The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2271 It's good inside

Chapter 2271 It's good inside

Li Bai smiled and said: "A follower like you doesn't mean much to me. There is another sentence, I will make Longwei the strongest force in the world, including the cultivation sect. Don't dare to step into Huaxia half a step."

Jiang Gu was shocked again when he heard the words, he was so crazy, how big is China, how big is the earth, how old is the earth, and what is hidden in the whole earth, he dares to say that he has become the strongest force in the world, who is he? , What exactly is his identity.

But after listening to what Li Bai said just now, these are not so shocking. It seems that for him, any wild words are taken for granted. He is the one who stands on top of the world, and he thinks everything is logical.

But it's too early to say, because everything is just what Li Bai said, and it hasn't come true.

"That's it, come to me when there is a result, but hurry up, I don't like to procrastinate, and my company will be established soon, and the blood essence grass will be harvested in a few days, so I am short on time, so I missed it." But it's gone." An energy scroll appeared in Li Bai's hand, and he threw it directly to Jiang Gudao: "This is a meeting gift, the fragment of the Bone Sword. With this thing, your chances of success may be higher."

Li Bai pulled Mu Yunfeng and turned around, and when he pressed the car key in his hand, the Ferrari rushed towards him and stopped in front of him with a swipe.

The two got into the car and drove away, leaving a few Longwei members to arrest Jiang Gu.

"Captain, what have you guys been talking about for so long?" Vole asked, he didn't dare to use his ability to eavesdrop, Li Bai's toughness was not only very loud among Japanese ninjas and American Genes, but also very loud among Longwei, Vole Don't dare to use your own induction to cover it, otherwise you will definitely die miserably.

"It's nothing, let's go back to the base first." Jiang Gu suppressed his excitement, and he respected Li Bai again, because he had already realized what the energy scroll Li Bai gave him was.

That is part of the Bone Sword in the Three Thousand Swords Jue, and the artistic conception of the Jian Jue in it seems to him to be unfathomable. After mastering this part, his strength will increase again, which is already quite important for him. Surprised, and this is obviously just a gift from Li Bai to him, if it is the complete Three Thousand Swords, how powerful it would be.

The Three Thousand Swords Art is divided into three types of swordsmanship, namely the Three Thousand Underworld Sword, the Three Thousand Blood Sword, and the Three Thousand Bone Sword. Jiang Gu's own family has handed down the Three Thousand Bone Sword, but it is already quite incomplete. Well, the real sword formula has been lost, the bone sword he is using now is just in shape but without meaning, probably not even one percent of the real bone sword.

Fortunately, the bone sword in Jiang Gu's hand, as well as the power of the bones in his body, the power of bones with corrosive characteristics, made him a leader today, but he knew that the real three thousand bone sword was powerful and terrifying. Thinking that someone can still come up with the three sword techniques of the Three Thousand Swords Art.

A kind of corpse sword is the pinnacle of swordsmanship. If you have learned the complete three thousand sword formulas, Mingtu sword, Youxue sword, corpse sword, and the fusion of the three swords, that is the real pinnacle of swordsmanship.

Li Bai wasn't in charge of Jiang Gu's affairs either, he had leaked enough, if the people in power in Huaxia couldn't accept him, they could only be said to be too stupid or too arrogant.

But no matter where it is, Li Bai's company has been registered, with the same name as Huaxia Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company, and the building in the forest community has also been completed. Now that the technology is advanced, the speed of building houses is faster than before by more than 01:30.

Moreover, it was the Sun family who were working on the construction, and Sun Miao did not dare to be careless at all. He is a smart person, so he naturally knows how powerful Li Bai is, so he will not have the slightest idea to oppose Li Bai, making it difficult for Li Bai to take action. .

Li Bai took the members of the Mu family and Xiaoxi to the forest community, and Li Bai named the building Xiannong Building.

The Xiannong Building has a total of 39 floors, which is quite a tall building even in Kyoto. With such a building, even if the Xiannong Society develops in the future, it may be enough.

As for the affairs of the factory, Li Bai directly handed over to Wang Chu to handle these matters. In fact, these things were also handled by Wang Chu. Li Bai and Liu Wei had greeted each other, and it was more convenient for Wang Chu to do things.

People in the research institute also have privileges in various departments of the other Ministry of Health, and of course no one will be stuck.

"Boss, it's all done. The decoration and office supplies are also contracted by the Sun family. Sun Miao is very knowledgeable." Standing next to Li Bai, Wang Chu introduced eloquently. Now he has really become Li Bai's confidant, and he is also excited very.

Li Bai looked at the excited Wang Chu, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Thanks for your hard work, go to Deng Xin to get the bonus by yourself, and then you have to go to the factory. If you are too busy, you can find a reassuring helper." you."

Wang Chu was slightly touched. It turned out that the boss knew his hard work, no matter how tired he was, it was worth it, but such a sensational scene was really not suitable for him, so he couldn't help but smiled cheaply: "Boss, you should kick me, it's too serious I'm not used to it."

Li Bai just kicked his leg. This kid still looks like a slut, but this is indeed much more comfortable. It seems that talking to a slut requires hands.

I brought the members of the Mu family to the Xiannong Mansion together. What I said a few days ago has now come true, and it can be regarded as an explanation to the Mu family. After all, this is the family that my father mentioned at the beginning. It shouldn’t have ended like this, I’m afraid Neither did my father, but it was his business now.

Xiaoxi pulled Li Bai's clothes again, it seems that she hasn't seen this girl's dependence on Li Bai for a few days, but the blood in her eyes seems to be a little more, it seems that the evil in her body has to find a way quickly.

A group of people took the elevator up to the eighth floor, the office floor that Li Bai had prepared temporarily, and the top ten floors were suites, which were regarded as employee benefits, and the interior was quite luxurious.

"Uncle, you can move here when you find the time, let Wang Chu pick you up directly, and the company is ready to operate." Li Bai looked at Mu Zheng and smiled.

"Well, no problem, since you trust us so much, our Mu family will be the same as before, unconditionally loyal to you or your father, and will never change." Mu Zheng said, although Li Bai called him uncle, but in terms of seniority, It was right that Li Bai was his uncle, but who made Li Bai so young? The problem of addressing him had been resolved long ago, but the original intention remained the same, and their Mu family would always be loyal to the Li family.

"Well, let's just take a look." Li Bai pulled Xiaoxi into a room and said, "Xiaoxi, look at me, do you want to see your mother?"

The little girl nodded, but she still didn't speak, but there seemed to be some fear in her eyes. Although she didn't speak, she also understood in her heart that the reason why his mother became like that was because of her.

To be more precise, it should be because of the evil thing in his body. She was afraid that seeing her mother would make her become like that again, so she was still a little afraid to see her mother.

Li Bai understood Xiaoxi's thoughts, although she didn't say anything, she understood many things, and explained: "You don't have to worry, but you can't touch your mother, you know, you can only get in touch with your mother when your brother solves your physical problems, you know ?"

The little girl nodded again, her big eyes stared at Li Bai expectantly, if it wasn't for the obvious bloodshot eyes, she would be a very well-behaved and cute little girl.

Li Bai lured Xiaoxi's mother out from the space of the ring with the silver star power. Xiaoxi's mother has recovered a lot. With the essence blood pill refined by Li Bai and the silver star power, the lost blood essence It has also slowly recovered, and the whole person has become a lot of blood, and it no longer looks like that skinny feeling.

The arms and face are also much plumper, which is a significant recovery.

After seeing her mother come out, Xiao Xi still didn't move, but her eyes were fixed on her mother, a smile appeared on her little face, and then she quickly looked at Li Bai.

The moment Xiaoxi's mother saw Xiaoxi, she rushed over to hug Xiaoxi, but was blocked by Li Bai with her silver star power. She was really worried about her daughter.

Li Bai protected Xiaoxi behind him, and said: "Auntie, don't get excited, you can't touch Xiaoxi now, the evil thing on Xiaoxi's body hasn't come out, you can't touch her, wait until I get the evil thing out of her body After eliminating it, you and Xiaoxi can have intimate contact.

"Brother, thank you. I don't even believe that my old bones can come back to life. Don't worry, I've calmed down. I'll just look at Xiaoxi." Xiaoxi's mother calmed down, staring at Li Bai and Li Bai. Xiao Xi.

Li Bai was also a little relieved, but the mother and daughter couldn't meet each other, which was really embarrassing for them.

"Xiao Xi, you still know your mother, right? My mother is relieved when she sees that you are fine." Wu Ying looked at Xiao Xi behind Li Bai. Worried about whether Xiao Xi would have something to do.

"Auntie, Xiaoxi hasn't spoken yet, but she has been very good for a while, don't worry, I will definitely let her speak." Li Bai looked at Wu Ying and explained.

"Well, Auntie, I believe it. Thank you. Xiao Xi will be counting on you." Wu Ying looked at her daughter who had changed a lot, at least her image had changed a lot. Her long black hair was tied into a scorpion braid, although there were still bloodshot eyes. , but it seems to be different from the original.

"Auntie, this is your original place. I used it to build this building. It doesn't matter whether you want to go back or live here." Li Bai looked at Wu Ying. Although she had recovered a lot, her whole body It still looks thin and thrilling, and it looks very scary.

Wu Ying glanced at Xiaoxi again, and said, "Big brother, I know my situation, I'd better go back, it's pretty good there, and there are no other people, it's very comfortable for me."

Wu Ying didn't care about how Li Bai used this place at all. She knew very well that without Li Bai, he might have died. Now that Li Bai has saved her, as long as she can see her daughter, she has nothing to ask for.

"Well, I'll let you go back. There are everything in it. If you need anything, just tell me, and I'll bring it in for you." Li Bai said.

(End of this chapter)

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