Chapter 2289

"Which bastard said Nonghuang, stand up for my old lady, Nonghuang's peerless handsome man will lose, I can't wait just to pee, I can't wait, don't wait, what is Huangfu Liuyun, our Nonghuang is willing to come and fight It's just to give him face." A big and round Li Bai fan said angrily.

Well, before the two sides started fighting, the brainless fans on both sides started an unprecedented war of words. That scene was probably more terrifying than the actual fight between the two.

Huangfu Liuyun stood tall and straight like a pine tree, his robes were loose, and he looked like a master, but it was almost an hour, but he was not impatient at all. In terms of the state of pretense, he is also comparable to Li Bai. Not to mention too much, we must know that Li Bai is also quite quintessential in pretending to be one by one.

In terms of Zhuangbo and his realm alone, the two may really be evenly matched.

Just when countless people couldn't wait any longer, a figure also slammed into the ring, like a cannonball, it was quite spectacular to die on the stage, Li Bai came.

"Stop posing, let's start now." Li Bai smiled.

"As you wish, hmph." Huangfu Liuyun still had that poker face, as if the whole world owed him money, he was really cheap.

The two of them approached directly, without unnecessary nonsense, and started directly. It is very good to make a quick decision, so as not to waste everyone's time.

"It's so fast, this piece is close to the speed of sound." Someone said in surprise.

"It's really fast, I can't see clearly at all." Originally, I wanted to watch it carefully, but in the end, many people couldn't see it at all, and could only see two shadows crossing each other continuously.

"Hey, can you slow down, you can't see clearly." Someone shouted loudly, although some people wanted to laugh, but most people agreed, it would be great if you could slow down.

It's a pity that the real master fighting itself is like this. If you slow down, you will die long ago. It can only be said that this is too idiotic, and only ordinary people can say this.

But they can still see a general idea, Nonghuang Li Bai is a silver shadow, Huangfu Liuyun is a blue shadow, the two shadows are very fast, it seems that they are evenly matched.

"The speed is good, hehe." Li Bai chuckled and held Tianyun in his hand, Huangfu Liuyun's speed was indeed very fast.

But he was just playing with him, this kind of formal battle is not good, if he is killed, it will be unreasonable, otherwise Li Bai and Jin Yan will directly attack and kill Huangfu Liuyun directly.

But now it's a battle, so it's not easy to come here, but even so, Li Bai only used his body's strength.

Huangfu Liuyun's face was stern, but he knew that Li Bai was very fast, so he had plans, so he wouldn't be too surprised.

Now that Li Bai took out his weapon, a long sword appeared in Huangfu Liuyun's hand, shining with blue light, but to Li Bai's surprise, this guy's strength was much stronger.

It seems that he has reached the realm of comprehension, no wonder he is so arrogant, he can break through from ancient martial arts to the realm of comprehension, and at this age, he can definitely be called a genius who will not last ten thousand years, but this is nothing to Li Bai use.

"Qingfeng Tornado Sword." Huangfu Liuyun said coldly, a hurricane began to rotate on the blue long sword, and then a tornado sword aura was also generated around Li Bai, surrounding Li Bai.

"Let me try your ultimate move." Li Bai chuckled, swung his long knife horizontally, and the silver star power twirled wildly, forming a sword shield in front of him.

A low muffled sound came out, and the sword energy carrying the cyan tornado hit Li Bai's sword and shield.

Li Bai took three steps back, but Huangfu Liuyun kept going forward, he was really a bit strong.

"Retreat, Nonghuang was actually repelled, are you going to lose?" Some people in Li were surprised. Of course they could only look at the superficial phenomenon, that is, Li Bai was repelled by three steps, and he seemed to have no strength to fight back, while Huangfu Liu Yun attacked again.

"Fart, Nonghuang is just defending, I'll kill Huangfu Liuyun immediately." Someone cursed, as if he could understand everything.

Some masters really noticed that Li Bai was just blindly defending and couldn't see the problem.

In the arena, Li Bai looked at the sword shadow who charged again, and sneered at the corner of his mouth, so what if he picks you up again.

"Qingfeng·Slashing the Waves." Huangfu Liuyun's face was full of sternness, the cyan tornado kept spinning on the long sword, and the huge tornado sword light slashed down at Li Bai.

"Tianyun·Falling." Li Bai shouted loudly. He really wanted to try how powerful Huangfu Liuyun's attack was. Tianyun in his hand was wrapped in silver light and fell directly in front of him like a meteorite, forming a barrier.

With a muffled sound, Huangfu Liuyun's sword slashed directly on the long knife inserted into the ground in front of Li Bai, and bounced back with a bang.

"That's all." Li Bai sneered, pulled the long knife out of the ground, and said with a smile, "Now it's my turn."

The students on the square also saw it. Although they couldn't see the true energy at all, they could see the attacking moves. What they saw was Huangfu Liuyun slashing at Li Bai in the air, but Li Bai thrust the long knife in front of him, and then Seeing Huangfu Liuyun bounce back directly.

"Look, let me say that Nonghuang is invincible. Huangfu Liuyun was blown away before he even made a move, haha."

"Tch, wasn't he also repelled by Huangfu Liuyun just now, and now it is at best comparable."

Huangfu Liuyun's face also turned cold, only he knew how powerful Li Bai was, he was a monster at all, and now he knew what his grandfather said, his attack was definitely powerful, and the gust of wind attached to his true energy Attributes, even stronger than the real tornado, coupled with the moves of the kung fu, even a true qi warrior can't bear it.

But Li Bai not only defended him, but also bounced him back, which can only be described as horror.

That silver zhenqi was too domineering, his tornado was already very violent, and he couldn't resist it.

As soon as the long knife turned, Li Bai gave a cold shout, and the silver starlight directly covered it, and it also continued to rotate to form a silver tornado.

"Since you're playing tornado, I'll also play it once, Tianyun Dragon Scroll Knife." Li Bai sneered coldly, and the long knife went straight to Huangfu Liuyun.

Huangfu Liuyun's complexion changed drastically. It was also a tornado, but Li Bai's attack was even fiercer and more violent. Only now did he realize that this guy's true energy also had the wind attribute. Before, he thought Li Bai's true energy was relatively mild. , the silver book is not considered to be violent infuriating.

But now it was discovered that Li Bai's attack was absolutely incomparably violent.

Lifting the long sword, the tornado gushed out of the body directly, and the sword light spun wildly, stabbing at Li Bai's long knife.

bang bang!

There was an explosion, but this time it was different from the previous two times, the long sword in Huangfu Liuyun's hand snapped at the sound, and the long knife directly pierced his chest.


The audience was in an uproar, no one thought how this would happen, Li Bai's long knife directly pierced Huangfu Liuyun's chest, and passed through from behind.

"I lost, Huangfu Liuyun was killed?" Countless people turned pale with shock. Although ancient martial arts are prevalent now, and life and death are relatively more important, public killings in cities are still rare. If Li Bai kills Huangfu in public, If Liu Yun was killed, there would definitely be trouble.

Li Bai grinned, and drew back the long knife, but Huangfu Liuyun didn't fall down, and his body began to recover at an incredible speed, miraculously.

"Interesting, I was afraid of stabbing you to death, but I didn't expect your life to be pretty tough, it's okay." Li Bai smiled, in fact, he knew it a long time ago, Zhao Fengcheng told him a piece of news that day, it was about the Huangfu family.

The Huangfu family has been passed down from ancient times and is the descendant of Huangfumi, the originator of acupuncture and moxibustion. It can be regarded as a generation of medical emperors. Although the Huangfu family has been silent for a long time, it has reappeared now. At first, many people thought that he was just a business family.

But few people know that the Huangfu family is a real ancient family, a family with ancient inheritance, quite an ancient family with incredible medical skills.

This is what Zhao Fengcheng told Li Bai, and this news is indeed useful to Li Bai. If this is the case, he can be more sure that the people who attacked the Mu family were probably the Huangfu family, and most importantly, the Huangfu family. There is also a treasure, which can be called an absolute magic weapon for protection.

It has an almost terrifying ability to protect the body. No matter how heavy it is, as long as it does not die on the spot, it can be restored instantly. It is impossible to explain it with modern medicine, but Li Bai knows that it is possible to use immortal treasures.

For such an important battle, Huangfu Liuyun must have that fairy treasure on him, and now Li Bai knows that that fairy treasure must be on Huangfu Liuyun's body.

"Very good fairy treasure." Li Bai chuckled, the silver star power burst out, and three sword lights directly enveloped Huangfu Liuyun, saying: "I want this fairy treasure."

"It's up to you, idiot's dream." Huangfu Liuyun's injuries have fully recovered, seeing Li Bai attacking again, his face turned cold, the blue long sword recovered again, the sword swung its tail like a dragon, lightly tapped on the light of the blade, Get rid of Li Bai's sword glow directly.

Li Bai just wanted to rush over again, but found that there was a tornado vortex under his feet, which made it difficult for him to move.

"Tornado and vortex, haven't you tried it before?" Huangfu Liuyun sneered, and countless sword shadows slashed at Li Bai again.

Li Bai's face was expressionless, and he stood directly on the tornado whirlpool below with his long knife, and then his figure was divided into four directions, enclosing Huangfu Liuyun in the middle.

"Tianyun Phantom Four Slash." With a loud shout, the four blade lights enveloped Huangfu Liuyun almost instantly, and I will let you run again.

Even if you have that celestial treasure, it still has to make you unbearable. Li Bai never stays behind. The reason why the Heaven and Earth Yanhuang Jue is terrifying is that it has countless skills and moves. This phantom quadruple slash is one of them. The combination of Taoism is not only gorgeous, but also powerful. Needless to say, it is absolutely terrifying and domineering.

Bang bang bang!

Four blade lights cut down one after another, Huangfu Liuyun was submerged in an instant, and those sword shadows were also directly scattered.

The onlookers turned pale with fright. Although they couldn't see clearly, they could see the ring that was about to collapse. It was too terrifying. If it hit someone, it would definitely end in ashes.

This kind of battle is the battle of the real ancient warrior peak powerhouse, it is too shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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