The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2269 1 Slap to death

Chapter 2269 Slap to death
Tong Ya, who was in Li Bai's arms, was stunned when she heard Mu Yunfeng address Li Bai, she didn't know what it was like, it turned out that he had a girlfriend, and she was Mu Yunfeng's sister.

"Brother-in-law, I understand. Don't worry, I won't tell my sister. The colorful flags are fluttering, right? Don't worry." Unexpectedly, Mu Yunfeng smiled and winked at Li Bai, expressing his understanding.

"Gone with your face, wait outside for me. Where is your teacher's office?" Li Bai almost kicked this kid. He is young, but he knows a lot of things. He must be a pervert again when he grows up.

"Over there, brother-in-law, Teacher Tong is a beautiful woman. How about this? I'll give you 10 minutes, what do you think, but I don't think it can be finished outside, so half an hour is enough for you." Mu Yunfeng With a mysterious smile, his eyes were very wretched. Li Bai couldn't figure out how this bastard knew these things. Could it be that the child prodigy is still precocious.

"Get out of here." Li Bai really wanted to tear this little bastard's mouth off, and let it go as a joke, but to discriminate against him for 10 minutes, no matter what, it would take half an hour.

Tong Ya who was in Li Bai's arms also wanted to kick this little bastard to death, and the teacher dared to tease him, it was really amazing, but Tong Ya knew Mu Yunfeng very well, this kid was very smart, he didn't study much at all, and his grades were still good every time. among the best.

Li Bai walked into the office with Tong Ya in his arms, put her on a chair, and said, "Do you still want to help?"

"No, thank you." Tong Ya got a glance from Li Bai. Although this bastard saved her and the children here, it didn't make her feel grateful at all.

"Then I'm leaving." Li Bai turned around and left. He really didn't want to talk to the female teacher. Although the touch was really good, but now he is not Xiaobai who has never seen beautiful women, but he has seen countless beautiful women. He's an old hand, not just any woman can impress him.

Tong Ya breathed heavily, thinking that it would be too easy for him to just let this bastard go, and she jumped angrily at the sound of the embarrassing scene where she was lying on top of him just now and couldn't get up.

"Hey, wait a minute." Tong Ya called softly.

"What are you doing?" Li Bai turned his head and stared at the female teacher, wondering if he still wanted to leave.

"Thank you for pouring me a glass of water." Tong Ya looked at Li Bai eagerly, she wanted to ask clearly, and it seemed that this guy was not simple, although he was very irresponsible when he rescued her just now, but the result was not surprising , It seems that this unlovable guy is a master of ancient martial arts.

Li Bai was slightly taken aback, thinking that women are troublesome, walked to the edge of the table, poured a glass of water to Tong Ya and said, "Is there anything else?"

Seeing that this guy wanted to leave very much, Tong Ya couldn't help but didn't want him to go, and asked again: "What's your name?"

"Does it have something to do with you?" Li Bai asked back, he really didn't have a good impression of this female teacher, it seemed that he didn't even say thank you for so long.

Tong Ya was out of breath for a while, and said: "Of course it has something to do with it. You see, you saved so many children and me. Our Tianming Elementary School should be grateful to you. How can we not know your name?"

"No need, I'm just here to save Xiaofeng. I'm just passing by. It doesn't matter if you don't thank me. If it's okay, I'll go out." Li Bai walked to the door. Ya is not happy, what is this called, saving them is just a matter of convenience, it is too immoral and sympathetic, wouldn't you just save them if you didn't save them by the way?
"Stop, it's only natural for you to be so powerful in saving people. By the way, aren't those children cute? Are they not worthy of your rescue?" Tong Ya seemed to have recovered, and she rushed to Li Bai and asked aggressively. road.

Li Bai was really laughed at by this woman, so he should save people if he is so powerful?I am not the savior, and I am not the merciful Mary Sue. Should he save so many people who die every day in the world?

"Let me remind you, I'm not a savior, and I don't have that much sympathy. I'm a strong ancient martial artist. It's true that I'm very powerful, but that's all my own. Whether I can save people is my business. To put it bluntly, I feel Okay, I’ll save it, I’m in a good mood, do you have any opinions?” Li Bai stared at Tong Ya, who stood in front of him, and said, this woman’s breasts are not small, why is she so Marysu.

"You, you are making too much sense. Haven't you heard a saying that with great ability comes great responsibility. A person like you who has no compassion is not worthy of such great ability." Tong Ya stared at Li Bai sharply. , In her opinion, if one has the ability, one should help more people, but this person obviously has great ability, but he doesn't want to bear the responsibility brought by the ability at all, and he has no sympathy at all.

Li Bai also laughed when he heard this logic. It was the first time he met someone who asked him to save people. I am not worthy of such great ability. If you have a temper, you can kill me.

"I don't know where your logic comes from. Let me say it again. How to do it is my business. Your sympathy is your business. Whether I deserve such great ability is not up to you. You have a temper. If you beat me to death, you have ruined my martial arts, but before that, I will slap you to death." Li Bai stared at Tong Ya and said word by word, for this kind of teacher who is still morally kidnapped by Mary Su, he still I really have the urge to slap to death.

"You... are unreasonable. I know it's easy for you to kill me, but even if you kill me, I'll say the same thing. It's human nature to sympathize with the weak, unless you're not human, unless you don't even have the most basic humanity. "Tong Ya gave full play to the female teacher's sense of justice and gave Li Bai a moral education. She felt that she had to severely educate this sympathetic person.

Li Bai was stunned to hear this. There is no logic at all. As the saying goes, people don’t want to kill the world for themselves, but they also sympathize with the weak. It would be nice to use your sympathy for yourself. What he really said made him want to go berserk, but for This kind of female teacher of Mary Su, he really didn't have the experience to explain to him the cruelty of the world and the principle of survival of the fittest in the universe, so he had to leave quickly.

"Are you done? Get out of the way when you're done. I want to go out." Li Bai stared at Tong Ya who was blocking the door in front of him. If he could, he really wanted to slap her in the face. Necessary, the second is too weak, and third, although he does not have a lot of sympathy, it is not enough to kill innocent people indiscriminately, but this female teacher is really challenging her anger value.

"No, let me tell you, today I must make it clear to you that you have such great ability, you must have a loving heart, there are so many sufferings in the world, since you have the ability, you should do something to make this world With fewer tragedies, the world will become better and better." Tong Ya stared at Li Bai, she felt that she could influence this sympathetic person, and if she succeeded, she would be considered as a contribution to the world up.

But Tong Ya didn't realize at all that this was just his own idea. It's not advisable to impose it on others. This is completely moral kidnapping. It's their business to save others. It's normal to save others. Demand that others must be saved.

Li Bai really doesn't want to talk to this female teacher anymore. He will never have such a clear head, a face of pity and pity, and the determination to die for the whole world. Although he will definitely take action if he sees it, but you After saying that, I don't want to save it anymore, as if I only went to save it after listening to your words.

"I'll say it again, get out of the way." Li Bai said coldly, if this woman dares to stop him again, he doesn't guarantee whether she will make a move.

"No, you promise me that you will take action if you see someone in danger in the future, and I will let you out." Tong Ya also said that she would not give in at all.

Li Bai tried his best to suppress his emotions. When he met such an outright Mary Su, he really seemed to slap her in the face, but this woman is too weak, and it doesn't take a single finger to kill her.

"Believe it or not, I stripped you and threw you on the street. Aren't you so sympathetic? There are so many single men in the world. If I ask you to show your love to them, I think they will be very happy." Li Baiyin He smiled and said, I can't deal with you, a Mary Sue, can I?

"You...shameless rascal, how dare you." Tong Ya's expression changed drastically. How could there be such a shameless and nasty person in the world?

Li Bai finally understands that this will be a typical example of Mary Sue, demanding others with the standards of a saint, and demanding himself with the standards of a slut. There is no point in entangled with this woman any longer. out the door.

Outside, the injured children also had medical staff coming, but he sensed that the battle over there seemed to be unfinished, it was the battle between Longwei and Gene Man.

Li Bai didn't kill the remaining genetic people, he just wanted to leave them to Longwei's people, otherwise this person would not make a move every time, he really felt like helping someone make a wedding dress.

"Brother-in-law, it's been a long time, I admire you." Mu Yunfeng came out from the side at some point, and smiled at Li Bai.

Li Bai slapped the little guy on the head, and said angrily: "I admire you uncle, your teacher is a Mary Su, don't imitate her badly."

"Hehe, I knew it would be like this. Teacher Tong is a good teacher who cares about saving all sentient beings. Brother-in-law, you have also been preached. Don't worry, I have a firm heart and will not be affected." Li Bai wondered if this boy was really a primary school student because of his expected appearance.

"Unlucky, I almost slapped that woman to death. Let's go, brother-in-law will take you to watch the battle over there." Li Bai lifted the little guy by the shoulders, and climbed up the wall on foot, to the corner of the teaching building. on the roof.

"Brother-in-law, are those people from Longwei? I don't think they are very strong. It's all over and it hasn't been resolved yet." The little guy stared at the battle between Jiang Gu and the three genetic people with disdain.

Jiang Gu is holding a bone sword. His swordsmanship is flowing like clouds and flowing water. There is a black air current around the bone sword. Humans are considered powerful, and their strength should be at the eighth level of true qi warriors, which is considered the pinnacle of ancient martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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