group of children were held. The two genetic people had already entered, and they were still holding these as hostages.

What Claire didn't expect was how this Huaxia kid came. Li Bai is famous in the Hall of Ability, and the number one enemy of the Hall of Ability, but there is nothing he can do about it, because this bastard is really too strong. This guy Shi is also here, why is he everywhere.

Claire knew that he was no match. The last time Jason led a group of genetic people, he couldn't beat this kid, and several of them were killed in the end. In their eyes, Li Bai had become an invincible strongman for a short time.

"Don't come here, or everyone in here will die." Claire pointed at Li Bai, what was he afraid of when he had a room full of hostages.

Li Bai looked at the two gene humans inside, and then looked at Clare, who was covered in yellow hair, and said, "Hurry up, or you will die, believe it or not."

"Don't mess around, see what this is, a new type of bomb, even if you can run away, these ordinary humans will never be able to run away, don't you Huaxia people love your compatriots, so don't get close, or all here will be bombed God." Claire took out a square iron bump from her arms, which was indeed a bomb.

"Why don't you believe it, you're really going to die." Li Bai glanced at the bomb indifferently, why would he still want to use a hot weapon? It's so stupid.

"Boy, if you go one step further, I swear I will detonate it, and then all of us will be blown up to the sky, including the Chinese people in this room." Claire's face was terrified, he was really scared, what did this bastard do? He is not even afraid of bombs, isn't he here to save people, he has a hostage in his hand, Li Bai is still moving forward.

"Bastard, let's die together." Claire's face turned cold, this Chinese kid is too bullying, he just walked over straight, can't you see that there are hostages in the hands of labor and management, or a room full of hostages, is he really He didn't want to die together, but this Huaxia boy forced him to do so, and he had no choice but to detonate the bomb instantly.

The moment he detonated the bomb, a golden light instantly penetrated his palm, and the bomb fell to the ground. Li Bai's face turned cold and he rushed forward. This scene also shocked countless people. Now it's over, everyone to die.

"Idiot, it's already too late. As long as this bomb is detonated, it will explode instantly in three seconds. Go to hell." Claire's face was gloomy and cold. This idiot wanted to rush over.

"It's not a loss to kill you, let's explode, haha." Claire sneered, it only takes one second, and one more second, this place will be blown up to the sky in an instant, no matter how strong this Huaxia kid is, he will be blown to death.

But he felt that this second was so slow, it seemed that ten seconds had passed, and there was still no such loud noise, what's going on.

"I said I would kill you, don't believe it, don't you believe me, I don't believe what an honest person like me says, you really deserve to die." Li Bai's silver star power soared, and the long knife Tianyun appeared directly in his hand, the terrifying knife Mang directly slashed down in the air.

Although Claire maintained his transformation, he was still directly hit by the blade light, and was directly smashed to the ground by the silver star light. The silver star power violently directly impacted his transformed body.

"The defense is quite strong, so what?" Li Bai sneered coldly, and raised the long knife again. The silver star power swarmed over in an instant, and pressed him to the ground again. The terrifying tearing force directly split his head. When he came down, his biggest doubt might be where the bomb went.

However, he had already gone to the place of the bomb the next moment. The reason why Li Bai was so courageous was of course that he was sure, and he directly put it into the space ring at the last second of the final bomb explosion.

Whatever you want to explode in the abyss in the space ring, there will be a swallowing vortex inside, and it will be swallowed by the vortex before it explodes.

Under the cover of the silver starlight, Li Bai did not let others see the scene of Claire being killed, and put it into the space ring in an instant.

The other seven genetic people were stunned. Claire was stronger than them all, and was killed after only being stabbed twice. It can be said that it is very simple for Li Bai to kill them.

"I'll say it again, you can leave. I'm just here to save people. If you don't leave, you will be the next one." Li Bai looked at the other seven genetic people, and said the same thing. This time, he was only here to save people, not to kill people. What's more, these people still want to leave it to Longwei's people to deal with, otherwise those guys would be too idle.

Several gene people rushed out with fearful eyes, and another person looked at Li Bai, grabbed the female teacher Tong Ya in the classroom, hid behind his back, and shouted: "Stay back, or I will kill her."

Tong Ya's pretty face was pale. Although she heard someone outside talking to these people just now, she didn't know what happened. She saw the gene man running away, and a young man with a smile on his face walked into the classroom.

She didn't think this young man could save her. Being pinched by this black-haired monster's neck, it was like being clamped by steel, unable to move at all. It seemed that if he exerted a little force on his neck, it would be pinched and shattered.

"I don't want to say it again, I will count to three, if you don't get out, you will die immediately." Li Bai didn't care at all, and walked towards Tong Ya step by step.

Tong Ya's whole body softened, and her heart was desperate, but what made her angry was, is this guy here to save people? Is this guy here to kill people? Doesn't the bastard know that he is a hostage? It's this guy He didn't care about her life at all.

"Don't come here again, I will kill her, I will really kill her." The gene man roared angrily, and now he has some regrets, this is not a human being at all, don't you care about the safety of the hostages? .

"Three." Li Bai continued to move forward without changing his expression.


"You have no chance." Li Bai grinned, and a golden thread passed directly through the palm of the gene man's hand holding Tong Ya's neck. Under this almost terrifying pressure, he didn't even have the thought of doing it.

At the same time, a star needle formed by silver star power also pierced through the eyebrows of the gene man.

Tong Ya's body softened. Although she was rescued, she was completely powerless and fell directly to the ground. Of course, Li Bai had to show it at this time. He gently caught Tong Ya's limp body and hugged her in his arms.

Tong Ya wanted to resist, but found that she couldn't exert any strength in her whole body. It was too terrifying. Isn't this bastard afraid of making mistakes? Isn't he worried about making mistakes at all, or did he not put her life on the line at all? in the eyes.

"Look, this is what happens if you don't believe me." Li Bai looked at the gene man who had fallen to the ground.

The little guy Jin Yan also jumped onto Li Bai's shoulder again, and said in a childish voice, "Wait for you scum."

Li Bai was taken aback by this little thing's nonsense, and he was brainwashed after reading some ancient prose. After all, it was his fault, he shouldn't have shown this kid to read ancient prose.

Li Bai put the corpse back into the ring space again, looked at the female teacher who was still limp in his arms, and said, "I think you can get up now, I'm not used to being taken advantage of."

Tong Ya hasn't recovered yet, although her body has regained a bit of strength, if Li Bai didn't say it, maybe she would lie here for a while, but this guy actually said it, and what he said made her feel angry The feeling of three feet, I am lying in your arms or I am taking advantage of it. It is obvious that the lady is taking advantage of you. Well, most people have not had this opportunity to hug this lady.

But thinking about it, Tong Ya still tried her best to stand up from Li Bai's arms, she didn't think this guy was a hero at all, how could he be so shameless, such a bastard, so ignorant of pity and sympathy, and not taking human life A serious hero is simply a jerk.

"Children, the show is over. It's all right. Everyone is free to move around. Teacher, go take a rest first." Tong Ya said to the children in the room, and then gave Li Bai a blank look, meaning that the bastard who doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade will be saved. What's the matter with people, not an asshole.

But she never expected that when she walked to Li Bai's side, her body would go limp again, and she would fall towards Li Bai again. She didn't want to, but she couldn't control her body, and she really wanted to die.

The warm, fragrant and soft jade fell into his arms, and he could only sigh helplessly inside. It really wasn't that he wanted to mess with flowers and grass, it was all flowers and grasses that came to touch him by themselves. See how coincidental this is, a woman like her The body fragrance kept rushing into his nose, and his hands were soft and tender, no wonder he was there.

"You... Let me get up." Tong Ya was so ashamed that she had no strength at all, it was too embarrassing.

Li Bai let go of his hand and said, "Well, you can do it yourself."

Tong Ya tried hard to stand up, twisted her body several times, not only failed to get up from Li Bai's arms, but her body was stuck to Li Bai's body, and the most shameful self, Yue Xiong, stood upright against Li Bai's. On her chest, she was ashamed to death.

"Let me help you." Li Bai directly picked him up by the waist, and a princess carried him out of the classroom.

Tong Ya's whole face turned red to the base of her neck, but the bastard's smell was quite pleasant, and she said that her chest was really wide, which made her feel very comfortable.

"Brother-in-law, what are you going to do with Teacher Tong?" Mu Yunfeng stopped Li Bai just as he was leaving the door.

"Why not, your teacher is injured, I'll take her to the office." Li Bai said without fear, he seemed a little guilty to pick up girls in front of his brother-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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