Chapter 2272

Xiaoxi kept looking at her mother, but she didn't move. She also understood very well that it was Li Bai who made her mother recover. If she made her mother become like before, then she would not be able to forgive herself.

"Xiao Xi, you have to listen to my brother, you know, mother is gone." Wu Ying glanced at Xiao Xi for the last time, and then slightly signaled to Li Bai, who also led Wu Ying directly into the ring space.

There is a lot of space inside. Li Bai built a simple house for Wu Ying in the countless fields. It happened that those fields were free for Wu Ying to take care of. As for what was in those fields, Li Bai was not too sure. Weird herbs and such.

"Auntie, I actually want to ask you something." In front of the house, Li Bai looked at Wu Ying and said that he had to find out about the evil thing in Xiaoxi's body. Maybe Xiaoxi's mother would know something.

"Son, I know what you want to ask. Is it Xiaoxi's business? Let me tell you about it three years ago." Wu Ying sat on the small wooden bar.

"Three years ago, my husband, that is, Xiaoxi's father, failed in business and the company went bankrupt. The debt collectors came to the house and my husband was seriously injured. Xiaoxi saw her father die on the bed with her own eyes. .”

"Xiaoxi has stopped talking since then, and she has become a little different since then. Those people came again, and I was injured by them, and I was lying on the bed." Wu Ying had a deep look in her eyes. Angry, but his eyes became more serious immediately.

"And they still want to do something to Xiaoxi, saying they want to arrest Xiaoxi and take her to places like nightclubs to pay off debts."

"However, what they didn't expect was that Xiao Xi's eyes suddenly became extremely blood red, as if possessed by an evil spirit, and her entire pupils turned blood-colored. Whenever she touched someone with Xiao Xi, she fell down directly, and then and died."

"I saw everything on the bed, and I breathed a sigh of relief, but I was terrified because Xiaoxi has become like this, like a devil." Wu Ying couldn't tell what expression was in her eyes, and she didn't know why, her own The daughter suddenly became like that.

"What happened after that made me even more terrified and frightened. There was nothing wrong with Xiaoxi, but I could feel her changes. I was lying on the bed, as if something was absorbing my blood, moving day by day. It’s over, it’s as if all the blood in my body has been sucked out, and the one who sucked out my blood is my daughter.”

"Later, I would sometimes see blood on Xiaoxi's mouth, but I knew it wasn't my blood, but as long as Xiaoxi touched me, it seemed that the blood on my body would not stop bleeding, so I just lay there all the time. on the bed."

"I saw Xiaoxi grabbing a mouse to suck blood, and a cat to suck blood. They were all animals. I wanted to stop her, but I couldn't do anything. I don't know why it happened like this, and the reason I've been alive is because Xiaoxi caught her. I watched those animals drip their blood into my mouth, and it was like this for a long time until you came." After Wu Ying finished speaking, she still felt very painful in her heart, why did her daughter become like that? Fortunately, Li Bai came Now, it seems to be getting better now, of course she knows that Li Bai is not an ordinary person.

"Auntie, I suspect that there is an evil in Xiaoxi's body that drives her to suck blood. I don't know what it is, and I can't bring her here because of that evil. Did Xiaoxi have any strange things when she was a child?" Something?" Li Bai asked, he was sure so, otherwise Xiaoxi would not have become like this, this blood-sucking desire seems to be driven by that evil thing.

Wu Ying thought for a while, then suddenly said, "Could it be that time five years ago?"

"What happened five years ago?" Li Bai asked.

"Five years ago, our family traveled abroad, and Xiaoxi disappeared for a while, but then Xiaoxi came back by herself. At that time, she was seven or eight years old. Her father and I thought it was incredible, but not much. I thought, I just thought she was very smart, but there was nothing strange about it later, the real change was when my husband died." Wu Ying explained.

Li Bai nodded. It seems to be the time abroad five years ago. A child who was a few years old was lost abroad, and he was able to walk back by himself after a few days. have no idea.

Perhaps only Xiao Xi knew about it, or she herself didn't know what happened. Although it has changed now, her understanding seems to be similar to that of a child of a certain age. This really makes Li Bai wonder what it is.

Li Bai looked at the unknown plants in the fields, but he didn't know what they were, but even if they were treasures, it was useless, he couldn't take them out at all, and they couldn't be controlled.

Li Bai also knew about some treasures in the ring space, but it was strange that some things could not be taken out. I don't know if it was because of lack of strength or other reasons.

Although he has a certain ability to control this space, there are still most of them that he can't control at all, such as the countless treasures of spiritual grass on the Lingshan Mountain, and the green rabbit.

There are also those unknown plants in the field, which he can't control. It seems that although they are there, they don't belong to him. Li Bai himself is also very strange about this. clear.

But now he has no time to take care of those things. There is a lot of space here. Even if he can't control those places, this space ring is enough. There is also the castle, which he hasn't been in for a long time, but the most precious thing It's all inside, usually some of his elixirs and the long knife Tianyun are placed inside.

He can control these places at will, and he can allocate them very well with a move of his mind, but to her surprise, Qin Hui'an's soul of the Lingju clan has grown a lot, and it seems that he is about to condense into a human body again.

Li Bai didn't bother. With Jin Yan watching, there would be no problem. He directly left the ring space and went back outside.

In the room, when Xiaoxi saw Li Bai appearing, her eyes lit up, and she looked at him eagerly, as if she really wanted to go to the place where Li Bai and her mother went.

"Xiao Xi, listen to me, have you started to practice the things I gave you?" Li Bai looked at the little girl, her pretty face was pale, but her eyes were bloodshot, and I don't know why .

Xiaoxi nodded, she was very attached to Li Bai herself, and knew that Li Bai was doing it for her own good, so she had practiced the Heaven and Earth Flame Soul Art for a long time, with a slight movement of her little hand, a bloody vortex formed in her little hand, continuously Rotating, it's really weird.

Li Bai was slightly startled, he could feel the power emanating from this small bloody vortex, he never thought that Xiao Xi would be able to condense such a powerful move so quickly, and it was very powerful.

Seeing this small bloody vortex, Li Bai also understood that he should have a certain ability to devour, which is incredible. The power of devouring is an incredible ability, so he hurriedly motioned for the little girl to put this thing away.

"Can you tell me what happened to you after you were separated from your parents five years ago?" Li Bai looked into the eyes of the little girl and asked, he still wanted to ask, he concluded that the evil in Xiao Xi's body now The thing must have entered her body at that time, and it wasn't until she saw her father die that she aroused the ability of the evil thing.

There seemed to be a flash of panic in the little girl's eyes, she lowered her head all of a sudden, and said nothing, maybe she didn't want to say it, or she didn't know for sure.

Seeing that the little girl still didn't speak, Li Bai had expected it a long time ago, he just asked tentatively, and then said: "Have you forgotten? Forget it, let's go out."

Outside, the members of the Mu family are still there. This office building is indeed quite big, and they need to be familiar with these things. The procedures have been completed, and the company is about to start operations.

Wang Chu ran up to Li Bai and said, "Boss, the publicity matters have already started. Next Monday, the ribbon-cutting is also to celebrate the establishment of the County Agricultural Group. You have to come forward then."

"It's casual, I'll come when I have time, or let the old man Mu Shengjin cut the ribbon. This company itself is managed by the Mu family, and it is also the property of the Mu family to the outside world. It doesn't matter if I come or not, but you are the security guard. The agency has brought some people over, and started recruiting people from the outside world, you can discuss this with the Mu family.” Li Bai said, he really didn’t want to bother with these things, the company was handed over to the Mu family, and the Xiannong social network was handled by Wang Chu. I have to be busy with his affairs, how can I have so much time.

"Okay then, but boss, let me remind you that Xiao Tianling is eyeing Miss Xiaoting, don't get poached, I can't help with this, I can't beat Xiao Tianling, and that guy is shameless, I There is no other way." Wang Chu said to Li Bai.

Li Bai's face also changed slightly, Xiao Tianling had been pestering Mu Xiaoting for the first time when he met him before, and he overheard Mu Xiaoting saying that he had been pestering him for a long time, what the hell, why is he so thick-skinned.

Although Mu Xiaoting had already verbally rejected Xiao Tianling, and it had been dozens of times, but Xiao Tianling's willpower was overwhelming.

And Li Bai is so busy, if he gets poached by this doggy pursuit, then Li Bai will be ashamed. Too bad.

"Hey, there is a solution." Li Bai squatted down, looked at Xiaoxi and said, "Xiaoxi, do you know Xiao Tianling? The ugly guy who stays behind sister Xiaoting all day?"

The little girl showed no expression, but there seemed to be a smile on the corner of her mouth, which was fleeting. Li Bai thought he was fooled, and continued: "You like to follow sister Xiaoting, don't you? Then whenever you see that ugly man in the future, you will kill him." Run away, okay?"

Xiaoxi looked at Li Bai, expressionless again, seemed to have some special feelings, Li Bai was also very strange, and continued: "You must know, right? It's that Xiao Tianling, who looks very cheap anyway, from now on you and sister Xiaoting will be together When the time comes, don't let him get close to Sister Xiaoting, okay?"

The little girl's fresh red lips moved slightly, but she still didn't speak or nod. This made Li Bai embarrassed, why didn't she agree?

(End of this chapter)

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