Chapter 2275
Li Bai sneered, and threw Ryoichi Inoue directly into the black vortex in the air. He had nothing to say to the Japanese, and these guys are so hard-boned that it would be better to kill them directly.

"Tell me, what other plans do you have? If you don't say it, you will be the same as him." Li Bai stared at the dumbfounded crocodile man Gers, hoping that the genetic man could give him some information, otherwise he would have to look it up by himself. .

"I said, can you not kill me?" Gers said in horror. He could feel the black vortex in the air. If he fell into it, he would die instantly.

"If the news is useful enough, I can consider not killing you." Li Bai said.

Gers looked at Li Bai, and seemed to be a little disbelieving, but he had no other choice.

"Our main purpose is the blood soul bone, to hold back a part of your real plan, and many people have already gone to grab the blood soul bone." Geers said directly, but Li Bai was confused.

"What is the blood soul bone? What are you holding me back for? Does it have anything to do with me?" Li Bai wondered. Does this blood soul bone have anything to do with him? It's funny.

Gers glanced at Li Bai, and it seemed strange that this Huaxia boy didn't know what a blood soul bone was. To save his life, he said again: "The blood soul bone itself belongs to your Huaxia, but it has been living in Europe all these years." A few years ago, the blood soul bone possessed a Chinese person and returned to the blood soul bone, and now we want to take it back."

"Huaxia's? I ask you, what does this thing have to do with me, tell me quickly?" Li Bai suddenly had a bad feeling, why did they bring him back, and so many people bet on him halfway, there must be some of them reason.

"The blood soul bone is a treasure of your China. It is said that it is a treasure that cultivators want to obtain, but now it is attached to the body of a little girl from China. You were with her a few days ago." Geers Said, Li Bai's face was already livid.

He never thought that this would be the case. It turned out that Xiaoxi's body was the so-called blood soul bone, but now he had no time to think too much, and his chest was filled with anger, and he directly punched Gers. It blasted into the surrounding black vortex and was swallowed directly.

Li Bai also came out of the interspatial ring in an instant. His sky message had already rang many times, and he knew that something must be wrong.

"Li Bai, Xiaoxi is gone." Mu Xiaoting cried with some crying, very anxious.

Li Bai was furious, and rushed out directly, he was really fooled, this is actually a way to divert the tiger away from the mountain, he didn't know that these people were actually trying to attack Xiaoxi.

It turned out that the treasure in Xiao Xi's body was what the Ability Hall and the biochemical ninja were going to grab, which he never expected.

Li Bai had never heard of Blood Soul Bone, but now there was nothing he could do. The primary purpose was to find Xiaoxi. I don't know what happened to Xiaoxi now. If she was caught by those people, the consequences would be disastrous.

Li Bai rushed directly to the place Mu Xiaoting said, now he was eager to know what was going on, and when he got there, Xiaoxi had been with Mu Xiaoting all this time, why did he disappear.

At the entrance of an amusement park, Li Bai saw the anxious Mu Xiaoting from a distance.

"Li Bai, I'm sorry, I didn't like Xiaoxi." Li Bai held Mu Xiaoting in his arms and said, "Miss Xiaoting, don't cry, tell me what happened before, it's okay, Xiaoxi will be fine .”

Li Bai comforted Mu Xiaoting. In fact, he was also very worried, but it was useless to just worry now. He had already sent Jin Yan to find Xiaoxi through sound transmission, and there will be news soon.

"After you left just now, Huangfu Ling came to me and said she wanted to invite me to dinner. Originally, I had a good relationship with her, and she was the president of the student union, so I agreed and brought Xiaoxi to Hiroshima here. restaurant for dinner."

"And this playground is very close to the Hiroshima Hotel. At that time, Xiaoxi ran here to play alone. I was always looking at Xiaoxi, but I don't know what happened. Huangfuling asked me a lot about you. When I woke up, Huangfuling had already left, and Xiaoxi was gone too, I'm sorry." Mu Xiaoting didn't know what was going on, as if she had been very confused for some time.

"It's okay, I don't blame you. I didn't expect that their goal was Xiaoxi. There will be news soon. Don't worry." Li Bai put his arms around Mu Xiaoting. It's time to plan, huh.

"Well, there is news, Xiaoxi is fine, let's go first." Li Bai said to Mu Xiaoting with a happy face.

Not long ago, Xiaoxi was alone in the playground, and accidentally walked to a relatively secluded pond.

At this moment, three people rushed out of the pond, and one of them held something like a snare drum in his hand, and began to beat continuously.

Xiaoxi's pretty face changed instantly, and bright red bloodshot eyes instantly covered her entire pupils. Xiaoxi also seemed to have lost her mind and wanted to rush out, but three figures surrounded her directly. made a strange noise.

At the same time, a black mask appeared, covering Xiaoxi directly. Xiaoxi stood in place, but the blood-colored pupils in her eyes did not weaken at all.

Just after the black mask completely covered Xiao Xi, Xiao Xi directly raised her head and let out a loud scream, rushing away from the covered halo, and the little figure also rushed out quickly.

In an instant, Xiaoxi's speed changed into a bloody shadow rushing out of the urban area.

The three shadows also chased after them directly, and they chased them all the way to the outside of the urban area.

Qianyun Mountain, a tourist mountain in Kyoto, the blood-colored shadow that Xiaoxi turned into rushed directly to the top of the mountain.

"Go up." Three figures appeared on Qianyun Mountain, and one of them directly took out the Tianxun and began to send signals.

Not long after, strange Westerners approached constantly. Of course, there were still Asians, but these people were unsmiling and expressionless.

"Brother, what should we do now?" At the foot of the mountain, in a room, Huangfu Ling and Huangfu Yun were inside, with uneasy expressions.

"Now we don't care about it, just look at it, these people in the power hall are not simple, we can't make a move until the critical time." Huangfu Liuyun said looking at the mountain top.

On Qianyun Mountain, Xiaoxi looked at the foot of the mountain with a blank face and a cold face, not knowing what she was thinking, the bloody whirlpool in her hand was slowly spinning, it was very strange.

A moment later, a golden shadow rushed straight from Shanxia. Jin Yan glanced at the expressionless Xiaoxi, muttered something, and said: "Sister Xiaoxi, I came here for my brother. This place is condescending and has a great geographical advantage." , you and I fight against the enemy together, we will be able to defend this place, and when the eldest brother arrives, everything will be safe, and it will be easy to repel the enemy."

Jin Yan is still a half ancient and clumsy quotation from the Three Kingdoms, which makes people laugh and cry, but Xiaoxi doesn't seem to be interested in this, she just glanced at Jin Yan, and then looked at the sea of ​​clouds below the mountain again.

"Sister Xiaoxi, can you take a look at my brother, your eyes are red, brother will show you." Jin Yan gave full play to his shameless personality, even though Xiaoxi ignored him, he still couldn't stop his shameless behavior .

Xiaoxi was still expressionless, and with a wave of her little hand, the bloody vortex in her hand hit Jin Yan directly, causing Jin Yan to wag her tail and dodge directly, and said happily: "I didn't hit it, the speed was too slow, Not accurate enough."

One person and one beast, one is silent and the other is always talking, but there is a big contrast. At this moment, someone has already rushed to the top of the mountain.

"See where you are going, hum." Ten figures appeared on the top of the mountain, and the bald man at the head laughed.

On the other side, there were also a dozen burly people who arrived. From their appearance, it could be seen that these were all Westerners. Their bodies were obviously different from those on the other side. They were very burly and tall.

"Rist, let's do it, you will change later, take this little girl back, and then figure out a way." Said a short Japanese ninja on the other side.

"Yemen, your onmyoji first set up a formation to prevent her from running away, and then do it." The tall western man moved slightly and transformed directly, with thick hair sprouting from his hands and body, it turned out to be a black bear people.

"Okay, let's start." The Japanese ninja on the other side said coldly, and the five men behind him shot directly. It was the five onmyojis who took out magic weapons and began to arrange formations.

Xiaoxi looked down the mountain, not knowing what she was thinking, while Jin Yan was lying in the grass, motionless, neither the Wa people nor the Gene people found him.

The golden flames on the little guy's body were gone, and he turned into an ordinary lizard, staring at the onmyoji who started to arrange the formation: "Surprise, catch him unprepared, dare to plot against Master Jin Yan, I will make you pay a heavy price."


A golden shadow suddenly sprang out and rushed directly to one of the five onmyojis, but it was obvious that the onmyoji had a strong sense of perception. Although Jin Yan hid it very well, the moment he appeared, he Already discovered.

In an instant, a group of black flames appeared and directly slammed into Jin Yan.

Jin Yan didn't stop, Jin Yan jumped up on his body, and also directly bumped into it.


The two flames collided directly, but the golden flame was obviously stronger, and the golden flame on the little guy's body was also weaker, but he still rushed towards the Onmyoji again.

In an instant, the other four onmyojis also noticed, and the four groups of black flames rushed directly towards Jin Yan.

Jin Yan's speed slowed down by more than half in an instant, and it was no longer enough to cause damage to the Onmyoji, so he had to turn back.

"The treacherous villain, to use such a trick, so despicable, I won't fight you now." Jin Yan said angrily, it was the first time he was intercepted like this, you must know that his speed was extremely fast, unexpected It was actually blocked by the Onmyoji.

This exit scared the genetic people and the Japanese people enough, they had never seen this kind of talking lizard.

"This lizard can actually talk. Could it be the spirit beast that Huaxia said?" Rist was surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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