The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2288 The emperor is a fart

Chapter 2288 The emperor is a fart
One day later, the Zhao family, one of the four major families in the capital, disappeared as if the world had evaporated, and all the properties of the Zhao family also belonged to the Qin family.

Of course some people know the tricks. This is equivalent to the Qin family replacing the Zhao family. The current Qin family is one of the four major families, even stronger than the four major families.

In Huangfu's house, in a quaint villa, an old man stood with Huangfu Liuyun, the old man said, "Liuyun, how sure are you?"

"Sixty percent." Huangfu Liuyun's words were still concise, but revealed perseverance and confidence.

The old man smiled and said: "Confidence is a good thing, but in my opinion your winning rate is less than [-]%."

"Grandpa, you don't believe me?" Huangfu Liuyun looked at the old man. This was the first time his grandfather looked down on him so much, so he was very unconvinced.

"I believe you, but I don't believe you this time. You should know in your heart that you have fought against him, and was there any time when you gained the upper hand? Even I can't see through this kid. This time, it may be the Huangfu family. Great calamity, I hope to be able to read through it." The old man didn't look at Huangfu Liuyun, but stared at a strange pattern on the wall.

"He's just fast, and every time he attacks suddenly, I'm passive, so I'm at a disadvantage, and I won't be afraid of him in a real head-on fight." Huangfu Liuyun refused to accept it. From his point of view, that's how Li Bai fought him. Several times, although they all gained the upper hand, but every time they shot suddenly, that cunning guy did that every time.

He will only admit that Li Bai is faster than him, and he believes that he can gain the upper hand in a head-on battle, even if he does not have the upper hand, he will definitely be able to share the same level with Li Bai.

"You, you have always been strong since you were a child, but since you have already decided to fight, you have to go all out. It doesn't matter if you lose, it's just experience." The old man said, it's not that he didn't know Li Bai before, but Li Bai's information and identity let him know. He was quite curious, and there was always a familiar aura about this kid, but he was very puzzled if he knew who it was.

"Grandpa!" Huangfu Liuyun looked at the old man dissatisfied, the old man smiled reassuringly, and said, "Okay, grandpa trusts you, but you have to promise me one request."

"What request?" Huangfu Liuyun asked in confusion.

The old man handed an item to Huangfu Liuyun and said, "Take this."

"Okay, grandpa." Huangfu Liuyun whispered.

In the student square, a young man wearing glasses stood on a high place and said: "Big news, big news, the first general Huang Fuyao in Xiannongshe's Nonghuang battle will be held in the school ring one day later, everyone, please prepare in advance, absolutely! battle of the strong."

"Is it true, the first general Huangfu Liuyun is a handsome guy, I want to support him." A nymphomaniac said.

"I support Nonghuang, the absolute king. Even the first general, Huangfu Liuyun, can only be beaten." Some people have absolute confidence in Li Bai. Li Bai has had a lot of brain-dead fans for so long. This is the backbone Power, irreplaceable.

"It's none of my business, I didn't hit it." One person said, and then left directly, we don't know.

At this time, Li Bai was refining the spirit formation stone in the space ring. He now refines it whenever he has time. Both the spirit formation stone and the elixir need to be refined, but refining things is quite time-consuming, so we can only hurry up. son.

Today is the time to start fighting with Huangfu Liuyun, which is also considered important to Li Bai. The disappearance of the Zhao family a few days ago, some big families in the capital must have known that he was related to Li Bai, but it doesn't matter. Xiannongshe is strong enough now.

She had to find time to set up the spirit array at Xiannong Building, and now the spirit array stone was refined for 30 yuan, and he was relatively at ease if he could set up a slightly better spirit array.

However, because of the continuous refining of pills and spirit formation stones during this period, Li Bai's strength has also improved rapidly. Although he is still in the early stage of Nascent Soul, it is much better than when he just broke through, and the range of soul consciousness is also large. a lot.

The most important thing is that the soul consciousness is much stronger, and the star power is also stronger than 01:30. A Huangfu Liuyun is not enough to threaten him. Only when he is stronger, the company will not be threatened.

Walking out the door, a soft delicate body rushed directly into his arms.

"Rogue, are you okay?" Su Daji looked at Li Bai worriedly, her eyes filled with worry.

"It's okay, I haven't paid much attention to Huangfu Liuyun. Don't act for me. Didn't you use this trick yesterday?" Li Bai stretched out his hand and groped around Su Daji's suburbs. He wanted to seduce Li Bai, but he didn't succeed.

"Ah, did you use it yesterday? It's fine. Anyway, I forgot." Su Daji shook her head, still rubbing against Li Bai's arms, almost making him angry.

Not to mention, not to mention, this early in the morning is already a pillar of the sky, and then being rubbed by this goblin's fiery figure is really a bit like going off the hook.

"Stop making trouble, I have to keep my energy to fight Huangfu Liuyun today, let's do it another day." Li Bai said depressedly, he didn't know why, although Su Daji's figure was really hot, but he was really immune.

"Then tomorrow."

"Not tomorrow."

"The day after tomorrow, there must be time the day after tomorrow." Su Daji hooked Li Bai's neck without giving up, she knew that if she didn't get this man's body, she might not know who was behind her, she was so anxious to death.

"Let's talk about the situation, go down and eat." Li Bai said angrily, he touched Su Daji's delicate body vigorously, the touch was really good, maybe the beautiful things must really flow to the end, he suddenly had such an idea.

"Damn rascal, touch it again, I'll take it off and touch it for you, okay?" Su Daji said resentfully, obviously this bastard is very responsive to his body, why didn't he do anything to him, it's really too bad , Do you want to use a strong one, get him drunk at night, and then hehehehe.

Looking at the smirk on the girl's face from inside, she knew that this lecherous witch must not have thought of anything good, so she went downstairs directly.

Deng Xin had already put the breakfast on the table, and when he saw Li Bai coming down, his face turned red and he lowered his head.

Li Bai was puzzled, these are old couples, why are they still so shy, he put Deng Xin in his arms, and said, "Xinxin, come and eat together."

"Oh, someone is here, please don't." Deng Xin struggled for a while, only to see Su Daji walking down the stairs with a pretty face and slightly angry, looking very angry.

"Smelly rascal, is that why you don't like people so much, and you still show your affection in front of them, so mad." Su Daji looked at Li Bai with a puffy face, and said to Deng Xin: "Xinxin, don't worry about me, I It's all the fault of this hooligan, oh, I'm so mad."

"Li Bai, just promise Xiaomeng, Xiaomeng has been scolding you for the past few days." Deng Xin blushed and said to Li Bai. , This is openly allowing him to find mistresses and mistresses, this is a good girl.

"My husband." Li Bai glanced at Deng Xin and said.

"No, Xiaomeng is here." Deng Xin said shyly.

This show of affection made Su Daji kill Li Bai, this bastard did it on purpose, it's too hateful.

Sometimes Li Bai really likes to see Su Daji angry, her little face puffed up, ready to beat him or scold him, not to mention how cute she is, but there is one thing he agrees with very much, that is how beautiful women are. They are all beauties, even if they are angry, they are still beauties.

After breakfast, Li Bai refined the blood-colored rose into three rose pills in the ring space again before they came out.

In the square of Huaxia Academy, a tall and straight figure had been standing on the ring for a while. Huangfu Liuyun had long wanted to fight Li Bai. He was still in retreat before when Li Bai swept the top ten generals. If he hadn't Of course he will stop Li Bai if he retreats, but it's the same now, it doesn't matter.

Now defeating Li Bai is even more fulfilling. Many people think that this battle is evenly matched. The number one general, Huangfu Liuyun, has a reputation far and wide. No one in Huaxia Academy knows that the number one son of Huangfu's family is absolutely powerful. .

The Nonghuang of the Xiannong Society crushed the nine generals all the way. He was either beaten or dared not make a sound. He simply stepped on the name of the top ten generals. Now is the time to compete.

But only some real masters know that Huangfu Liuyun is definitely at a disadvantage in this battle. Li Bai's strength can be seen from some battles. The battle of genetic people.

Those battles can't be seen by ordinary people, even if they are seen, they can't be clearly seen at all. It's just passed down, but it's not known whether it's Li Bai. Of course, real masters of ancient martial arts families like Huangfu Liuyun's grandfather know it. Questioned.

Although this battle was held in the academy, there were quite a few masters who came to watch the battle. This can be regarded as a battle between two geniuses of the younger generation. Even some masters of the older generation dare not say that they can definitely win. two people.

However, many forces also want to see how strong Li Bai is, as well as Huangfu Liuyun from the Huangfu family. Maybe they are relatively new to Li Bai, but they just know that he is very strong.

But for Huangfu Liuyun, he is very clear that since he was a genius, the Huangfu family itself is a family of ancient martial arts. In the entire ancient martial family, Huangfu Liuyun also trampled other so-called geniuses to the ground since he was a child. As for geniuses, they were designed to crush geniuses.

So many people and many families want to see who is stronger in this battle and who will win, so they have to be more careful in the future.

"Why hasn't the Emperor of Agriculture come yet? Could it be that he's afraid?" The square was already crowded with people, and the lively and boiling scene that was almost impossible to appear was quite pretentious.

"Afraid? Will the Emperor of Agriculture be afraid? The Emperor of Agriculture is invincible. You know a feather. Just wait. The Emperor of Agriculture will crush Huangfu Liuyun." A fan of Li Bai said angrily.

"Fart, Huangfu Liuyun is the strongest, so if you don't come, Nonghuang is a fart, let us General Liuyun wait so long, let him come out and apologize." Huangfu Liuyun also has brain-dead fans.

(End of this chapter)

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