Chapter 2276

"It's a spirit beast, and it's also a smart spirit beast. This is the spirit beast next to the Huaxia boy. It has killed many gene people and our Japanese ninjas. It just happened to catch this little thing together this time. " Yemenchi said coldly, they knew that Huaxia did have spirit beasts, but they were quite rare.

"Kanda-kun, I leave it to you, hurry up and set up the formation." Yemenchi said to one of the onmyojis, who was the second of the three Kanda brothers who had fought with Li Bai before, Kanda Erlang.

"Okay." Kanda Erlang's face was stern, and he rushed out with the other four onmyojis and started to form formations again.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Xi didn't move, and Jin Yan gave up after the first sneak attack failed. The formation was not completed, and the Japanese ninjas and gene talents were ready to attack.

"Brother, come quickly, they are going to attack." Jin Yan was communicating with Li Bai's consciousness through sound transmission. In fact, he was not worried at all. As long as his brother came, there would be no danger at all, and he is not too worried now. .

"Jin Yan, don't move yet, I'll be here soon, you just need to protect Xiao Xi." Li Bai said.

"Don't worry, brother, sister Xiaoxi will not be in danger." Jin Yan naturally called Xiaoxi her sister, because he was called brother Li Bai, and Xiaoxi met Li Bai later, and Xiaoxi was Li Bai's brother. Of course he is also Xiaoxi's brother.

The little guy was very excited to be her elder brother. Of course, Xiao Xi didn't object, or she didn't want to object. It's amazing that a lizard can be her elder brother.

"Do it." Rist yelled directly, his body transformed again, and a layer of armor covered his body again, which is already a double transformation. For genetic people, one more transformation will double their strength.

The remaining few genetic people also transformed again, and they all rushed towards Xiaoxi and Jin Yan in the middle of the formation. Jin Yan laughed and said that he didn't know what formation this pair was for, but it seemed that it was against him. It's of no use.

On the other hand, Xiaoxi didn't seem to have any abnormalities, and she didn't seem to be affected by the formation at all, which is really strange.

Kanda Erlang did snort coldly, circles of yin and yang fires rose directly from the surroundings, and immediately, countless yin and yang fires also began to condense and rush towards Xiao Xi and Jin Yan. This is an attack formation and a siege formation Fa, without their control, of course I can't feel it.

Xiaoxi moved her small hand, and a bloody vortex appeared from her hand, but all the Yin-Yang Huo rushing over were swallowed up by the bloody vortex, as if there was no threat.

But there is also a gene person. Facing the thick-skinned and powerful attacks of the gene person, he can only dodge with his body, but occasionally he will be hit by these attacks, and his body will be blown out, but her There seemed to be countless small whirlpools on the body, which were able to remove most of the strength, so there was no injury.

Not to mention Jin Yan, with his speed, these big guys couldn't touch him at all, and they kept scurrying around. Although the gene man's basic strength was great, it was useless.

"Rist, you retreat first, let us come." Yemenchi's face was cold and stern, he greeted countless ninjas, and rushed in.

Li Bai was running wildly on the road, communicating with Jin Yan while rushing on the road. These bastards actually used this method to hold him back at the villa for a long time. It took almost two weeks to come here now. Hour.

Jin Yan has been communicating with him, but it is very dangerous now, and he is already attacking. He doesn't know if Xiao Xi can last until he rushes over.

I killed a lot of Japanese ninjas before, but I didn't expect these bastards to dare to do it. It seems that the lesson is not enough. After this time, we must clean up these bastards, right?
Just when he arrived at Qianyun Mountain, a figure stood in front of him again, Li Bai almost scolded his mother directly, this person was Huangfu Liuyun.

"Shall we have a fight?" Huangfu Liuyun's tone was still the same as before, and Li Bai was furious when he heard it, but he didn't have time now, so he dodged and rushed up the mountain from the side.

However, Huangfu Liuyun had expected it earlier, and countless long swords appeared directly in front of Li Bai, blocking Li Bai's way.

"It's not so easy to rush through my sword formation." Huangfu Liuyun sneered, holding a white long sword in his hand.

"If you want to die, then I will help you." Jiang Han didn't say anything, and the long knife Tianyun appeared in his hand.

"Heavenly Absolute Thunder Slash."

The sword light directly enveloped Huangfu Liuyun, Li Bai was really furious at this time, he didn't hold back at all, and he didn't hold back any of his cultivation in the Nascent Soul Stage, and directly chopped at Huangfu Liuyun.

"Nine swords." Huangfu Liuyun was not to be outdone, of course he knew that Li Bai was strong, and countless sword shadows went up to meet him.

When the swords collided, the silver star power surged over, and undoubtedly smashed Huangfu Liuyun away.

"Huangfu's family, I will settle accounts with you after the Wa people are dealt with, hum." Li Bai didn't stop, and rushed straight up the mountain.

Jin Yan's voice was already very anxious, he had to rush over immediately and save Xiaoxi first.

After a while, Li Bai rushed to the top of the mountain, and what he saw made him furious.

I saw that Xiao Xi had no power to fight back after being attacked, and was beaten back and forth like a sandbag, but she was always protected by a bloody vortex, and a lot of her strength was removed.

But even so, Xiaoxi was already injured. He was able to block most of the attacks, and the bloody vortex could also swallow those yin and yang fires, but after all, he was alone, and he had no way to fight back against dozens of genetic people and Japanese ninjas. force.

Jin Yan was also constantly resisting the attacks. He could not be attacked by himself, but he couldn't block so many attacks rushing towards Xiaoxi.

The golden flame continued to impact, but it didn't have a good effect.

Li Bai's face was gloomy and cold, he had never been in such an atmosphere before, trapped by this formation, Xiao Xi couldn't get out at all.

"I'll kill Nima." Li Bai held the long knife, and the silver starlight on his body directly surrounded his whole body. He wouldn't be called Li Bai until he killed these beasts.

"Death." Li Bai rushed directly to the five onmyoji, with silver starlight wrapped around the long knife.

"No, that Huaxia kid came here so soon." Kanda Erlang's expression changed drastically. He had seen Li Bai's power before. When he saw Li Bai slashed down with a knife, he immediately disappeared in place with a ninjutsu.

After Kanda Erlang left, the other four onmyojis didn't feel so good. The terrifying sword glow directly tore the four of them to pieces.

Li Bai's face remained unchanged, and he rushed directly to the gene man besieging Xiaoxi, the silver starlight rose sharply, and several gene men were blown away with a single blow, but the rough skin and thick flesh were not dead yet.

Finally arrived, and hugged Xiaoxi's floating body in his arms: "Xiaoxi, I'm late."

Li Bai stared at Xiaoxi's blood-red pupils, this girl seemed to be suppressing something, her body was shaking constantly.

"Brother...Brother, I waited until you came." Xiaoxi spoke for the first time, her lips trembling, her voice was low and inaudible, but very clear.

With a sway of silver star power, Li Bai entered Xin's body lightly, only to find that a terrifying aura in Xiaoxi's body was rushing around, and her body was already in chaos.

Li Bai's face changed drastically. This aura probably belonged to the blood soul bone. He wanted to control Xiaoxi. Once it invaded Xiaoxi's soul, Xiaoxi would be completely controlled and would become a puppet by then.

After Li Bai's silver star power entered, he slowly suppressed that breath back.

Xiaoxi's body also stopped shaking, no wonder Xiaoxi didn't fight back, she didn't have too much power to leak out, otherwise she would definitely be controlled by the blood soul bone.

Li Bai already knew that the blood soul bone had been fused into Xiao Xi's body marrow, and it was impossible to take it out unless Xiao Xi was killed or controlled.

Li Bai's silver star power was withdrawn, although it was temporarily suppressed, once Xiao Xi used that power, she might be controlled by the blood soul bone.

Standing up again, in fact, it was only a matter of a moment, and the surrounding gene people and Japanese ninjas hadn't left yet.

Both Rist and Yemenchi stared at Li Bai with terrified expressions. They didn't want to understand, didn't they plan it? Why did this Huaxia boy come here so soon.

"Damn boy, where are Gers and Inoue-kun?" Ye Menchi's face was full of anger. Although Li Bai's appearance here already explained a lot of problems, he still didn't believe it.

Li Bai snorted coldly, and said coldly, "You can go see them right away."

With a movement of Li Bai's figure, the silver star power rushed out and slashed towards Yemenchi.

Yemenchi's face changed drastically. This means that he has seen Huaxia's strength before. There was a ninjutsu in place and he wanted to avoid it, but a circle of silver light had already imprisoned him first.

"I want to run." Li Bai sneered, chopped off Yemenchi's head with one knife, and then put it directly into the ring space.

"The first one." Li Bai rushed to the genetic tauren Rist again.

"Huaxia boy, don't kill me." Rist also turned around and fled in fright. Although he is a genetic human, and he is also a tauren known for his defense among genetic human beings, he knows that his defense is still useless against Li Bai nothing.

The silver star power rushed out in an instant, imprisoned Rist again, and cut off Rist's head with a single blow.

"The second one." Li Bai's face was stern, and he also put Rist's body into the ring space, and rushed towards the remaining gene people again.

All that was left was massacre. Jin Yan killed several Japanese ninjas, and Li Bai also killed the remaining gene people, which was a sigh of relief.

"Looking for death." Li Bai put away Tian Yun and returned to Xiao Xi's side again. The little girl looked at Li Bai, not knowing what she was thinking, but the blood in her eyes dissipated a lot, and it was temporarily suppressed.

"Let's go, go back first." Li Bai pulled Xiaoxi, since it was resolved, it's time to go back.

"Brother, carry me on your back." Xiaoxi showed a strange look on her face, staring at Li Bai.

"Carry you? Well then, I'll carry you." Li Bai said, although this time was very dangerous, but Xiaoxi finally spoke, which is also a good thing.

He squatted down and let the little girl climb up on his back. Just as he got up, a voice came out: "The murderous intent is very strong, but you'd better not leave for now."

(End of this chapter)

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