The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2286 Mercenaries

Chapter 2286 Mercenaries

Li Bai is out of luck, why do you think such a cold teacher and sister still care about her ranking? He thought that at least Su Daji and Feng Yunxi would care.

But Li Bai quickly said: "Sister, no matter how many you are, you are their eldest sister and the eldest daughter-in-law of our Li family. No one can compare to you."

Qin Yubing twisted her body, and her physical fitness was much better than before. After all, she was also Li Bai's person. Several beauties including Mu Xiaoting were starting to cultivate. Li Bai didn't expect them to be so powerful. Paul is not bad.

At least he doesn't have to worry too much about these women, and he won't be bullied by some punks when he's not around.

"Still not reconciled, how do you make it up to me?" The teacher's elder sister suddenly became a little girly, which made Li Bai very uncomfortable. Maybe this is a common problem of women after they are done, always wanting to hear some sweet words.

"I gave you my whole body. What do you want? How about I give you a star in the sky." Li Bai took out a stone from the space ring and said, "This is the star in the sky. Are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied with the devil, how can there be such an ugly star, it's just a broken rock." Qin Yubing said, it seemed that it was indeed a broken rock.

Li Bai smiled, stood up, and said: "Sister, you don't understand this. This is really a meteorite from the sky. In the universe, this is a big treasure. Just look at it, and I will do magic tricks for you."

"If you want to change, you should put it on first, exhibitionist." Qin Yubing put on a pajamas by himself, and put another on Li Bai. This guy really didn't pay attention, although he knew that no one would come in, but the whole The body is exposed, too hooligan.

"Oh, it's just what the two of us are wearing. It's not like I haven't seen it before." Li Bai smiled. Qin Yubing, a cold queen, is indeed quite attractive, which made him want to do it again.

"Didn't you want to do magic tricks for me? You'll think about these messy things." Qin Yubing took a look at Li Bai's work and knew what this guy wanted to do, but she wouldn't be so casual, as long as her body Just give it to him, let this guy take the initiative to be fascinated by his body, but you can't give it all the time.

Li Bai could only focus on this stone, and the silver star power surged out, and began to refine this meteorite, which is much more precious than any diamond.

The power of the soul also began to be wrapped in it, and it began to be continuously refined and purified. In the end, only a very crystal clear palm-sized stone exuding a faint silver light was left.

It should be called star jade, which is extracted from the star Luo mine in the universe. Such a large stone eventually becomes the most luminous star jade, even in the universe, it is extremely precious.

The star jade slowly took shape, and under the control of Li Bai's soul power, it formed a necklace exuding silver light.

Transparent but with light, it seems that there are silver stars shining inside. The pendant is a heart-shaped star jade. This is just the appearance. In fact, Li Bai's silver star power is condensed inside. It looks beautiful, and it is also a magic weapon .

Qin Yubing is still very weak, so he just gave this to her for self-defense.

"Sister, this is for you. I know I'm greedy, but I will give you more. No matter who it is, I will make you all happy." Li Bai spread his hands in front of Qin Yubing.

Qin Yubing's eyes were full of splendor. She knew that his life had changed since meeting Li Bai. This was his luck. If he hadn't met Li Bai, the Qin family would have disappeared long ago. An or the Zhao family forced him to die.

After she knew Li Bai's life experience and strength, she also understood that it is impossible for such a man to have only one woman. Even if she is the goddess in the hearts of countless people, she still plunged into Li Bai's arms. It made her feel safer.

"Idiot, put it on for me." Qin Yubing glanced at herself, a man a few years younger than her. She was already Li Bai's person, but now that the last step has been completed, she is very happy and happy. This is the happiest moment as a woman.

"Sister, don't worry, no matter what happens in the future, I will always love you." Li Bai said, he actually had two words in his heart, you.

"Kiss me." Qin Yubing put her red lips together and gave Li Bai a big, sweet kiss, which was very warm.

After a long time, Li Bai and Qin Yubing talked about the Zhao family's problems.

The Zhao family is indeed at the end of the road now, and can only wait for death, so Zhao Fengcheng stood outside for two days, also wanting Li Bai to leave a way out for the Zhao family, which is actually what Li Bai said.

"Sister, what do you think? How can we deal with it better?" Li Bai looked at Qin Yubing. He wanted to hear Qin Yubing's opinion. According to the current strength of Xiannong Society, it is not difficult to eradicate the Zhao family.

"I will definitely swallow up the Zhao family's business. Zhao Fengyu has already entered the Qingyue Gate. Once he comes out, it will represent the entire Qingyue Gate, and I am afraid it will threaten the Xiannong Society." Qin Yubing analyzed, indeed now The Zhao family's business has become the Qin family's, but the most worrying thing is that Zhao Fengyu actually entered the Qingyue Gate, but the cultivation sect is quite hidden, even Li Bai may not be able to find it.

"This is indeed a threat. If I knew it earlier, I would have killed Zhao Fengyu, but at that time my strength was only not far from that of Yunfu. It was difficult, and even if I was the cultivation sect, I couldn't even notice where they were. In this way, even if the Zhao family is released now, Zhao Fengyu will still be our enemy when he comes out, and he will just be wiped out. As for the people of the Zhao family, I will deal with them, and they should be some experts." Li Bai said coldly, the fact is the same , the matter has come to this point, since it is to be done, it is necessary to avoid future troubles.

There is already one Zhao Fengyu, if the Zhao family produces another Zhao Fengyu, it will be really difficult, let alone a Qingyuemen is not enough to pose a threat to him.

"Then there is no need to keep Zhao Fengcheng outside." Li Bai immediately decided that the current combat effectiveness of Xiannong Society is not too weak, and there are 40 to [-] people who have successfully advanced to Daowunong.

Just these three or 40 people are enough, each of them is an ancient warrior, and there is no problem in eradicating an ordinary family without ancient warriors.

Qin Yubing left again, which made Bingjian very unhappy. She wanted to eat Li Bai a long time ago, but Li Bai just didn't give her a chance, and the look in his eyes when he left was quite resentful.

Li Bai went downstairs, looked at Zhao Fengcheng who was still standing outside, and said, "Go, there is no need to wait."

With just a few words, Zhao Fengcheng's heart fell to the bottom. The Zhao family was sentenced to death. He knew that Li Bai definitely had this strength, but it was too late. He still stood where he was until Li Bai left.

"Young master." The servant behind him called out, and Zhao Fengcheng realized it, and said with a terrified expression: "Hurry up, go back to Zhao's house."

Although the Zhao family villa is at the end of its rope, the camel is still bigger than the horse, so it should not be underestimated.

At this time, the Zhao family is also facing a major decision. The pillar of the Zhao family, Mr. Zhao Yuan, stands majestically in the middle, looking at the direct members of the Zhao family, whether they will fight to the death or wait for a comeback. A matter of life and death for the Zhao family.

"Grandpa, listen to me, give up, let the Zhao family disperse, and hide in a small city first. When the eldest brother comes back or the Zhao family is really strong, the Xiannong Society is really too strong." Zhao Fengcheng looked at it. Looking at his grandfather, he stayed at the entrance of Xiannongshe for two days. According to the information obtained by all parties, Xiannongshe is not only strong in business, but also terrible in terms of force value.

"Fengcheng, you can't destroy your prestige. I've already contacted the people from Longwei. No matter how rampant Li Bai is, he can still make an enemy of Huaxia. Even if our company is swallowed up, he can't kill it all. Hmph. "A middle-aged man with a beard in the audience said.

"Third Uncle, you don't know Li Bai, let alone Xiannongshe. Even Daoist Yunfu of Qingyuemen dare not touch him. Can't you see how powerful Xiannongshe has?" Zhao Fengcheng looked at the bearded middle-aged man. , This is his third uncle Zhao Quanxing, who just came back from abroad. He is a real foreign mercenary and a person who has experienced life and death.

"It's just a [-]-year-old boy who scares you like this. Don't worry about the company's affairs. I will solve it. Compare my hacking skills with me. I want to die. As for the boy named Li, I will go back and kill him personally. .” Zhao Quanxing said to the old man.

"Quanxing, you didn't understand the situation when you just came back, and you don't know where that little bastard Li Bai came from, but it is indeed quite powerful. Everyone in Yunfu said that he was just a tie with him. Quanxing, you should take a look at these first. Information." Old Man Zhao Yuan said.

Zhao Quanxing was a little impatient, and said directly: "I said old man, you said that I don't understand that little bastard, but do you understand me? You suspected that I did it when the elder brother died, and I was driven out of Huaxia by you." , Now that I'm done, I don't want to collect your corpse, so I came back to save your life, and you're still JJYY. I will solve the problem of the rural society.”

"Quanxing, I don't want to pursue what happened back then, but you have to be careful, even if you can't kill him, you have to make sure you can escape." Zhao Yuan looked at his son, and he didn't want what happened to the Zhao family back then. Forget about it, two of the three sons died. Although he suspected that the third son, Zhao Quanxing, did it, he still didn't do anything to Zhao Quanxing. He just sent him abroad, let time dilute all this, even if he never came back, He also has three sons of the eldest brother, the three brothers Zhao Fengcheng, who are not considered to have no successors.

Zhao Quanxing glanced at Zhao Fengcheng coldly, and then said, "A kid in his twenties scares you like this, so I'm going to kill him now, hmph."

Zhao Quanxing greeted the same mercenaries behind him, and said: "Come with me, I'm just a kid who hasn't grown up yet. I haven't seen anything in the world, so I'm afraid of him. Then the real Yunfu is probably a swindler. It’s nothing more than a magic stick, if you believe this kind of thing, you are really idiots.”

(End of this chapter)

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