Chapter 2285 The Third

Huangfu Liuyun's complexion changed drastically, he wanted to do it but didn't dare, he didn't expect Li Bai to be so shameless, it was a fair duel and still playing dirty tricks at this time, it really caught him off guard.

"Hmph, it's not uncommon for women like this to be laborers. If you kill them, you'll kill them. But it's too unpleasant to kill you like this. I'll let you watch. The Huangfu family you are proud of will be wiped out. The first thing to bear the brunt is You are an older brother who only pretends to be one." Li Bai sneered, and threw Huangfuling on the ground again, what is a beautiful woman, who is not a beautiful woman in cultivation, even if she is at home now, she is a little more charming than this Huangfu Ling is much stronger.

If she didn't have the charm of the soul, Huangfu Ling would be so-so, but that trace of talent does make her look more delicate and pure, but that's just an appearance.

What's the use of this kind of woman who is just a skin and proud of it.

Without staying any longer, Li Bai hugged Zhang Yuhan and got into the car and drove away, leaving behind a crowd of panicked passers-by and Huangfu Ling's siblings.

"Brother Bai, do you really want to attack the Huangfu family?" Zhang Yuhan looked at Li Bai beside him.

"Yes, it was they who provoked me first, not I who provoked them first." Li Bai said, it seemed that he was too kind and too passive, this time he was going to take the initiative.

"I will set up formations in the Xiannong Society to ensure safety, and ask Chen Feiyu to collect as much information as possible about the Huangfu family. Anyone who dares to touch me, and the Mu family's affairs may also have something to do with the Huangfu family. Hmph " Li Bai said, the original five people, Hong Yu, Fang Cheng, Bai Jun, Chen Feiyu, Zhang Yuhan, now the traitor in Fang Cheng is gone.

There are only four people left. Hong Yu is responsible for the defense of Xiannong Society and the overall development of newcomers. In fact, the front city is responsible for the defense, and the Arhat golden body given to him is also suitable for this, but there is no way, the traitor will not talk about it. Can fall on Hong Yu again.

Chen Feiyu's Wuying Eighteen Traces is good at speed. It can be regarded as all kinds of information in the hall, but Li Bai didn't pay much attention to it, and he didn't have a clear purpose. Besides, Chen Feiyu could only inquire about some ordinary information. It has played a very important role, but it is not strong enough for the biochemical ninjas and gene people of the Japanese country.

Bai Jun is mainly responsible for the research and development of planting. Of course, his force is very strong, and the dragon-slaying palm that Li Bai gave him can definitely be cultivated to the peak.

Everyone in Zhang Yuhan also knows that although there is no division of labor, it is Li Bai's secret technique. Of course, Zhang Yuhan is also in charge of some affairs of the internal members of Xiannong Society.

For example, the current Xiannong Society has a very detailed reward and punishment system and an upgrade system. From the beginning, Yaonong, Wunong, and Xiannong have different revenges, but now most of them are just Yaonong. When you reach Wunong, you will be given ancient martial arts cheats and special care. Not only will your salary be higher, but you will also have the opportunity to get the elixir refined by Li Bai.

After a few months, the system of Xiannong Society has basically been formed, and the rest is to continue to operate and become stronger.

After returning to Xiannongshe, Li Bai did not go back to the villa. The spiritual array over there was considered the safest. He had to study the blood flower fruit seeds he had obtained earlier.

If it can be planted, then the next step is to brew blood flower wine, but it should still be a matter of soil quality, or you can go to Kunlun Mountain to learn about the soil quality there.

But now there is really no time, so it can only be handed over to Bai Jun for research. In addition, the first batch of blood essence grass has been harvested, and the company has already researched a batch of blood crystal needles.

This is a liquid extracted from the blood essence grass. Just one injection can improve the talent of ancient martial arts. At least the starting point will be higher, but it has not been implemented yet.

Mainly in terms of promoting it to the market, things like improving talent really don't have much credibility, but this is only temporary, as long as someone borrows this to become an ancient warrior, then business will come.

Of course, what Li Bai prepared was to use the Blood Crystal Pill he refined to show the effect, so that he could have credibility.

Of course, the people from the Mu family will arrange for the promotion to the market. There is really a problem talking about this matter.

The next day, Zhao Fengcheng came again, still standing outside, Li Bai still ignored him.

But at noon, Qin Yubing and Bingthorn came, and after seeing Zhao Fengcheng, he knew what he was here for.

"Hello, Chairman Qin." Zhao Fengcheng bowed to Qin Yubing with chapped lips. He hated Qin Yubing's Zhao family deeply, but now there is nothing he can do. If he doesn't lower his posture, the Zhao family will cease to exist.

"It is said that Zhao Fengcheng of the Zhao family has good courage and courage, so it depends on whether you can keep the Zhao family this time." Qin Yubing sneered and went directly to the Xiannong Society. Among the three sons of the Zhao family, Zhao Fengcheng was actually the third. It's a talent, Zhao Fengjiang is a crazy second son, he has no brains and ability, although the boss Zhao Fengyu is not as good as Zhao Fengjiang, but he didn't expect the opportunity to be good, and he actually got in touch with Qingyuemen.

Zhao Fengcheng watched Bingthorn and Qin Yubing go upstairs, and he clearly saw that the poisonous snakes and lizards around him had disappeared without a trace. He remembered that when he came, he could even see the poisonous snakes and centipedes coiled around the door. Unbelievable.

These poisonous insects seem to recognize people. Usually, they can’t see anything and will not show up. Once outsiders approach, these poisonous snakes will start to attack. Therefore, the Xiannong Society is now mysterious and abnormal by people from Huaxia College. .

Because many people dare not approach. They have seen poisonous snakes on the wall of Xiannongshe. The accurate news is that these poisonous insects were domesticated by Nonghuang Li Bai. The purpose is to guard Xiannongshe. Those poisonous insects will attack.

But so far, no one has been injured, and no one dared to approach just by seeing it. Therefore, Xiannongshe is still very mysterious and frightening to many people, because there are poisonous insects guarding it.

This is not a strange thing for the members of Xiannong Society, they only know that these poisonous insects are really guarding this place, and this is all the means of the Emperor of Agriculture, so they can't help but worship the Emperor of Agriculture.

Because of all these, the reputation of the Nonghuang Li Bai is also rumored to be miraculous, and all the top ten generals in the college have been beaten by Li Bai, and the reputation of the Nonghuang Li Bai has far surpassed the top ten generals .

Li Bai's private office and the entire area of ​​Xiannongshe also have camera sensing areas, so he knew when Qin Yubing and Bingthorn were coming up.

He hurriedly sorted it out with Zhang Yuhan. After all, Teacher Queen had a relatively high status. Although Li Bai hadn't made a move yet, she was at least in the top three in terms of ranking. Zhang Yuhan also knew how to measure.

Qin Yubing glanced at Zhang Yuhan standing at the door, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then even entered the office with Bingthorn, Bingthorn also glanced at Zhang Yuhan at the door, a trace of anger flashed in her beautiful eyes, it seems that she also found that what.

"Sister, what are you doing standing up, sit down quickly." Li Bai smiled, he also felt the anger in Qin Yubing and Bing Li's eyes, it seems that there is really no way to hide these women.

"Don't sit down, I'll leave after I come to talk about something." Qin Yubing's pretty face was cold, and she couldn't see any expression, but Li Bai knew that the teacher's sister must be angry.

"Sit down, your body won't recover if you're exhausted." Li Bai put a stool behind Qin Yubing, and slightly forced Qin Yubing to sit on it. So sensitive, you know everything just after doing it, hey.

It's not surprising that Bingthorn can see him. Bingthorn's current strength may have reached the peak of true energy warriors, and it will be a matter of time before he enters the realm of cultivation. It is easy to tell whether a woman has broken melons. Women will be more impressed.

But Qin Yubing actually noticed it too, which made him wonder, could it really be that powerful.

But since he did it, Li Bai will not deny it. Can you blame me? You are away all day, and you spend so little time together, so you still expect something to happen.

The ice spike gave Li Bai a hard look from behind Qin Yubing's back, which meant that you couldn't control the thing in your crotch, and now you have made your sister angry, it's your fault.

However, there was some seductive meaning in the winking eyes, which made Li Bai very uncontrollable. Sure enough, men are like this. After feeling the beauty of sex, they have no resistance to women.

I didn't feel that way with Deng Xin before, Deng Xin is a good baby, very obedient, but I haven't made Li Bai feel that way yet, but Zhang Yuhan is more wild, which stimulates the evil genes in Li Bai's body, I can't help but want to try His little maid, and the beautiful teacher in front of him.

The ice thorn nodded to Li Bai meaningfully, and left the office directly, Li Bai really wanted to reward her with a big kiss, it was so understanding.

After the ice thorn left, Li Bai smiled slightly, got up and sat next to Qin Yubing, took advantage of the opportunity to hold Qin Yubing in his arms, and said, "Sister, are you jealous?"

"No, stay away from me." Qin Yubing struggled a bit, but it didn't help, Li Bai's hand had already reached into his clothes, holding the fullness that made him feel ashamed and angry.

"Sister, don't resist, it's useless to resist." Li Bai whispered, directly pressing Qin Yubing's perfect delicate body under him.

The wind is turbulent, the same place, the same thing, the same spring is full of house.

For a total of forty minutes, Li Bai could be said to have dedicated himself to death, and the peony flower died, and it is really romantic to be a ghost. Although the teacher and sister resisted symbolically, women's strength is limited after all, and once they resist It turned into a frenzy, which almost made Li Bai overwhelmed. Fortunately, the physique of the cultivator is not ordinary.

"Sister, how do you feel?" Li Bai looked at Qin Yubing, whose lingering charm was still there beside her. Now she has disheveled hair covering her beautiful cheeks like a waterfall, and her body is curled up in Li Bai's arms, like a kitten.

"It's okay, but I'm still not reconciled, why am I the third." The teacher's sister was very unconvinced. At first, he thought that if he wasn't the first, he must be the second. He didn't expect this bastard to be so tempted .

(End of this chapter)

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