Chapter 2294

"To maintain your appearance, it is not enough just to practice ancient martial arts, you need to practice, but this requirement is even higher, but you have given me inspiration, if you develop a medicine or injection that can maintain your appearance, will it sell well? "Li Bai smiled, it is indeed the case, which woman does not want to look young.

What's more, it can also develop some beauty-beautifying medicines. There are many spiritual herbs. It seems that this is another business opportunity, and the future is bright.

"That's for sure. If you can develop this, then all the women in the world will thank you. By then, how many women will crawl on your bed?" Fang Fei said, now it is Li Bai who can say anything. There is a certain degree of credibility.

"That's it. You can talk to Wang Chu or someone from the Mu family. You and Mu Xiaoting are also familiar with it. To be precise, the Xiannong Group should belong to the Mu family. I'm just a helper." Li Bai said with a smile, he came to the earth just to play around, and he was content to be like his father, to bring a change to the earth and let his name resound on the earth again.

"Oh, the Mu family, I didn't expect that." Fang Fei smiled, she was a little curious about the relationship between the Mu family and Li Bai. Could it be that Mu Xiaoting is this kid's woman? It doesn't seem to be enough.

Li Bai didn't say much, his work was done, and he didn't have to worry about the rest, Wang Chu and the others would take care of it.

Li Bai was just about to leave, but he heard a commotion outside, and the noise was loud, as if someone was messing with the situation, which made Li Bai slightly taken aback, who dare to come and mess with him?

"Bullshit blood essence grass, this thing can also be called spirit grass. Who doesn't know how precious spirit grass is now, can it be planted? My old man is also a school of ancient martial arts. I have never heard of spirit grass. Planted?" A man in a robe stood on the ring and said loudly.

"Old man, don't talk nonsense. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Don't you think that everything you haven't seen doesn't exist?" Wang Chu smiled and looked at the old man, but many people thought that what the old man said I am puzzled, yes, spiritual grass is such a precious thing, it is impossible to plant it unexpectedly.

"Old man, if the things produced by my Xiannong Society have no effect, we will be responsible for it ourselves. If you don't believe it, no one will force you to believe it. Please leave, otherwise we will regard you as provoking the entire Xiannong Society." Wang Chu His face turned cold, it seemed that he was really here to make trouble, unexpectedly someone would dare to make trouble, it's really boring.

"Provocation, I'm just provoking you, what can you dolls do? A group of little dolls, their hair hasn't even grown yet, they talk big. Do you know what spiritual grass is? Do you know what aura is? When I started practicing, you even You don’t even have to wear crotch pants yet, hum.” The old man scolded disdainfully with an angry expression on his face.

"It's actually like this, that kid came here to learn some of the senior's tricks." Wang Chu said angrily, since he came to make trouble, then I'm sorry.

"Wait, aren't you a pharmaceutical company? You will be beaten and killed every time. Although I am not afraid of you, old man, I just want to see if the medicine is real or not." The old man looked at Wang Chu disdainfully. It's because I don't want to fight him.

"I'm sorry, our medicine needs to be purchased before you can try it. You can go to the sales point to try it out and ask after it's actually sold." Wang Chu said, he was puzzled by the old man's purpose.

"Old man, I'm not interested in your blood crystal needles at all. I just heard that there was a little doll who said he could make blood crystal pills. Let him come out. I'll see how he makes pills. Is the pill real or fake?" , Show me labor and management and I will know." The old man looked disdainful, and he looked down on Wang Chu, and he didn't seem to be afraid of Wang Chu's use of force.

"Old man, of course the elixir is real, but don't rely on the old to sell the old, our Lord Nonghuang is very busy, so we don't have time to argue with you, hum." Hong Yu also came up to look at the old man, who was planning to auction the blood crystal Dan's gone, but he didn't expect such a dead old man to come.

"You still dare to call yourself an adult at such a young age, you go and let that brazen little doll come out, you let him show me what alchemy is, my old man has been practicing for so long and I haven't seen anyone who can make alchemy, you let him come out." It's still very disdainful, and it's really hard to do.

Just as Wang Chu was about to speak, he saw Li Bai coming up and hurried over.

Li Bai waved his hand, didn't let Wang Chu speak, then walked over to the old man, and said, "Old man, you bite a little baby, you speak rude words and insult me, don't you think it's shameless? Are you old enough to lose even the most basic face?"

"Little baby, don't talk too fast to me. I want you to make alchemy for me on the spot today. I just believe that your elixir is real. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ungrateful. I don't care about you. I'll cut it for you." The old man's eyes lit up when he saw Li Bai coming out, but he was still very arrogant.

Li Bai smiled, and said to the countless audience below: "Everyone, the auction may have to wait a while, I have to settle this matter, since this old gentleman wants to watch alchemy, I have to prepare."

"However, the process of alchemy is very dangerous. I can't guarantee that someone will attack me while I am refining alchemy, so I have to subdue this old man before I can show it to everyone. I don't know if everyone has time to wait. " Li Bai laughed, if his sister was wrong, the old man should have reached the realm of cultivation.

"Yes, we have plenty of time, don't worry about the Emperor Nong." Many people said.

Li Bai turned his head to look at the old man, and said: "Old man, I'm sorry, although I don't know if you have any malicious intentions, but I have to guard against it, since you came here to mess with me, you should be ready, right? bring it on."

"Boy, I know you have some abilities, but you are not qualified enough to restrain me. When I was practicing, old man, you were still in your crotch. I also want to see how crazy you are." The old man sneered and also I don't know who it is, and the identity is not clear, but the strength must be good, and it is also in the Nascent Soul stage.

"Then offend me, hum." Li Bai sneered, and suddenly two shadows appeared on his body, one golden and one black, it was Jin Yan and Hei Yan, a Golden Flame Dragon Lizard, a Golden Flame Dragon Lizard with the physique of the Lingju clan .

Ever since Hei Yan was reborn and resurrected, he has been with Jin Yan, talking to his father, and calling him Huan, but Li Bai really doesn't know how strong he is, but with the physique of the Lingju clan, he definitely won't Worse.

At least the immortal physique is enough to cause headaches, and it is the copied Golden Flame Dragon Lizard's physique, the speed is also quite fast, but I don't know how strong it is.

The moment the two shadows appeared, the old man's expression changed, and he dodged away from Jin Yan and Hei Yan, but the two little guys followed closely and entangled the old guy.

Li Bai hadn't made a move yet, so he wasn't worried about Jin Yan and Hei Yan, the two little guys were extremely perverted, not only strong in defense, but also fast, definitely stronger than him.

"Boy, what are you? Are you playing dirty tricks on me?" The old man's face was full of violins. These two little things are too difficult to deal with, and the breath on them is quite sharp. If they are touched, they may be seriously injured. , so he kept avoiding.

"I'm sorry, I don't have to fight a fair fight against such a shameless thing like you, I just need to restrain you, hehe." Li Bai smiled, and a black basin appeared in his hand. Where did Yunkong snatch it, and it is just in time to use it now.

"Don't think about it, boy, you think I will be restrained by you after I have practiced for so long." While avoiding the attacks of Jin Yan and Hei Yan, the old man was thinking about attacking Li Bai.

It's a pity that Li Bai's speed is not slower than him, and it is still faster.

"Old man, let me see how I can deal with you, come to our Xiannong Club to make trouble, and seek death." Li Bai put away the black basin, and brought out the long knife of Tianyun.

"Tianyun · Frozen Soul Slash." Li Bai shouted, the silver star power condensed directly on it, forming a frozen force several feet high, and directly slashed down on the old man.

This move comes with an impact of soul power, and this is Li Bai's current ultimate move. The current situation is not suitable for a long fight, so Li Bai is going to solve the problem with one blow, so that the old guy will be caught off guard.

The move with soul attack is generally powerful.

Countless frozen powers rushed directly to the old man, golden flames and black flames also activated at the same time, golden silk threads rushed directly to the old man, and black silk threads also poured out from the black flame, directly sealing the old man's front, back, left, and right sides.

The old man was pinched from front to back and had nowhere to escape, but a layer of gray air mask appeared on his body, trying to break away from this series of restraints.

The golden silk thread and the black silk thread were directly washed away, but a knife light with terrifying freezing power had already landed on him directly, and the freezing power instantly covered it.

The old man's face was shocked, and the gray air flow burst out all over his body in an instant, directly breaking through the ice, but immediately after that, a big black basin was directly buckled on him, and there was no way to hide.

The old man was directly restrained by the basin, and a burst of strange energy bound him directly.

"How about it, I didn't lie to you when I said that I can restrain you with one move." Li Bai turned the basin over, and saw the old man kept pricking it with needles, but the strange energy controlled him tightly.

In fact, the old man wasn't that weak. He was attacked one after another, and he didn't expect Li Bai's attack to come with a soul shock. The stinging pain at that moment slowed his reaction by a second, and just this second was enough.

The freezing is only a few tenths of a second, but this time is enough.

The black basin itself is a fairy artifact, and the old man was careless, so he got it right.

"Little bastard, you are playing dirty tricks, you are despicable and shameless." The old man was so angry that he was so easily controlled by a junior. It is true that he can't hold back his old face, but he deserves it. This old thing has never had a good word from the beginning .

"Master, I'm just playing dirty tricks or something, just be obedient to me now, or I'll trap you to death, hum." Li Bai said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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