The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2273 Hooligans Are Dangerous

Chapter 2273 Hooligans Are Dangerous

Li Bai could see that the little girl seemed to be having a temper tantrum. What kind of temper is going on at this time? I didn't provoke you, so he couldn't help but take the little girl's hand and said, "Is it okay to promise brother? As long as you promise, brother will also promise you one request. Whatever you ask for."

Li Bai had no choice but to give up his figure. Faced with this silent protest against him, he had no choice but to use his trump card and lower his posture to make a promise. Otherwise, he really had no choice but to play with this little girl. I'm out of temper.

But it was still useless, the little girl didn't seem to like this, she still looked at Li Bai expressionlessly, but what surprised Li Bai was the little girl's next look.

The blood-red pupils looked directly at Wang Chu behind Li Bai, and then showed a trace of anger.

Wang Chu's expression changed, what was he doing, he didn't dare to offend this little ancestor, he quickly smiled and said, "Boss, I'll go and have a look around first, let's go."

Li Bai was also baffled, wondering what the little girl was doing to drive Wang Chu away, just when he was wondering, the little girl raised her jade finger, pointed at Li Bai's lips, and then pointed at her pretty little face.

Li Bai's eyes widened. The meaning of this little girl's film was to let him kiss her. After Li Bai understood the meaning, his face was dull. He really didn't know what to say. Although the little girl seemed to have an IQ of seven or eight years old, her body was not I am 13 years old, and even my height is more than 1.6 meters. It is considered that my development has begun to take shape. What is this called?

Seeing the hesitant look in Li Bai's eyes, Xiao Xi turned around angrily and left, so frightened that Li Bai pulled the little girl back, kissed the little girl's delicate face with a slap, and said, "Ghost Fine, you are satisfied now."

Li Bai really wonders if the little girl is just pretending, is she really only a few years old in IQ?How can you meet this kind of request? Isn't this a request only made by female hooligans? It's too weird.

Li Bai felt too guilty. This is still a child, but the delicate touch is quite soft. He tried his best to put aside the chaotic thoughts, and when he looked at Xiaoxi again, he saw the little girl with that expressionless face The look of the expression.

"Can you drive away that ugly man for me now?" Li Bai said helplessly, he also had nothing to do with this girl.

Xiao Xi nodded with her cold face, but the way she looked at Li Bai was a little different.

Taking Xiaoxi to the office lobby, where other people are also here, Mu Xiaoting looked at Li Bai bringing Xiaoxi over, and didn't ask any questions, as if she knew that Xiaoxi's situation was complicated.

The rest of the Mu family stayed here, and Li Bai brought Mu Xiaoting and Xiaoxi back to school.

On the way, Xiaoxi sat next to Li Bai, this girl was very dependent on Li Bai, Mu Xiaoting didn't say anything, she also liked Xiaoxi very much, but she was a little surprised what was wrong with Xiaoxi.

When they arrived at the school, Li Bai asked Xiaoxi to go upstairs first, and stayed downstairs with Mu Xiaoting. He had something to tell his alma mater.

"Sister, I miss you so much." Li Bai immediately hugged Mu Xiaoting in his arms, smelling the fragrance and soft touch from Mu Xiaoting's body.

Mu Xiaoting didn't move, she leaned against Li Bai's arms, she knew that Li Bai was very busy, and wanted to share, but she couldn't do it, there was nothing she could do, many things were out of her reach.

"There is something weird in Xiao Xi's body, but it's also very powerful. I let her follow you, and I can protect you. As for what it is, I don't know, but if you find something wrong with her, you must notify me immediately , and you must send her back to me immediately after her pupils turn red, otherwise it will be very dangerous." Li Bai explained in a low voice, holding a big beautiful woman in his arms is indeed very comfortable, the most important thing is that Mu Xiao The natural breath that Ting naturally exudes makes him feel very at ease.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of Xiaoxi." Mu Xiaoting said, women are very sensitive, she can detect Xiaoxi's eyes towards Li Bai, although Xiaoxi is still young, the attachment in her eyes is It was very real, but she was surprised that the little girl was willing to be by her side.

"By the way, Xiaofeng won't be in danger, right?" Mu Xiaoting looked at Li Bai. She also knew about Tianming Elementary School. Knowing that Li Bai and Mu Yunfeng came back together, she was relieved a lot, but she also wanted to know that her brother would There will be no danger.

"It's okay, I'll let Jin Yan stay with him, and the little guy is very smart, it'll be fine." There was no way for both sides, originally Jin Yan was asked to watch Qin Hui'an's Lingju clan soul in the ring space , but now Mu Yunfeng is also very dangerous, so Jin Yan can only let Jin Yan follow. This situation is really troublesome.

At this moment, Li Bai's sky message rang, and when he opened it, it was Su Daji calling.

"Rogue, come back quickly, we're going to be scared to death." Su Daji shouted in panic, but the image projected over there didn't seem to be any danger. Deng Xin, Zhang Jingjing and Chen Fei'er were all there, but There is also some worry on the face.

"What's the matter? Aren't you all right?" Li Bai asked, this goblin is blah blah blah all day, she won't lie to him.

"Of course we are fine. Can we tell you when we die? There are people fighting outside the villa, and they are monsters as powerful as you. The land outside has been destroyed, so we dare not go out." Su Daji was nervous. Said.

"Fighting? Or outside my villa? I'll be right back. Be careful, don't go out yet." Li Bai hung up the newsletter, smiled apologetically at Mu Xiaoting, got into the Ferrari and left.

Just as Li Bai left, a small car stopped downstairs again at Xiannongshe. Huangfuling got out of the car on high heels and went directly to Xiannongshe. People here knew that Mu Xiaoting and Huangfuling had a good relationship, so they didn't stop.

Huangfuling's pretty face was still the same, her immortal aura came out of the dust, and the pure lotus-like aura became stronger, and if one didn't pay attention, one would fall into it and be unable to extricate themselves.

After arriving upstairs, he went directly to Mu Xiaoting's office, but subconsciously glanced at Xiao Xi who was playing games in the hall.

Xiaoxi was still playing her own game, but her eyes were looking at Mu Xiaoting's office, her blood-red pupils were very strange.

I don't know what Mu Xiaoting and Huang Fuling talked about inside, but soon after, Huangfu Ling left.

When Huangfu Ling came out, she inadvertently glanced at Xiao Xi again. Although she hid it very well, Xiao Xi certainly noticed it, but she didn't pay attention to it. She faintly felt that this beautiful woman was a bit weird.

Li Bai drove a Ferrari on the street, but the strange thing was that the street seemed to be unusually congested today, and even with his skills, he couldn't move. Li Bai felt a bit bad.

Only then did he realize that his car seemed to be surrounded, surrounded by ordinary cars, the purpose seemed to be to prevent him from going back.

"A lot of people surrounded the villa not far away, but the police came and no one was allowed to go in. I don't know what happened yet.

"Looking for death." Li Bai's face was gloomy, and he dared to go to his villa to make troubles, he was really brave.

Ignoring these people blocking the road, and they seemed to be ordinary people, Li Bai directly opened the Ferrari sunroof and jumped out.

Because I couldn't even open the car door, I had to jump out.

No matter how congested the street was, Li Bai's figure shuttled back and forth quickly, he could only rush back as fast as he could. Since someone was blocking him, it meant that there was a premeditated plan at home.

But Li Bai didn't know what their purpose was for the time being, and his heart turned quickly. Li Bai opened Tianxun, called Wang Chu directly, and said, "Wang Chu, have you finished dealing with the matter over there?"

"Well, what's the matter with the boss?" Wang Chu asked suspiciously, didn't the boss just leave, why did he call Tianxun back suddenly, and he seemed to be in a hurry.

"Everyone in the Mu family is here. After you ensure the safety of the Mu family, go back to Xiannong Society to watch over it. If there is any situation, let me know immediately." Li Bai said while running.

"Okay boss, I understand." Wang Chu also knew the seriousness of the matter, and it was the first time Li Bai gave him such a serious order, so he didn't dare to neglect it.

"Mom, Spider-Man?" A child walking on the street suddenly called out to the mother next to him in surprise. He saw Li Bai flying over the eaves and walls at an extremely fast speed.

"Stupid child, there is no Spider-Man, your eyes are blurred." The woman who was called mother looked up but saw nothing, and couldn't help but patted her son on the head.

"Golden Flame." Li Bai sensed the position of the Golden Flame Dragon Lizard, which seemed to be a little far away from him.

"Brother." The little guy also said through voice transmission with instant consciousness.

"You protect Mu Yunfeng, be careful." Li Bai said, Jin Yan was faster than him, but he has already arrived at the villa immediately, what if those people are Mu Yunfeng who Tiaohulishan wants to deal with, or let Xiao It's better for the guy to protect Mu Yunfeng.

But in a few minutes, Li Bai had already arrived at the villa area, his figure flashed and rushed in directly, he had already sensed the power of the collision of the two auras.

Moreover, there are several auras around, all of which are not weak, and he knows the identities of these people, Wa people and gene people.

The gene man and the Japanese ninja were fighting, and Li Bai's face was very bad. He felt that it was a trap, but he still rushed over.

Inside the villa, Su Daji, Deng Xin, Zhang Jingjing, and Chen Feier were hiding inside to show off and looked out, but what surprised them was that although the buildings outside the villa suffered a lot, the two people in the battle were all dead. No injuries, I don't know if it's because the defense is too strong or the attack power is weak.

The burly man who looked like a chimpanzee kept attacking the black shadow reminded by normal humans, but the black shadow could get out of the way every time. Every time the chimpanzee's fist hit the ground and the surrounding buildings, the black figure was very flexible. .

"The hooligan is back, it's that figure, so fast." Su Daji cried out in surprise, but her expression changed the next moment.

I saw countless yellow lights rising from that area, covering Li Bai who was running, and several figures rushed out from several directions at the same time, including a burly Gene Man and a black Japanese ninja. Surround Li Bai.

"Oh, the hooligan is in danger, let's save him quickly." Su Daji was worried and wanted to rush out.

(End of this chapter)

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