Chapter 2293
Chen Feiyu's is Eighteen Traces of No Shadow, which is the peak kung fu of body skills, with the emphasis on leg skills. After reaching the peak, it is a super ancient martial art that will absolutely kill people invisible.

Wang Chu's is naturally the powerful Jiuding Qiankun Jue, which is quite powerful in its own skills, the power of Jiuding is even more fierce, and the movement of the universe is the pinnacle of body skills.

The battle was very exciting, at least ordinary people watched it very well, they could see the flow of true qi on Wang Chu and Hong Yu's body, and every time the true qi collided, it would form a very strong destructive force.

But it was a performance after all, and everyone didn't use their full strength, but Wang Chu's strength is indeed slightly better. Even if it was a real battle, the victory or defeat should be [-]-[-]. Of course, Hong Yu is not bad. It's a combination of agility and nature, very elegant.

However, if there was a real fight, Bai Jun and Chen Feiyu would have no chance. Innate warriors and true energy warriors had quite a qualitative change.

No matter how the fight is, at least these people are very comfortable and happy to watch. Most of them are ordinary people in public, and many of them have only watched it on TV. The real battle is still very impactful. Li Bai's purpose also achieved.

"Now is the time for everyone to ask questions. If you have any questions, you can ask the Emperor Nong, and he will explain them carefully to everyone." The host Wang Ying came to the stage again, pulling everyone who was still thinking about the battle just now. return.

"My God, is this the battle of ancient warriors? It's too shocking." A reporter said in surprise.

"I didn't expect that the ancient warriors are so powerful. No wonder many celebrities are also ancient warriors now. If they are still so powerful, why are they so afraid?" A company boss looked forward to it.

"But I just don't know if it's true, but the Emperor Nong dared to make such a big scene, it shouldn't be fake."

There was a lot of discussion below, and they were all very shocked, so their yearning for blood crystal needles became stronger.

"Here I am again. Now you can ask me any questions you have, and I will be happy to explain to you." Li Bai stood on the stage again.

"Excuse me, Emperor Nong, can this blood crystal needle really give me the potential to practice ancient martial arts?" asked a reporter wearing glasses.

"Let me declare that it is not that simple to practice ancient martial arts, but it is not that difficult either. It is the same in everything you do. It requires perseverance and hard work. No matter how talented you are, if you don't practice or develop your potential, your Talent is useless at all, so I don't mind everyone, you must have a heart to practice ancient martial arts, and then the blood crystal needle can help you complete it and improve your ancient martial arts cultivation talent, yes, that's it." Li Bai said.

"Excuse me, Emperor Nong, I am already 30 years old, can I still practice ancient martial arts?" asked a young man who seemed to be the boss of the company.

"Cultivation can be done at any time. Of course, the younger you are, the better you start to practice, and your talents can be better utilized. But age is not a problem. As long as you think about it, you can practice as long as you work hard. Blood crystal needles can improve your ability to practice ancient martial arts. Talent, it's that simple." Li Bai replied.

"Excuse me, Emperor Nong, can girls practice ancient martial arts?"

"Of course, there are many chivalrous women in martial arts novels." Li Bai replied.

"Excuse me, Emperor Nong, what should I do if I still can't practice ancient martial arts after using the blood crystal needle?"

"This, if the blood crystal needles have improved your talent, but you still can't practice ancient martial arts, then there are only two problems. First, you are not working hard enough. Second, you are really not suitable for practicing ancient martial arts. Of course, if conditions permit, you can To take the Blood Crystal Pill, of course I have to have it." Li Bai said.

There were all kinds of questions, and Li Bai answered them one by one. When the question came later, it was a bit off topic. A wealthy female rich man looked at Li Bai and asked, "Brother Nonghuang, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, but they're not married yet, so everyone still has a chance, haha." Li Bai laughed. For some nympho, it's okay to give them a little chance.

"Excuse me, Emperor Nong, are you so handsome, and you are an ancient warrior, are you particularly good at that?" asked a young woman who looked a little dissatisfied.

"Well, you have to ask my girlfriend, or become my girlfriend, and you will know, but the body of ancient warriors is indeed much stronger than that of ordinary people, haha." Li Bai was a little speechless. It's not over.

"Nong Huang, the Blood Essence Grass and the Blood Crystal Needle are so powerful, I wonder where the Nong Huang got them, or did he research it himself?" Finally, someone asked a slightly normal question.

"Of course this is inseparable from my family. These things are actually related to my father. What I can tell you is that my family is very powerful. As for the specifics, I won't talk about it, lest you be afraid , haha." Li Bai laughed, saying some things and keeping some, let these people guess his life experience, his family, anyway, they can't guess.

Hearing this, many people actually understood that Emperor Nong must be the young master of a big Guwu family, otherwise how could he be so powerful.

"Brother Nonghuang, how much is this blood crystal needle? Can we afford it?" A girl with pigtails asked.

Li Bai was taken aback, he didn't know, he could only look at the host Zhu Ying next to him.

Zhu Ying handed the document to Li Bai and said, "Four thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine."

Li Bai smiled and said: "I won't talk about this issue until someone introduces it, but I believe everyone can afford it, and it's not easy to become an ancient warrior."

There were no serious questions after that, they were all rather strange questions, and some were purely teasing him, so Li Bai walked off the stage directly, quite tired.

Wang Chu will handle the next thing well, and he is also very relieved.

In the lounge, Hou Weicheng and Fang Fei were both there. It seemed that they also had some problems in their hearts. Of course they would not miss it if they could ask Li Bai.

"You boy, I knew you made a big move. Dong Gen solved the big problem back then. I didn't expect such a sensational drug to come out now. We have to talk about it." Hou Weicheng looked at Li Bai and said.

Fang Fei also looked inside with a face full of joy. If the blood crystal needle is really effective, Xiannongshe will definitely become one of the leading enterprises in China, and it will add fire to the popularity of ancient martial arts in China. Practicing ancient martial arts is an unprecedented feat.

"Minister Hou, if you have any request, just ask, as long as it can be done, I will not refuse." Li Bai laughed.

"Well, that's right, I just want to confirm that this blood crystal needle can really give ordinary people the talent to practice ancient martial arts? Will there be any side effects?" Hou Weicheng asked doubtfully.

"Mr. Hou, this is not a joke. Does Donggen have any side effects? In fact, this thing is similar to Donggen. It was planted by Xiannong Society, but the seeds are only available to me. Don't worry about keeping them. There will be absolutely no side effects. I promise " Li Bai assured, just kidding, if it has side effects, is it still called spirit grass, it is spirit grass.

"Well, how much does your blood crystal pill cost? I want to buy a few, but I don't want to use it myself. I'm old, so I don't expect it anymore." Hou Weicheng said, now that ancient martial arts are popular, of course there are many things They all knew it, but there was no place to buy it. He wanted to buy Li Bai's Blood Crystal Pill more than the Blood Crystal Needle.

"Minister Hou, five Blood Crystal Pills will be auctioned later, but I will give you one if you want it, but there are no more. It is really troublesome to refine that thing, but the price is a bit high, but I can guarantee it , this can definitely transform a person's physique, and can definitely cultivate ancient martial arts." Li Bai laughed.

"Money is not a problem. If there is only one piece, then I have to wait to auction another one. I have two grandchildren. Well, I won't bother you. I'll go and see if it's started." Hou Weicheng went out directly Anyway, Li Bai is also a member of his Ministry of Health, so it's no problem for this convenience.

Li Bai looked at Fang Fei on the side. Stars are different. He would not change his gaze in the slightest, and he was quite confident in his beauty, and he could bloom that beauty every moment, as if Always in the spotlight.

"Your Majesty Nonghuang, you really have a deep secret. It seems that the position of the richest man in Huaxia will change hands soon." Fang Fei stared at Li Bai, her long eyelashes flickering like two small windows, very flickering. pretty.

"Miss Fang Fei has flattered her, so it must be something to do if she stays?" Li Bai said, in fact, he had a good impression of Fang Fei, and last time he said that he wanted to become a superstar.

"It's true, can I become a shareholder of Xiannong Society?" Fang Fei suddenly approached Li Bai and said, the fragrance from her body rushed into Li Bai's nose, very intoxicating.

"Shares? Are you sure, but you can only buy shares of Xiannong Group. Xiannong Society is just a society, not a company, and it is my private property. In fact, I have something to talk to Miss Fang Fei." Li Bai said. Don't even think about the farm company, this is his place, no one can buy shares, but Xiannong Group can.

"Oh, then let's have a good talk. I don't want the reward this time. How about adding another 20 billion to the Xiannong Group?" Fang Fei said. It's because Li Bai doesn't have so much money now, he is still a little rich woman unexpectedly.

"Okay, anyway, Xiannong Group is worrying about having no money to expand. With you as a celebrity investing in shares, it will be able to expand its popularity faster. In this way, I don't have to ask you to endorse Xiannong Club. If you refuse, the money will be lost." It's gone." Li Bai smiled, in fact, this woman is not stupid, anyone with a little foresight can see the prospect of Xiannong Society, and there are definitely countless people wanting to invest now.

But of course Li Bai would not let people invest casually. The first thing is to ask someone he is familiar with. Although Fang Fei does not know him very well, it is considered to be familiar, so it is naturally possible.

"Advocacy, I know you are not so kind, but it is my honor to be able to speak for Xiannongshe, but will you also sell me a blood crystal pill? I still want to practice ancient martial arts. I heard that practicing ancient martial arts Is it true that Wu can still look young?" Fang Fei excitedly said.

(End of this chapter)

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